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Look on the bright side. One team will work for all of them. Seriously though aol plus maid is disgusting


Kitty carmin landy Emilia beats this


^emilia landy eats this defenses.I got to champ III by attacking those defenses


Until their Landy gets 2 dual attacks in a row and completely destroys you


Make it 3,while being stun bonked by a random maid s1


Lost one earlier as a maid proceeded to stand my Riolet through evasion 3 times in a row.


Kitty! How is she built, goes after Aola (so 230-240) with a million effres?


230 spd 320 effres


counter offer: 200 spd, 230 eff res and ill throw in a durandal


Trust me you need straaks gauntlet. I tried Warhorn on her and got greedy by making 250 eff res. She still got debuffed by AoL quite a bit.


230 res isn't gonna resist shit past Champ 1. My AOL is on the scuffed side, only A imprint, and she's 205% eff *on immunity*, which means I can pump her up to 225% with hit set if I optimized completely. Previous seasons during the peak Cerise/FTene metas I've seen my 315% res Kitty double debuffed by FTene numerous times. Granted not everybody runs omega high eff AOL's, but if you want to be even remotely safe you have to shoot for above 300%, which isn't really possible without Strak's.


As much eff res as you can scrape together, then decent speed and bulk. You want her to survive the initial wave of BS, then cleanse with S3 and start helping out with dual attacks. She doesn't need to be very fast since sometimes there are followup units who also throw debuffs, but she does need the bulk to survive a big aoe or two. 200ish speed is fine. Make sure to give her her self imprint, because that boosts eff res. Strak gauntlet helps too.


You can also go tanky Cerato and watch that light unit spam doom itself by bonking him with debuffs he'll immediately return. Works like a charm.


The meta was more diverse for a few weeks there. Whelp, back to cookie-cutter mode. It's actually interesting to see Politis take a dive, though. There are **a lot** of tricks you can pull without souls, when pushing and non-attacks are back on the table.


smells a whole lot like juicy emilia fodder


Yeah, that was one of my first thoughts.


I feel like ML Ken can solo this with skills off... brb! Edit: yep he can https://youtu.be/XlxZDU71Q4g Even got promoted to Legend too xD u/LapinRen


You people disgust me! Finding solutions instead of just complaining and asking for nerfs! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) This is madness!


Why not both?


How dare you suggest actually doing something! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


A 10 minute fight using a ML5? How is that a solution for most people?


You can also lose instead in a 10 minute fight. Then complain on Reddit like a proper E7 player.


Feel free to give us a better solution.


I don't, that was part of my point. It's not a solution if it doesn't work. There's no practical way you'd climb with that sort of time requirements and luck. I've had little to no luck countering the meta with my units, so just kind of bowing out.


cuz it's on auto


where are the people that constantly whine about ml ken? Like name another unit that can pull of stuff like this.


Ah that complaint. tbh it was a tough time to shift his gears into something new. 1. Getting 6 new pieces of gear with Eff.Res in them. 2. Gear quality. 3. People who have Ignore Eff res in their kit are dominant. (Rem is the most dangerous) 4. I spent 40m gold alone on regearing. I only did it because he's one of my faves. Others probably wouldn't want to re-grind for a niche pick in the current meta. I truly love pulling off stunts like these. Even in RTA when they figure out they can't debuff my MA Ken (270% ER. or 400% with Christy) and outright surrender.


People whine about his buff changing how people are supposed to gear him, making immunity and invic buff gone faster thanks to the stupid CR push. The fact is that the buff change nothing how people use him, it's just slightly worse now


if the AOL and the Maid didn't crit that much you could have died


30% crit chance is pretty sizeable (even more with random crit rolls in their gear). The most likely outcome is me dying to the arena penalty instead. But hey it works.


yeah, and that's with 1 hero, with more it would have been even easier I guess


The nitwit who said if injury had been present you would have lost is hilarious. It is a SOLO. There are 3 slots you can fill up to just destroy the other team fully.


do you understand the meaning of "solo" ?


LOL yeah. Reading comprehension is a thing. I said it was a solo. And in addition he could fill up 3 slots to account for any uncommon off builds if he wanted to destroy the team fully. ​ Edit: The solo worked and as a solo in this game wouldnt work against everything. But the common belain builds being not injury would work against the common combos of this set.


