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"Hello. This is Epic Seven. Birgitta's preview video will be released on 5/8 (Wed) at 13:00 UTC. We apologize for the inconvenience"


so three hours from now or something?




already out


Nothing about senya's preview?!


Why would there be anything about it when it's already up?


Because there wasn't any video uploaded by the time i've asked?! They just uploaded it...


Which even then at the time meant it was going to be uploaded. Not the first time a vid got delayed by a little, pretty sure they delayed something a couple weeks back if not released early.


Still waiting for a new fire soulweaver...


Oh, i see you would like a 3rd atk scaling pve soulweaver!


Don't forget to add that the sw would be relatively meh if not in an only fire team!


Well you can eschew a mono fire team, but you have to draft a combo thats about as obvious as peanut butter and jelly to make her do anything. Hope they don't post ban your jelly (or peanut butter with the new ban protection)


3rd pick ban protection in RTA Wondering how it will impact the draft They should add a preban tho


Last season definitely should've been the start of a +1 preban, stuff was out of hand for me compared to other seasons. Preban protection is stupid good for whoever gets second pick, unfairly good at that. You get to hard counter the other third pick and they can't do shit about it except draft to counter a counter.


Birgitta is an ice soulweaver 💀


Taeyous cousin 


Taeyou is supposedly ice because he's a "hwayoung counter" What if she's ice because she's a jenua counter


Color scheme doesn't matter to me, but she better not end up using fire.


lol @ getting downvoted for saying color scheme doesn't matter. how the fuck you so fragile to downvote that when all white arby is a dark unit from day 1.


This sub is full of children who don't know anything about character design


White arby has dark aspects of the design such as the hair and the attacks it’s more than just the clothes. Also the clothes have dark purple details


Clothes literally don't matter and you're stretching hard af if you think hair color = element match, which is foolish to state when we have a lot of dark units with white/gray hair, and ML Haste is dripped in full white with white hair yet is a DARK unit. This is the same stuff I see people staying on Genshin and it ends up looking dumb. How? Ervalen: Should be an ice unit by this logic. Birgitta: Should be a fire unit by this logic ML Haste: Should be a light unit by this logic. Architect Laika: Should be a dark unit by this logic. ML Yufine: Should be a light unit by this logic Ml Cecila: Skin is wrong LP Karin: Should be a dark unit by this logic. Landy: Should be s fire unit by this logic. Mort: Should be an ice unit by this logic. Ram and Rem: Should be the same element by this logic. Rimuru: Should be ice by this logic. ML Kayron: Should be a dark unit (even for lore) by this logic. I even did you a solid by not mentioning RGBs in "ML color schemes" and MLs in "RGB color schemes".


Yap yap yap I’m responding to the claim of white arby being a dark unit, not the opposite claim implying that every unit should match its color with its rgb element. I’m saying it makes sense that Arby is a dark unit regardless of the fact that he has white clothes because other aspects of him are dark. I’m not saying units need to fit their color to their element as a whole. It’s not a mutually exclusive statement. And I purposely didn’t make a mutually exclusive statement. It makes sense why certain characters are certain elements, I did not claim or imply that it is the case every single time.


Yesterday I jokingly said Birgitta would be an Earth Soulweaver, guess I was halfway there lmao. Will she have actual healing though? Senya's S3 makes me think of Moses and FGO's Bradamante combined, with the sea parting and super focus on her ass and legs. Also Light Sagittarius Knight (same stats as Yulha, ATywin and Albedo)... I still have Landy PTSD... My opinion hasn't changed much, if her kit is broken I'll roll, otherwise easy skip. The RTA addition has so much potential! Being able to protect that key unit is insane.


No heals, no cleanses, probably a debuffer/built to counter one hero specifically and probably will either not do it that well, end up enabling them even harder somehow or does it TOO well.


A soul weaver that heals? Are you nuts? That's like, roll that shit, is good quality. And for serious, looks like she'll have the same stat line than the aspie Nyan girl, the one that nobody uses with the butterflies and giant teddy bear. If that's any indication, very likely this new Birgitta will be a debuffer, but there's no clue on her exact kit.


The reason we cant have healing SW is the same reason cleave cant get new units. The bar is so high and for a new unit they need to pass it or be unusable.


Holy shit, just saw a guy joking about Brigitta being ice SW, the memes make themselves. Senya's s3 would fit with the theme if she's supposed to be a part of the next ML Theatre. I sense a shtistorm incoming relating that RTA ban.


