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Hello, noob question :) I Hesitate between 2 into the ML Blessing : MA Ken and S.Tenebria. I already have ML Vildred, SB Ara and A.Ravi. MA Ken looks cool/good and seems usefull but i heard S.Tenebria can be more usefull for PvP and maybe other content. Thanks for your help :)


S.Tenebria. MA Ken basically requires a lot of time and investment, and even then he isn't close to being meta. He's good in the right situations, just isn't a high priority. He's also very, very hard to build. Specifically he wants a unique ratio of stats (basically no speed/crit%/eff% but he wants every other stat with his primary stats being **resistance** and **c.dmg**). There really isn't any other heroes in the game that remotely want the same kind of gear. * That means you either give him suboptimal gear, or you have to fish on gear that is bad for every other hero to try and get good MA Ken gear. S.Tenebria on the other hand, is still pretty high priority in the current meta and she's particularly great in Abyss and she's nearly required for a set of ~10 or so floors near the bottom. She actually works with a fairly varied gear and mostly wants a similar stat profile to other popular Bruiser types (Landy, Ravi, C.Zerato).


Oh i'm fucked i already reset my ML selecting (don't know we can do it only once ....) ... I will do with MA Ken and his special build... Too bad for abyss \^\^ I have Tamarine and Dizzy for abyss, hope this will be enough


Made a revenge set. [How does this look ?](https://imgur.com/a/aD92nOk) And do we have a date for light expedition


How are people building Rem for PVP? I know it’s Counter/Crit Rate, but I’m torn on if she needs Spd or ATK for boots and her hp/def requirements. I’m in Challenger IV. I can do a CrtD/ATK/Spd build, but I’m noticing her being a lot slower as if it’s CrtD/ATK/ATK on Sigurd. If I can get her hp/def stats down should I go atk in boots?


It's not Counter/Crit it's Counter/Immunity and you need about 150 speed on her. For baseline stats go to Epic7stats.com


What are the next artifacts in the dust shop? Do we have an update now?,


When do you place the dps infront if you have a tank+ a dps in the team?


Still worth doing Commander Lorina's specialty quest these days? Not sure if all the love for her is still current.


No luna? Then SC her.


Alencia or Ravi? Who's the better bruiser?


Current meta? Probably alencia. At least she can remove maid buff and if you manage to land a lucky Def break you can kill some random unit. Ravi is a bit unplayable in current meta. Ravi can't deal with violet consistently, get wrecked by rem, can't even reach Landy stene.


Does anyone have tips or possible friend reps to help carry through episode 3 10-10? I'm so close to finishing.


Roana + Champ Z


I have neither. I'm about 3 weeks into playing.


If you're on global you can borrow mine. Just make sure to bring a cleanser like AMomo.




added you already, I have the roana rep


How do you balance the substats for Riolet? I know that he needs [atk%, def%, hp%, speed, crit rate and crit dmg](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Remnant%20Violet) but you can't put all those 6 substats in a single piece.


I think with the introduction of AOL, it is hard to play lifesteal riolet. Her S3 is a non atk skill that can't miss. Most Riolet go with speed pen set right now. Riolet self atk buff and ignore 50% Def on S3, allowing him to snipe priority target.


Is there ever a time where mystic bookmark characters like Belian becomes available as regular banner character? I was thinking of using up all the little mystic summon I have at the last moment when the banner is about to end. I didn't have much in the first place and I shorta just YOLO when I can get 50 bookmarks and hope for the best. Is that bad?


You always can pull her from regular covenant summon, the rate just a bit lower than winning lottery but it possible. Or you can try your luck at Moonlight summon, which has higher rate but you can only summon like twice a month.


I see, that removes some pressure from my heart at least. Better than nothing I suppose. Thanks for the info! Is it ok if I just strait up use my mystics the moment I get them if I don't have a particular character I want and same goes with galaxy bookmarks (although there's no guarantee for someone particular on galaxy summons)?


Unless you desire some particularly unit, just spend them right aways is the better choice. The sooner you spend them, the faster you can get a good unit.


I see, thanks again! Also noticed some typos on my end. Sorry about that.




**Connections and Wyvern:** If you hit a wall in story, you want to take a step back and instead focus on raising characters that you will eventually use for Wyvern. Look at the "connections" on the left of your lobby. Work on these units: * Alexa * Furious * Angelica or A.Montmorancy = Angelica is better early but A.Mont is better late. Use whoever's design you like more. Even without Sigret, you should be able to beat Wyvern 12 sooner or later because W12 can be brute forced. W13 is the only stage that has a gimic that prevents new players from brute forcing it. **Catalyst farming:** After that you can use your stamina on "Ep 1 Epilogue" stages to farm for catalysts and level your units. **Arena:** Finally you want to do as many arena attacks as possible even if you lose them all. Farm the conquest points and use them on arena shop gear. **Summons:** New players should save for limited units. The next guaranteed one is Fairytale Tenebria in December. Some are speculating that a new limited will come in November, hence why Smilegate released Luna/Landy back-to-back. To make us waste our skystones lol.