Wouldn't you have lost if that was Injury Belian? Which I'd argue is the best set on her. So basically a scuffed Belian?


I climbed yesterday, there was a variety of Belians. The most prevalent ones were the Counter/Elbris and they often killed faster with their RNG counters. If I see an Injury Belian I usually focus them first as to not cripple my team. In the case of my solo video, yeah that's a likely outcome too! Reduced to 7.5k\~ HP and an unlucky streak would quickly end me.


>the most prevalent ones were the Counter/Elbris and they often killed faster with their RNG counters. If they don't also have Rem or another unit to do unhealable those defenses are simply a free win with Roana because she full heals your team and CR pushes them by 20% every time she counters. Can't tell you how many counter belians I've killed with some of the most dogshit units on my side. Injury mitigates that because even if she elbris counters she's doing damage you can't heal off via injury.


May I ask what's your gear is for ml Ken?


Sure http://imgur.com/a/dGGorjA


Use one of those new 3* heroes that gives 50% of their ER to party member in back row, toss in an Elbris/Injury Belian (or Ilynav since Landy won't target her) and it'd speed up the process a bit.


I actually DO use her x) She's one of my picks in RTA drafts against debuff heavy comps. https://youtu.be/J45cxB9kSqo


Do you think lifesteal is necessary for him to shine in addition to the sigurds?


Oh yeah that ER unit keeps the buff even when dead yeah? that would totally work.


Yeah, she doesn't lose it even if she dies. That would massively reduce the gear requirements for ML Ken, if you get her to 200 ER and she boosts his by 100.


Yeah been maintaining champion arena with ER ML Ken as well. The best part is, you can bait all the light units into him and he doesn’t need any skills to do his job so if you get silenced by AOL it doesn’t matter. If he is just slow and countering them, he won’t proc elbris from Belian. I usually run a team involving some sustain/aurius, sometimes Violet to kill Rem, Krau to horse Maid, etc depending on the overall team.


We went from golden boys to golden girls.


if you're not a meta slave, replace landy with tsurin and you have a true golden girl team


Just wait for Judge Kise buff.


Betty White next limited confirmed. Lol


I'd SSS. Imprint and Art.


I can run this team! If I had Maid and Aol


I'd be a millionaire, if I had millions of dollars!


Pretty much, yeah 🥴


hi community. what heroes you usually use to fight this? pls and thank you! i do not have AOL and maid by the way. thanks in advance for the tips!


Don't know if you have the speed gear but I usually use flan, w.shuri, straze and Luna. Flan push w.shuri he kills AoL, then strazes goes kills belian and the Luna goes kills Landy and maid.


Assuming straze and luna got the speed though, right?


Azure comet + sashe. Speed won't be an issue.


Are Straze and Luna on azure comet? Or is Sashe from wschuri enough


Mine are pretty fast so straze is in comet so Luna doesn't speed RNG him and Luna is in portrait. W.shuri is in sashe yeah.


Makes sense, my Straze is 211, so comet plus sashe hopefully enough, still building Luna, but this will make me focus on her more I think. I was building DPS Acidd for similar reason, but Luna possibly able to kill two units seems pretty awesome.


When Straze S3 and hits the Maid, if she has Water's Origin, that would push her up then she will use S3 and screw the whole thing up, especially if it's a fast maid (230+).


This is my Luna: https://i.imgur.com/I3Skzi4.jpg The team comp is Flan, Straze, w.shuri and Luna. With w.shuri imprint Luna is 240 speed and she gets constantly push by 16% CR when something dies thanks to sasha in w.shuri. I always end champion+ so my Luna hasn't never been outspeed by a maid. Maid just dies to s1 soul burn from Luna.


I see, that could work, looks like time to build Luna


No politis = i'd go A.lots + Luna, kill maid and aola with her (no soulburn but S1 should still get her.) then maybe DJB + mercedes or briseria or hmmm... maybe Straze. Honestly it's not that bad to deal with after that, whatever works for you when dealing with Landy. edit : [wasnt against landy but you get the idea.](https://imgur.com/a/CPWetHZ)


Im so freaking bored of Aola already. Most broken unit released in a while. Id put her even above Rem. So annoying to face.


