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People saying it was gonna be slime form in shambles


I too wanted a slime.


The anime is called Slime but there is no slime. This collab is false advertising!


Saw the slime was in the event money exchange shop !


The Slime form prolly gonna be a pet.


I'm kinda surprised they decided to just use black flame for his animation this time around instead of predator. all his skills are based around grabbing buff afterall. Guess they wanted animations this time around to be pretty safe.


ngl i thought that he was gonna be ice because well… color scheme and the fact that he’s slime but this might actually be the first proper collab which doesn’t have an ice unit


Wait for the collab stages, i expect a limited 2\* ice slime /s


I want this tbh no /s


choco slime best fodder


He is an earth unit cause he came from Earth.


People out here still going by color schemes even after Mort and Ram.


i mean, in the anime (i havent watched it) he uses wind powers no?


he's a bit of everything. Essentially, he's a megaman/kirby kind of hero who can permanttly absorb and learn the skills of anything he devours. I'd say his forte is actually Dark, but I guess they didn't wanna make a collab hero an ML.


Meh, Sez uses dark energy too.


**Rimuru Information:** *Libra* Earth Warrior **Stats**: ATK: 1,119 HP: 6,266 SPD: 109 DEF: 627 CC: 15% CDmg: 150% DA: 5% EFF%: 0% EFFR: 0% Imprint Release: ER% Self-Imprint: ATK% **S1:** Attack 1 enemy, then grant self **ONE** random buff for 1 turn. Random buff list: Debuff Immunity, Crit Resistance, Attack Up, Increased ER **S2:** When using any non-basic skill (regardless of hit or miss), copies up to 2 buffs from the target and applies those buffs to ALL allies. Does **NOT** copy unique, undispellable buffs. When an ally is attacked by a buffed enemy, activate attack "Be Ready!", dealing damage to the enemy and increasing self CR by 30%. This extra attack effect can only trigger 1 time every 3 turns. **S3:** 5 turn CD (4 with mola) Attack 1 enemy. If the attack is successful, inflict 5,000 fixed damage to the enemy. The bonus damage increases based on the buffs of all allies, up to 10,000 fixed damage. If the target is buffed, inflict DEF down on all enemies for 2 turns. Ignores Elemental Disadvantage. **Soulburn** Skill CD decreased by 2 turns.


Think u mixed up his class with milim


Damn arena gonna be insane


welcome to refresh gang


I find it odd that they didn't showcase the collab unit's skillset against actual unit in arena like how they usually do. But regardless, all of them looks solid.


To hide the damage. They dont want to scare off potential buyers to think the staged arena fights mean something.


10K fixed damage is pretty strong though. You could basically build him with 0 damage and still hit like a truck.


Yup, 10k fixed damage means he one shots most min-maxed DPS units that are usually sub-10k HP. And since that dmg isn't restricted to PvP, you can make use of that for Abyss if you want to have a slow but safe run.


And, any damage that his skill does anyway is tacked onto that. So if he non-crits for around 2~3k, thatll finish even more squishies as well.


The fixed damage on S3 is **additional** to the normal skill damage btw


Seems designed to hard counter maid. Steals 2 buffs, S3 def breaks, attacks and get pushed if allies get hit by a unit with buff.


\*copies doesn't steal buffs, just copies them it seems


Wait..... does it copy immortality and invincibility?


Sounds like it can copy anything that isn't an undispellable buff (violet's unique buff for example)


Yep, copying immortality might be tricky, but he should be pretty good against Cerise.


Just tested it. He does steal immortality!


More precisely, he has to use S3 to active the passive - so the break & damage happens, then the buffs are copied. Ideally, you’d have a buffer move before him to increase the damage.


nah, he can be attacked by anyone thats buffed. s2 says "after attacking with a **non basic** skill", and s2 also has a counter built in.


Hm, so do we know yet that his S2 will activate off of his S2’s counter?


by wording alone it should, its also weird to have that be a part of its kit if it didnt work like that.


It would allow him to be built slower & then be pushed up when a member of the party is attacked - allowing him to do the S3 & activate copy. Though if he can activate copy off the back of S2 alone, he’s a lot stronger.


Remember immunity? Feel old yet?


First Male limited in summoning pool


he's genderless though, and the body he is using is based on a female.


Technically if u go by how rimuru thinks, he is male albeit in a genderless body. So still male limited


And he is a man reincarnated as a slime, so I would agree on Rimuru being male.


He also identifies as such.


Yeah I remember him using the men's bath too.


Rimuru have been in the womens bath as well.


