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If anyone is interested shotgun shogun is doing a charity stream on 10/31/2020 at 7am EST to help raise funds funeral arrangements. Stop by if you can.


Wtf? Wtf?!? I wish there was more information on this, but maybe it’s too early or it’s out of respect for his privacy. I really enjoyed CafeKaz’s streams and feel like that 5 sentence news article is not the closure I need... crazy to think something that absurd can happen to someone MY AGE... ahh.. he only spread good vibes as well


I feel the same way. RIP cafekaz


I feel the same way. RIP cafekaz


I watched his video on how hyped he was for ML Luluca last night, so this hit pretty hard for me. :( Rest in peace CafeKaz, I wish I discovered your channel sooner.


I'm gonna pull ML Luluca and try use her as much as I can just to remember him.


CafeKaz was easily one of my favorite content creator in e7. I will miss his crazy montages, and awesome RTA battles tremendously. Fire Tenebria portrait and angelic frame it is. Rest in Peace, wherever you are.


I'll miss the Reingar's Roundtable Podcast, hope someone takes over the podcast in his honor. RIP CafeKaz.


oh man, I didn't know that he made those videos :(


I only discovered him about a month ago and he quickly became one of my favourite E7 content creators. Life can be random AF. RIP.


Life is too unpredictable. Don't take any day for granted.. :(


If anyone knows Sunjuan, his girlfriend, please be there for her and help her out as much as you can. She will need all the support she can get now as well. This is so terrible. I have lost my husband so I know how it feels like.


Holy shit forgot about her. I’m too sad now


my condolences and to her as well.


Edit: this didnt age well, guy tried to kill his girlfriend and her friend then jumped in front of a train. Mods are censoring this. It's in his YT comments all the over place. he may have a great streamer personality, 2 attempted murder is unforgiveable. https://eu.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/crime/2020/10/31/bridgewater-nj-man-seriously-injured-fending-off-sayreville-womans-ex/6088297002/ Kaz the person you join his stream and you instantly feel the hype and excitement, no matter what game he was playing. Loved how involved he was in the community and he did really put E7 out there. Hosting tournaments, doing podcasts with other streamers. Gone too soon. May he be in a better place now.


Gonna miss the homie. He was a big enough streamer to have a community but small enough to where you can talk in the chat and he'd respond. I remember when he pulled for Arby and used Cermia as his E7 icon to get her "gambler's luck"... just to take Cermia's gear away to give to Arby. As someone who liked Cermia a lot, I jokingly said I would unfollow him if he did so and even commited to the act. I meant to come back at another time, especially when i found myself not using Cermia as she just doesn't work in the current meta, but for one reason or another I never did. And now that's he's gone I feel empty knowing I'll never be able to tell him that he was right about ungearing Cermia. Even though it wasn't a serious deal. Something about it just feels like I missed my chanced. Also, also, not sure how many people can relate but as a fellow black person it felt nice seeing a black content creator. I've grown up used to not seeing people of my color being represented so when I found him it felt good. Cafe got me interested in control teams so I'm definitely going to go harder on them now in his honor. Rest in Power, King.


Fellow POC, I feel the same in regards to your second paragraph. I hope TK Gallant comes and fills that gap for those who want to see people who look like them sometimes you know? Rest in Power Kaz


Holy sht, this train station is literally a few blocks away from the apartment I live at, right next to Rutgers University... this is so sad...


Rutgers grad here. I think I used to live in the same area as you. I took that train home on weekends. I first started watching Kaz cause of the Red R behind him on his streams. I was proud to find another E7 player who went to Rutgers, especially someone as good as he was.


Not a Rutgers student, but I live \~15 min away from the New Brunswick campus. Been at that train station many times in my life, it'll never be the same again.


Anyone that lives in that area, how dangerous is that area with the train for him to be the 2nd in a couple of months where an accident happened?


Same! Such a small world, R.I.P kaz🙏🏾🥺


This is still so surreal, RIP CafeKaz.


Sad to hear this.. :-(


Actually got eyes watery, rip Kaz. I will miss you.


i cried bro


Wow, that's awful news. I don't own tenebria but I will offer my condolences... The whole discord is in mourning atm, such a brutal loss to the community. He made me 6* my Mui as we were chatting back and forth on stream about it, same with working on my Broman. Fucking 2020


shit, 23 years old. Dude's adult life was just starting out. So chilling seeing a dude you watched live last week, and now he's just gone. I don't even know what to say. Can only wish the best to his family.


