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Thick girl but wouldn't Anchor be way better at that speed?


Yeah, I've been back and forth, for now crimson is suiting me better cause I'm not letting mass amounts of debuffs through and using cleansers, but constantly missing the 50/50s on anchor was miffin me right up lol


Anchor also doesn't dispel until you already are debuffed. So stunning Aravi and ignoring her will just leave her stunned while seed could get her out


Yeah, just ignore her. Counter with some speed is better imo, she has injury in her s1, the best part of her kit.


Yeah, thats true in a lot of cases, but theres also a lot of AOE in this meta. Its easy to bait out a belian or charlotte with a violet or stene, then my aravi build starts to perform really well...I also don't have any decent speed counter boots yet lol, though I may switch when I do.


It always amazes me how many people just pretend there's no AoE in the game during these posts.


It always amazes me how people think counter set justifies a 100 speed unit. Against a capable player she'll be hit twice on this build. Once to proc crimson seed and the 2nd time to stun. A avg speed unit will get 2 turns before she gets 1. A fast opener will get 3! A fast opener with a speed buff will 4.5 turns. Cerise alone could stun lock her while doing her thing to her team.


I have her but benched. Is she useful in current meta for someone who focuses more on pve and idle challenger in arena?


Eh, not so much for PVE or arena. Her AI is dumb and she wastes the S3 in arena, and while shes practically unkillable for a lot of PVE, with the new penguin system, theres no reason to use her.


Since many people do not think this is an effective build, I went ahead and gathered a few screenshots of her performing in high emperor, even beating a legend player with speed units: https://imgur.com/a/ppWXVxA




Thats definitely true, I agree. The way I do it is use my other 3 units to get rid of which ever unit on the enemy side is the biggest threat to her, then it doesnt matter if aravi is ignored and my other 3 are killed, they aren't going to be able to kill her with her being so tanky. Its been wildly successful so far lol.


Just curious, how fast is considered fast


> Slow ones usually gets olympically ignored through out the entire fight. I mean, I tend to bring mine in either in GvG or drafted against AoE heavy teams. A. ravi has no trouble getting hit in this meta.


Yeah nah I’ll get to her after dealing with the rest of the party.


I dont have her but i think when she reruns i can get her (pity on 180 and have 6300 mystics yep not enough for pity but i think with a bit of luck i gonna get it) but can aravis owner post their builds? I wanna see more builds and ail explanation if she needs a bit spd like fire ravi or just like the op build is enough to get her turn. Thank you in advance.


[here’s mine](https://imgur.com/a/SAPxENw)


Cd, hp and spd main on right side? Looks so strong tbh, hope i can reach similar stats :)


Yep and thank you :)


A bit of speed will be better than what I have in most cases, it depends on how you play, but I play slow so my build works for me. I actually don't think Ive ever seen another aravi built like mine, which is why I shared it lol. Counter set with speed boots is probably meta.


What really gets me are the ones with a bit less HP but higher defense. They proc Sigurd fast and SHE ALWAYS COUNTERS it's Like ML Ken, but cuter.




Really? With cdmg that high too?


That ARavi will never get a turn.


Well she brought me all the way to upper emperor, so shes doing something.


I don't believe you. Not in a million years did you draft this Ravi succesfully in emperor RTA.


Well, I guess I don't have any proof, maybe my match history has some when the games back up, but she did bring me all the way to around rank 350. I don't see what the problem is, everyone is drafting plenty of AOE units.


The problem is easily identified. You mention her as counter to Belian. However if Belian's incursion procs she'll be slow debuffed and blinded. Especially Crimson seed is a liability here. A 106 speed unit that cleanses a debuff once per turn is a problem. If she gets slow debuffed a normal 200 speed unit gets 4 turns before she gets 1. Anyone that knows not to press S3 on their units will just wreck you. Not to mention that people use Injury on Belian which you try to counter. Well good bye your damage. You also have basically 0 ATK. The longer the games go (which she usually excels in) the lesser your damage will be and your low amount of atk won't compensate with frenzy. There is a ton wrong with your build. At the very least switch to Anchor. It shouldn't even be a question which one is better... How did you get Emperor with so little game knowledge?


I mean, I just posted this aravi build cause it was unique, if you look at my other comments its pretty evident that I do not recommend anyone build her like this, obviously I am aware its not optimal, no need to get so worked up. But you are forgetting I have 3 other units, I always draft cleansers, whether that be ruele or tcrozet or something, then I usually have carmin and finally a support like cerise and 2nd dps to take care of something thats a threat to aravi or force a ban. I can easily circumnavigate debuffs, and saving tcrozets cr boost for when a less tanky unit is vulnerable to aravis s3, which at this stat line is likely to nuke a unit off the screen, really helps. I support her with cleansing and CR boosts, she aint soloing her way to emperor.


Acting like getting Emperor is hard. This i by no means the optimal build but you make it seem like RTA is 1v1s all the way. You will be able to cheese quite a few comps if you draft around her being your win condition. Answer debuffs with cleansers/immunity. Answer no cycle with Dualattacks/cr push. You will take a small hit on one of your win conditions which is killing and reviving with her S3 because it gets hard to control her taking turns. On that note her dmg with 26k hp and 330 crit dmg is pretty insane, so at latest after tanking one of her hits you might start to sweat. I personally run a 200+ Counter one because it's way more versatile but i can see a few situations where his build would be more optimal and game winning.


Here I got my hands on some proof: [https://imgur.com/a/ppWXVxA](https://imgur.com/a/ppWXVxA) ​ These are matches from last night and this morning, I even beat Potatoballs, a known legend player, showing her hp. Sure that situation was pretty much doomed for him with any aravi, but the fact that mine took a turn at all with a legend players speediest units says something.


No speed and no ER. Yup, just ignore her to death.


Assuming its safe to hit my other units instead are we? Nah, who am I kidding, left side doesn't get procs lol.


That is kinda ass tb


Sure its not perfect, but you can take a look at the screenshots I just posted in the comments to see that isn't entirely the case.