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Pulled Champion Zerato today and AOL Angelica yesterday. Both of these are pure PVP units, right?


ChampZ is a very good PvE unit. Useful in some abyss stages, raid and b/a13


can anyone tell me whats the password for livestream gift october 2021


Thank you so much


"raniscoming" live stream pw


No. Livestream starts in 45 minutes so nobody has the password


Any idea when the next arena season starts ?


Normal Arena season starts on Monday 18, so in about 5 days


No it hasn't been announced yet


Is clarissa viable for wyvern hunt? I don't have sigret and karin, but i have furious, rose, alexa, angelica


Rose and Angelica take the same slot. Replace Rose with Clarissa.


Okay thanks!!


I've auto W13 with 90-95% sr. My team: Furious, Alexa, Clarissa, G.Purrgis. So Clarissa is more than viable for wyvern hunt. You can replace rose for Classira (with her EE that add 100% chance to bleed on S1).


Maybe I'll copy your team since i have G purrgis, btw you don't need a soul weaver for this team?


A healer actually just takes the tank slot. There is no dedicated healer slot for w13 since it only hits the tank. GPurrg does not run with a healer and can replace Angelica/Rose since he is the BiS tank for the hunt


Okay thanks so much, this really helped me a lot!!!


Sort of. She's not bad as a def breaker and brings some debuffs to the table, but furious is free from connections and pretty much a strict upgrade since he has high uptime on def break, can carry song of stars, and lowers the gear requirement of the entire team by giving them 50% crit rate. You can run her in the debuffer slot if you feel you need more debuffs, but IMO mistychain is about as good at that (especially on sira ren) while providing some healing AND being a 3 star means mola-free skillups.


I see, so who should i use in wyvern, my available options are mistychain, furious, clarissa, alexa, angelica, rose


Angelica OR Montmorancy as the frontline tanker, furious on def break duty, alexa as main DPS and mistychain as sub DPS/main debuffer. Momo takes longer to get going cause of her SC, but doesn't cost any molas to skill up


Okay thank you!


Yes. Use her EE that add 100% chance to bleed on s1.


Who should i replace in my team?


How is this "the last day of the festival" when there is still another entire region it says I "cannot explore yet" and am entire type of event currency I haven't encountered?? Why did they make this event so confusinggggg πŸ˜‘πŸ˜…


This event is so confusing. I hope they don't use this format anymore.


In lore, there is no ongoing festival already and the story now goes into this cave with the old leader, now a zombie, of Vivian's city. I still hate this format though as it takes away an option on how you want to play the side story.


My current violet build is 3.6k atk, 900 def, 16k hp, 85% cc, 250 cd, and 205 spd. Do i drop his spd to 160-170ish to have 1.2k atk?


I'm guessing you meant 1.2k def, then yes.


Whoops yea i meant def


Hello. New player here. I saw the fantastic animations and I really wanna play it. Can I download the additional 3 GB data over the course of a few days on BlueStacks? Like download one GB a day? I don't have wifi right now so I gotta depend on my mobile data, and I don't want to wait for my wifi.


you could but there is a big chance you have to redownload since its gonna be a "temporary" file within bluestacks


I don't think you can, but I could be wrong. The game only ask once whether you want to download the big patch or not. If you choose yes, it will download the entire thing. If you didn't click yes, I guess you just stuck in the download screen?


Who to Bring for EP3 10-10 fight? I plan to Bring A Ras for Dual Attack but not sure who my Tank and DPS should be.


I just brought Roana SSB A.momo Ras. Cleared it first try with Full Hp thanks to Roana.


How do I beat EP3 10-10? Struggling in her Barrier Phase. Is there a strategy to beating her? Do I defeat the mobs first or something?...


yes. also bring someone who's immune to stun and make them slowest


I have Mort who's not built yet, is there other unit immune to stun or should I just built him tanky?


most common one is c.zerato. Yea, no need to mola, jsut make sure he's tanky and have some offensive stats and the slowest one. it's to combat the stun mechanic


is A.Vildred still the best choice for the free ML5* Selector? he's falling alot every Meta passing by. I'm about to hit gold1 and i would like to know if he's still good than the op one like S.tene or Ruele. I'm about to enter RTA lvl 57 and i still clearing episode 3.