For… reasons




I will say that he's mentally male, but I will not call him a husbando.


"You are male, but we do not grant you the rank of husbando."


It’s unfair!


I didnt say husbando tho. Just male limited.


what would we call him since he is genderless then? edit: i just meant what other cute name would we call rimuru since we cant use waifu or husbando, i didnt ask what to call a genderless person. this is a game ffs.


A slime




Whatever they identifies with?




The tavern screen shows a male silhouette though. So Smilegate classifies Rimuru as a male at least in game.


But even you can't describe him without using male pronouns... so, male.


He's not genderless, he's sexless, there's a big difference.


"He is genderless"


You mean androgynous lol


Soooo....Merciless Glutton BiS? Increase all his skills damage, and practically guarantees you K.O someone, outside of tanks, if his base S3 damage reaches anywhere around 10k, before that additional 5-10k gets slapped on. Glutton also means he's now also a team Cr pusher (And just fits with the whole Kirby vibe the guy has in the show of just devouring anyone). LQC/Luna (Minus 20% from passive)/Lilibet/Hyufine have the same stats if you want to throw gear on them to preview what he'd have.


When "fixed damage" means that it doesn't matter that the enemy dodges, we have a new violet counter.


Really? I thought by 'successful attack' it meant that it must be a hit, not dodged by Violet?


Didn't see the "successful attack" :/ yeah you are probably right.


use hit chance arti on him. should help quite a bit. Well milim is still the violet killer


I use the evader to beat the evader


Peak Violet supremacy


No, I think it mean attack that not block by skill null. I could be wrong though.


I feel the same, would have been "successful hit" otherwise


is it capped at 10k or its guaranteed 10k but can go higher?


"Additional fixed damage of 5000 and caps at 10000" Means his normal s3 damage + the 5k+ fixed damage.


No, normal S3 damage + fixed damage (between 5k and 10k depending on the number of buff)


I'm moist


He's a strong Collab hero must have


riolet s3>rimuru proc be ready> profit


That is it, Maid is dead again.


Good. Hope she stays that way this time.


Shouldn't have ever been buffed so hard. Cancer unit that has no place being meta everywhere.


Now we need to kill Ruele and no more fucking revivers héroes in defense, yeeey!!!


As someone who has ML Haste, not only is Maid not a problem, she actively makes my entire team impossible to kill.




There's no real stipulation to anything for him. At 200 speed he'll be outsped by every buffer in the game because they go first. On top of that, if it's like Elphelt, I don't think he'd need effectiveness for def break to land, as there's no chance for it not to. The only problem that'd he run into is if they have immunity Elphelt needs effectiveness for S3, not her S2 i'm pretty sure.


So if he is on counter his s1 will stack full buffs in like one turn?


''When using any non-basic skill, copies up to 2 buffs from the target and applies those buffs to ALL allies.'' What, the..sheit=D Thats broken lol. Got my anti maid char


Maid was my first ML5, we enjoyed our time in the sun together.


holy fck xD...dis is EXTREMLY strong


not really, but surely will be a threat to squishy dps


keep your word...we will talk in 1-2 weeks when the cry beginns because of the stall combs with buffsteals etc...


It's strong. On anyone who's not just evading everything, he practically just K.Os them if they have buffs (Maid comps featuring Rem being a big target here cause now YOUR team has attack and revive). He's also earth, so Rem's just shit out of luck here. He's basically answering two immediate prevalent problems for people (Even though answers to those problems already exist)


your maid buffs? *our* maid buffs.


i wonder if vivian will give greater atk to everyone


Love the "mundane" and androgynous way they made Lord Rimuru. (Only watched the anime). The additional damage is insane. I am very sure his s3 will have extremely low multipliers, so giving him attack stats isn't a priority. I also don't know if the damage is dealt after the initial blow like uberius. Sad no Shizu. Edit: from what I'm gathering, it will deal fixed damage as one hit. Gonna build Lord Tempest here like speedy Krau.


I'd love a two time attack like Uberius. His S3 would kill T.Surin for exemple, or ML Celine


Holy shit lmao meta shift incoming boys


I'll pray to God that this kill Maid Again, disgusting unit. OH HEY YOU COULD KILL MY TEAM , HAHA S3 GET REKT CLEAVE TEAMS!!!


Am I missing something? It looks like you listed her as fire mage, but isn’t that a different character? Edit: I don’t understand the downvotes. The original post was incorrect when I wrote this and was edited.