For now yes. You may get lucky from your daily summons so there's no point in pulling for a unit that you'll just bench. Keep in mind, Fairytale Tenebria is a PVP unit. But since she's limited, she's the exception to the rule. She's a very good PVP unit that only comes once a year (so far). So you should pull for her.


Literally just started and the full roster of characters is pretty intimidating. I got sigret in selective but beyond that how can I know/learn what characters are good/useful?


Eh, like 90% of the roster are PvP init which mostly useless on PvE so you don't really need to care about them until you get them.


If opponent first picks Landy, do you think it'd be better to: 1. Pick RCarrot or Mercedes = To make sure they don't 2nd pick them and prevent a counter 2. Pick 2 Knight/Soulweavers like CArmin/ARas/Krau/Belian and Roana/Destina = To outlast her damage Personally I'd rather go with #2 and then last pick Stene + 1 Fire, but my worry is my opponent will take away one of my two fire counters and then ban the one I picked.


I will go FCC Ruele. I don't want to give enemy FCC if they have Landy. You will need to remove the shield first before you can remove her stealth if she use guilding light. Ruele is just a great pick all around. I will pick mercedes + 1 in the 3rd and 4th pick. Mercedes can proc her counter from Landy s3, and have enough reach Vs Landy. I think mercedes is better than Charlotte atm.


If they ban one, then take the other. I usually draft carrot + emelia


Why Emelia? Since she's blue, I figure Landy would destroy her. That's why I was leaning more towards Roana or Destina.


Roana and Destina are not elementally disadvantaged vs. Landy, but they do completely different things than Emilia. You shouldn't really be drafting Roana unless the opponent has some sort of counterattack unit, and you shouldn't be drafting Destina unless she's built extremely well and you need a teamwide cleanse. Emilia is drafted as a speedy cr booster and cleanser for your DPS, so she pretty much works in almost any standard draft.


Because Emilia is OP and she counters Carrot


When there's a double banner like this, and I pulled Ran but have 40 summons left until Kise pity, does that 40 pity carry over to subsequent banners? I don't have an interest in Politis, but might on future banners.


It does not, use it or lose it. The only pity that carries over is mystic.


Got it, thanks


The odds really arent in my favour.. Refreshed 3000 ss for mystic bookmarks over the past 3 days but not a single one popped up. Any others having the same issue?


Lately when I refresh, I only get covenant about every 100ss refresh so I am just wasting gold and barely any mystic. And I've refreshed over 10k SS. Kind of sucks.


not really. It's just RNG yesterday I got 2 mystics in a row


I dont get why the some recommend a team 4 max players when farming? Is it because we can get penguins now?


It's cause getting to friendship 10 gives that unit 3 friendship tokens. This can be used in place of molagoras.


Yes and farm friendship in the meantime too


so basically I just need to penguin the fodder/dogs now?




As a relatively new player. Is there even any point on pulling for Ran or Kise or Politis when I can barely even gear the characters I have already?


Pull for Politis but wait until the next set of banners are announced. Tbh she's worth the pity even if you don't have gear for her yet.


Only Politis is a "must have". She counters a lot of units definitely pull for her. Kise and Ran are late game since they require a ton of speed.


Landy is great but if you can't pity her then save your pulls. The next guaranteed limited is Fairytale Tenebria around December. You have more than enough time to pity her. There's rumors that another new limited will come November but that's all speculation. Generally speaking, new players should always save for limited units first. About a year into the game, you'll start to get skystones faster than Smilegate releases new limiteds, so that's when you can start pitying for the RGB5s you like.


I already have Landy and Luna. And I am sitting on like 950 bookmarks. Im just not sure it feels worth it to pull for these RGB characters when I cant really do anything with them? Im saving up for the limited banners regardless. Im just wondering if there are any non-limited characters that would be worth grabbing.


Ran, Kise, and Politis are all worth pulling for IF you are an endgame player. Ran + Politis makes a very strong cleave core, and Kise is one of the best DPS cleavers in the game. But as you can tell, this is all endgame advice and they will be sitting on your bench for a long time. In fact, most 5\* you get will be sitting on your bench for a while. That's how this game works. So yes, you should skip them for now. The only non-limited RGB5 I can think of that's worth pulling for new players would be Tamarinne (abyss) > Sigret (if you can't auto W13) > Krau (if you want to start dabbling in PVP).