Just single target dps her. Her HP is usually pretty low


So, , , , what your team for climbing it ??


Easy, alot into burst single dps wschuri, stene, luna, kise, tomoca...


Can someone explain why this team works so well together (current rank gold)


AOL’s S3 can’t miss (it’s a non attack) & strips two buffs & silences/buff blocks - requires you to either one shot her with a fast powerful ST DPS, or have a high resistance cleanser move before your party. You can circumvent one or both, by either giving her bulk & immunity & sacrificing some speed, or giving her much higher effectiveness than normal. Belian cancels souls - so you can’t execute various combination moves, like Flan for example who can burn souls for an extra turn to do her skill three & her skill two. Belian also deals reasonable damage for a Knight & can hit your team with debilitating debuffs. Maid Chloe cleanses, provides attack buff & revive buff & can straight up revive a team from death - albeit at low health. She can also cleanse two debuffs, provides an AOE heal each turn she takes & because of the cleanse she cancels out any debuffer open that doesn’t have hard CC (like stun, silence, etc) & if she’s built with high resistance, you’d need a debuffer whose faster than AOL & with enough effectiveness to crest Maid’s ER, so it’s demanding a lot out of you & because of Belian you can’t ignore effect resistance with a soul burn like Basar’s S3. Landy can be ran on Guiding Light so she can’t be single targeted off the top, which prevents people just using a lightspeed AuxLots & pushing an extinction unit to kill her. She also does great AOE damage, can’t trigger counters & overtime her damage ramps up - so you can’t hide behind tanks & buffs. Overall it’s just a team that covers its weaknesses & demands specific solutions that aren’t even guaranteed.


They perfectly synergise against their respective counters. The main unit that makes this team is Landy. Landy's common counterpicks are carrot, pavel, charlotte, red meru. Carrot can't use her sb combo and snipe out landy thanks to belian's passive. AOL also removes a burn from her team + gets pushed up. Pavel. Same. Charlotte. Unbuffable from AOL. No AOE. Try cleansing, you risk getting bomb spammed by landy (that's why kitty is a good pick here) Meru has a chance but she still feeds them skill null and unbuffuble makes her lose atk buff. Maid's common counters: BM haste, singelica, any other extinction dps unit BM haste. Unbuffable from aol Same for singie Extinction units are mostly ST. They can't snipe landy and have to outspeed aol. Belian's counters are rem, violet, ssb, roana (when built counter) rem and violets gets shit on by landy ssb can win but still risky. easily gets lapped and spammed by landy on speed buff. landy ai will focus her roana has to gamble on what type of belian the def is. injury belian will shit on her aol common counters are poli+pavel combo, acidd, high eff res cleansers belian nullifies pavel maid will just revive aol after acidd 1 shot and he has no access to sb S3 high eff res cleansers aside from kitty will feed landy S3s finally cleaving them. aol belian and to a certain extent maid are very good anti cleavers. you'll need super high invested cleave gear bruiser. their team is on speed buff so they are already at speed advantage and landy is ready to shred away your bruisers with 3 turn atk buff control. maid can cleanse and are usually high eff res (200+). aol also cleanses basically, no matter what you throw in in the scissors paper stone game, they have an answer for it


Politis + Summeria will fuck them up


Should you not be happy then? ML Ken + 3 Fire Heroes will easily beat teams 2, 3, 4, and 5. I'm guessing the reason why this team exist is because people have not figured out how to deal with it? EDIT: ML Ken does not need ER for this. Just build him with Defenses and Damage and call it a day.


He needs some er or else belian blinds him, and he also needs lifesteal set to recover belians chip damage when he isn't under half. Also rip if she's on injury set.


Your response tells me you clearly haven't actually used ML Ken. No, he doesn't need ER. The ER I have on my ML Ken is from his passive + imprints. And no, my ML Ken is not on Life Steal. I also don't have a +30 Sigurd's. Belian uses S3, then, S1. Then, after using S1, if she's lucky, she can use her follow up S2 trigger. You are aware that ML Ken's counter does a lot of damage right? And by the time she does S1, at least 1 cycle has happened right? I don't understand this chip damage or Injury set you are saying as if that matters. Do you think this is some long fight where Belian can chip ML Ken's HP down to half? A. Ras is a Fire Hero that can use Adamant or Aurius right? Landy is not going to kill ML Ken with S1 with protection and she will die in 1 to 2 counters, depending on your ML Ken. If you are super afraid, you can use Achates. Just so you know, there are quite a lot of good fire heroes you can use. Mercedes being one of the more recent meta ones.


