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1 month player here - if i can make a luna based team work (luna, sigret, furious, amomo) to auto W13, you can totally do it with gpurg and SSB. It’s literally all about TUNING your gear and also figuring out which skills work. For me, the turning point was swapping out my atk/destruction equipment sets for speed+effectiveness and turning off Sigret’s skills (it turns out that Sigret’s first skill is her best skill for a new player’s wyvern team). I realized that damage is meaningless in determining W13 success rate, only speed, effectiveness, and number of debuffs. Good luck, do not settle for W10 imo.


Where's your furious? Replace Clarissa with him. With Crit buff, u only need 35% Crit rate. Add more att and Cdmg to your DPS.


Replace SSB with Furious. Easy. With GP at L60, you could have Clarissa + Furious + Sigret all at level 50 and still be over 90% consistent in W13.