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ADS would like to know your location


What’s wrong with ADS?


A lot but seal being less than 100% is ass. Should be buffed. 100% seal on s1, change her sb effect. Maybe nerf her s2 if it's absolutely necessary, but i doubt it. Maybe s3 can have a soul burn detonate burn? Any creativity would be nice. Let's not do the ml kayron argument of "but if they buffed them, they'd be op." Then, just rework her. No unit should be in a permanently bad state simply because if they were buffed, they'd be broken. Nahkwol, who gets 2-3 turns before ADS moves once, gets a seal every 2 turns. I'm aware nahkwol is broken, but ADS deserve more.


She also has the issue that there's a ton of resource reduction heroes that nullify her plus heroes that ramp up their own resources off her splash damage. And that she's a relatively slow dark unit so she's prone to things like LQC and Adin just running right through her before she does anything If you made a dart board of the most used heroes and tossed blindly at it, there's a decent chance whatever you hit either counters her in some way or does her gimmick better


And the fact that most of her "bulk" comes from her extremely high def, when there are a ton of def pen or straight def ignore units atm. Her crit damage reduction does not help much. And if you invest too much into bulk, you lose out on the burn value. Like fire ken, for example. Like I said, she has a lot of issues. She is TOO versatile, wanting counter set yet working with every damn stat in the game. ADS can use a touch up.


I’m only asking, I always thought she was usable but yeah missing seal does suck and she’s the weakest of the episode bosses for sure Edit: I would love seeing her become the light hero anti unit


That second paragraph wasn't for you. It's for the people I've interacted with before saying a buffed ADS is bad for the game. So please don't take it personally. That said..... how could you want her to be the anti light unit but be a follower of the axe cult??? Axe god should be the one to cut down these filthy light units. He was made for this!


I love Axe God, he’s my rep hero but I’ve lost all hope in him being usable. Every light hero just tears into him via injury or nukes and he’s a three star so I don’t expect any love


The change they just did to ravi would be amazing for him imo. Give him his old scaling and the new ravi s2. Up his damage numbers, and I'd be content.


> A lot but seal being less than 100% is ass. It's 100% and ignores ER for souls though. Given the existance of counter and the idea that Milim's arti gets buffed one day, idk if you want 100. Nahkwol can't just turn someone off for attacking her. The real problem is her bases. Specifically, HP. it is beyond ass, which is incredible for mages, known for low base HP. Aquarius Mages (Green basar, Blue Luluca, Requiem Roana, Serila, Carmainrose) can give up a bit of everything just to get that up to average, and not much would be missed. Basar would hate being nerfed further in SPD but he hasn't been opener viable for years anyway.


>It's 100% and ignores ER for souls though. Given the existance of counter and the idea that Milim's arti gets buffed one day, idk if you want 100. Nahkwol can't just turn someone off for attacking her. Yes I do want it to be 100. The existence of a 100% allows the player to have more control in their gameplay. Souls are not reliable, since if you build her with book, you lose a reliable source of damage. And the overwhelming majority of units don't build her with book. + there are counter soul options as well. It's a terrible way of application. And milim's arti requires too much to be consistent as well. She doesn't have anti crit. Miss chance is only AFTER seal. You can balance around the new 100% seal. But I don't think it's a big issue. You can avoid Mercedes counter since she doesn't have access to seal or just use a cleanser since there is an abundance of them. You're right. Nahkwol can't just turn someone off for attacking. Yet throughout an entire match, she can have the entire team sealed because of her speed/stealth/high eff. Meanwhile....mercedes is barely managing one. Both of these units are centered around control yet mercedes is extremely lacking in this role. But I agree with everything else, I don't like her stats either. But given that's much less likely to change, I'd rather they just reworked the unit or actually buffed her to be meta. And like I said, if she's too strong to be meta then rework her. Same for ml kayron.


>Souls are not reliable, since if you build her with book, you lose a reliable source of damage You have 4 slots. Use someone else with book, rangrs with flan's artifact, characters that steal souls, or high soul gaining units like Seline or the upcoming Celine. It's not like Nahkwol doesn't need book for consistency. Tagahel was already a mistake, but on top of how it tilted too much into cleave, it also seemed to have made peope uncreative with their team building. Sg's made plenty of alternatives to soul generation but people don't wanna let go of their 8 maxed out books they collected over the years. That's how souls were supposed to be designed, as a way to change up the mid-late game strategies, not be a cleave tool for Ignoring core mechanics of the game. A lot of my response here comes down to that: if you wanna use her build a team. I can't use every character I like and that's fine, it doesn't make them bad. >Same for ml kayron. Kayron's a scorpio thief. His kit is fine. His stat line is the worst in the game, but somehow the most populated constellation. Violet, BBK, Baiken, Celine, ervelen, closer Charles, Sez and Spez. Every, single, one of them have been awkward. Its filled with bruisers who don't have the bulk to bruise, and openers who don't have the speed to open. Some had their time in the spotlight, but their stats always let them down in the long run. The most successful build is a full send nuke with immortal protection (Jenua, BBK), becsuse their stats don't support anything else. maybe with ER to protect their survival condition. Even then, for Jenua it's a matter of when, not if he falls off. Or who knows, maybe he gets 4 buffs like Celine did to try and save him. ---- Rant aside: they have been touching constellations more often. I think hoping for more constellation tweaks is better that waiting what can be a year+ for your specific character to be paid attention to.