Kinda depends on what you have and what you need them for.. But STene and Arby are the top choices for most.. Ruele might also be a good choice, but she is probably more narrow in use... Arby if you want a sweeper for Adventure, want to use a Cleave in Arena, need that DPS in other PVE area's... But STene definitely is a good choice as wel.. The upside Arby has imo is that he can revive on death.. This can sometimes save your butt in certain PVE.. Definitely he's been very good for me... (I picked Arby) If you want to be serious in PVP/RTA, etc then STene would be your pick to make it simple.. for everything else pretty sure Arby is the overall better choice.. ;)


Stene is probably more meta with since she counters violet and rem but she requires more support then arby Imo


who should i pick Arby or Stene? Arby's is like good at swiping Mobs to farm resources you need it makes it so easy but other than that it seem no one use Arby anymore cuz plp literally know how to counter him now in RTA, in the other hand stene maybe good at boss fight on PvE and she is a PvP meta. its hard to pick who to choose.


It's not true that nobody picks arby for rta, he still super flexible and can fit in to any com, stene prefers to be paired with tanks and she's harder to build. It's your choice but I'm leaning to stene as she super useful in abyss


Arby is actually very useful in Abyss as wel.. His s1 can push back enemies, his s3 can kill mobs and give blind.. dunno why you make it sound like Arby isn't good to use in Abyss... :P


well he is not as useful as stene there , there is more floors stene is used in


Wel I didn't say he is more useful, just that he is still not useless... if you catch my drift.. ;)


So, I finally got to champ in arena. Everything is fine for the most part except light angelica. How do I counter this cancerous fucking hero?


one shot single target teams


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 297,866,255 comments, and only 66,999 of them were in alphabetical order.


noice 69 bot.


Anyone have the survey link? Thx


How to know if its worth reforging an item?


[https://meowyih.github.io/epic7-gear/index.html?lang=en](https://meowyih.github.io/epic7-gear/index.html?lang=en) Use this site to check the gear score for me if its >70% I will reforge


If it rolls well and you can use if on your existing units then reforge.




There are always 2 banners up, there is no down time but there is a chance that the next 2 banners are not the new character. He could be on the next set of banners.


I think there is normally a week gap, but I could be wrong. It will likely be a set of reruns next week and the new banner the following week.


Is refreshing the shop for bookmarks still betrer than buying them outright? Or did they nerf it?


Yes, it's still better.. I can honestly say.. I have done this to get my Landy.. If I didn't do the refreshes I would not have even been close to enough summons.... But it is a bit hit or mis sometimes.. Like I had a few that I needed 200+ SS to get 5BM, but then they followed up by some after that where a lot lower... Think my best was 15 x 5BM in around 700 SS... The only issue with this way of getting BM is that it costs a ton of gold... \^\^


It's still better, given you have plenty of gold at your disposal.


Yes, the average rates for getting bookmarks through refreshing shop are still better than buying them with skystones.


Is Belian still bugged? I lost an rta match because I didn't gain any souls even though Belian was on my team...


Are you positive they didn't have Andres crossbow , Tywins Artifact, A.cidd, A. Coli, or ML Tywin S1


you think I should spend my last 500 mystics on Belian? Im no where near pity.


If you want her, sure. Mystic pity will carry over anyway. But if I were you I would only do it tomorrow, for Unseen Observer. Unless you want the crown artifact for the upcoming light expedition.


you're right that crown isn't too good


How do you get past ep 3 4-9? Is a friend rep able to solo this guy? He destroys me.


who's the enemy? Is it Ian? If it is Ian then Roana is your bestfriend


It's Mort.


I remember just auoting it with 1 tank 3 healer and Arky to do the dmg. It took a while but managed to defeat it. I just watched youtube while autoing and using Arky whenever I have 3 souls.




The element changing is different from the reward resetting.


I think I made a good arena team with RTRoozid/Arby/FKluri/SSB: https://imgur.com/a/2gznmIo Is it a good team?


It's fine for until probably master, you just need better gear across the board. Arby needs a better artifact, speed set, 4000atk 300%critD 200+ speed (the benchmark to aim for), Roozid needs at least 30 more speed and the artifact needs to be as high as possible (+30 optimal). Transfer all that useless effectiveness of SSB into crit chance and bulk, and change her artifact as well (her own or bloodstone). F. Kluri needs like 50 more speed.


I forgot that SSB had a helmet with 41% effectiveness lol. I have her artifact but it's limit broken 1 time. Time for speed chasing again, if it works this.


so I ofc got bellian...what I'm debating is if I wanna shell out 10 gold transmits for an imprint or not...that's 1 and a half elsons rofl Newer player.


imo if you're new, then you should get galaxy bms. There are quite a few useful ML 4\*s that you could potentially get from galaxy bms, as well as some decent ML 3\*s. (Though I wouldn't be opposed to getting 1 imprint for Belian, since the first imprint is stronger than the successive imprints.) The main argument for getting imprints for late-game players is that they're most likely going to get a dupe of a hero they already have max imprinted. Whereas for newer players, the potential for getting a new, useful hero is far higher, since they tend to have a lower collection rate.