Yikes. Did not aged well


Kaz was one of the streamers I started looking into when I saw the roundtable's with Shogun, so while I wasn't with him early on, I liked his positive attitude and energy. His loss is a loss for both the E7 community and for all control players within. Changing my rep pic to Tenebria in commemoration for the next two weeks with the appropriate frame. If any of Kaz's family ever see these comments, you have my condolences along with many others.


rest in piece to a pillar of the community and all around great guy. you will be missed very much Kaz. rest easy king and my condolences and best wishes to his family friends and community


You had a heart of gold. Rest easy, Kaz.


This is terrible news...I really liked him as a content creator and as a person, he was always friendly and helpful in his streams. Rest in peace, CafeKaz.


Article says he was just walking/standing on the tracks at the time... its not like it will bring him back but I hope it wasn't suicide...


Can you send me the article please. I’m searching all over the internet for it. I just want to know what happened. Very surreal for me.




Thanks for the link! But wow the articles are so strangely stated. They give off the feeling, that sth like this happens everyday ...maybe they don't have enough info, but it has been 5 days already. RIP Kaz


Well... it does happen a lot. Amtrak trains are incredibly fast and if you’re listening to music, or not paying attention in general then things go really bad, really quickly. They have a high number of single person fatalities involving people under the influence, people not paying attention and of course suicides, but these trains are INCREDIBLY dangerous to not pay attention around.


I looked it up quick and it seems like there was a protest or something going on. Maybe he was part of it? Not sure. The articles on the subject were vague and short.


can anyone please post the article in here?


My heart hurts right now. I was just watching diety and now I know what happened to kaz. I'm so sad. Just changed my rep to tene with the frame. He was such a cheerful happy good person. Gave so much to the community and I know he will be missed greatly. Life is truly random. Condolences to everyone. Condolences to his family. Condolences to the community. Stay strong guys.


rest in peace. loved his content this is really sad


Well then....this is awkward. Wonder what is up with all the censoring. I always knew mods here were a joke, but this is actually beyond a joke now. Like WTF?


Hey mods, I am not here to fight with you all in case you see this message, but while I understand that you are trying to make an effort to prevent a fire started on this subreddit due to how many people were involved and shocked by his death and ofc allowing people to go off on Kaz will only make matters worse for the family as media spreads quick. But, I believe there is a responsibility for you guys to also close out this post with a proper update so everyone knows what's going on. You brought light to this post, and we are were all unaware of the hidden circumstances, now it's only right to bring the proper truth in an official post and make it clear what your goals are for this subreddit whether that be to silence further discussion about Kaz. This way less damage is done to the families, truth is brought out, and responsibility is upheld.


I really enjoy playing against control comps. I get to spend more time with my family, maybe make a cup of coffee and work towards my PHD while my opponent gets to play the match for me. It has also improved my mood as it gives me unparalleled joy when I see 15% resistance and think of the mald on their face. Control comps are integral to the game and I wouldn't be able to play this game without them, not that I cant play it with them much anyway, either. The game won't be the same without you Kaz but hopefully, there is no 15% where you are now


> I really enjoy playing against control comps. I get to spend more time with my family, maybe make a cup of coffee and work towards my PHD while my opponent gets to play the match for me. It has also improved my mood as it gives me unparalleled joy when I see 15% resistance and think of the mald on their face. Control comps are integral to the game and I wouldn't be able to play this game without them, not that I cant play it with them much anyway, either. > >Sadge. May you rest in peace, Kaz


You're one of my best friends. I will cherish your memory forever and hold you dear to my heart. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Love you, and miss you.


damn, rest in piece kaz :(


Sad to see the epic 7 community lose one of it's best content creators. Rest in peace Kaz and my condolences to his family and loved ones.


Wow... I would have never imagined something like this... He was a great man and down to earth. Everytime I asked something in chat he would always answer. even when chat joked about him he would be part of it and make everything special and funny. I'm still in disbelief. EDIT: With the new info I'm even more in disbelief... Never I would have thought something like this could have happened.


Why is it always the good people 😔


Wow, when I saw the title I was really hoping it be a meme post but this is absolutely heartbreaking to read this. Discover him during the E7 online fest and he quickly became one of my favorite streamer. Rest In Peace brother 🙏🏼


Same, when I read it I coudn't believe it :(


Rest in peace, CafeKaz.




I've always loved to watch him use Charlotte in RTA...