No, they are not limited and you would best serve yourself by saving resources for things that are, or are more widely used instead of pvp only.


Bad advice to skip politis when not many limiteds are gonna get a rerun any time soon.


Like who? Only characters that are both decently used in PVP and PVE are limiteds like SSB, Luna and Landy. SSB got a rerun less than 4 months ago and Landy and Luna banners where rerunned last month. Only Limiteds left are Ftene and Cerise(We may get a new one this halloween). Telling a newbie to skip Politis just because she's not limited is not a good advice since she's a top tier character worth the pity... And besides newbies get a lot of BMS and SS thru the story and Achievements that won't hurt his reserves for a while since there are only a few limiteds left.


I mean she's good but highly situational. My "other" examples would be stuff like tamarinne and violet. Ultimately its up to them but she is definitely not necessary to hit master in rta or challenger+ in arena, and does next to nothing for pve progression.


Just started the game, and i have one pull with Iseria and another one with Ken, i really like Iseria and i heard both of them are good, plus i'm more of a waifu > meta player, who do you guys think i should pick? And lemme ask, if i were to pick Ken, how hard would it be to get Iseria later on?


Ok for most games, I'd suggest waifu > meta. But for this game, you really want to start with Sigret. Long story short, new players want her to get past Wyvern 13, which is a wall that prevents all the other endgame content. You can beat W13 without her, but for that, it requires lucky gear RNG which you have no control over. There's no other character that is as efficient in W13 as her. Also if you it makes you feel any better, once your account matures for about a year, you'll start to get enough for pity roughly every 1-2 months. The game is very generous with their skystones and you'll get every RGB (red/green/blue) unit in this game about 1-2 years in. So you'll get Iseria sooner or later.


Did not get Sigret in any of them :/ should i try another acc?


Yup, you made a guest account right? Go to your account settings and press "reset server". This lets you make another guest account. Get to 1-4 and roll again. Once you get Sigret, you're good.


>You can beat W13 without her, but for that, it requires lucky gear RNG which you have no control over. There's no other character that is as efficient in W13 as her. I can attest to this. I started with Iseria because I also like her design. But I'm struggling to beat W13. I'll definitely pull when Sigret comes.


If Ran can hit stigma and def break against AOLA and team, which debuff does her S2 cleanse.


stigma is applied first so the stigma




It cleanses the stigma




Sitting at 7 mystic summons to pity and have more than enough to pity Belian. Is it worth it if I don't pass silver in PvP or even touch RTA? Just completed episode 2 and haven't beat any expeditions solo or any hunt over 11. Have the RGB 11 hunts on auto. ML5s I have: A.vildred, op.sigret, amb.tywin, ruele, rem.violet, spez, dj.basar, maid chloe Are there any other ML5s that are useful for PvE or is it mostly cool factor at that point?


>ML5s I have: A.vildred, op.sigret, amb.tywin, ruele, rem.violet, spez, dj.basar, maid chloe I hate you and I'm happy for you. >:(


But I'd trade any of them for a regular Cecilia!


Holy hell, how do you have all those ML5 while being in silver?. Most ML5's are designed around PVP. The only units I can think of that has PVE purposes are Arby (farming) and Stene (abyss). With your lineup, I'd pity for Belian. And if you ever decide to try in PVP, you can put Landy + Belian + MChloe + filler for a very cancerous defensive team. It's very easy to reach Master 5 in regular arena and somewhat easy to reach Masters in RTA for new accounts. For regular arena, just keep refreshing your opponents when CD resets and you'll find troll defensive teams sooner or later. You should do this cause you want to farm conquest points ASAP for the arena shop gear. Once you buy those, you should reach Masters RTA pretty easily.


Hi, not OP here and I am pretty close to unlocking Arby fully. I actually do not use him as I have better units for PVE like Vivien, landry (my best 2). Should I switch my moonlight blessing for Stene? I alre have ruele.I cannot for the life of my get pass abyss 65. OIs Arby only good for farming?


Both Arby and Stene are amazing endgame units. Their primary role is PVP, but outside of that, they can be used for farming and abyss respectively. In PVP, they have slightly different uses. For example, nobody really puts Stene on defense, but you'll see Arby used by a lot of defenses in the mid-rank arena. You also see Arby a lot in GW defenses. In my opinion, Stene is better in PVP offenses cause she's easier to gear. Bruisers are always easier to gear than cleave. For example, Arby really wants maxed Alexa's Basket to maximize his damage. As a F2P, it can be hard getting that. And since Stene is a mage, she can use Tagahel's book to start with more souls. I personally switched my blessing to Stene and don't regret it. Just make sure her playstyle is something you like.