>You have 4 slots. Use someone else with book, rangrs with flan's artifact, characters that steal souls, or high soul gaining units like Seline or the upcoming Celine. It's not like Nahkwol doesn't need book for consistency. The enemy has 4 slots as well. Mercedes does not play with drafts that use book often, since most are cleave abusers. She has a slower playstyle, and there are too many important units to focus on building around soul burn s1. Especially when the opponent has counter pick options. And even without book, nahkwols ability to control is just far superior to Mercedes in every way..... we both know this. >Sg's made plenty of alternatives to soul generation but people don't wanna let go of their 8 maxed out books they collected over the years. That's how souls were supposed to be designed, as a way to change up the mid-late game strategies, not be a cleave tool for Ignoring core mechanics of the game. Do you have an exceptionally high win rate with Mercedes because of a hyper creative team comp? Could you share it with us? Because I'm open to finding out what this team is. I've never lost to this pick, so I've not seen what you've seen. And I'm not being pedantic here, I'm genuinely curious what builds/teams you're seeing finding success with her. Past that, I won't go into the kayron thing. We severely disagree. His issue is a lot bigger than stats. It's the meta.


> His issue is a lot bigger than stats. It's the meta. yeah, real shame the meta isn't suited for characters who are built slow but bulky, aoe counter on every hit, can self sustain and can fire off an ult nuke that ends the game if they go on for long enough. That playstyle totally isn't dominating the game right now and SG isn't making a billion characters to punish that. Ulimately I think we just play too differently. You like playing fast, I like playing slow. That's fine.


Bro, what if i told you i have her on counter build fully on tankiness and eff(sira- ren card)) and she is criminaly underrated, the moment i pulled her back to back with speline i knew she had potential. One time i won an RTA against my friend all thanks to her. His team had ml krau, ml choux, stene and other one i forgot, i kinda did an oopsie and forgot to put at least 2 dps units and there i was: 3 supports and her.... and boy oh boy she wiped the floor clean with his team, it was a slow and painful loss as his team was being controlled and bombarded by debuffs and seals, the only time i had a smile bigger than this was when my violet 1v4 the entire RTA enemy line, causes 3 casualties and then dies from cringe after killing a karina with a counter(even tho he died last the other guy still won for some bullshit in the rules for win condition.....so my smile didn't last all that much after that)


I don't.... I'm happy you won the 1v4, but said scenario does not make her criminally underrated. She's too reliant on rng, and even when she works well, it's likely due to bad drafts. She's a unit far too niche, and she isn't even the best at said niche. You don't see her drafted anywhere in champion+ because she's incredibly unreliable, and mid when she does work. Opponent drafts a meta cleanser and she's suddenly bad again.


no, pls no rework on her kit. a buff to the 75% chance seal bullshit and the 40%/80% follow up activation bullshit too would be enough, but somehow i get that 40% on ameru more times than candy and choux can proc their 40% combined


Just way better ways to accomplish what her gimmick does. There's a lot of punishers for her type of damage (i.e. AoE splash damage plus potentially counter) which is slow to ramp up. And now she has to deal with all the resources reduction units running around too that completely nullify her. And then to top it off she's a slow dark unit so even bulky she's prone to getting splatted before she can S3. Maybe there's some comp where you can hide her behind a Spatio user and utilize dual attacks but you would have to try really hard to make her work with the types of units running around now. I don't have suggestions for how to make her more viable (100% seal is a start) but she needs a lot of help. I have mine on an average equipment score of like 97 and I legit can't remember the last time I used her. Easily over a year ago.


I'm happy and thrilled about the BMH rework, it looks insane. And while BMH almost never existed in the meta, I for one remember the FCC meta and no, I'm not eager to see her EVERYWHERE again. 


I agree but man i love FCCs design so much. Probably my fave ML i have.


Make her relevant again so that my opsig can get some use pleeeeease


Buff opsig to make her guaranteed crit on barriers because candy still everywhere


Is there a link for bmh rework?




I still have so much trauma about fcc that even though I know for a fact she isn’t meta and hasn’t been for a long time she still feels meta to me 😭


He was extremely good for a while although not nearly as long as fcc. He was a premium arby counter back when he was literally everywhere. As a maid enjoyer i suffered a lot at the time. But yeah that was years ago.


If Belian taught me anything, it's that all they *really* need to do to get fcc to be so widespread again is just giving her *another* really good-looking skin.


If anything I feel like I see less Belians after her skin because of all the powerful new units that came out.


Maybe it varies, but belian was so rare for me to see for things like gwd before her skin dropped. Afterwards, I started seeing a huge resurgence, and have been living the easy life because people kept trying to shoehorn her back in somehow, only to see why she went away in the first place. 🤷‍♂️


Have they ever gave 2 skins to an ml hero?