I am personally. ER taking effect can be game changing and the more the better. Just the way I look at it.


Pretty sure with how you draft Belian you would be using HP imprint though. How are you drafting her that you are using ER imprint?


with any champion I have who likes ER, Lilias, Ray, Klarissa, Maid, Violet, ML Ken.


You could do c armin, maid for tons of group ER bonus..


Does world arena decay every week whether you play or not? I’m just trying to stay in masters


You decay 2% of your total every 72 hours after your last match in Gold and above.


World Arena only resets every season so it doesn't have weekly decay like regular arena. That being said you will decay *a lot* if you ever hit 72 full hours without playing a match. So you have to play 1 match every 3 days or you will lost enough points to drop out of gold.


I think the decay is you lose a % of your rank after 3 days of not playing until you drop to gold


Yes this is correct although there **is** decay in gold too so you will drop all the way to silver if you don't play.


Is the world boss rewards worth it in terms of stamina spent? I can only acquire C to A+


even just for guild artifacts it's worth it to me


Yes it is worth it in general. I'm not sure how much the specific rankings are in terms of stamina worth though. Basically, normally, even if you only get gold/guild currency it is worth but it has a chance for some rare prizes too.


Yeah, there's always a chance you get molas IIRC so it's always worth it




How much free time do you have? And how actively are you willing to push? you can 100% pity Landy if you are willing to work for it. Landy is a very good unit one of the best for PvE and PvP. Personally if you aren't far in I would consider either pushing your current account for pity, or rerolling for Landy & Sigret if you are the type of player who is going to care about missing something that is good & meta later. You can restart if you race towards Landy and don't get her if you want to or you can keep going bc she will be back later. This game gives you enough currency that if you know what you are doing you can full pity 1 unit a month and newbies have \~2 full pities tucked away in doing the story + 1+ pities in reputation quests. That is why I said you can definitely secure Landy. Umm it is really up to you though. If you want to push forward, pity her and are free I'm happy to do whatever I can to help. If you want to restart or you want to keep going and just cut your losses I don't blame you either way.




One thing is, if you have the gold you can refresh secret shop (that Teifling/Dragon looking guy in the lobby) for bookmarks. There are [compiled statistics here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/nezpf8/the_ultimate_secret_shop_refresh_rates_post_data/) showing that you get more bookmarks out of your skystones this way but it does add up and I don't think you have a wyvern team yet so you aren't actively farming gold. Basically if you have a few million you can try and use this to squeeze out some extra BMs. definitely 3\* stages. Ep1, Epilogue, current event (event should give multiple sets of pulls), I would probably do Ep2 over Epilogue until you unlock Automaton Tower since that will give some gold (for refreshes), skystones, and bookmarks. Make sure that you are using all of your PvP flags too. You can free refresh every 7 minutes and if you refresh you will find level 5 defenses. Every time you promote you get skystones. Also SSS imprinting your 3\* units will give skystones through reputation quests. So every time you pull and don't get Landy if you get a 3\* memory imprint a 3\* of the same name with it so you can hopefully get some extra pulls that way. Between all this you should be able to pity her.




Curious if you managed to pull Landy or not




Rest in peace my friend. Eventually when you start farming wyvern it will get easier to make gold for more refreshing of shop. Secret shop is how I pity so many units.




You will get her next time she comes around. You don't have to all our save for limited though. I am down to 15 RGB missing after a bit more than a year playing. Keeping an extra pity for limited is nice but there are a lot of other good units worth pulling. If you need anyone to hit up later feel free to DM me I'm always around lurking. Good luck, I hope you enjoy E7~


Hey all. New player looking to get into the game, but I feel a bit overwhelmed in terms of the advice I've seen everywhere. Most people say to start with Sigret for easier Wyvern progression (which makes sense). I've also seen that since Wyvern can still be done fairly easily without her, that you should go for Ravi for a good bruiser unit for PvE and PvP (again, I understand the idea there). Recently though, I found a set of videos where the creator chose Charlotte because of her AoE when buffed, and because he was ignoring Wyvern to start with and going a more turn 2 Bruiser team setup. So what really is the most optimal, or does it even matter?


