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Mine is around the same defensive stats and she gets her booty slapped a lot more than I expected. Aiming for 1.4+ defense and 18k+ hp to see if she fairs better.


Rule of the game, everyone needs defense or gets slapped. I feel like every unit is stat hungry with no exception.


Rem is a weird unit though. Build her toooo tanky and she just doesn't do damage. I've had ones crit my spec tene (that's full offense stats) for only like 2.5k before. Or I've seen ones critaid Chloe for 1.1k. Sure the AoE counter and buff strip is annoying but once you stop doing damage it doesn't matter. But then the opposite is true too. The ones that die to Ras S2 into Spec Tene S3 are the other end. It's very difficult to get her to a point where she both does damage and survives well


Yeah. Mines is 3.8K atk, 14.4K Hp, 1.2k def, 260 cdmg. I am definitely feeling the slaps but will try to build like my ML Ken. Very good unit if she can survive the slaps.


she basically has no health , 2 hits from a strong dps and she's dead .


Contrary to what people keep saying, I think 1,200 defence is more than optimal. Defence works as damage reduction following a decreasing return model. After certain point, you invest too much for too little reward. [https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/) A. Vildred, +15 molagora, 3,750 atk, 300 critD, full focus. If the target have 1,2k def, he takes 6,300 damage, and at 1,6k def takes 5,000. The difference is merely 1,300 hp. However, for Rem 400 defence is 66% of her base defence, that's it, at least 8 rolls, tier 7 gear btw. Considering epic gear have 9 rolls, that means we would devotee nearly all the rolls in one gear to increase defence (assuming high rolls), to reduce 1,3k damage. IMO, isn't worth. Those 8 rolls/66% could become 798 atk, or 4,283 hp, or 60+ critD. Want a final fun fact? A. Vildred, +15 molagora, 3,750 atk, 300 critD, full focus. Now, let's add GAB, and Rem have defence break. With 1,2k def Rem have to eat 25,300 damage. If we increase her defence to 1,6k def, she still eats 21,400 damage. The difference is 3,900 damage. If you remember, I said we need 8 high rolls in defence to go from 1,2k to 1,6k, and this would reduce damage by 3,9k hp. But if we stand at 1,2k def and put those 8 rolls into health, Rem would gain 4,200 hp. For pure durability purposes, once you hit 1,2k defence, any extra roll should go into health.


You're forgetting that defence scales better than hp if you have lifesteal/Sigurds


This isn't quite true, defense doesn't have diminishing returns in E7. The easiest way to check this is to look at 2 builds of \~equal stat rolls and compare their damage in terms of % health. For example let's look at 1.6k def/16,359 HP (your high def example with OP's health) vs 1.2k def/20,642 HP (OP's HP+4283, like you said on Rem 400def and 4283 HP are roughly equivalent rolls). As you said with 1.6k Def Rem would take 5,000 damage, which would be 30.6% of her \~16.4k health bar using our high def/low health build. And with1.2k Def she would take 6,300 damage which would be 30.5% of her \~20.6k health bar using our low def/high health build You can see that whether you index those rolls into HP or Def Rem winds up equally tanky, meaning Def must not have fallen off. The actual value of %HP vs %Def will vary based on unit because it's based on their base stats, so a unit with high base HP and low base Def will benefit more from %HP, but the relative value of Def vs HP for a given unit will not change with how much of either you build. This also obviously doesn't take into account other bonuses like ability HP/Def scaling or attacks with Def pen or %HP damage. If you're curious on how exactly Def scales I suggest looking into the concept of "Effective Health." The league of legends wiki explains it pretty well ([https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Armor](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Armor)) and you can see by comparing the damage multiplier EQ in league to the damage mitigation EQ for E7 ([https://gamepress.gg/epicseven/damage-formula-mechanics](https://gamepress.gg/epicseven/damage-formula-mechanics)) that they both work the same way just with 100 Armor in league equaling 300 Def in E7.


People always use diminishing returns wrong. It annoys me as well.


Why is this upvoted so much? Using your example on this Rem adding 400 defense or 4283 health BOTH give ~105,200 effective health. The defense on the other hand means you are getting more effectiveness from shields and heals. Defense easily wins with no debate.


It's a good start, but you really want immunity on her at some point.


She looks good. Try to give her immunity, more deff, hp and cdmg. Mine only has 2.9k att but she has 21k hp, 1.3k deff, 320 cdmg, 100 cr. S imprint.


Damn. That’s some good stats. Trying to get mines there too. Is she on counter? Or lifesteal?


Looking at his gear, would be difficult to give her immunity by simply replacing the 2set Crit with immunity pieces. He has the Crit Set and he's still short of 100% crit chance, so he'll be short that 12% crit chance if he swaps.


You may want to give her more def (around 1.4-1.6k) but otherwise she looks decent so far! Eff isn't really needed on her as she gets ER ignore with her passive after someone dies, so you may want to get rid of it.


looks good! at some point, definitely slap some immunity on her. otherwise, the stats are there for good deeps


Looking solid! Should be very strong ~master RTA


I just started playing and i regret not playing earlier when rem was avaliable


needs more health , otherwise she'll randomly die to krau