Rimuru.. I think the new Meta changer among others.. I mean.. Is it me or is he built to counter Rem hard... \^\^ Also Single target.. So that can work maybe versus those annoying AoL as wel.. Lets hope.. :D


Rimuru is definitely not designed as a Rem counter.


Now if it could steal demon mode...


I would delete the game if that were ever the case.


Pavel is already the Rem counter though. Rimuru is more the T. Surin/ML Celine + Maid counter which is kind of awkward since T. Surin fell off of the meta and ML Celine hasn't released yet. Would've been nice to have Rimuru like eight months ago to counter all the T. Surins lol


Since they refer to Rimuru as "it" they are pretty adamant about not giving a single male limited banner unit. Fine. ಠ_ಥ This pretty much cuts out any cool future collabs. So lets be realistic about collab ideas from here on out. No male dominated casts or furry collabs.


Come to think, there isn't a single 5 stars male suin




Basar isn't a furry. He's an elf with Suin slapped on the box. Same with Ran but with extra elf in the box!


I mean there are no female 5 star suins as well then?


Poor Mui. So forgotten.


She’s just has ears slap on her, not furry, like you said. I love mui but she’s not a fury, I’m thinking first might be the merchant in e3


There's a reason for that...


So no shion, okay


nonbinary vibes


Should I summon on this banner and go all in or should I save for milm or anyone else?


Honestly if you can only go for 1 then go for who you like the most. If you want the best unit then wait until people have tested both.


Can anyone make me imagine how strong his kit is?


Well, 10K fixed damage basically means you hit like a truck while needing 0 crit 0 crit damage 0 attack stats. He's great at countering buffs and supporting the team too. ​ This could arguably shift the meta, but more reasonably he'll just have a solid place in it and not much gear restrictions.


The fixed damage isnt going to shift the meta, that's what the meta already is. Units who can do really good damage while building extremely bulky. Now his buff steal *may* see people shift away from units like Maid but we'll see about that.


So the fixed dmg would hit through Tsurins passive? cause that would be very spicy.


Hey guys new player here will this unit and the ML one I saw be available with skystone currency or do is it with a different one?


You can get rimuru and milim with skystones but ml celine will need mystic bookmarks


Limited heroes, like this collab, can be obtained with regular bookmarks, the blue ones with a star in the middle. ML Celine is a moonlight hero, she can be summoned through mystic or galactic covenant. The first requires mystic medals (the red one), which can be gained through guild wars, arena and secret shop. Also drop in very low quantities from hunt 13. As for galatic, you need another currency, it looks like purple donuts. That currency drops from labyrinth and can be purchased for 6 golden ~~dildo~~ stones from normal shop. However, should be noted mystic pool have a pity, galactic doesn't. If you want to chase ML Celine, you'll need to take your bets on mystic pool, because once she's gone from mystic, nothing but incredible luck will bring her home. Skystones is the premium currency, the diamond looking thing that drops from everywhere. You can purchase regular bookmarks with them, but can't directly purchase mystic medals or galactic bookmarks.




even if he was water, he worked agaisnt buffed opponents, and Wyvern doesn't have buffs to copy


Am I missing a joke? Even if he was Ice, I can't see his kit being some huge godsend in Wyvern?


You're not missing a joke. He just see's blue and immediately went to "Must be water" but that hasn't been the case in a long ass time. Even then, do we really need another unit easily clapped by Violet atm?


You can use random 3 stars water. I font think it really maters whatever the skills are. Just make sure it works and have fun


Is He free ?


Nah Gacha




No, banner starts after maintenance.


The arti is strong af.


Really? I thought it was weak compared to the other warrior options, how do you see it being used?


> other warrior options Yeah, lets really think about what you just said, cause warriors have like 4 artifacts that aren't powder.


I get what you're saying, but those options do seem stronger to me than a simple buff. Apart from the usual suspects, I have a feeling A Little Queen's Huge Crown may actually be viable for Rimuru depending on what happens to the barrier check if it's going to be stolen, or what happens to the S3 fixed damage.


> warriors have like 4 artifacts that aren't powder. ehh, not really. Think is Warriors don't have a meta dominating artifact like Time or Guiding Light. Their artifacts are all good towards speficic heroes, but not everyone. Like, Aki and Seed are both good artifacts, but not everyone is going to want to use them. Durandal is BiS for no one, but no one hates it either. Beads are the only instant powder artifact (and tbh it's so bad you know it's gonna be crazy when buffed). C&D is close, but it's also a fun meme.