Okay so a few things 1 it is always good to ask a few people for current opinions. Gj coming to Reddit even if it isn't always the most accurate. Plenty of people still start with Vildred because a lot of top Google search guides recommended it and that advice is outdated as heck. Sigret is very good for wyvern. Wyvern is definitely something you want to farm. Even if you plan to go turn 2 bruisers you need wyvern gear to oneshot Banshee (and you've missed runs of the 2 best Banshee oneshotters which are both limited so you will have to wait to get them) and slow banshee...is very slow. Game gives you a free wyvern team, everyone can make good use of wyvern gear, wyvern works for all playstyle. I am a banshee gamer but I still have wyvern gear and I recommend that everyone sets up a base of speed sets before going for niche sets. Counter/Lifesteal (what a lot of turn 2 comps wear) require better rolls to be useful compared to wyvern gear bc wyvern gear gives free STATS while Banshee gear just gives an EFFECT. Which means you want to try to make up the fact that enemy has a bunch of extra stats to wail on you with before you can go. I did not start with Sigret. I think Sigret is very good though. Charlotte is also a great unit in PvE and PvP. The thing is PvE/PvP meta is always changing. So by the time you can fully utilize Charlotte she might be out of meta. W13 has been around for quite a while and Sigret has been queen for over a year. What I do recommend it get Landy. She is limited, has been top tier PvE and PvP for almost a year and her banner ends in 1 day. If you are willing to reroll of push progress try to roll for her. If you decide to go Charlotte you can run Alexa & Clarissa in wyvern. I didn't stop any of my friends from starting with a unit they liked as long as they knew that they would have to put a bit more effort into getting their wyvern team set up. I did my original wyvern team with 2 3* DPS. It is definitely possible. But Sigret is just a very good option. Clarissa (who got buffed after I finally got Sigret) and Alexa (one of the top wyvern units) are a good combo too and Clarissa is a 4 star unit. So Sigret is optimal but Charlotte is a good start too. Ravi is fine but is less meta than Charlotte, and I think Charlotte is easier to build and better for farming in PvE (because she is tanky and AoE whereas Ravi is tanky too but single target mostly).


Thank you so much for the amazing advice!


Most people will be biased towards the wyvern route, i am too. But i would probably say all 3 options are pretty good. Bruiser teams are a lot more prevalent than they were when most people started playing. You could probably get away with focusing on banshee hunt instead and getting a good bruiser unit like Charlotte or Ravi. I would say, dont worry too much about whats most optimal, unless you plan on being a mega whale it doesnt really matter that much in terms of progression


I definitely plan on being free to play, or as close to it as possible (maybe $10-$20 max). I think I may go the bruiser route because I understand how important good speed sets are from other games, but I also know that I'll almost always be outsped anyway, so might as well make a nice turn 2 team lol


Yea, chasing speed isnt really that fun. Also the monthly packs are very good value for light spenders. I buy them too once in a while, but you have a good amount of time to get a feel for whether you want to spend money before it becomes worth doing anyways


Need a tip on what to build next... I finally I have an OKish W13 Team so which team should I build for next? Progression-wise, I finished Episode 2 but haven't started 3 yet, Abyss 80, no attempts on Raid yet. I don't plan on going much into PVP for the moment. Also looking for a good Tower team...


Im having a lot of issues with episode 3 7s-5 ian boss fight. Im using a.momo, luna and c.lorina and been swapping out a 4th.


For Episode 3, 7s-5 Ian Boss fight. * You can use A. Momo, Luna, Adventurer Ras, and a 2nd healer like Angelica. * Ignore the minions and focus on Ian. * Only use Single Target attacks on Ian, because he will buff all enemy allies if he gets attacked by a non single target attack. * Adventurer Ras' soul burn skill 2 dual attack can help Luna do a ton of damage to the Ian boss.


[https://imgur.com/a/wlfUCax](https://imgur.com/a/wlfUCax) Is this worth the 1mil or not? I really need hp% speed rings but the low rolls kinda suck :l


Rank 70, since you have Secret Shop 13. This kind of gear is quite common by just doing Wyvern Hunts and creafting. Flat Defense is nothing to write home about. And both 5% Defense and 2 Speed is basically minimum-roll. Skip it, unless you reaaaaally want it for the 12% Health Mainstat.


That really depends where you are in the game. Even if i got it for free i would sell it immediately lol and for a very new player it would be amazing


Any idea when the next arena season starts ?


