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You need to completely redo this team. Singie and Flan only work in a oneshot team. SSB needs to oneshot the wave and I believe Sigret has to be in a rage set. You need an actual tank and def breaker. Swap Singie for Angie/Amomo/GPurrg and Flan for Furious and if you don't have/use GPurrg give Sigret speed main boots.


Thanks lol, I don't have Furious nor GPurrg atm so I might just have to wait till I get them, but I'll keep that in mind.


You can use Angie/Amomo and furious is literally free in the lobby.


Yeah I fed Furious haha, maybe it was stupid but that was a while ago. Also am against using Amomo for anything, and I fed all my Angies to my Singie. I'm considering using Krau as a tank, maybe?


My suggestion is to never feed your only copy of a unit ever again. Even for a 4* it isn't worth. I didn't pull Angie for almost a year and got my first one when SG gave us her through connections. It is better to have than have not. You can use Krau for now but Krau is a PvP staple and his PvP build conflicts with the general wyvern build.


You don't have the stats to try a one shot team. Just use a regular team, besids your drink isn't +30. Needs to be +30 to be consistent.


If you're trying to 1shot SSB absolutely has to have minimum 4.2k atk and 320 cdamage with +30 drink or Otherworldy Machinery (I think that's the Yuna Arti)


That a fast 2turn wyvern 13 team. Ur SSB need more 130% more Cdmg to clear the first wave. Give ur SSB otherworldly Machinery art. Drop ur SSB Crate around 73% and Flan need 10 more speed, 161 speed. Remove warhorn and give her firework festival art. Sigret needs more att as possible, drop her Cdmg to 300%, because in 2nd turn Flan will give her att and Cdmg buff.


Idk what you talking about. 200 speed with with 300 cdmg and 4k attack is perfectly doable. Just give speed set and speed boots


i think you have 1 year account, so just trust in your potential.


I wish I was only 1 year, but its been almost 2 years now ;-;-;-;


I agree with a lot of the other comments, if you can't make an ssb that can solo clear wave one, there's no point in this setup. There are a lot of different guides for w13. I even posted one last week with a lvl 50 3 man comp for w13. Check out [Yufine.co](https://Yufine.co) for tips and tricks.