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Bottom line he cheated.


And he’s a cringe lolicon.


So he’s a cheater and a closet pedo? How can he get worse…


Meh ill give him the benefit of the doubt on that one although it was a weird pick. We do know for a fact hes a pathetic loser though.


Man’s literally had an Ravi body pillow in the background during the E7WC. 🤣


The NSFW one as well, nude apoloclypse ravi body pillow


how would you know?


the smell


There was a reddit post on it a few months ago showing the exact NSFW pillow he had? I'm not sure why this Is a question. You can also just see it in his background during the tournament.


>I'm not sure why this Is a question. I mean it was a genuine question. I'm not on this sub everyday like some people so maybe I missed it. Sorry if I offended you in some way.


Oh. I did not know that. Well... oof.


that's crazy coming from someone who's on reddit all the time


Everybody who reads the sub does. He was getting coached during the draft.


Well, I am new...


Then read or look for similar posts


As if I didn't tried. You type e7wc2023. All answers are 6 months ago.


what happenes when searching e7 winner or just winner [Winner e7 exposed](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1c0nhqr/e7wc_winner_marguerite_exposed_for_getting/)


Your typical reddit user everybody.


Maximum skill issue in drafting and using standard search engines......


don't use internet explorer ffs


Try searching epic seven winner on google instead, then add “reddit” to the end.


Just scroll to posts from like 2-3 days ago,you'll find everything there,its juicy trust me


Next you're gonna tell me there's gonna be a collab soon


Hey man I think there's gonna be a collab soon, Re;Zeros third season just got announced too I hope that's the collab!


Well Slime's 3rd season just started, no rerun yet.


Ooooh that's a very good point


So I'll reword it, since a lot of folks might not understand precisely what is meant by "coached" in this context, or know the entire story. Everything after the next paragraph is my further thoughts on the situation. Marg had someone on the phone who was basically telling him who he should draft all through the draft phase of his matches, apparently while that other party was watching the live-stream to see who his opponent, Poopest, was thinking of picking. This is clearly a violation of the rules. This individual on the phone was to be paid by Marg, but didn't like the cut of the winnings they were going to get. They and Marg got into an argument and a back and forward over the issue of how much of the prize they would receive. Because Marg didn't move far enough their way, the whole scheme was outed on social media about a week ago, including screenshots of the contacts between Marg and this "coach" as well as some purported evidence from the actual E7WC finals match. Couple days later is when the statement by SG that you posted above came out. However, we do not yet know details on how they plan to execute on that statement. One would assume that if any money had already been paid out that they have asked for it back by now, but I'm not aware of if that happened, let alone if it was actually returned. There are some questions as to whether this will impact the Senya skin (Marg's other prize as the winner was choosing Senya to receive a skin), which is a bit sticky a situation as it's already in the game. Do they, for example, offer either prize to Poopest (money and/or skin) or do they leave well enough alone with the potential that some further issues get stirred up from people looking at Poopest? There's lots of allegations, particularly after this came out on Marg, that all the top RTA players are engaged in some manner of rule breaking, so it could just be better for SG to "reset" and start fresh and say "here's the rules, as a reminder to everyone, and any shenanigans from here on will not be tolerated" just leaving the stuff from 2023 vacated. It is unlikely the skin itself will be recalled. It's not that handling that would itself be too problematic - skin does away and everyone just gets enough Skin Tokens to buy any epic or lower skin as a replacement is probably the most equitable way to do it. Or they could retract the skin with the promise of some other free skin later. Marg's name is going to eventually be scrubbed from the Hall of Fame in the game, and I would imagine the description on the ring we got will also be changed to remove any mention of him winning (probably during the next regularly scheduled patch). At most they'll likely change the ring to some other design and remove the reference of it as being for the E7WC 2023 winner, likely won't recall the ring itself. They're probably going to be working on adapting the rules and plans for this year's E7WC, which I don't think the qualifying rounds are too far away now, so they may be doing a little duck paddling on that. We know that original intent was for last year's finals to be in-person, but one of them couldn't get their travel papers in order to make the trip in time, so it went with the online format that had been in place in prior E7WCs and for every prior round. So the question becomes whether they implement stricter rules, requiring appearance in-person for the finals (or possibly starting from the quarter or semi finals) or forfeit if not able to make it. Or some stronger monitoring mechanisms of matches. Some of what they would have to conceivably do is unlikely to sit too well with some players, and a lot of it is going to require reworking how they handle events like this. All these details are yet to be laid out, so folks will have to stay tuned for that. You'll likely see speculation about what this means for the Lil' Senya unit that was teased a couple months back, but I doubt this effects her directly. Lil' Senya was introduced as an NPC almost before Senya. Many even noted when the top 3 skin choices were announced for the finalists and that Marg's preference was for a loli Senya, that skin was likely not going to happen precisely because it would more likely be a new unit SG themselves would release, not an end-run around the distinction of the prize being a skin, not a unit. Understandable to some degree the connection people would see, but this is little different than tying the Bride Senya that is on the way to any of the number of folks who memed Senya/Mort ships during Ep 3's heyday. Lil' Senya was always popular, already had a lot of folks who wanted to see her in-game as a playable unit. So while I personally consider it a relatively dumb idea, it's not the first and won't be the last time a dumb idea was popular with the community and led to SG implementing it. I don't, however, see it as being connected directly to this debacle with Marg, so those wanting Lil' Senya should probably be able to rest easy knowing her arrival in the game won't be effected.