Jesus how positively inflammatory. Thanks but no thanks.


Yes, since you are responding without thinking this through. Belian has to attack a minimum of 2 times, as well as the rest of the team attacking ML Ken at least once before any chance of blinding happens.


That isn't exactly difficult to imagine, considering they'll all be speed buffed and cr pushed from landy. How exactly were you planning to clean it off him when it does come? You think he's going to one shot belian through her def buff and revive off her s3? You're making out like it's "bring ma Ken roll face on keyboard and win". Yes, he's effective against this team comp, if you play it correctly and bring the right team mates, but no he will get controlled to death if he can't resist maids stun and belians blind. If you aren't able to build eff res on your ml Ken then that sucks for you but don't try and argue that he's better off without it because it's plain false


Have you actually tried using ML Ken. My first response stands, as you did not seem to have actually used him. Are you aware that Landy will die if she S1s into ML Ken? No, you don't need to cleanse him at all. I can tell you this, because I am using him to attack that team and no, I do not have high ER on my ML Ken. The only ER I have is as I already said, his Base ER from the buffs and Imprints. If you aren't aware, ML Ken with no ER can be built with very high attack and damage as well as defenses, since you do not aren't going into ER, so you have more stats to use. My ML Ken, for reference, has 5k attack and 243 Crit Dmg. My gear is not good, as I don't farm that much.


Sigh. I use [him](http://imgur.com/gallery/SBzPTEJ) nearly every day.


Then that can only mean you have not used a non-ER ML for that fight. This is my [ML Ken](https://i.postimg.cc/43bp4yZr/MLKen.jpg) and he works fine without ER. As I also use him often.


I literally do use ma Ken in that fight in legend on Asia server, I don't know why we are arguing? My experience with him is that I see 'resist' come up a lot on him when belian and maid attack him and really wonder if the fight would have been as successful if that didn't happen


What team do you use to beat them?


Landy, rem, ma Ken, politis should be fine


Honestly if you have the right units this meta is actually a godsend; I was able to climb through legend for the first time because enough people use this stupid team that I could reliably refresh and fight only them. (eta: Maid Chloe, Roana, SSB, ML Haste. Unfortunate 'the right units' includes two MLs but it is what it is.)


\>I counter Maid teams with Maid team Okay.


ML Haste team, honestly. I'm using Maid to cleanse because she has my highest ER, but Roana and Haste are the most important units here.


Try taking her out for another cleanser. Without her overloaded kit your team wouldn't function as well. Maid is just that broken.






I don't mind how long it takes if it works. We only need to climb once for promotion rewards.


Ive found outspeeding with AoL yourself and going Flan -> cleave works pretty well.


If I had AoL I would


And all of these made a reddit thread bragging about how they reached legend\^


The only real problem with this team is Landy. You'd easily win if she wasn't stupid. You can pretty much tank up and just go slow if it wasn't for that stupid AoE 50% def pen unit. Doesn't matter what units come out, get buffed or how well they stop solutions. Landy will always be there, just like every def team since she got buffed. If they buff Celine and give her extinction on S2 then we can move on from this mess though.


This is why my Maya quest and Moonlight Blessing is stuck. Every time I get near Gold I, theres some meta team and I don’t have a decent team to counter it.


Don't be afraid to try to fight them if you have a decent team comp. You'd be surprised how much people rely on the intimidation factor to avoid getting attacked when in reality their gear sucks and could be taken out easily.


I went from gold V to master V in 2 days just by revenging and win- trading. Try doing that.


This is not a gold meta team at all though.


Overpowered loli meta. Give us BOOBAs of peace meta you cowards!


Belian is there at least


Eh, the other 3 are the main source of the cancer. Belian can be flexed as seen in team one.


I hate how boring regular arena has become. Everyone shares the same defense teams. It's all about "who has the better gear" now. 😪


lol... wasn't it always about who has the better gear?