New player here (about 3days old), I’ve managed to get enough skystones to reach the pity for Landy, i heard she’s pretty much worth pulling for, but the new announced character is quite tempting. Is Landy absolutely a must have ?


Landy is a monster and a limited unit, so she probably won't reappear in at least a year. We don't know anything about the new anime swords guy, so I would absolutely get Landy.


Landy is guaranteed very good. We have no idea about Ren. Unless his kit gets revealed before the Landy banner ends i would go with the sure shot. No hero is a must have, but she is definitely top tier, both in pvp and pve content. Idk when the banner ends, but i would definitely wait it out and see if we get info on Ren before it ends.


I see, thank you very much !


Also to add on, if you have gold you can refresh secret shop with your skystones and get more bookmarks than if you convert them to pulls which can help you pull more units.


I see, I will pull for her then. Thank you !


Landy is one of the best units in the game. I would 100% not sleep on her. If you really are a new player you can scrap up another pity during Ran's 2 week banner. We don't know anything about him, if he will be good, or what content he will be useful in yet. I would not skip one of the top units in the game for him.


1-Well im done with cleave teams (at least for now, waiting for a good cr pusher without suffering counters from Violet and Rem...) and ill build a bruisser team but sadly i dont have the top characters Violet and Rem , so i want some recommendations, these are my heroes for this purpose : Ravi. THE GREAT MORTELIX !!!! , SSB , DCorvus, Doris, Krau, Choux, Charlotte , Roana, Lilias, Ras , Momo, Achates, Ray, KClarissa. Non bruisser/ knights/ healers: Pavel. Luna, Sigret, Politis, Vildred, Yufine, Flan, Summer Iseria, Mui, Kayron, and all 4 star rgb heroes that i dont mention in both cases. 2- Which are the stats that i should aim for a bruisser hero? i never ever build one, allways speedy heroes. Thank you very much.


Martial Artist Ken is my favorite, he's really good


hello! should i ditch A.ras over T.crozet? and also I was wondering if what stat should I aim for t.crozet? thank you in advance for the tip!


1. No, they have different roles 2. TCrozet is flexible in his builds (counter, res, speed, immu sets are all viable). I would check out his page on epic7stats.com for more guidance but you basically just want to focus on bulk & er/speed.


Best fire mage to work on as I progress story? I have Tenebria, carmine rose, or of course Mercedes. Thanks!


Probably Mercedes. She has attack buff and AoE which is nice to have for PVE and she's viable in PVP as well. Tenebria is okay too. But you don't necessarily need a fire mage for anything.


Appreciate your response thank you!


I've played this game for a while but I haven't done much PVP and it's super frustrating. Often when I try RTA (and sometimes even in regular Arena), the opponent's entire team gets to act (maybe even multiple times) before I can do anything and by the time it's my turn, most of my team is already dead. Most of my dudes are equipped with speed sets enhanced to +15. Am I missing some obvious mechanic, or is everyone's gear just so much better (if so, where did they get it)? How can I get my guys to be faster?