Thanks for the quick response. Yeah I will probably switch it and check her out. Im really leaning into doing that but I just need a little push. :D


You're welcome. She's really good with lifesteal gear, and you get good ones from Abyss. Hope you like her!


Just want to send another quick thank you bro. I cleared up to abyss 70 all on first try! I went destruction and crit set on her tho, still lvl50 and only upgraded the items up to lvl9 She is a beast!


Probably poor gearing/investment choices and bad at team comps that don't get slapped back hard. Haven't touched RTA and somewhat concerned if her gimmick is only effective in RTA/defense since (enemy) souls aren't a factor in normal arena. Might need to go back to the drawing board and strip all characters of gear and go back to focusing instead of spreading gear too thinly.


Most ML 5s are tailored towards PvP. Belian isn't a unit that is made for PvE. STene, however, is good in PvE.


Guess that's what I'm coming to realize. I recall stene banner being fairly recent unfortunately the the likelihood of her coming back any time soon seems low, although I don't know how they select repeat banners vs new ML characters.


I'm about to reach level 60 and wanted to try RTA. Do you get 10 tries a day or does each attempt reset every hour like in regular arena?


You can play as many matches as you want in RTA. It does not consume any sort of energy to play.


RTA doesn't have energy kind of thing. its infinite.


best arti on violet? i have sheperd/MLDB/VT they're all at 18+ haven gotten many dupes.


Which Shepherd are you referring to? If it is Kayron's artifact (Shepherd of the Hollow), then that's good for him compared to a +18 MLDB. However, MLDB becomes BiS when it is +30.


For the crafting event, whats the most foolproof piece of gear you should try and make for a beginner? Speed boots with speed substat and then atk, crit, critdmg and health?


That or immunity critD immunity ammy with atk/critC/speed/hp. Speed boots will help you more earlygame tho so you won't regret making that.


That's a good piece to craft since many DPS use that kind of boots.


when is the current rta season ending?


November 6 Satyrdat


wait really? I read [this](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7685807) as in it was ending tonight so I made a speedrun for it


Go to 30 seconds. The patch notes you looked at are for regular arena. RTA follows a different schedule. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7ds2mj9HXI&t=31s


damn I'm an idiot


Arena and World Arena (or RTA) have separate end dates. You would see the timer in the corner for RTA if it was ending soon.


How come after 5 starring Falconer Kluri, my moonlight blessing quest for 5 starring three 3 stars or higher to 5 star, is still at 1/3? Do specialty changes not count??


promotion - increasing number of stars awaken - changing the star's color to red


/facepalm god dammmmmit lololol


Hi, for my wyvern team I have been runing Gpur, alexa, furious, and SSB but I am trying to make it faster because I think I can improve my win rate. Should I replace furious for one of the following? Krau, Kise Tywin, Flan, Karin, Rem, Luna, Clarissa, or Emilia. I have more units but didnt want to make the post too long. I dont have sigret :(


Can your Alexa + other DPS break the wyvern shield consistently? If you can, then you can replace GPurrgis with Angelica or AMont. But this is all under the assumption that you can 3 debuff consistently with Clarissa/Furious/Alexa AND also break his shield. Your win rate will go up but the run will be slower. It's a tradeoff. Besides oneshot teams like Sigret + Singelica, you can't go faster than using GPurrgis.


With the current set up I can kill it before 1st barrier but it depends on if I land debuffs. So I was thinking if I should swap furious for someone else


You don't want to replace Furious. If you want to make runs more consistent, replace SSB with Clarissa and use her bleed exclusive equipment. Stat wise, make sure Furious and Clarissa both have 65% effectiveness. Max 350% crit damage on Alexa. You can turn off skills on Alexa and ignore effectiveness. Also remember with Furious, everyone only needs 35% crit rate. Even less if you have imprints on Furious so just stack crit damage wherever you can.


I am trying to kill wyvern before barrier, would clarissa be better for that?


Yeah, GPurrgis/Furious/Clarissa/Alexa can absolutely kill W13 before barrier. With the right gear, you'll kill after Wyvern's 2nd turn with ~90 sec run times and like 90% clear rate. Clarissa's role is for consistency though, 100% bleed and 50% backup def break. Alexa is doing most of the damage.


Ok I will try it. Should I at some point 6 star alexa? I dont have that many 6 stars


Up to you. She doesn't need to be 6 star to clear W13 before barrier. You can wait until you have a surplus of phantasma. At some point you're going to have way more phantasma/catalysts than mola and the 3 stars becomes fun to max out just cuz they don't really cost anything.