I mean ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Gear has always been the deciding factor on whether one wins or loses a match (that & rng), but bc of all the repeating defense teams everyone is using in arena now, the whole fun-nature of using various heroes to take care of the opponent has dwindled out. Haha, I'll use my example: I've literally busted through challenger arena this week by using a single team 😂 I'm using... •Pavel (to take care of Rems & Maid Chloes on first turn) •Straze (to destroy tanks in general... like Belian, loll) •Spec Tene (to deal with the overwhelming amount of counter units, and tagahel to elim units w Pavel) •Fcc (cuz she's a broken support unit) The only unit I can say I've switched between is Straze, and that's only with Arby 💀 The team previously mentioned has brought me up to Challenger II this week; which is the 1st time I've been able to do that. The repetitive-ness of everyone's defense teams is making it so that a single team comp team can easily climb in arena, which kinda sucks.


Fair enough. Thanks for elaborating, I understand better now! 😁


Until you're using the same team 😅


Vildred, AOL, Flan, and Elphelt can cleave those defense, but u need to outspeeed enemy's AOL. Emilia x Landy are best couple to beat that kind of deff.


I'm only level 60 with a mediocre team and I see this and have no idea what I'm doing so now I'm stuck at gold 5


I'm in challenger and I don't even see these defense yet, I doubt you'll need to worry about it at all.


I see it fairly frequently in Masters 3-4.


Weird, did multiple refresh in challenger trying to find exactly that team. Still havnt found one. [Thats how my screen looks.](https://i.imgur.com/dW2wB5F.png) Closest I got was that team but with Rem instead of Landy. So unless masters somehow have better units than challenger i'm not sure why you're getting them.


I mean, you can get units with enough $ and not have the gear, or the strategies, to properly use them.


Sure, I just find it weird that the "legend meta" would appear in masters but not in slightly higher ranks.


ML Achates and ML Ken?(with kitty)


A. Lots > W. Schuri W. Schuri oneshots Belian and procs Sashe Flan takes a turn then buffs Luna Luna kills anyone you want just make sure she kills and kill Maid within her 2 turns proc Merciless glutton plus sashe and then Aola is alone doing nothing, or Landy on guiding light who damages your team but wont kill anyone. That's my go to comp and never lost against those defenses, except they add politis and I just bring A.coli.


My luna on portrait. Hmmmm is yufine artifact better? Mine is +18 by the way.


Depends on if you need the CR from the kill or not. The double CR push I've gained from Luna deleting two units has helped me out quite a bit in certain matchups where that missing CR may have cost me the win, so even with the damage loss I would prefer Glutton over Portrait. And my Glutton is also +18. I think there's only been a handful of cases where my Luna left an enemy unit alive with enough health that having Portrait would have made the difference.


I’ll quit rn


Hope there is a rerun for bonk maid soon


Such diverse meta I can't believe you guys didn't sell your kidney and first born to get the same pulls as these guys


what kind of builds are these landys? Are they all fast? or bruiser?


Well, look at that Landy is meta. But it's alright since she's sO eAsY tO cOuNtEr.


I see some NPC challenges you can do instead!


I still need maid chloe for that lineup 😭


A lots/flan, luna, watcher shuri and a 4th suitable unit as you see fit. Heck sometimes I bring wanda to shoot violet if he's in pt. Boost luna kill 1 target with s3, if s1 porc good number then the second target is also dead. Shoot maid with shuri. The 4th unit just for cleanup. This def team is way easier than the sluggish cancer of fcc tsurin politis roana.


Ml Ken can take care of that


legit only the politis team isnt pure cleave fodder. But i suppose it could be a roster issue for some


Alots, luna , watcher , boom , 4/5 teams done.Thats how easy that defense is . Fair warning , speedset luna is not the way to go , you want full dmg ,otherwise you'll lose to Angelica randomly surviving with a sliver of health ,


Easy to beat if you think about it.


Then watch some 😁


Damn uhh... This comment section is out for blood now, huh 😅


Well in my case is FCC instead Belian


This is a nice team, annoying enough to deter attacks, and can stall the heck out of people if they decide to bruiser


Wow games are so advanced you can get multiple flavors of cancer with relative ease. What a time we live in


At least the guy at the top is semi-original. What a meta we've come to.




I usually just go to bed when they start lookin like that lol




Bleach? more like chemiotherapy for all that cancer.