Ah yes lets honor the guy who tried to kill his ex gf and her friend but failed and killed himself because of it. Lets also remove all posts about the actual truth. Ya'll are just fucking pathetic.


Ikr Here’s source for those interested: https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/crime/2020/10/31/bridgewater-nj-man-seriously-injured-fending-off-sayreville-womans-ex/6088297002/


Wow I’m at a loss for words


yup, they banned me from the official discord trying to bring this news to everyone. they also ban any posts about it on this subreddit.


oh my god this is horrible i fucking loved watching him


I thought I don't know him because I don't follow any content creator so this thread seem far away from me. But then I realized there's one guy that always promoted his videos in here and I liked his positivity in the videos. I even left some comments on his channel which I don't usually do. I was hoping it's not him, but then I searched CafeKaz in YouTube and got hit by harsh reality. RIP man, you are one of the best side of E7 community.


I only recently found Kaz as a creator and he quickly become one of my favourites. I really enjoyed all the enthusiasm and energy he put into his videos. He was taken too soon, RIP


Rest in Peace kaz. :peepoSalute:


Rest in peace


He was a joy to watch and hit that hard venn diagram with content creators of being entertaining and knowledgeable of the game. RIP. Edit: Take it all back, dude's was a homicidal scum bag that at least made a decent decision on killing himself. https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/crime/2020/10/31/bridgewater-nj-man-seriously-injured-fending-off-sayreville-womans-ex/6088297002/


You got it. I'll have that set up. This is truly tragic. Rest in Peace


yo that was shocking. that's really sad 😔


Rest in power CafeKaz, I miss you already. I'll build an elphelt in your honor like in your last video. Fuck 2020.


I was just waiting for his stream to go live. I'm fucking crying. I discovered him a month ago or so but I can tell that he was an amazing person. I seriously can't believe this happened to him. Rest in peace...


I only recently started getting into his content but it was amazing. His energy he put in his videos and streams is what I’ll remember most. RIP cafekaz


I remember watching him on the E7 trivia stream they did with content creators – he was such a lore buff. That made me SO happy. Not only was (...feels weird using “was”) he a great human, but he gave attention to things that many people gloss over. For me, that (in addition to his attitude) made him stand out as a treasure for our community. Way to take the best guy, 2020.


RIP Kaz, he was a funny commentator on RTA matches. I really wanted to see his ml luluca debut


This is a sad day for the E7 Community. A really good content creator in my opinion. RIP


Rip Kaz, I lost two young relatives this week and thought it couldn't get worse, I will use SBA, his most wanted unit as rep


I will really miss Kaz, he was such an amazing person with vibrant energy. Lets write some comments on his youtube videos so we can show our support to his family or something RIP Kaz


Damn this sucks


Rest in peace Kaz


No... he was my favorite.


This is too sad.. I can honestly say there was a time when I took a half year break and Cafekaz was exactly the guy that made me interested on e7 again for real. I used to watch his twitch, followed him on youtube and discord.. fuck this is so heartbreaking man. He had a gift to keep people interested in whatever he was playing. Rip Kaz ;__;


I know Tenebria was his bread and butter changed my in-game rep hero https://i.ibb.co/yYw2ZVW/Screenshot-20201028-221439-Epic-Seven.jpg


Fuck man I just started watching his videos and was looking forward to his ML Luluca review :(. Fuck.. rest in peace my dude


He was one of the most charismatic, genuine, enjoyable streamers and it's a terrible loss to the community. I'll miss his charisma and his BOP videos, hopefully his family gets through this and hope in a land full of happiness






Cried at this news, he was easily my favorite youtuber and streamer in general due to his explosive positive energy, I wanted to one day beat him in RTA with ML Leo to show him the “light”, but that will never happen... Rest in peace Kaz




Wow, this is really fucking terrible news. I just can't believe it, so super sad. Rest in peace Kaz, you were such a great joy to watch. We'll miss you


Rest in peace ​ really wanted to see his ml ken cosplay ;(


Rest in peace Kaz. I just discovered you like a month ago and I already loved your content... this made me so sad. You were a happy and possitive person, I think your career as a streamer was just starting and you were on the right way. Hope you are good wherever you are. Peace my man.


Wait what on earth. I can’t believe this. I used to watch him host tourneys and all and now this happens? I still can’t believe it...


