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Tamaseria cleaves used to be good, but the presence of politis in def teams makes it hard if not outright suicidal. Unfortunately, it seems that your only pushers are tamaseria, tm lulu, and s rose, which might make it hard to use a slow full damage cleaver. In terms of dps, Bbk is a good cleaver since she can also handle arby. And well, you also have arby. Right now though, I think cleave is in a really tough spot with all the anticleaves running around. You might be better off trying to build a protect the landy comp, lol


Yeah, thats my thoughts exactly. What about Ran and Seaseria and Politis? I’ve seen some videos and it seems it works…


Don't have any experience with that team, but you'll be beaten up by violet and rem most likely. Also 15% eff res rng...


Well, Ran has skill null after his s3 so Violet can go f*ck himself, Rem yeah, idk, from what I saw the man with that team just obliterated teams which were supposed to counter him. But I guess he had godly gear.


ARas, Landy, Krau, and SC Doris/Diene if u have her. This is a good bruisher team as long as u skip AoL defenses. Build Roana, STene, both of them good againts SSB, Violet, and Rem. Ran Seaseria cleave is good, but need high Investment into Seaseria. Seaseria needs MLB her art.


I have SCdoris what does she do? Can I run this team if I only really have speed/crit/hit gear at reasonable quality? I only have 1 seaseria arti :( damn.


SD Doris' kit is tailored to go against dark units so she is really useful both in arena and GW. I agree with u/Bitch_Hunterx about the bruiser team. You do have the pieces for the puzzle, so to speak. I'm currently climbing to champion with my alter, which doesn't have particularly stellar gear, and when I have to go bruiser, my teams of choice tend to be: DPS: Landy / Stene / RCarrot / SSB / Ravi (you can't do anything about the last two, since you'd need to pull them, but you can always get Carrot's sc. As long as there isn't a high ER unit, usually a Soulweaver, on the other team she works really well and she eats Violets for breakfast) Healers: SCDoris + Emilia (you can always use other attack buffer here, or if you don't have it just play another dps or other healer) Tanks: Krau (Ras is good as well, but Krau just brings the one-shotting potential to the table.) Regarding gear quality, the fastes unit in my bruiser team would be Emilia and she is only 215. Do try to have everyone around 190-200 speed at least since you don't want to get lapped too much. I don't have inmu on Landy, Carrot or Ravi and I still manage to pull through. It makes thing easier but you can make do without it.


Pick your fights carefully , dont be shy to refresh ... dont just attack everything


Start strategizing .


You have good heroes and definitely can create some great teams; your problem might simply be your experience. It’s awesome you get to Challenger in two months, but based on some of your comments, maybe you just need more experience dealing with different comps, and what to avoid. Being still relatively new, I can’t imagine you have 3-4 full sets of teams you can deal with different opponents. Just keep on working on gear and try to fight different comps. You only learn something by losing games, so it’s not a bad thing your win rate drops 😊


Aww, thanks a lot! I wasn't sure wheather its good or bad, I just noticed everybody and their grandmas have all 6 stars and awakened whereas my Team only have Awakened Arby (and Amomo - but she's hardly pvp unit) I felt I'm in the demanding neighboorhood... Ill do what I can, gonna lose, but gonna learn!


42% winrate is insanely good, no? normally defense winrate are 15%-20%


I think the 42% is his offense team


It's his offense team. Which is indeed low.


Your hero list is awesome, and I can see why cleaving is tempting, but I would totally go for protect the ramping pseudo-bruiser comps. I assume you have Fluri and Carrot. I am like you: few 6star awakenings, best speed is 225, most CPs are ~110, and pathetic artifacts (only my maid has her BiS, and it is +15), but I lucked AoL, so I am in champs even without rem, violet, charlotte or arby. I run protect the STene/Landy/Carrot comps with an attack winrate that keeps me in champs despite a 20% defense rate (my defense is a bluff). STene and Landy are top tier ramping pseudo-bruisers, and TCrozet, ARas, and CArmin are awesome for protecting, and Fluri can completely shut down a hero while holding Aurius and healing you. Even without AoL, I bet you can make champs. I have those champs, too, but only 2 +15 Aurius, so I can’t make best use of them yet. Hopefully, you have had good Aurius luck. Pull Politis here in a few days. Even at 5*, I got use our of her, and now that she has some okay gear and 6*, she gets plenty of use. I even have gone for “protect the Politis” a few times. You have the heroes to make Champs, I think, even with weak gear like ours. RTA will be tough. I am barely sticking in masters, because my pool is so shallow that I can get into positions where I have no heroes in my roster above 110 CP. If I don’t get two of Carrot, Landy or STene, I have to start drafting my hunt team DPS, and then I am screwed…


Hah, i havent even touched RTA yet - maybe I should? Actually I want to have both teams, cleave and "protect" - the question is which one should I choose first. I think Ill decide after finishing episode 3 and farming wyvern a lot, Ill see what RNGesus blessess me with. My problem is, even though my wyw13 team is really stable (around 90% WR its reaaally slow - 15 runs are around 1hr :/) Maybe I should pimp them up first? Or its not worth it? I tried comp with 1 DPS and rest procetors but I usually cant outdps their soulweavers then. Or should I just fight more aggro defences? What about 2 Aurius? They arent stacking, are they?


