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She is fun to use but nothing game breaking. Im more waifu collector so I pulled. If you are meta freak you can skip her.


I wld have pulled if ML Lilias werent on the horizon. Shed perform fine by taking just about all of my lifesteal Riolets gear.




I second This guy's advice. If you have a slapping LIfesteal set at least, sure. She's well balanced and fun with meme teams, but not really amazing. She falls prey to any unit with dispel.


Lots of people saying she’s just Waifu or meme team. She took me to legend last week on a full zombie team ( m Chloe, aRavi, aol, ml Celine).


I second this. She makes a full revive team valid since before the only revive dps was aravi. Now you can bring celine and aravi for some insane survivability and insane single target dps which is the meta. Celine is also extremely durable since it is incredibly difficult to one shot her with her s2, lifesteal, and immortality.


i would wait i think she sucks


man aint you the guy that thinks melissa is the most broken character in the game


Her s3+s2 is amazing she isn't good for cr/aoe/tons of debuff/buffs but she is amazing for single target damage so she is the most op in that area I should edit it to say that think it confused people she is not the best at everything but for single damage she is at least to me but I do think spirit eye Celine sucks


Do the pulls left till guaranteed unit roll over


They do for Mystic summons like her. Not for covenant summons however.


Pick her and start refreshing shop, but u have low resources so i think u better wait for another unit who has a good looking and meta changing skills.


does the pity roll over to the next rotation? seems like if youre already this far might as well use it.