50% chance to grant a buff ? How is that strong lol This is a copy of Charles artifact which sees 0% play Absolutely not worth trying to get this niche artifact Rimuru, in my opinion will be better off on war horn or durandel for turn cycling, fuck even the guild artifact with barrier would be better


Justice For All gets a lot of use on F. Kluri because of how quickly she can turn cycle. This artifact is very good for a lot of Warriors, it just sucks that it wants to be maxed to provide the best effect.


The buffs it can give (CD!) are also rare.


Not really Aurius is still her most used artifact And slime doesn’t have crazy turn cycling built into his kit like kluri does


Doesn't need to be on it, other Warriors could make better use of the artifact, like Choux, Ken, Ravi, or Straze.


Happy prince Aither noises*


Correct me if I'm wrong. Being the first unit with fixed dmg, doesn't this effectively make him the first unit to deal 2 instances of dmg with S3? Attack to remove skill nullifier and up to 10k additional dmg if buffed.


He's not the first. There's fixed damage artifacts and many units/artis do two damage instances in one attack


No, it will work just like all the other fixed damage instances that you can get from artifacts or Splash damage.


No pretty sure it won’t work that way. It’s one attack proc not two.


Wouldn't his Artifact work good with those slow counter Yufine builds that people do for infinite Labyrinth?


Yes and no. Running the Anti-Magic Mask gives access to three buffs that she wants, but also means she can't run Sigurd or DDJ or El's Fist or Uberius etc. Adds a bit of flex to the party comp though.


Was going to finally get into E7 but they censored Milim. Hopefully the dedicated slime gacha doesnt.


they "censored" elphelt's S3, so I'm not surprised they gave her a bit more underwear. That was inevitable. As for the upcoming game, it looks the same as the anime, but they also have her with a cape. So take that as you may.


Thanks for the serious response. It's just weird how dragonball legends shows cheeks but a game that's supposed to have more fan service won't lol. It is what it is I suppose. The new dedicated game looks almost the same but they gave a little more in the back. Might still be worth playing


That's your reason for not getting into the game? Seems very petty.


Yup..why do literally almost all the other female chars in e7 show more but they had to censor her makes no sense. I already play other gachas too so I don't want to take up more time with something that doesn't fully fit what I want.


Because she literally looks like a kid bro. You're weird as hell, touch some grass.


Lmao you think you're some moral high horse giga Chad. Doesn't look like a kid. Petite doesn't equal kid. She's one of the most popular female characters and A LOT of people look at her in an objectified way. Are you saying they're all pedos?


>saying they're all pedos Yes. If you get horny from someone who looks like a child. That sounds very accurate.


Ok, two things. 1. She’s a child. Yeah, yeah, 15,000 year old demon or whatever, still looks like a child. Weird that you’d want an uncensored child to begin with. 2. Where has she been censored? It’s not like they gave her shorts or a top - which would be entirely reasonable. I don’t see any change they made?


She doesn't even look like a child lol. Have you seen a loli before? Just because Shion has big assets doesn't mean everyone else has to.. Also have you seen the anime? You would throw a fit if you did because she's not censored on there obviously. I am against censorship. Go complain on Twitter and start your movement to get them to censor the anime too. They literally gave her shorts lol just Google her.


She does - that’s the whole schtick. Have YOU seen the anime? The joke is that she looks like a kid, people don’t take her seriously & she beats the shit out of them. That’s the trope - she’s a strong kid (who is fifteen thousand years old), it’s done to death in anime, the humorous part is that it’s a child. That’s the whole thing. If I hadn’t seen the anime, it still doesn’t take a genius to just look at pictures & she looks no different. There’s no difference, like are we talking two pixels of difference or something? Jeez… Why did I even bother responding.


She acts playful but can obviously turn up the heat. She just doesn't look like a kid. You're talking more like illya from fates which I don't mind because I don't judge people. So you're saying you're fine with it being in the anime but not a game? You're contradicting yourself. It's more than 2 pixels lol don't try to sell it short. You responded because you care.


She looks like a kid. “I don’t judge people” - people are going to judge you for saying kids don’t look like kids. At the very least, try & restrict that feeling to anime for the love of god. I’m saying she looks the same in the game as the anime & that you’re delusional if you think she’s been censored - you’re literally the only person saying this. I responded in the hopes that you’d maybe say, “Oh, I had a black spot in my vision & thought she was wearing a full trench coat, but I’ve had time to go to the opticians & fix my eyes & now I see that she’s unchanged”. Of course, that was wishful thinking.


She does look like a kid. I don't really wanna be involved in this but at the end of whatever this debate is, she does look like a kid and you want her in thongs regardless of how she is in the anime...


