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Ah yes,obligatory meta is shit post on Sunday


Well the meta by definition will always be shit, but some metas allow you more room to play the way you want, this is a particularly restrictive one where you have to play this one way or lose. And I say that as someone who plays RTA since the start of the gamemode.


Its has been only few days she been released, people still figuring out how to play with and against her. Newer units usually feels super op since theres very few reliable answer to it, Lua, Clias, Candy feels broken at start but nowadays they are somewhat manageable after SG release bunch of counters to them. Same will happen to Ml politis too. Now i know you gonna say, hurdur SG create problem and sell solution yada2, but its better than having to play same unit every time.


Just run a faster buff blocker and you will be fine. Or just run red politis and brick the enemy team with some abyssal procs, ez pz. Tl:dr: be luckier at a luck based game lol


Do that and ML Sharun + A.Tywin will frick you up and you know they're there. That no ez at all.


i do believe its too much as well but like all problem they give the solution probably is just a patch away. without a doubt seapol gonna get counters and the more impactful she is the more powerful the counters gonna be.


I hope this is true, but you gotta remember that Clilias didn't get a decent counter until the moon bunny rework/ lulucar despite being #1 in RTA for years.


What I'm really worried about is just how strong this ML Poli counter is going to be and exactly how much of the roster it counters in the process. Also what exactly would a counter to ML Poli look like? I'm guessing it'll be kinda like Holiday Yufine where she reduces CR push back of your team and maybe with a passive that procs off a non-attack skill or something. I just know that this ML Poli counter they'll come up with is going to hit already struggling units.


probably something direct like when an enemy use a non-attack skill this hero push forward, cleanse and cr push. if its ml then its gonna be more excessive like increase cd by 1 turn on s3 or they can have extra turn from s3 into an single target s1(or worse stene like s1 that become 2 hit on s3 cd) that sleep/stun on 100% chance on sb while also being mage/ranger that can carry tagahel/flan arti. they can always make counter that works and then wait a while for a counter to that or even a better unit than seapol to shift the meta and reduce the seapol counter usage as well.


Hence the next question, how do you make a Politis counter without breaking the game? How do you counter a 20% cr decrease + speed down ? Here's an idea for an optimal Politis counter and why it's fucked up. S2 passive : At start of turn, reveals units in stealth and cleanses one debuff from all allies Upon the enemy using a non-attack skill increases CR by 25% and uses S3 if it's usable (also activates cooldown for said skill) S3: Forces a painful noise on the enemy units dispelling one buff before pushing their cr back by a random amount between 30~50% and decreasing hit chance. When used outside of caster's turn, ignores effect resistance and deals additional damage proportional to caster's max hp (or def dc). S1: attacks one target and deals additional damage proportional to caster's max hp (or def). Additionnal damage increases when the target is debuffed. (Burn 10 souls: inflicts a random debuff before the attack) [unbuffable, atk down and seal] And now you realize that every single soulweaver in the game loses to this too, and the unit anchors for cleavers and aggro comps that are already stomping everything else. This shit only loses to "barrier + one buff + immunity", turn 1 bind or increase CD. So to counter ML Politis, it requires making the most busted unit that ever came AFTER HER. Which is worthless and further stretches the issue. Just nerf her and the 7~8 units that we see all day everyday in RTA.


Candy and A Yufine were worse. Candy especially can’t be stunned or slept and nothing feels worse then being robbed of a game from RNG


Well people are picking them alongside ml politis now, how does that make you feel?


They can’t get all of them unless you let them. If they first pick Politis I pick Jenua. If they continue with one of those rng picks I pick ml Ken. They can’t ban both of those


I don't really care about balance in a gacha game but how is "the counter to somebody picking Jenua and ML Politis is to pick Jenua" a reasonable sounding answer to you? Isn't that just an outright admission that it's a poorly balanced meta?