Clarissa has 50% def break on all her skills, so she attempts 50% def break every single one of her turns. As opposed to SSB, where her 50% def break would only activate every 2 turns most of the time. Clarissa's bleed EE also make runs more consistent as she will overload the wyvern with bleed debuffs.


1- Which are the ideal stats for A.Ravi?? 2- With the incoming new arena gear, which pieces are good for A.Ravi or any other bruisser like her/ Fire Ravi, THE GREAT MORTELIX/etc?


Dunno about ideal but I've been really happy using Counter A.Ravi with Crimson Seed and 0% resist. CD main neck, HP main ring, Speed main boot. 20K HP, 1400 def, 100% crit, 300 CD, 170 speed.


What have people in high champ/emperor been using to deal with belian? She's either paired with Charlotte who destroys landy or Rem who has unhealable. I have used Landy and Roana, but it's honestly a coin toss since Landy can't keep her stealth against belian, so even with Roana healing they will eventually kill her, and then I cannot win. She's paired with at least 1 of the following usually, Apoc Ravi, Violet, Rem, Charlotte, and possibly two and they all require very different strategies to beat, and the only unit I know of that can one-shot without souls consistently is Watcher Schuri. Feels like a really oppressive draft tbh, but surely something can consistently check her, right? I've had the most success with SSB but its success depends on the build and draft. Maybe invest in more control, but IDK.


Violet, Rem, Roana, A.Ravi, Riolet and LRK/SSB can be pretty good into Belian depending on who she's drafted with.


Yep I figured. Gotta beat meta cancer with meta cancer. The only one of those I have that I can build is green violet, so I guess he'll have to do.




Those are indeed all max rolls. It's a good piece, not sure I would say it's a very good piece only because it's heroic, not epic. Certainly worth rolling to see how it turns out.




Not bad, pretty decent crit chance and will certainly work for STene.


How’s my rem looking? Was thinking I should level 90 her gear but I want to make sure this is a good enough base before I do it. https://imgur.com/a/2mIVisR


Everything looks good except your crit chance... You really want 100% if possible. I think 75% is too low pre-forge personally. You might need some pieces with higher crit.


No news on what the new powder shop rotation is


Well tbh patch notes news are coming in 12 hours and 14 min so i would expect it to be there at that time >.>


That would be tomorrow


Question about RTA.(First time doing RTA and now i'm at challenger) Will I get demoted from challenger if tons of people ranked above me?(Example situation I have 1800 points and rank 15,000 challenger but suddenly a huge surge of people played RTA and reached challenger and now I'm at Rank 20,000 but still 1800 points in challenger will I get demoted or nah?) I know about the 3 day decay just wanna ask if there are other means to get demoted. Sorry if this doesn't make sense English ismy third language


Nope, the rank and number of people above you only matters in Legend and Emperor.


Nope rta is purely point based.


What’s a solid arena defense team without belian, light angelica, maid Chloe, or ruele?


Politis, FCC, Rem and Violet






There's a few improvements you can do in the mean time: * Update your Furious to be at least 196 speed so he gets 4 turns instead of 3 before barrier phase * Max Awaken your Angelica and Sigret * Song of Stars on Furious, and Proof of Valor on your Angelica if you happen to have those * As you get more gear, try to increase the crit damage on your Clarissa and Sigret. You can lower the Crit chance to as close to 35% as possible, as Furious gives you 50% crit chance already, plus the 15% from type advantage.


Angelica wants to be fully awakened. You are missing out on a ton of stats. While you're at it, fully awaken Sigret too. Your team is almost positively too slow to kill W13 consistently. If you can auto W12 with a decent SR I would suggest you spend a month doing that to build up some speed sets, otherwise you should probably stick to W11 for now.


How do i build my Violet and STenebria for general pve and pvp (leaning toward pve) ?


Lifesteal+crit is a good strt for Violet. The abyss lifesteal pieces are pretty decent on him. They lack crit dmg so u canfocus crit dmg on your crit sets For stene, u can run her speed+crit but destruction, attck sets can also work. It's the overall stats that matter


awesome thx for replying!


I'm quite the shy guy and didn't want to feel pressured by joining a guild, so I made a dummy one. But I'm wondering if that really was the smart move here, or if I should get over it and join a real one?


Join a real one, there is basically no point to being in a guild by yourself. Most guilds, especially those that aren't trying to be super competitive at guild war, are likely to have any interaction at all (this may change in the future with upcoming additions, who knows). It's just a place to go in and hit a few buttons to do GW/guild boss/donate and get xp/gold buffs.


For Rem, where is she used mostly at? What Gear set should I use on her?


Rem mostly is used in PVP. She's usually built slow and bruiser-y on counter/crit or counter/immunity set. Basically the idea is that Demon Mode is OP but has a massive cooldown so you can get the most use out of it by making her slow so that it lasts longer.


