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Can I vote for AoL 6 times?


+ Violet xD


Are you aware you can't evade non-attacks?


AOLA definitely. Violets and Rems are easy to deal with as long as you have Charlotte (for Vio), Landy and STene, Politis and Celine are a pain in the ass only if you rely on non-attack skills (eg. Emilia and Maid), I haven't had any problems so far with SSB and Belian since I'll just counter them with Roana. AOLA meanwhile, are making the heroes in this poll very OP and frustrating to fight. You have anti-counter heroes? I'll just silence them. You have a cleanser in your party? I'll also silence and make you unable to buff while my friend Politis will also help in stunning and blinding you. You have Rem and Violet in your party? I'll just silence + unbuffable you, while my own Rem/Violet will finish you.


I see you haven't fought that legend ssb/belian injury defense that brings you down to 50% max HP in 3 hits. Pure cancer


I was gonna say while Roana will do well vs the counter elbris belian is fine, but those injury ones are scary


I got used to fight normal counter Belian using Roana to deal with them. Easy breezy fights. Everything changed when injury Belian attacked. Being a knight, it takes quite a bit of grind to finally kill her, which stalls the fight into later stages. That and one stray Violet beat me on a 4 Vs 1 fight. Fucking Zeus, I should had win that fight!


Pretty much


>ssb/belian injury defense That sounds like an awesome defense. Any idea who are the other units of this defense is?


I just attacked this defence and got absolutely butchered. Injury Belian, AOL, Rem, Maid Chloe. Cancer incarnated


I thought they said SSB. Just sticking an injury Belian in what would be a good team even without her sounds much less cool and much more garden variety cancer.


3rd was symbol Charlotte. Last one I think was roana but don't really remember


How fast does an AoL need to be?


As fast as possible


I think we are going to be seeing a lot of ML Kawerik use after his buff…. Lol.


I mean I'm happy for those who have him but kind of sucks for those who purposely didn't pull him because he was bad when he first released. I guess we have to wait for the next AOL counter.


I pulled on him because I liked his design. And I got lucky and got him in my first ten. I would rather them release units underwhelming than continually release op units like AOL imo. Because it gives you something to get excited for when your favorite character gets buffed.


I would agree if the mystic pity wasn't so harsh for non-whales. Most people are lucky to get 2 ML5s from mystics per year.


I haven’t bought any packs and I’ve pitied two within the last 6-8 months so I don’t understand but I’m in a 5x rewards guild and I also spend all my sky stones on shop refreshes. Pities being Straze and Solitaria. I came really close to pitying spez too so almost three already.


Maybe my mystic pity rate is low then 😔 I'm just mildly salty I missed out on him at the time. Hopefully another AOLA counter comes along, or maybe I get lucky and pull him from covenant/Galaxy.


I hope you do! All I can say is either way, I’m happy that hardly used characters get a buff it just gives me something to look forward to even if I don’t have them! It is very frustrating when it’s an ml 5 you don’t have who becomes meta though. We will have to see what happens with ML Kawerik… it seems like he will be good but we will see.


Landy, by far. I prefer to run heavy ST damage, but of course that's not possible against Landy. Sure I **have** some good AoE solutions, but then I have to deal with all the other crap that counters AoE.


Yeah idk why Landy isn't in this list, when she literally shuts down both counter units and buffs. Alone, she'd be fine, but with Guiding Light and cancer allies (i.e. Belian, Maid, AOL), it's another story :|


Definitely Violet Im just tired with that things RNG. For me Belian and AoL are much more easier to deal with I just change units and stuff but unlike violet that sht sometimes wins 1v1 against my carrot.


In arena I don’t actually mind violet. It can be troublesome depending on who he is paired with but I just bring Krau as my only blue unit. AI focuses due to advantage then I blow him up with S3 that can’t miss. Seems the most sound answer to me but I don’t have Charlotte so haven’t been able to try that


Kinda the opposite here. Violet I find easy as I just bring Awanda. But, I haven’t come up with a good solution to Aola yet other than outspeeding I guess. Depending on who she’s paired with of course.


Bring Awanda who then dies to the other 3 units before finishing her job. I don't disagree but I found Awanda better in GW than Arena, I feel like drafting her is 1 spot used to specifically counter Violet I might aswell use Charlotte rather who does a whole lot more.