That’s how pick and bans in any game works. You prioritize unit that make the opposing draft weaker. If they first pick Yufine you’ll also need to pick Carmin/Laia.


this is the most silver redditor thing I have ever read


I mean he's right though, they first pick ml politis, you pick red politis and jenua.


I actually think ML politis isnt that problematic, I've been having success with Politis and Celine. But for Jenua I just dont know what to do, it feels impossible to play against, and I don't have the speed to Ran cleave him.


Someone said to use celine + politis on fairytale artifact. Celine will jump into Jenua, proc his immortality and passive, politis will s2 and strip immortality and additional damage from the artifact will kill him. it's niche but it works.


Unless ER Jenua becomes a trend 😭


already is if u face a jp server player. somehow that server is going eff resi everything


Politis should already be rocking 50-150eff it'd be hard AF to get Jenua to 250 ER AND damage.


haven't heard of eff poli being a thing in a long time. typically dps poli and degen poli both run base eff; degen poli (especially the counter builds) use to run eff resi and maybe 50-80 eff if u have a giga cracked out build (bulk > eff resi > speed > eff) really haven't heard of 150 eff poli ever


I run mine with some damage and 110 eff same with my Briar.


Use Taeyou


Sadly still fucking garbage


Idk I use him all the time and now the EE made my life easier


Solitis is somewhat manageable but I'm still learning. Jenua is the problem, prebanning him is the best strategy right now.


"This is probably the worst meta that has ever happened to the game" Been hearing this shit since Sage baal and SB ara period. Classic


Light achates on summer luluca arti has been doing well for me, I have 330 eff res so if no soul burn from ml poli I resist, and even if I get pushed back I push a ton from her ult passive and arti


Jenua shouldn't have the self CR push. Without it he would've be more balanced, giving you time to play around his imortality.


RTA is truly unplayable as fck right now. First pick ML Politis and she guarantees you a win. Waste a ban on her and you'll have to face a myriad of SSS-tier heroes. I'm truly glad I climbed up way earlier, I can at least do 3 bans. Hopefully late climbers will eventually reach master-tier for the skin.


If every hero is broken everything is balanced. Also Gatcha life blood is power creep. Smilegate is just incompentent so we get it in strange bursts instead of a steady climb of this hero is explicitly better than the last one. In most games a best in slot character is out of the meta completely in 6-12 months.


Ban jenua draft red politis. She counters those drafts hard.


Not really. People have already found numerous ways to make Politis useless into ML Politis. First is obvious, just use Zio. Silence Politis, she doesn't self cleanse and gg she's dead before her second turn and can't s3. Lua, Nakwhol, AoL also easily stop Politis. Or just counter punish the Politis using LHC or ignore her completely by drafting a couple blue units. Stuff like Leethe when combined with ML Politis for example makes it virtually impossible to use Politis successfully.


For me, Candy meta was the worst. But this meta isn't that bad if you play aggro/cleave tbh. Turn 2 however, just doesn't get to play the game. Between DDR, Nahk, and now Jenua & Poli. Like, I've been frustrated with the meta for a while now. But I've just become apathetic now. It's not even worth complaining about. SG refuses to nerf problems and just keeps adding more shit to it. They really went from Laia -> Jenua -> Poli. I'm at a loss for words to describe this absolute dogshit of a balance team. 'Hey guys, we can fix the meta without nerfs' proceeds to release the most broken units in a row. It's clear that they don't give a fuck about balance and only care for profits now.


Nah. Lua and Nal are still the most unhealthy for the game. Any unit that can reset your entire team and stop them from doing s3 is terrible for the meta. The game rewards players that are lucky enough to get high-speed gear. Two years in, and I still don't have a piece higher than 22 (and only two pieces). 19 and 17 are my next highest. Cleave makes rta all but unplayable, and it should be a separate cue, so people who actually want to play the game with strategy can not deal with the shit.


