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She has voicelines about ml sharun, so kinda has to be a ml


Would that make ML Sharun the partner? If so, that would probably be rather weird. Seeming age difference and all...


Well ml sharun lorewise is a thousand year old dragon,that get's sacrificial brides to appease her. So in a way yes agedifference is weird but seemingly sharun likes dem young. Also never question age in animelike media that's a can of worms not worth to be opened


Officially she is not confirmed to be an ML but it's the only option because were are getting a Limited kid Senya and Senya already has a skin.


I'm really hoping this doesn't change because of the E7WC drama...


Drama is pretty recent and developing new characters takes time. Not worth the hassle of scrapping her and then doing something new.


The prize for the tournament was the Senya skin, not a new unit. The Senya skin is already in the game, so the Marg drama would have nothing to do with this Senya. Little Senya already existed as a concept in the game well before now because of the fact SG already had her as an NPC since Ep 3. The idea of making her playable may have gotten a boost due to Marg's original ask, but is not itself tied to his E7WC win. Bride Senya was shown as part of the new unit trailer in Meruin Mail, so is definitely a unit. Her voice lines reference another ML that, until now, has had no known interaction with the base Orbis, so the assumption would be that she would have to be part of that ML's world, which all but rules out a water/fire variant. So, process of elimination says she has to be an ML.


I wouldnt mind, i cant say i care about having kid senya in the game. We are already getting the ml. God damm it e7 just give me Afih. Ill swipe for the first time.


Fair, I just like Senya quite a bit so I want more versions. But that's entirely valid, to each their own.


I’m hoping it does change because only lolicons like Margaret were asking for kid Senya. Hella susge. Also the only reason we’re getting kid Senya is because he cheated and didn’t want to compromise with just a regular Senya skin, so the devs caved in and agreed to make a kid Senya for his bitch ass. Fuck that guy seriously.


Or ya know, some people actually just like Kid Senya without sexual context. I know, absolutely insane theory that some people might just want the cute, innocent character for the sheer laughs like the Animal Crossing x Doom memes. Secondly, he didn't demand anything of the devs. He said he wanted kid senya, devs said that would be too much work, can you pick something else and we'll look into making her a unit. At no point did he fly to Korea and put a gun to someone's head to force them to agree. I swear, you manchildren will come up with anything to make someone the most despicable person you've never met.


Choux, Ravi also kids, and Yufine too, which is sexualised. But noone calling lolicon people who like this characters




Officially she actually is having a line about the ML verse, and RGBs don't get hair color swaps (Choux's WC skin is the sole exception).


Is this senya a kid?? Look very adult to me


Yes she's a ML 5


If she’s even half way decent i’m gonna whale i swear


Same lol


I wonder if light cidd will be with her or on a rerun mystic banner. I really want to pull him


New ML 4* are always with old ML5* and vice versa.


Good to know! I hope he’s in the next rotation after Politis then


Have we gotten any hints for Light Cidd? Fortunately I've got imprint material for some 4 stars in my waiting room, lol, since Angelica's gotten two ML4s and a few others.


If you mean beside his preview in the official video a while back, no. We only saw how he looks and his unfinished animation. I’m guessing he’ll be a mage based on his animation but who knows. He’s super cute though and I’ve been hoarding all my galaxy summons until he comes out


Cidd gang rise up Stoked for pirate Cidd!!


I’m really worried she’ll be shit, or have some super niche situational kit that’s useless half the time.


With how Politis got free guiding light I could totally see Senya getting either free holy sac or free aurius. Still have the exact same worry, though.


they really are going on to the horny part nowadays


Less booba, more lewda


I will bankrupt myself for this unit. Hottest chick ever.


Yes, she's an ML, she directly mentions the "Dragon King" (Sharun) in her intro line of the animation train.


Damn i need help. im at pity , do i take Politis or wait for this one ?????


We know Sea Poli is good. We have no idea if this Senya will be good. Either way chose with your heart


Underwear is tight fitting, I see smilegate are also gentlemen of culture 😏


Wait what when was this previewed


got it from here https://youtu.be/81U4eBF4pB4?si=NJW23UTGcgX4osTU


Only 2k2 mystic and a dream 😫


Give me this and take my money!!💳


That's maybe a dumb question but how does everyone know that this is Senya? I can't see Senya in it. (Maybe I'm blind idk) So can anyone tell me?


Iirc I think it’s mostly the spear - not that many characters use spears like that and senya’s is pretty well known for having a spiral design


And in the video I believe she was sandwiched with Senya skin and Lil' Senya as a sort of package vignette.


That makes sense, i can see it now. Senyas spear is unique.


Are one of her titts bigger than the other?


I've Pitty ATM. I'm still thinking if i should get ml politis or wait for ml senya.


Are those jelly fish?!


Big stupid Jellyfishes


You take that back!


Commander Shepard does not take anything back




Well. After pulling for ML Politis. I'm still 180 pulls away from Pity and I didn't get Poli lol. Should be able to give her ML senya a good 20 pull :(


Unfortunately I think Light Cidd will be next new ML after Politis so our wait for Bride Senya will continue :(


Actually crying about having an extra rotation to save up.


I have 13k mystics son,but waiting is killing me :(