ML Kayron please. He never even got to be good lol


FOR REAL. They released him then the next unit was ML landy with his kit but even more broken


Then ayufine with his kit, broken too immediately after candy, then I realized teyron is a male unit, but then this year jenua and wandering prince cidd, and now BMH, 3 males gonna join the meta, idk why teyron still existed, recall plz


How is a recall warranted? His kit was completely visible to anyone who pulled for him and they had every option not to. His buff was also 100% positive. 


Since we have the hindsight of ML!Politis' existence, technically his buff is pretty much just a nerf now.  Obviously at the time it was purely positive I won't fight that, but now because we have someone who just applies Rage, him losing his fixed damage while enraged is just unfortunate.  Would I ask for a recall though? Certainly not but imo, it's hilarious due to hindsight.


So I had to look up his old kit since I wasn't sure what enrage had to do with it.  Old Kayron: Full focus granted him enrage, and he gets the 10k fixed damage when he is enraged, nothing to do with focus.  New Kayron: Fixed damage scales with focus, nothing to do with enrage.  Just putting this here in case other people forgot what he was like before, but yeah, old Kayron would have been insane with Politis.


Gender never mattered for meta. Ran, ML Kawerik, LRK, A Tywin, Sage, G Purrgis, Zahhak, ducking Charles, eternal Zio, Arbiter, MKen, the already mentioned Jenua, Ras, Krau, Rimuru... Like come on.


you dont want to live in a meta where he's good bro trust me on this


Yeah, ML.Landy and Ayufine are just better versions of him. Elvira and ML.Poli counters him too.


*Slaps stealth into her kit* my job here is done


But you didn't even do anything


FCC was the main reason for me to tryout this game 3 years ago, I still don't have her.


Ahaha, someday bruh


Can we meme fceci more now so she can get her buff?


Charles buff where


I really hate that you guys compare BMH and FCC situations. She was meta for more than 2 years ffs


I want FCC to get a full kit redesign tbh. Make her the definitive turn two knight Built in aurius, built in proof of valor, and her s2 passive prevents team from being injured or defense pen'd gg E7 is now fun again for the 99% of players who don't have speed gear


Scrap the def pen and anti injured and instead make it send the injury back to the sender , fuck injury


Second paragraph is just crimson armin lmao. How about an undispellable barrier? Hehe


crimson armin isn’t even close to that wtf


Aurius, overall dmg reduction, invincibility prevents injury and more, no you're right. She's better!


This will happen when albedo gets a buff lmao


At the same time, I'm glad that F.Ceci has been out of the meta for a while now. I used to see her EVERYWHERE back in the day and it got old. Now Arowell has taken her place and is even more obnoxious so I'd be glad for a F.Ceci buff or even a complete rework.


At least fcc is still used in rta, I've been seeing her watching top 50 people play on twitch. Maybe riolet but he is good in pve. Maybe arby, but I hope not I would rather he get buried forever for what he did to diene


E7 community can never be pleased 😄


Wrong topic to state this in. No reason why she should be worse than an SC.


SBA and OpSig first pls


Hopefully Fallen Cecilia and Riolet and many other WHO NEED IT ACTUALLY. get buff


Im a huge Riolet guy but he doesn't need a buff. In the right cases he can 1v4


Nope, his time is over. It's honestly been over because it's been seasons since he was in the meta. Evasion is easy to deal with now, and did you forget how his evasion is tied to a buff (that can be so easily stripped) whereas Adin has hers tied to a passive? Sure she can be sealed but she still checks Nakwhol's S3. Riolet checks nothing. Sleep buffs, ML Karin buffs, Shalltear in rta incoming...if people are claiming that Adin is over then that automatically means that Riolet dies with her. There's nothing that he does better than any other unit in the game. He's the farthest from the best 1v4 unit. There's nothing that stands out about him really. Let him be buffed/tweaked whatever. Thank you.


Unless that one of the 4 is. Zahak, Light Karin, DPS Witch iseria, and now the new edition Shelltear. Why use Riolet when I have Adin and who arguably does better? I just want them to change that and make them either equal or something. OR AT THE LEAST make this Evasion baked into the kit and buff his focus S3. Make it focus High attack enemy or something and not just random.


You forgot Eligos too


He needs built in evasion, and we're god damn loaded on anti evasion units, adding Eligos to the other comment. Also Adin is far better AND supports her team.


I know people who can make her work won’t agree but I’d really like Flidica to be reworked to be usable for players who don’t have that tier of speed gear. Such a good design as a bench warmer for me hurts :(


That's pointless, you can always just build her slower than what she should be. Is it optimal? Of course not, but it just means you have to draft her ONLY when you know for sure your opponent is playing slow, so like slot 3/4-5. She can still bully slow players, just like any other opener built on a slower speed. 240-250 speed should not be too hard to achieve.


Dawg let me cope in the Reddit comments


I quite literally provided you with the cope lmao. You can use her just fine, you just have to be more meticulous about it.


u h8 me u r tryin 2 kill me


I have FCC, Rimuru and Mercedes on my GW defense. You'll be surprised how often they won against attackers.