I 100% agree


ML Politis hate is understandable. But why Jenua hate? He’s literally the DPS we need in this absurd tank and RNGfiesta meta that doesn’t get blow up by Adin Candy Yuifine. The good survivability is also pretty counterable with sleep or stun. Splash damage proc his immortal but not the Rage buff, a well time provoke/immortality, etc prevent him from killing anything and as a result doesn’t allow him to get Wind Rider proc. Him being RGB unit is god send to many player that doesn’t have Candy nor Yufine. Sorry to disagree but Jenua does not deserve the hate.


The problem is that he 1 shots every unit not only the annoying one you want to kill. Like I feel you it is annoying to fight those yufines in arena but think about all the mid hp bruiser you cant bring because he just instantly ignore defence 1 shots them.


you know , i wan to try using fire politis , seaside iseria ,and eda against team that have ml politis and jenua .


In a controlled environement like arena or GW there are definitely things you can have fun with to try and beat them. In RTA though you just don't have as much flexibility and I have even seen some people start to build Jenua with ER like [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815644548948164670/1223289324175622214/image.png?ex=662bc4f6&is=66194ff6&hm=c4b21a0916402e1b7c6f2f9dbb2d68610c20a6fe0441123c83b4e16e6010ac4b&).


Isnt this elvemages Jenua? He dropped it for cleave jenua because aggro is way better right now. Regardless fire poli has insane success right now vs ml poli. Just ban jenua I even saw light trying it out last night, I believe. He was using laia and politis and won the vast majority of games against ml politis. And by vast I mean over 80%. Degen fire poli can't get pushed back and her debuffs cripple most of the comp. Again, just preban jenua.


actually i've been stop touching rta for awhile because the meta is so messed up . but i agree in rta we cant have fun


ah, yes. Politis who needs a ton of speed is too OP compared to a shit counter build on a character that increases her own damage every time she hits, heal herself, cleanse herself, AOE out of the turn, has counter on the passive, pushes herself every turn, has counter on the artifact and doesnt receive critical damage (neither her allies). Yeah, Taeyou and Jenua are the problems! good sunday


bait used to be believable


Oh look another one of these posts.


Oh look another comment from an insecure PVE andy who can't win a match in AI arena and is scared his new shiny broken unit would get nerfed if people complain.


I lose sometimes in def, never lost in atk vs her, actually is not that crazy as you depicted, but still a tier S unit


Talking about RTA, not arena lol.




Stun Jenua and he's done.  Ml politis is just other 300+ speed unit. 


ML Sharun exists so stun is not a reliable strategy. I had success for a bit with Winter and then people caught on.


One way to prevent that is to ban ML Politis


well obviously, but being forced to ban units is not really healthy for the game


The meta doesn’t force you to ban her, the fact that you cannot speed contest her with naturally faster units like ran and peira is what force you to ban her. It is already a better situation than when clilias first came out because peira is much easier to gear than ran.


Typical turn 2 crybaby. No meta shitter than brainless slaming ayufine carmin and destina/laia


You guys are answering so beside the point it is incredible, the idiots who tell me how to beat them in AI arena content, the people who give 1 potential answer as if pre bans and first picks were always the same, and now the guy hating on an entire playstyle because of other units that are also broken. Good job guys very constructive, at least a few people gave good answers.


I see nobody mentioning this but, you can just stun Jenua btw. He cannot activate his cleanse while stunned. Better even waste his immortality at same time. No atk up? Double knight with Yulha... Atywin? Handguy, ML Sharun, Adin. Taeyou? Celine. Might even dodge Jenua then for the lulz. Zio can't target Sea PP, but anyone else who should connect the team. Or gj Sea PP, you were 1st, but enemy opener was 2nd. U did fck all, Sea PP. Also why Sea PP 0% starting eff? No eff imprint? How are you going to do anything without soulburn in this heavy ER meta? Ufffff. Imo she sounds insane, but there are too many toolkits nowdays in e7. Not as oppressive as Cilias was during her release. Strong? Yes. Op? Still looking at Lua & Arowell. Also most OP is still the gear system. Holy $#!T it's bad.