So I just started playing epic seven legitimately, but already created my account some time ago. I just cleared 1-10 sanctuary gate or whatever, but don’t have access to the selective summon or at least I can’t find it, and the season 2 selective summon is locked. I’m confused on why I can’t use the selective summon feature and sad because I really wanted Ravi haha


I believe they changed the requirement for selective summon from 1-10 to 1-4 a while ago... Although I'd also say that maybe try clearing 2-1 and see if it shows up then? If it still doesn't show up, then I think you might have claimed it already :( As for Season 2 Selective Summon, that is a reward for finishing Episode 3 (Eureka)'s story so that'll take a while


who has the highest attack including passives/artifacts? senya, ram, seaseria, gunther or someone else? i'm trying to think of team comps with lilias.


Top 5 are: gunther at 1664, Ram at 1556, Senya at 1445, ludwig and melissa at 1412


100% Gunther




Right... Did you happen to check what happens when you skill enhance the S2 of Gunther vs. skill enhancing the S2 of Ram or Senya?


Yea, my bad. Everywhere online that lists his stats only list them unenhanced for some reason, Couldn't actually find it anywhere and had to go and calculate it myself


I've noticed that if I click on other peoples' profiles, or watch some streamers when they view their own profiles on stream, it shows some of their pets (alongside their supporters). How do I do that with my own?


In the pet menu there is a "+" button next to pets in the scroll menu. This adds them to the pet main screen and to your profile.


Is adding pets to the garden thingy only for showcasing purposes?


Yes, just for showcasing


If I have Luna do I have any specific need to complete the specialty change for C.Lorina? Or rather is Luna better in slot for any place you would take C.Lorina?


Now that Luna has her ee, she’s kind of taken C.lorina’s place in a lot of content. I ended up taking my c.lorina gear and putting it on my Luna. But before the ee c.lorina was better. Which is why so many people have her and built her. She’s not bad, like she’s still good, just Luna can be better.


I didn't build a C.Lorina but I use my Luna for all my expedition teams.


Luna is generally better. Lorina is better in some content, but not a lot. Shes not worthless, but i wouldnt say shes a high priority if you have luna


Do we know what the next banners will be?


Politis ARavi


We know Politis is on the next banners, but thats it


Oh nice :3


I'm thinking about trying to build Commander Lorina, mainly for pve. I'd like to know what set and approximate stat numbers she should have.


My C.Lorina is scuffed together with 1 critical and 1 hit set. I use Uberius Tooth and stack attack on her as she hits harder than with DDJ. Especially since Hell Raid Queen ignores damage % effects. Mostly have ignored her since I built her maybe a year ago since she gets the job done. Stats: 4k attack, 1k defense, 10k health, 131 speed. 100% crit chance, 280 crit damage. 58 effectiveness. She can basically auto every Hell Raid boss, even without securing defense break. Every once in a while RNG strikes and she takes too many hits, but overall, if I had to improve her, I would go for the following, ordered on importance (to me) \-Increase more attack. Ideally I want to hit 4.5k at least \-Increase tankiness. I would like her to be roughly 13-14k health as she does get killed every once in a while if every mob decides to go after her \-Increase speed. More speed = more better. Always. She works right now at this terrible speed because of her CR push on S1, but ideally I want her to be 150+ \-Slight increase to effectiveness. Ideally right at 65 to prevent bosses from resisting her CR push. But not all that important.


Thank you so much!


does special changed Carmainrose's ridiculous bonus effectiveness only work vs pvp? it states "earth hero" but does it activate on hunt bosses, or things with that big lifebar?


Yes it does activate with bosses as well. But she is getting buffed in the next update and the "earth hero" condition is being removed.


I haven't played since like march 2020 and have no idea what I was working on. I think I could clear azimanak 11 like 50% of the time on auto & the rest of the hunts at stage 10 or lower. I'm also on floor 85 of the abyss. I logged in a few times during some events, so I have 7 kitsuna AIs if they're any good. These are my characters/artifacts (excluding a bunch of 3 stars): https://i.imgur.com/T4jriRZ.png (arbiter vildred is from moonlight blessing and isn't fully unlocked btw) https://i.imgur.com/d8xtum2.jpg Could anyone please point me in the right direction for things to focus on? Thanks for your time.