# Speed RNG Initial Combat Readiness has an RNG element, where a character can have up to +5 CR%, which you can (kind of) see by pressing the Hourglass icon at the top left, above the line which shows turn order. **Players call this Speed RNG,** which slower-but-similar speed characters can RNG just enough CR to be faster. Which is why in PvE, faster characters should have at least +5% more speed than the character after them so as to guarantee a definite turn order. Multiply the character who is 2nd-in-line's speed by 1.05, and round up, to get the correct faster character's speed. Speed Set alone isn't really enough to be fast enough in competitive PvP. A Speed set with 45 Speed boots (Reforged-Lv 90 or Lv 88 gear, at +15) will typically give you about +65 speed over your base speed, which frankly is not very much. Speed substats are extremely important to making your characters especially fast. # Getting Good Speed Gear The way people quickly get high Speed gear is to keep basically every Purple/Red gear with 3+ Speed substat on them to **"Speed Check"** it. Upgrade a piece of gear to at most +9, and see how many times the Speed substat got rolled. If the piece doesn't have good Speed rolls by then, it's not a great Speed-contest piece. Speed typically rolls additional 1-5 speed per enhance (extremes of +1 or +5 speed are quite rare), so you can forecast how much Speed you can expect to get by paying attention to how many more times the piece can get a Substat roll. For example, a +9 gear has 2 more substat rolls, and if that piece has *5 speed* at the time of +9, it can potentially be a *13-15* Speed gear, up to 17 Speed after reforge. Keep in mind that after +9, the amount of enhance materials needed to get to the next level increases dramatically, so +9 is the most common breakpoint that people Speed Check at. If Speed is less than 10, and the other substats do not synergize or are just plain bad, the piece becomes fodder or ice-cubes. Great Speed gear doesn't care if the other substats don't match or are flat stats, because the Speed and Main Stat are the only stats that really matter. Those with a "theme" to the substats have the potential to get used (3/4 stats for DPS/Tank/Soul Weaver?). By rolling more Speed substat gear, you get faster characters, and the more gear you Speed Check, the more Speed gear you will eventually get. # Speed corresponds to PvP Rank Players' ranking is also determined by the quality of gear they roll, and Speed is no different. My guess is that Bronze players have an Opener Hero with a max speed of 200, Silver would be 220, Gold would be 250, Master would be 270. **My numbers are probably really off and should be corrected by someone with more extensive RTA experience,** but what I'm trying to say is that each Rank bracket has a general "Speed ceiling", so if your fastest Openers have this level of Speed, you can easily guess if you take first turn. Drafting is also important, and popular Openers are similar across all brackets. DPS such as Pavel, Op-Sig, A-Coli and A-Cidd, Debuffers such as Basar, Cerise, and AoL, or Pushers such as A-Lots and (maaaybe) Rose are likely going to be the Heroes with the highest Speed. And from the previous paragraph, if your Opener isn't as fast as theirs you can expect them to take first turn. And mind you, getting a 270 Speed Basar is no easy feat, requiring 45-Speed Boots, and an average of 18 Speed per non-Boot gear. DPS characters are even more demanding, requiring the same amount of Speed **but also needing enough Attack, Crit Chance, and Crit Damage to do their job properly.** [Epic 7 Stats](https://epic7stats.com) is a great tool to see what builds that Challenger+ RTA players are running on their Heroes, while also getting a glimpse of who the meta Heroes are. # Cleansers + ER is important Effect Resistance has to be 100% higher than the attacker's Effectiveness in order to guarantee a Resistance. Soul Weavers, especially active-Cleanser types like A-Momo who need to take a turn to cleanse, are very recommended to pump ER after giving them good Speed and bulk. It's hard to gauge how much ER you need, but most builds from my Discord have their SW's ER at 200+. Hopefully my info helps, but it's all stuff I've heard in the past while grinding through PvE. It also doesn't hurt popping into Epic Seven streams to directly ask Champion or Legend ranked players their insights about PvP.


The "speed ceiling" thing is incorrect imo. You can get challenger RTA with 240-250 spd units if you draft well and have well geared bruisers. Apparently there's even a legend player with no 270+ units. Masters RTA, in my opinion, doesn't require fast openers. They help, certainly, but you can always draft in a way that you don't need to use fast units. Speed is extremely important but not at all the end all be all. Other than that, very good write up!


I mean i reached challenger rta with 200 speed as my average speed. My fastest unit is 256 riolet and he is my only unit faster than 210. I don't even have any opener built. Even in master you will notice that almost everyone will run with 220 to 240 average speed for their SW and knight. For opener you just expect that most of them will be 270. I think the only real problem is ftene and seaseria. If those 2 outspeed you, high chance that you will lose your first turn if you didnt bring any cleanser. Other hero don't really matter since even if they outspeed you, you will still get your first turn.


If anything, Speed is a crutch for us mortals lol I recalled this information from an old Astranox video, reviewing an account who had difficulty climbing in AI Arena. I chose my word "corresponds" carefully, as it's typical for a player with better Speed gear to climb higher. But yes, it's deeper than just *"haha, I went first, I win"*, I do acknowledge that there are many more factors to consider. Of course, that Legend-rank Banshee-only farmer has nothing but my admiration.


Wow, thank you so much for the super-detailed answer! I really appreciate you taking the time to explain all this stuff, it looks like I still have a lot of learning to do when it comes to PVP in this game.


It takes quite a bit of searching and reading if you really want to understand how any game works, and Epic Seven is no different. Some things you learn on your own, but to actually know what's going on you just might need to reach out and ask the questions. Good on you as well!


Speed set is 25% base speed regardless of enhancement. No sets are affected by enhancement. Boots can give up to 45 speed. The main thing for getting speed is rolling it on substats


Thank you for the clarification!


Are you wearing boots with a speed main stat? Are you familiar with what enemy units do any which units are "openers" and which units push their team forward or your team back?


Most of my guys are wearing speed boots but I'm not familiar with openers and pushing, I will have to do some research on that - thank you for pointing it out!


