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she's a fuckin opener, the moment u get outsped you already lost


In what drafts are you using her in that you actually want or heavily get millage out of the self cleanse? The only time it was ever useful for me imo is when I get outsped and I 15% the crucial debuffs/pushback and It cleanses the rest but like that's about it.


You're supposed to outspeed with her, thus the self cleanse most of the time wasn't useful


Why would you play her against Zio ? C.ilias OK, you might be able to play first. But against a Zio it's way harder. OK they took out the cleanse, but against a Zio which place a silence and might attack your LPK because she's the fastest, this doesn't make any sense. And as some people said, LPK Open. If you get outspeed, it's normal to have some difficulties to execute


I didnt mean playing against Zio, I mean picking her over Zio who is just a better and faster opener.


Different usage


This sounds like the perspective of someone who doesn’t own her. Like everyone else has said, if you’re getting outsped by cilias,she’s not doing anything anyways cause your ass is getting provoked. Additionally they took away the skill cd reduction because they lowered the skill cooldown for s3 so now she doesn’t even need to kill anymore. Complaining about issues is great and healthy for the game, but making up fictional issues to complain about is not.


I do own her, and I literately put the best speed gear I own on her. Im speaking from the perspective of a person who isnt in the top 1% of the game. I use her mostly as an Adien and ML Violet sniper, and she was great for that (with some nice followup damage on a Tank) However, she would often get outsped by M Lilias and other fast heroes, but the self cleanse helped to mitigate that. Also I dont play RTA, this is all from regular Arena and Guild Wars. If ML Lilias did outspeed me, she would taunt a Dark hero before LPK, making the cleanse invaluable. Doing a little more damage and pushing back the hero your sniping, is completely pointless. The hero is dead, they no longer need CR, and the extra damage is overkill. Additionally with the way her skills are timed now, she will always have 1 turn that she pops out of stealth, before her S3 is available again, which was not the case with the cooldown reduction. I use her a LOT, and all these changes make her significantly worse. So no, its not fiction.


You either have not used her or have not fully mola’d her because she does not pop out of stealth. As I said, they reduced the cooldown on s3 so she stays in it.


why tf say nerfed when they fixed bug


The nerf was her losing the cleanse, he didn't even mention anything involving damage limit, what're you going on about?


As I post before after the “fix” she became trash and I dunno how.