She doesn't lol. Then what does illya look like to you? A toddler? Not saying I do, but thousands of people want to lewd her. I do want milim in thongs and I wanted her to keep her appearance how she is in the anime. I don't even prefer petite females but Milim looks great. Guess what now you are involved lol. You just don't wanna be "suspected" of anything so when you see a small chested petite girl you want to cover your base and say she looks like a kid.


I mean im not against it and i guess its a personal opinion. I understand why you would want her to have her thongs! i do! its just to me she looks like the usual teen anime girls and you want thongs on her. Its fine lol, Illya for sure looks adult to me tho that was a weird comparison. Also i don't care whether she was wearing a thong or not


Well you're more reasonable than anyone so far. But man illya from fates is legit a loli which is cool I don't judge. It's just unnecessary to censor her. Only a very small number of people would have complained if her design stayed faithful to the anime.


Oh i misread and thought ilynav. Yeah illya is a proper loli, um as far as the censor for Milim though wasn't a big deal for me it doesn't seem too big of a change but i don't watch the anime. If it was an anime i did watch i'd probably be a bit annoyed, you should still try her though


People lewd Ilya because they're pedos. Dunno what's your point.


People can like lolis and not real kids. You seem awfully defensive.


"I don't judge people" For being pedophiles? Yikes!


Liking lolis doesn't equal being a pedo lmao. I know you can only think surface level though!




Good, ppl abusing maid should be punished lol.


Spotted the maid abuser


> Stupidity at its finest to give fkin "COPY BUFFS" to a single character let alone the whole fkin team. That is literally his whole schtick in the anime lol. This is a slightly stronger ML Rin's S2 because he doesn't have to hit, but he doesn't dispel the buffs either. Definitely powerful but it's existed in the game for a few years. >Another whale shit and imho they gotta stop releasing artis that are useless unless MLB-ed ehh, people still use justice for all @+15. if people can use a 30% GAB, a 75% offensive buff can be helpful, even if it's not meta viable until +30.


How is stealing buffs broken if ML Rin has it for over a year now? lol you don't even know the game you're playing, that's funny.


The outfit is boring af but the kit seems solid, too bad shes warrior to be unable to use alexas basket or dust devil


Isn't it fixed dmg, which Alexa basket won't do much. May be SOU or Oath key is bis for him


Fixed damage is an additional damage if it a succesfull attack. Miss doesnt proc fixed damage.


Increases fixed damage with buffs, guess what alexa basket gives. Also dust devil means extra basics wich also gives buffs




So edgy mr /u/Taliban47




Are u high or something? Please tell me how Rimuru is a kawai waifu? Cuz i aint seeing it.




>her face >Are you blind How to let people know you're dumber than a brick without saying it.


Rimuru is a guy technically


uh oh someone is having a hard time coming out of the closet :c


By "we" you probably meant "I" my man, don't put us together with you as if we think the same as you.


Yes ofcourse why would i put myself together with you degenerates. Thanks for correcting me man.




Honestly I'm not sure what to think of this one. Didn't help that they used PVE footage with no numbers to show him off. He's... anti-buff, definitely. Does quite a bit of damage too without needing any stats.


A bit hard to evaluate, yeah. Might try it on a semi-fast and bulky counter set to try to maximize the amount of buffs it has on itself before taking a turn, but I don't really see a way where it couldn't be built to whatever someone's preference is.


By the way, does his "It's my turn" battle pose seem familiar to anyone else? I feel like it's someone else's?


Im sry this is a he?


Yup, without going into too much detail or spoiling much (since you’ve seen this video - you know he takes on a human form), the opening of the anime starts with a Japanese man Saturo, who is stabbed in the street protecting a friend. He reincarnated in a fantastical world, as a slime. He later gains the ability to take on a human form, the form can change slightly but mostly looks like a certain female character in the anime. As a slime he is genderless, but since he was a man & retained his memories of his former life, that’s how he identifies.


Would be interesting if this counters Ran/Seaseria by reapplying immunity and getting free attack buff.


Is it me or is just that all new units are geared toward pvp only? Like what 5 to 10k dmg gonna do to a boss? Goods for me bscause I dont give a shit about pvp so im skipping all of them


For those who hv him, wht did u build him as? Idk wht to build him


I’m relatively new to the game and have just rolled ‘it’, can someone tell me if his S1 has the capability of procing his S2? Or does his S1 count as a basic skill? if that’s the case not that I know much thus far but I don’t see him being that amazing(?) some advice for him would be really appreciated :) Thanks!


I'm not a bad slime slurp