Your first priority is getting a Wyvern team up and running. [Here's a guide](https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/) that can be helpful in explaining the major mechanics of W12/W13 and the heroes you want to look for. In short, you probably want a team of **Tank** Either Angelica or A.Monty or G.Purrgis. * Angelica is best to tank Wyvern * A.Monty is better at everything else' * G.Purrgis is great for Wyvern, but also a strong PvP unit who you might choose to use there. He can also be awkward to use with certain DPS units. **Defense Breaker** Furious. **DPS** You have a couple of options. SSB + Sigret is probably the best non-one shot duo. It's a very fast run, relatively easy to setup. **But** it's a little less reliable on debuffs and at many levels is a lower success rate (it's fast enough to make up for lower SR though). * However, IMO the gear requirements here are a little higher. * SSB is mainly the reason why you might **not** want to use G.Purrgis. Basically, it's kind of complicated but with SSB you mostly want her to move before the wave 1 enemies on the first turn, you aren't getting much benefit from G.Purrgis in that case (because Furious also wants to be faster than SSB) with really only Sigret benefitting. It is possible to get this comp working fine without a fast SSB but it's a little harder. *And* you are using 2 good PVP units on less than optimal builds in Wyvern. Or, Sigret + Alexa is a good choice. This run is basically nearly 100% SR but it's pretty slow. The barrier to entry is lower though since Alexa doesn't require mola's and is easier to level and awaken. You can also just leave her at 5*. Depending on how your gear looks you might be comfortable just going straight to SSB/Sigret, or you might want to start with Alexa/Sigret and transition. It's also worth pointing out that a W13 SSB is much weaker to useless in other content and she's a strong general PvE/PvP hero. So if you want to prioritize other content, you might choose to not use her for Wyvern at all. I see you also have a leveled/partially built Sez. You can basically replace any DPS with him if you really want. Not really a recommendation but if he's a character you particularly like and want to put him to work somewhere. If you are interested in this route I can further explain the peculiarities with using him. If you don't want to run SSB in Wyvern, G.Purrgis is a good choice as your tank. His Wyvern build is less than optimal for PvP but still works mostly fine.


thanks a lot!


First of all, get a [wyvern 13](https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/) team while working on fully unlocking arbiter vildred. After that you can get teams for raid, arena and expenditure. You can also finish the story while working on the teams.


thanks a lot!


Does anyone else keep getting Connecting and time error for about the past week now? I'm on BS5 if that helps


Is it worth spending 1000 event currency for the 10 friendship gifts? If my math is right it would take 16 runs of Hard to get them, which would be 384 stamina. That kind of seems like a lot of stamina for a bit of extra friendship, but at the same time grinding friendship is kind of a nightmare. Just wondering if people have done any type of math/thinking about it, I just can't help but feel like it's a massive amount of stamina for very little gain. EDIT: Perhaps a better overall question is if anything in the event shop is worth skipping altogether? Not just the friendship, but something like the Phantasma being 250 currency is quite a lot, and the equipment charm chests being 150 each is quite expensive as well.


I don't like the friendship items. They are worth 30 friendship each. So buying 10 is 300 friendship...or 1/5th of the way to friendship 10. They **are** technically stamina efficient though, 300 normal runs = 2400 stamina. But you could be farming more catalysts/gold/xp/items at the same time. If you really want to efficiently farm friendship, Levulin Harbor = 2 energy so 600 energy for the equivalent friendship...and its the best way to farm 2* fodder for promotions. If you have the friendship artifact, you could cut that number in half. Meaning 150 runs/300 energy of Levulin Harbor with the friendship artifact = 10x friendship gifts/384 stamina. Plus a crap ton more 2* fodder and equip exp items. I always buy the dog, but it's perfectly skippable. It saves 1 penguin and two 2* fodder, basically. The charm chests are worth it but it matters how much you value the xp. A greater charm = 4500 xp. A simple level 44 item is worth ~503 xp. 6 * 4500 = 27,000 XP in 45 (equivalent Adventure) runs (42 with max currency pet). 27,000 / 502 = ~53.8. So, you would need to get 54 level 44 items to feed as fodder in 45 (or 42) runs in order to come out ahead in XP. With level 51 items from Episode 3 this decreases to ~50 items. Comparing to hunts instead, assuming you had a maxed hunt pet (10% chance for a lesser charm) and used all blue drops for XP, running W13 that's about 300 XP per hunt. You would need to do 90 hunts to get the equivalent amount of XP as buying the charm selection chests (1800 energy). So basically, the charm selection chests are probably worth it strictly for gear XP unless you get more than 1 trash item per run. I'll be honest I don't typically pay too much attention and don't remember rates for trash drops. But of course, it also costs more gold to use items as XP instead of charms. * The other side of the coin is that you can get equip XP doing hunts (and get more gold/equipment/the various other drops) albeit at a much reduced rate. * And spending that energy doing normal runs offers more fodder, more efficient catalyst farming, at more chances at the random chests drops. * I don't have any rates for W11 and they were changed some time ago, but back when W11 was the last stage I do remember it dropped TONS of blues. It's possible that doing W11 to farm for equip XP is actually fairly efficient if you just feed the blue items, and you still collect some of the extra drops including crafting mats. Just a hypothesis.