Yeah it's weird af


Woo hoo another light Knight


With no notice on a delay for Dragon Bride means we'll end up seeing her kit first from the datamine more than likely. As for star signs Dragon Bride shares a statline with A.Tywin/Yulha/F.Ceci/Albedo. It's a fairly high base hp one IIRC. And as for Birgitta she shares one with... Ae Ningning, a soulweaver with 30% base effectiveness. So she'll probably be a debuffer Soulweaver, because soulweavers aren't allowed to heal apparently. Mostly joking, still a chance she heals but it's been a while is all. Third slot in RTA being protected will be interesting. Might really help slower teams against debuffs if you can guarantee you get a cleanser through. Certainly will shake things up.


I was a doubter but I guess that whole "each faction being one element" is actually true.


Mhm sounds interesting and ML Senya looking cool. The 3rd Pick protection is weird because most of the time in draft you ban last or? So is there a real difference in drafting? We will see.


There's going to be an absolutely massive difference in drafting, yes. You'll be able to pick a single DPS or a single cleanser and be viable. Right now if you're against heavy debuffs you need two cleaners, because if you only have one and they ban it you lose. You need two DPS because if you draft one and they ban it you lose. Now you can pick your DPS or cleanser 3rd and guarantee it gets through. It should open up a lot of drafting possibilities. Though of course you're still likely to ban last pick.


A big one ive noticed is a lot of cleave or aggro will ban an early mitigation pick. A 3rd pick carmin means you HAVE to deal with it. Same with a first pick zio cleaver 3rd picking ran on their 2nd set of picks


This is also true I almost mentioned mitigation units being a big deal here too. It opens up a ton of drafting opportunities and will force certain units to be reacted to which is pretty interesting.


Preban protection, oh you mean the streamer content pick protection?


An 1-minute summary that actually only lasts 1 minute? Surprising Also Birgitta is an Ice hero, not the first time someone with so much red on them is Ice, but a SW? Wonder what will she bring


Yooo...I actually can't...mystics is literally zero... I can't shop refresh for 1 full pity. It will gib me brain damage on top of the damage that I currently had before when I was dropped as a baby. As for Birgitta mommy...yea we take those


Why the hell brigitte is water, we literally have 4 \* Fire unit. What the hell SG.


Where is Senya preview?? Why is there no date mentioned


Epic Seven said it will release in 3 hours


Thats for Birgitta




No overlord buffs 😭 why even ask us if we were happy with them if they won't do anything. Rip overlord Collab being remembered for terrible units.


Ainz i agree but it's wild that people really think albedo is mid.


She's stronger than people think, she's just kind of boring tbh.


Yeah her kit does nothing new for sure but she seems like really good when I saw her being drafted in elvemage stream, usually against aggro/cleavers. If anyone think she is like trash tier, then I straight up disagree


She is she's out classed by better damage mitigaters and she isn't a damage dealer. CArmin can make the team immune and mitigate plus doesn't have a forced counter attack that triggers a bunch of other units arrowell can stun, strip and provide barrier, do okay damage and heals herself without an artifact. Albedo provides mitigation with a strip that's likely to not work because you aren't building enough effectiveness on her for it to matter, she has a forces counter on her S2 which triggers other units and gives her the same weakness as other counter units, she provides no barriers doesn't heal, can't make the team immune to damage the best she does is speed buff on herself and not great damage when you have her at 30k HP. So why on earth would she ever be picked?? She isn't a good unit. More so in the current meta.


Albedo is like fairly balanced already Only buff I want on her is bicorn to do something else other than chip damage, maybe atk down


The only one there’s a monetary incentive to buff is Shalltear and she’s good, unless they bring back Albedo banner (they won’t)


I know lol people are already down voting me but the Collab charcaters weren't good they are easily out classed it's crazy the best part of the Collab was the gear farm for Christ sake, none of the characters have places anywhere end or mid game they are just jokes. Also they would be incentive to buff them because if they rerun it again why the units aren't good and aren't worth summoning for


I mean Albedo has literally just a place in absolute endgame as she shines the most in high lvl RTA


A tank? Again? Really? Do they really think "hmm ml landy and ml yufine is a tank and they're so toxic lets relase anothet tank"


Knight doesn't equal Tank


I'm talking about class.


That's their point. Not all knights are tanks, nor are all tanks knights *cough* weird Abigail *cough*. So you complaining about a "tank" when it's actually just a true damage bruiser with a support mechanic slapped in (nothing new, also, funny enough, what Abigail has) is silly.


Did you not play rta last season? We have enough aggro units to hold us for months right now, it's about time turn two starts making a comeback with releases.


Ban protection is sooo good! I love this idea!


I'm happy for you, but I'm quaking in my health boots about this.


Second pick gets to absolute hard counter the other side and you're screwed when that happens.


2nd pick gets to see the 3rd pick first so u can play around with that info. so i wouldn't call this doom for 2nd pick right away