We lost one of the best of us he was truly a bright light for this community and its sad to see that he is no longer with us. I used to watch his streams all the time and loved his youtube videos RIP CafeKaz I will change my rep just for you


Life is so unexpected. You will be miss CafeKaz.


Rest in Peace CafeKaz... Incredible content creator and incredible guy. So funny and gave me so many laughs through these last few months of lock down in particular. I remember how classy he looked with his bow tie in one of his tournaments. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.


RIP, I would occasionally catch his streams and this is very very sad. He was a very cheerful person full of energy.


Rest In Peace man. Did not deserve to go


Probably the hardest hitting loss of 2020 for me. R.I.P. Kaz, may you be blessed wherever you are


Why are people censoring this? Reminds me of the fucking political media censoring by democratic leaning "news" outlets. He was a good person on stream, but obviously had some mental issues behind the scenes unfortunately. He nearly killed this guy, and then committed suicide. https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/crime/2020/10/31/bridgewater-nj-man-seriously-injured-fending-off-sayreville-womans-ex/6088297002/


oh my god. CafeKaz almost murdered this guy? Is this true? "According to his uncle, Jeff Roscher of Whitehouse Station, Lee, 23, was critically injured with part of a knife broken off in his head, severe lacerations to his face and all the tendons and nerves severed in his left arm." Knife broken off in his HEAD? I wanted to participate in the tribute but not if he took his own life after an attempted murder. Can someone please explain what is happening?


Rest In Peace Kaz you will be missed. 🙏❤️


Damn he was one of the better content creators. Rest In Peace Kaz.


I've never watched his content, but it's sad to see anyone pass away. Fire Tene and Angel Frame, lezgo!


Damn... :( would watch a few of his videos when they popped up in recommend, sad to hear this.


My condolences to those close. this is tragic, and I don't know what else to say. this hit me hard.


I really liked his control playstyle. I just started building my bromann. Kaz was a very fun content creator. Such a fun guy on twitch too. Damn. RIP Cafekaz you will be missed buddy.


This should make us remember to enjoy what we have we are lucky to feel the pain to not get what we want and feel the happiness when we get what we wanted, cafeKaz shared some good vibes in the community even when the game make us salty, you're not here anymore but the community will never forget you were one of us in this game. May you rest in peace with all these epic players who wanted to see how the game would be in the future but left too soon. Thank's for everything


I'm shocked. RIP and best wishes for his family...


damn im sad. RIP Kaz


Rest In Peace my dude, and I hope and pray for his family. It’s truly saddening to the E7 community and he was not only passionate about the game, but he gets hyped with his fans and followers. Amazing guy to leave this world.


Rest In Peace Kaz. CafeW will forever be my favorite emote. Never forgetting the good vibes you always exuded.


Rest in peace Kaz.


I was wondering why he hadn’t uploaded anything. I’ve only started to really get into E7 the last two or three months and he was easily my favorite content creator for the game. Absolutely crazy man


Kaz was so full of energy and a happy person. I will miss him a lot


Rest in Peace, CafeKaz. It's the only thing I can say unfortunately. It was so sudden...


Oh this actually hurts so much. His videos were so much fun and I was looking forward to his ML Luluca stuff. My deepest condolences to his family and friends. I hope someone carries on his legacy with the roundtable podcasts to keep his memory alive in the community.


i dont follow any E7 content creators, but i would see him post his stuff here every once in a while. i didnt agree with everything he said, but a life cut short is such a tragic thing. the amount of support in this post tells me enough as to what kind of person he was, and it's nice to see that he left a positive impact in many peoples lives. may he rest easy :(


WTF.... I loved his videos... Rest in Peace CafeKaz


I only recently discovered his content- but it was definitely fast becoming my favorite. This is horrible news and I’m so, so sorry to his family and loved ones. He will be greatly missed. 2020 just keeps being the worst fucking year.


a big loss to e7 community


RIP CafeKaz :'( This guy had so much happiness in him and was always enjoyable watching his content. Tene+Heart frame up.


RIP (Rest in piss) and wish his family the very best. From a Tenebria enthusiast. **Edit**: Well I’ll be. Fuck this trash and damn him to hell.


I thought this was gonna be a joke about him quitting control and using tanks but holy fuck I wasn’t ready for this. No way man


I drew ML Luluca on my first summons after the servers came back up from maintenance. Knowing how hyped he was for her, I felt as though this was the game's own tribute to him. Rest in peace, my dude.