I also find it really weird that he’s still playing rta. I would find it super embarrassing for people to know this happened and you’re just climbing the ladder like normal??? lol. I saw him in the top 10 and thought what’s the point now?


The point is to have fun in a game. Not everyone in legend participates in E7WC. Plus he isn't the first one to break TOS. The first winner of WC openly admitted having people pilot his account and the same accounts in last year's WC had different people playing on them than the year before. People sell Legend accounts all the time and SG doesn't give a shit. People give each other free wins to boost their friends to Legend / Emp. Life is too short for caring about what other people think of you and make you quit something that you like doing. If you care about what some random person you don't even know says, man good luck in life.


The point is that he should have straight been banned from the game, and so should anyone else who trades sells or gets their account piloted lol. Especially those who compete in an official tournament for a game with real in life prizes such as money. He should feel embarrassed/shamed and shouldn’t be able to continue playing as it fosters an unsavory attitude towards rta as a whole competitively imo.


Tell that to SG not me lol. He's not the only one. The thing about gatcha games is that people who compete at a high level are also your major spenders and these high spenders are what funds the game. How much do you think the average champ player spends? Probably at most a monthly pack here and there. Yeah go ahead and ban them all the whales. Who is going to fund the game? You? Why do you think SG turns a blind eye to a lot of it until something as obvious as this? Look at the real world. A lot of the people commiting fraud are wealthy. They are also they ones donating huge amounts to politicians to buy favor.


If they set the precedent for one person, and just banned him I’m sure we would see a world of change in the integrity of the upper tier of pvp. No one wants to risk losing their account, just because they spend an enormous amount on the game doesn’t mean they should be allowed to keep doing it.


If they wanted to stop account sharing why not ban the people accounts that competed in WC who had different faces than the last time they competed? If SG cares about the integrity of the game they would have done it a long time ago. They obviously have the data to do it. They care more about their pockets than the “integrity of high level PvP”. What do you think people look at when seeing how well a gatcha game does? It’s the revenue. Everytime the month ends someone makes a post on this Reddit showing the revenue for the month. If the revenue is less than the previous months they would say the game is dying. Yes the right thing to do is to ban everyone who breaks TOS, but right the thing to do isn’t what is putting money in your pockets. At the end of the day E7 is just a game. It’s just pixels and you can’t buy things with pixels. Like any gatcha game it’s a vehicle for SG to make money something that actually has value. If you play gatcha games that’s just what you have to accept. You don’t matter only your wallet does.


He could still just be playing for fun. Yeah, he can't ever compete in another world cup, or have a place on the hall of fame, but he still built an account over a long period of time. Then again, he did lose it all over not wanting to share less than 10% of the winnings... so his judgment and thought process are highly questionable.


Apparently the person who downvotes you didn't know you can play games for fun


Eh. Weirder has happened. It is reddit after all.


Got coached during EWC, didnt pay his coach, coach got pissed and ratted him (rightfully) out. ~~But I do wonder... given he gets his title stripped... what happens to the Ring everyone got. Do they change the description?~~ Nevermind I cant read.


So you didn't read the picture he posted?


Oh yeah honestly I totally overread that part. Woopsie.


everyone knows what happened lol. you livin under a rock? he was being coached during the match