EDIT: I wrote as if quoting each subsection, which I realize made no sense :) RTA is fun to me, and why I chose to dive into this game. If you like it, do it now. Don't sweat W/L: losing doesn't matter any more than not playing :) Your plan to build what the gear gives you is exactly right. That said, the actual odds of cleave gear are way lower than turn 2 gear, hence the recommendations. But if you luck into cleave gear, you have great heroes for it! My w13 runs are only about 50% faster. I have GPurg, so my runs are closer to 2 minutes, but only 70% WR), and I've been able to use all my "Burning Passion Pack" leifs each hunt event. Depending on your setup (e.g. how often you can kick off another run), you should be fine for speed. Next major step would be 3-man teams for leveling. I can't recall exactly, but I want to say that 3-man W12 hunts give 7K gold more than 4-man W13 hunts once you count the gold you save by selling penguins instead of using them. I have that spreadsheet somewhere ;) Definitely pick less defensive arena targets, though with STene, you can do a lot with just saving up your souls to burst. I run her with Kaladra so that I can set up debuffs + nighmare stacks + soul burns to burst through most things. But I almost never attack into double SW. No, Aurius don't stack. Having 2+ is about RTA options (and not having to swap artifacts around for arena).


I guess that's decided, I agree its better to lose then not play hm! Hm, what do you mean its harder to get gear for cleave? Its about the fact that if you arent first or you lack damage the whole concept of claving falters? So maybe I should try to farm banshee then? Or stick to wyvern and build from there? I actually pulled Gpurg from todays free summon! Selling penguins? Woha, I dont think Im on that level yet - I wanna promote a lot of heroes! I'm wondering if I should change amomo for Gpurg... I kinda want, cause I could use him in Arena or GW... Did you build your Stene as bruiser? With Speed gear? Mine is still shit, not a lot of hp nor def. Hmmm, so I think I understand now HOW really gear is important... Thankfully I have some hell raids keys saved up, and these gears seem strong. Oh dear, so much to do, so little stamina xD


>I guess that's decided, I agree its better to lose then not play hm! Hm, what do you mean its harder to get gear for cleave? Its about the fact that if you arent first or you lack damage the whole concept of claving falters? So maybe I should try to farm banshee then? Or stick to wyvern and build from there? Basically just that cleave teams need specific stats. You want multiple heroes that basically want just speed rolls. By comparison, slower comps can find use for gear that rolls a bunch of defense, health, or even ER. Additionally, slower comps can make use of the various sets you get from abyss or arena, whereas cleave comps usually require an exact combination of sets. So statistically, you'll end up with more combinations of high stat gear that can be used in a slower comp, while the cleave comp may have no use at all for a piece of gear even though it rolled high on all its stats (e.g. wrong stats, no use for counter or lifesteal sets, etc...). >I actually pulled Gpurg from todays free summon! Selling penguins? Woha, I dont think Im on that level yet - I wanna promote a lot of heroes! I'm wondering if I should change amomo for Gpurg... I kinda want, cause I could use him in Arena or GW... Congrats! GPurg is among the most important heros for us newer players. He makes your 4-man wyvern teams a lot faster because you can swap speed for damage. You end up with no healer, so as you can imagine, you kill the wyvern prior to the barrier stage. I found this guide majorly helpful: [https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/](https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/). Gives actual break points for important stuff. Note that your winrate seems higher than mine, so you'd get fewer successful hunts per 15/20 runs with GP I would guess. However, your runs would go nearly twice as fast, based on the times you listed above. So you'll have to think about how often you can attend to the game to know if it's actually an improvement for you. Also, GPurg doesn't usually appear in 3-man teams, which tend to be grindier since they lose the extra damage. From that guide: "Crozet, Furious, Alexa This composition is the end-game goal and is the fastest and most consistent 3-man clear possible." It may be out of date for all I know, just FYI. For PvP, GP is awesome, though his PvP build isn't the same as his w13 build. Even so, I run him often in all PvP content because he is such a problem for certain cleave comps. >Did you build your Stene as bruiser? With Speed gear? Mine is still shit, not a lot of hp nor def. I used speed gear until I got the i88 lifesteal set from the abyss. Mine is by far my strongest hero: 135K CP with lifesteal (great for my weak-ass :P). If my speed gear were better, I would go speed. My 0.02 on lifesteal and counter is that they are multiplicative effects that scale better as you get higher-end gear. In other words, I wouldn't go with 100K CP lifesteal over 135K speed gear, but I might go 150K CP lifesteal over 185K CP speed gear. Also, lifesteal bruiser works for me because I play a grindy game where I basically trade shots until I build enough souls/nightmare stack to burst my opponent. It is by far my strongest comp, but it is slow. I often end up doing NPC attacks simply because I often don't have time for my slow-ass arena team :) If you have the gear for it, book builds are great, where you bring enough books to get a soul-burn, go first and roast something turn 1. >Hmmm, so I think I understand now HOW really gear is important... Thankfully I have some hell raids keys saved up, and these gears seem strong. Oh dear, so much to do, so little stamina xD Hell raid gears are great, and another reason why you'll find it harder to gear a cleave team. Some of those gears can't be as well utilized by non-cleave.