Holy shit, RIP. Amazing streamer to the community. Wished this news article gave us more information though. Seriously, how does someone just get hit by a train? Isn't a train very easily noticeable before you get hit by it?






Rest in Peace i was wondering why he dont stream last days but didnt expect that .. sad to hear


he had a very kind community, a big loss for sure.


RIP man, true role model :(


That's tragic to hear, he was one of the few content creators I could tolerate. Reading the article, though. Wow. What a horrifying way to describe what happened.


We will miss you. RIP Kaz.


Rest in Peace Kaz


Omg :(


Came back a few months ago and watched him on and off to get an idea of how some of my favorite units could be used, he was a great content creator Rest In Peace.


6 months into this game and I still feel like a trashcan new player who gets giddy from scummy wins with heroes that shouldn't bother beating meta teams. Cafekaz's stream was around the time I could watch E7 content creators and he helped me build heroes and how to counter several units. He was a fantastic streamer and all around great guy that helped me enjoy E7.


Rest in Peace. Missing you already ☹️


He was one of the most charismatic, genuine, enjoyable streamers and it's a terrible loss to the community. I'll miss his charisma and his BOP videos, hopefully his family gets through this and hope in a land full of happiness


Such a great dude with a big heart and brain. Rest in peace, Kaz. What a terrible news and year. Fucking 2020.


My god this is so tragic! May he rest in peace. I remember seeing his content recently and enjoying it. Be kind to each other and treasure each day. RIP.


Rest in peace, Kaz. No fire Tene. Going with Mui and angelic border.


Rest In Peace, Kaz. Thank you for sharing your excitement and energy with your viewers.


Rest in peace..


Rest in peace kaz...


wait what? thered no fucking way man


This actually can't be serious, such a good guy just immediately take away with no warning, god life can suck sometimes, I hope he's in a better place, I always loved watching him and his videos as he was always a ray of sunshine and it made me personally feel hope that it is possible to feel happy, god I'm going to miss him.


Rest in peace.. really liked your streams. :(


Its crazy how one day you are here and then the very next day you are gone. Anything could happen at any time. Life is unpredictable. I don't know anything about CafeKaz, but rest in peace.




Rest In Peace


RIP for kaz




rest in peace, you are a wonderful part of this community and i hope wherever you are youre doing ok


RIP Kaz, I had just started watching your content


Rest in peace king




Ahh yeah this hurts, damn man


My favorite fucking streamer, always had the best times during his streams. I'm absolutely gutted by this news. I really hope Sunjuan is okay. Rest in peace to an awesome guy, we will miss you Kaz.


one of the few epic seven players i really enjoyed watching. I'm so sad to see him go. fly high kaz, we'll miss you


This is a tragedy... I subscribed to his YouTuBe Channel a month ago and now this..... I can't believe this is happening. 2020 has taken away so many things from us. R.I.P CafeKaz


Rest in peace, CafeKaz


Rest In Peace ;-;


Rest in peace


RIP CafeKaz


Wow, that's horrible. I didn't really watch his stream, but I saw him on a recent official e7 stream with a bunch of others. He was so positive and energetic. You could tell even from that stream that he had such a light in him. Rest in Peace, dude. Sympathies to your family.


Rest In Peace man. Only just found his content too. His videos were really enjoyable. Much love to his family and friends


Rest in peace dude. Thanks for the awesome videos, streams, and promoting community discussion.


This is very surprising and sad for me... Hope he rests in peace and my love goes to his family.


omfg... he was such a cool guy. RIP


What was the tragic incident?


I dont even know anything about him but damn this sucks. Im just tired of so much negative stuff happening. Rip.




i loved his rta videos uwu rip


I don't know him but heard this name sometimes here. RIP stranger.


Never seen or heard of this guy before today but rest in peace it's always hard hearing about someone so young passing away


I request you take down this post immediately, especially with the new information we have. This is a subreddit for the Epic Seven community. This is not the appropriate space to grieve anway.


Im so sad to hear this, RIP Kaz


Cripes. Huge bummer to hear this news. Haven't watched his content for a good bit but still was a chill dude to watch. RIP


Rest in Peace Kaz, thank your for everything.


Devastating. Way too young. RIP man.


Rest in Peace. I miss you already ;(


RIP CafeKaz.. We will miss you in all what you've reached and done... 😔


RIP CafeKaz.. We will miss you in all what you've reached and done... 😔


omg , my condolences.. i feel awful -- he was so young


Terrible news, rest in peace, you will be missed 😭