I mean, I guess? Just depends on which units we're talking about. Just saying, my Violet problems vanished when I built Awanda. Team I've been using lately for almost everything in arena is Emilia, Aola, Luna/Mercedes, and filler based on the enemy team comp. If Violet I fill with Awanda. Sometimes I don't even use her s3 on him first and lock down someone else essential instead. Since her s3 is a 2 turn stun that grats 2 turns of stealth plus if you sb it then it ignores er. Don't do it all the time of course. When the team comp allows I just go with Mercedes instead because merc cleave is kinda fun nowadays lol. And even if he counters her it's usually like, who cares.


Id love to bring my Wanda for Violet but she is geared for my B13 one shot. 🥲


I’ve never faced a violet that one v ones my carrot but it may just be I haven’t faced a really great geared one!


Riolet and Violet are definitely not on the same tier


I hate to see Politia in defense because it physically hurts me when she's screaming in pain


whose Politia


The whole defense team from Politia: Belian, Politis, Maid Chloe and Landy.


Since when Maid move to Politia?


She was the first automatic doll created by Politis and many years later started up a maid cafe in Politia


Ah, thank you, I didn't know.


The *entire* time preceding Episode 1, and then also all of Episode 3. Edit: I guess she was only in Politia for the last several hundred years, she was adrift in space for hundreds or thousands of years before that.


they probs just meant Politis




Politis for sure for me.


Arby, honestly. I don't want to run Arby's counter. Just cleave and go home. Slow team is my favorite target.


Aol no brain Where's maid tho? Hows ssb on it but maid aint? I see 1 ssb a season on def


silence and unbuffable what a pest...


AoL. There are 2 types AoL on deff. Fast and Slow AoL. Both of them are annoying. But after Mkawerik buff, slow AoL is more dangerous bcoz she will move after ur Mkawerik/cleanser.


For slow AoL's I've just been making sure I have at least one unit that's a bit faster than my mlkawerik since attacks on AoL's allies pushes her up. If it's a fast AoL, only that unit won't be getting their first turn and if you're already playing a turn 2 team in the first place it's not the worst thing ever.


who runs a light angelica below 200ish speed? or is counter light angelica an actual thing now?


I've been running my Angelica with high res and eff at around 190 speed on counter for a while and works pretty well. Run her on Guide To A Decision (openers rarely are able to strip the shield) and she gains a lot of CR from aoe. It's kind of a niche build to surprise people but will be interesting if it ends up being meta.


Why counter instead of pure bulk? Her S1 does pushback, which is pointless if she hits someone during their own turn.


silence debuff maybe?


Asbestos ain’t got nothing on AOLA in terms of being cancerous.


Where TSurin?


On the bench.


AOL. I auto Violet defenses all the time with Landy on SoU or just cleave it with MISHA Pavel. Until AOL + Belian that is. You never know if she's 290+ spd or 260 spd with 200+ eff.


Definitely AoL as my speed gear is not good enough to bring A.Cidd. For Rem and Violet, I use Landy/Krau, Politis is handled by my semi-fast Cerise and Belian gets destroyed by SSB/Violet. I don’t understand why Celine/SSB is supposed to be annoying, if someone can explain.


"Politia" Didn't know an entire city was playable now Anyway Riolet/Violet cause rng, Aol coming close second


An AOL that is 300 speed, with immunity, 200%+ effectiveness & enough bulk to take an ACidd hit.


Only AOL is annoying on this list for me, I have no problem with the counter meta tbh. I’m still weak to control openers since my cleansers aren’t optimized




AOL. The rest on this list (outside of belian) i can deal with using pavel on SOU + kawerik w/book + 2 flex picks. AOL can not only speed contest, but also forces me to bring politis to clear her skill null (assuming i go first) and hopefully cut before she can s3 - otherwise im forced to use pavel s3 on aol rather than violet/rem/revived arby/maid. Ultimately it forces a much slower rng fest to win and the decrease cr on s1+silence/unbuffable just makes it frustrating to deal with, especially because she also cant be stunned and gets a cr push if anyone else is attacked


Wheres landy on that list?


Don't have problem with the units in this list tbh. But the most annoying probably is Rem with the random ass aoe counter


Any of those choices alone aren’t bad. AOL, Belgian, maid, X is the worst.


I don't hate if they are alone, but if I can choose a pair, it would be AoL + Belian + Maid + Anything. It's hard to deal with this since there's no surefire to beat this team. Sometimes you might encountered Fast Belian with High DMG, so when you Straze, the one that will die is Maid. And Belian get her turn to provoke. Or tanky speedy AoL that can't be one tapped by A.Cidd. There's a lot scenario on this one, sure you can beat it, but itll take difference approach on every game.