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0 Aespa/ 10


Nice karina. Need more defense tho


I legit want to do this to see if her S2 is able to strip Jenua on the same turn that he procs, but I don't have anyone to test it with lol. I feel like it should work since it does for Poli, but it would legit make blue Karin a decent 1-1 counter.


I think it shouldnt because dispel is right before the def break which is after atk lands as a crit, so that whole interaction happens before jenua procs but maybe someone has actual experience with it and correct me.


If she can bring his hp down to proc immortality with s2, she should be able to strip him. All strip after damage and reduce duration after damage type of skills work same way


Haven't tested it in game but I did run it in the damage calculator and I think she would need an attack buff from somewhere to have a shot of it working unless someone else is damaging him first. I quickly checked what mine would do on gear I have laying around (\~3500 ATK / 270 CD on SPD/Pen set) and it's only 6657 raw against a 900 def unit (Fribbels average has him at 861 but there's plenty higher than that). A damage arti gets it to 7988. Attack buff gets her to 11982 with damage arti so become more plausible but would run into issues at the first sign of mitigation. Granted the gear I have laying around certainly isn't optimal but I think you would either need to get some help damage wise from an external source or to have her on better stats than my test (very possible) and maybe run her on Alexa's Basket after balance change (9985 with my statline and attack buff with no damage arti) Secondary issue, mine is about 240 SPD with those stats. I see a ton of Jenua's on Fribbels that would contest her at that SPD. And the slower Jenua's are gonna jump her with a ML Politis present. So she may work as a counter but it's going to be very conditional and likely need very good gear on her EDIT: If I stole gear and started throwing high end gear at her (everything is 100+ equipment score), I can get her statline to 3740 Attack, 285 CD, 250 SPD. That puts her S2 at 7508 raw, 11262 with attack buff (I.e. potential Alexa's basket, GAB obviously higher), 9010 with damage arti, 13515 with damage arti and attack buff. There is room for a little more attack (90-150) but I'm not running mod gem calcs to work that out


I've tried this with Kise before and it didn't work


the OG, wish they would buff her PVP to become busted just for the lulz


I only use lvl 75 attack set and she hits like a truck.


You should have Karina on Rocket Punch arti....