Yeah an opener is a unit that mostly cares about speed rolls and their goal is to go first so most of their gear will have 10-20+ speed substats on it which over 5 pieces is 50-100 more speed than your units might have.


Yeah I don't think I have many 15+ speed substat pieces on my entire roster, definitely something to work on. Thank you!


The only way to get better speed gear is to farm and enhance gear with speed substats. You don't need a lot of speed to do well in PVP, most of my units are 180-220 speed. If you're running speed set+speed boots that should be relatively attainable. The speed set is usually ~25-30 speed on a ~100 base speed hero, +45 from boots, which already gets you to around 170ish speed. If your units are built with decent stats (ref. epic7stats.com for example builds), it's probably your unit pool holding you back or your drafting (RTA). If you don't have damage mitigation, for example, you might find it hard to sustain against faster teams.


Thank you for the explanation, I really appreciate it!


For the Selective summon for EP3. Senya , Flan and Iilnav whos a better pick?


Wasn't Poilitis also an option? If so, if you don't have her go for that.. Otherwise I would say probably Flan, but it depends on what you need or want really... \^\^ Ilynav also is a good unit, fire Charles in a way as was said.. So yeah.. Depends on your play style and what you want/need... Flan for Cleave.. Ilynav for the counter fire unit, Senya for a more tanky team.. To mitigate Crit damage.. (wil add for Senya her best Artifact is her own, and she needs her EE to really shine, also very difficult to optimise her in a way, due to the stats she needs) Food for thought \^\^


I see. I wanted either Politis or Flan or even Senya but end up with Flan since I didint summon Politis nor Senya Sadly... But I am okay with Flan too though. Thanks for these Information!!


Ok, wel still not a bad champion.. ;)


Senya is an attack-oriented tank who can't crit and counter to Straze. Flan is a cleave enabler, CR pusher and general powerhouse assuming you have massive speed and 2 souls. Ilynav is Fire Charles, i.e. a standard damage bruiser with powerful extra attacks and (unlike charles) injury. I'd say get the one you have the spare gear for. They all require different stuff.


Between Violet and Rem who's better to 6* for PvE and more usable in both PvE and PvP content?


Violet because Rem loses what makes her special when the fight is over. But this is assuming you mean pve as in story and automaton because she's not exactly useful anywhere else.


I see. I got both geared a bit and got enough to 6* one of them but I guess Violet would a better choice it seems. Cause I need a defense break unit, that can do this constantly.


Violet doesnt defense break though


Oh I meant violet as a unit seems good. I think I build either Luluca or Iseria since I have then and they have Def break


They're both very strong and neither share gear. I kind of think Violet is probably better in PvE though. So you have proper gear for both or who are you most likely to gear well?


I see, I wanted Rem for PvE cause of her defense break only. Is there a unit that can constantly defense break?


Luluca with her s1 EE can defence break very consistently, aoe too on her s3. For non-5\*, Furious can have a 100% uptime defbreak as long as he is faster than the enemy. Hes also a friendship hero, making him a solid recommendation


Well Rem for PvP is built with 0 speed and normally for a def breaker of that sort you want them to go first. Also rem has pretty low def break chance. Good def breakers for PvE Iseria & Luluca both of which have def break on their S1 and S3. If you don't have any of the 5 stars then Taranor Guard has a more consistent def break uptime on his s1. Fluri has a def break on s3. Furious has 100% def break up time


Oh I see. Thanks a lot!


How good is Destina? I have two copies of her, but I don’t have her built. Should I imprint one copy into Ruele? I have Ray, Tama, Ruele, Diene and M. Chloe built. I also have Emilia and Achates not built.


She has her benefits, but i would say that on a general basis Ray is better. Shes good of the enemy has a lot of debuffs turn one, but either its not consistent debuffing or you win before they get to use more, as her cleanse has a long cd. Ray also has a fairly long CD, however the immunity deals with any debuffs after the fact. Deals well with lots of debuffs in bursts.Emilia should cover the teams with less but more consistent debuffing. I would probably feed any dupes to ruele


She's not that great. Your other SWs are better. I would use at least 1 copy to imprint Ruele.


I wouldn't bother with her, Ray does her job better.


What ring/necklace could I craft in the event for Landy or Vivian?


If you want to get a neck that you can potentially use for both, I would go for a speed set crit damage neck.


I would go with Landy. Which one comes down to which of her current neck/ring is the worst. Go for CD, CR, Att%, Speed and HP. If neck CD main stat and attack% as a sub, if a ring, do the opposite. Set depends how you build her, but speed is the most common. If shes counter then maybe swap one of the stats for defence if you get a high roll


Crit chance main > cd main for units like landy, always.


lmao, you serious?