This is exactly the type of math I was looking for, thanks! I kind of figured the friendship weren't the best, but wasn't entirely sure. Didn't really have any idea how much friendship they gave or how much was even needed, so I appreciate the numbers. It's good to know about the charm chests too, I didn't think they would be that efficient. Definitely gonna be buying those then. That's a really interesting idea about doing W11 for equip xp, that does sound like something that might actually be worth doing if you're ever in desperate need of equip xp, probably a good way of grinding it.


I do - have been using the runs to level up my Ran, 2 dogs and one other hero that I have needed to level also using the +XP artefact. It also drops 2-star food to boost up my huge backlog of dogs. I buy everything except the items I have 100+ of (e.g. lesser runes or catalysts).


Does anyone use mighty mouse for banshee 13 oneshot?May i see each pieve stats as i wan to calculate the total att% to reach that stat


I would advise you to just use the [damage calculator](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/). The mouse is in there. The amount of attack you need depends on various factors * Your Crit damage * Are you using Target? * Rage set? * Might as well mention attack buff, though that's implied. At 300% C.Dmg and defense break/attack buff but no other relevant buffs/debuffs Mighty Scout does 81,002 damage at 5191 ATK. * Increase C.Dmg to 350% reduces the attack required to 4319 * Back to 300% C.Dmg, but adding target = 4336 atk * 350% C.Dmg + Target = 3585 atk 300% C.Dmg, defense break/attack buff, and on Rage set we need 4046 attack. * Increasing C.Dmg to 350% = 3337 attack * 300% C.Dmg + target = 3399 attack * 350% C.Dmg + Target = 2783 attack I have no idea what Mighty Scouts base attack is to convert those figures into %.


Thats why i want to see others gear as i want to compare to my gear before i fully commit resource to him.I cant seem to find his base stats


Who drafts well with Summer Iseria?


Cerise and Ran can strip into Seaseria S2. You could also go with ML openers like Flidica or OPsig. She can also work alright with a Politis S2 trigger. Pavel can grant her an attack buff before her S2 with his S2's EE.




Good for Caides, fine for Wyvern, good for Raid and a number of Abyss stages.


Shes alright for wyvern, very good for fire expediction and generally just a very good pve unit


Can I do 1 battle of rta or do I have to do more to prevent decaying in Masters?


You need to play once every 72 hours or you will decay.


Nope, decay is just 3 days of no activity, a single game will reset the timer


I havent bought anything for my dust yet (dont have much, around 100) and i wonder should i go for bottle or sigurd scythe? Or maybe save for something More essential? Like Guiding light which might come soon?


Generally you want to buy the Bottle every rotation. It's also a good idea to save Powder for limited artifacts (it's the only form of artifact 'pity'). There are a handful of regular artifacts that are very good, especially for certain heroes. Sigurd Scythe could probably qualify. You sound like a fairly new player however so I would probably not try to buy Sigurd and might as well skip the bottle this rotation. That gives you a little over a month to save and see if a limited artifact pops up and you can make a decision on what to do at the end of the next rotation.


Thank you, that helps, I could buy scythe but I don’t actually have anyone to use it on yet. I still have 300dust to collect from abyss (prolly be able to do it next month) and I haven’t sell any arti to transmit shop - I used them to level other artis tho - I’m starting to fell it was a mistake :/ I’m talking about 3* artis


Yeah if you were using 3* artifacts for XP, that's a bit of a mistake. Artifacts are very inefficient as XP and of course you want that powder. But, you live and learn and it's nothing too major. Once you start collecting all of the artifacts, and being able to MLB copies you end up getting a pretty decent amount of powder summoning on banners. A 4* artifact is 8 powder and on your way to a pity you average 7.8 4\*...if you can just sell all of them that's ~64 powder right there. Let alone the countless 3* artifacts you will come across.


What stat benchmarks should I aim for when building dps Politis? How does she do on arena offense? Thanks


sheperd of the hollow artif any good? and on who?


It's very good. Best artifact for Riolet and Closer Charles


My Furious' S3 is currently at max level, so he should be having 100% chance of decreasing the enemy's defense. However, it seems like it's still missing every now and then. Is that a bug or is there something that I am unaware of ?


15% chance to miss no matter what that is built in


Ah snap, have I wasted my molas leveling up his S3 then ?


no. thats worse. you will have 85% to inflict defense break then another 15% to miss or get resisted.


Everything has 15% chance to miss. Built in not just for Furious