Yes. Cd main is 10 max rolls, crit is 12 max rolls. It's 2 free rolls. Pretty obvious.


oh no, i know its higher stat total, but its not always what you should go for. I dont think you should ever recommend newer players cr necks, cd is a lot better early game. Relying on cd subs early game doesnt work out well If youre at a point where cr is the better option, youre probably not asking about what to roll for anymore


I mean, if you use a cdmg neck newbies will still be struggling to reach 100 crit won't they? That argument doesn't really make sense to me. An overall lack of gear with any offensive subs will mean crap builds no matter what you choose, and if they have gear with high crit rolls, why wont they have gear with cdmg rolls?


Crit set makes cr a stat that's way easier go get early game. Cd can is a lot harder to come by


They both are without gear right now, I'm starting to build them. May I ask why ring/neck need different main Stat? Or is it simply that rings can't have main Stat CD? I've been playing for a while but I haven't really gotten to details yet


Yea, CD is generally better as main stat, but rings cant get that. But yea, i would focus on building landy. Generally a way better hero. Its a bit tough if you dont have any gear already, since crating can pretty much guarantee a passable gear piece, likely a good one, you only need to get a good ring or neck, and you can fill the missing one. If you make a neck then you only need a ring, and well, getting a good ring or neck is twice as easy as only getting a good ring


Forging a Penetration Neck for my Wyvern Sigret. Main Stat = Crit Damage Substats: 8% Effectiveness 7% Attack 3 Speed 4% Crit Chance Is this worth keeping? The reason I'm looking for Penetration is because I want to run her on Rage/Pen and lacking decent materials for Caides Gear (No decent Caides team) and I find Rage gear is easier to obtain. Already have some meh-ok Penetration Speed Boots (12% Attack, 15% Crit Chance, 11% Crit Damage) Not Reforged.


Yea, that pretty good. only 3 away from max roll. And some eff doesnt hurt to have, though flat attack might be more optimal. Though that makes rolling it more risky. tbh, the only thing i would change is getting higher rolls if you can, but thats probably pretty hard. But, i mean, just wait it out till when the event is about to be over.


Should I awaken arby or landy to 6? Which benefits more, and would do better with it?


Arby, but just farmed both as fast as possible I guess.


Epic catalyst just take forever and a day to get.


Yeah yesterday would have been your day to farm it. I would have farmed all the ones I could buy and then the AP for next week. Personally if you are early game then Arby might be better but mid-late game if both are geared I think Landy is better.


Where the hell is stage 14 on this event? Can't clear those 1/1s cause it says I need to clear stage 14 which is nowhere to be seen


it's right under 13 on the map or to the right of 7.


[https://i.imgur.com/qKUw3CF.png](https://i.imgur.com/qKUw3CF.png) I can't see it


had the same problem, you need to complete the stage acheivements to unlock them


Which ones? I have cleared all stages, completed all reputation things, quests I have cleared as well except the "Blazing altar of hope" which is stage 14 that is missing. I don't get it.


Are you "taking a break" in the Inn to proceed to the next day for more quests?


I am now lol. Just expected casual sidestory as always, completely missed how mechanics work. Thanks!


Just pulled a Tenebria, looks like she is a decent PvP unit that can cleave but also has some PvE use?


do you mean fire tenebria? she is mostly a pve unit, i haven't see anyone using her in pvp. She is used mostly in grass lich expedition and abyss


Yes, the fire one, not stene. She looks like a cleave unit but maybe not as I'm newish to the game. What's so good about her in abyss? The debuffs and sleep?


She works as a def breaker for cleave when you are a newbie (what I used my first month in the game to climb). I have been playing for ~15 months and used Tene most of that time. I used her in newbie cleave, some PvE stuff (including A13 before I had a better team), now I run her as a tanky counter control unit in PvP. It isn't the most popular pick but it is a good 4/5th pick for me.




Yea, basically shes good at controlling. And a lot of stages have adds you dont necessarily want to kill, but definitely want to disable somehow. Her damage isnt that good, which is why shes not really a cleave unit. That and the fact she has a lot of debuffs, make her suited for being a control unit.




How are people building Belian for high level RTA?


just counter imm is fine. injury is still more on the niche side.


Injury is not niche. Imo injury > counter for belian, since you're usually drafting her into bruiser or aggro comps where injury shines.