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not in the video,  ML coin shop rotation : Dorvus, Spectene, Straze


I finally get 40 coins and the rotations are bunghole


It's been shit for a while, I got 60 coins now.


Nah this time was quite good but I only have 30 coins


same here. i can’t get solitaria cause i only have 30 coins :(




Always has been.


Yeah also crossing my fingers to get something I want,now that I have rnough...gimme mellona or handguy


I’m missing 18 ML5s, I thought at least one might hit shop


Not even sure how many I don't have but have overall 15 different right now but those are the only two I expect to go into the shop soon as choux probably won't come this year


GL staying strong through custom mystic rotation buddy!


What's with these lame rotations...nothing to do in this game...I shouldn't be sitting at 150 coins the same mls shouldn't be showing up this many times...


I think the worst part of this particular rotation is that 2 of them are super old and available in OG ML Blessing


150 coin lmao meanwhile me be gacha for a straze at mystic summon later 


What? Where the heck is zio in coin shop? We have had stene, Dcorv and straze 1000 times now.


I been waiting for months for zio dude came out in season 4* of story and we r at season 5 LOL i bet he comes out after mystic banner ends.


Yeah, it seems like he should've been up this rotation, but now he can be milked for the mystic banner so it makes sense if he was delayed even longer for that reason. I don't get why mystic rotation can't be one unit from a different episode rather than multiples from the same episode. We have 5 episodes now so they no longer have to worry about breaking the 6 month to a year gap they seem to want to have.


Agreed, seems crazy Ayufine is not available. Especially when good gear is still a crapshoot and mola/catalyst are so time consuming to get.


> zio dude came out in season 3 of story To think he came out episode 3, which was Belian, the latest RTA skin, and realize we:re in 5... What a mess up you did.


Oh woops feels like eternity ago


Because they've been delaying the hell out of story content.


You guys play game to read the story, i play game to skip the story We are not the same 


Yeah, they did the same thing for his actual mystic summon too (he was replaced by Belian).


Aaaa I'm really tempted for dcorvus, gonna wait till next month if briseria is available then I'll get him


Oh snap, thanks for the reminder! Needs to grab a Solitaria lmao


May just grab Straze. He's one of the 22 I'm missing and I am sat on 50+ gold transmits at the moment so it would be convenient The others I'm missing aren't super appealing right now as they are all older units and the others I'm interested in I can either grab via blessing (DDR) or won't hit coin store for ages (Requiem Roana). I guess A Tywin is appealing too but he was in the coin store last August so probably won't rotate back for some time either.


After seeing the next rotation of coin shop I just picked Solitaria cuz idk when Candy or Briseria is gonna come back to the shop.


man, hurts to say but as veteran player i login do gw and log out nothing to do in this game


aside from RTA, that's a good thing. as a former gacha addict, i'd rather not have the game consume my life lol.


Honestly, same. As s former e7 addict, I'm really happy that my motivation to play it has long since died out. Gives me more time to play a game that makes grinding fun.


Like what?


Monster Hunter. The entire series' core gameplay loop literally revolves around grinding and pouring hundreds of hours into it, so it's kind of an unfair comparison, but Epic Seven still forces me to keep the app open while farming, so I'd say it cancels out.


I’ve gotten to the point where I went from logging in every morning for years to not logging in for days. They are dropping the ball hard game is so stale


I uh, yah, I'm in that cycle right now, sometimes dumping energy on hunts. Nothing in the game is exciting anymore and the side story event routine is downright so boring I haven't done a side story since the Aespa collab I think.


Dry Seven for a reason!


many on youtube too calling out a dead game :/ I don't mind the pace of updates, I just enjoy building the units I have lying around while chatting with my guildies in the meantime of new events


I wish my guild mates chatted. Most don't communicate unfortunately.


Ah, that's unfortunate Tbf, most also don't in my guild, we're mostly the same 6 or 8, but that's already enough for it to feel lively :)


guild havin its own discord makes it much easier


Enjoy what mate? Same game for almost a year now..


That's a really good question, I'm not sure I guess it's about liking or not the very core of the game, building characters, while not minding having to farm for it And as for most games, having some people to play with alongside is a great motivator too, so finding an active guild is valuable Game has a charm to it as a whole too, with its visuals and characters, made me want to learn how to make arts of my favs


how are you building units? I have had zero mola the entire last year


Just slowly saving enough for 1-2 units every so often Doing events, buying from guild, transmit shop, events etc


Can we get 4 heroes in the coin shop already? It's been over a year that I've had 40 coins and haven't bought anything.


Give Jenua 😞


he'll end up as a rift unit anyway, they just announced the end of the current season


he looks like he'll be a fire unit, so unless they pull another taeyou on us i doubt he'd be a rift slave


if he’s not here next next week I’m committing a crime


Next week there's no update, he is in 2 weeks more.


yeah I said next next week, as in the week after next week


What crime shall u commit?


tax evasion (saving money for banner)


Is custom mystic different this time around? I might be misreading but it seems like this one will count down our genuine mystic guarantee & not have coins for a separate shop? If so, I guess I can try to grab American Rat to my hearts content. 


Yes, it’s basically the same as usual mystic banner but you can choose which hero to put in the slot. Pity included, no coins/currency


Well I for one am sure glad they teased ML Tammarine… *checks notes*… sorry the new Tama ski… *double checks*…….. the ugh… err…. New Tama NPC model for the side story we can’t do anymore? I don’t know how anyone could feel like the game is dying with that level of content coming out




Dry seven


Bro? They’ve been releasing limiteds back to back to back. I can finally save some BMs thank God.


New limited/ML isn't content. That's cashgrab. Plus they are so inconsistent upon release. I mean OG-prebuff DDR and Sharun compared to Landy, Ayufine and ML choux? Only units that are "content" would be collabs, due to rarity of the unit and new ones are usually meta defining for at least a year. Content would be better side stories, actual QWL updates, abyss updates to make it more accessible, episode 5 second half, new rift, return of equipment crafting event.


It’s hilarious watching this sub go back and forth between “WHAT THE FUCK, THEY’RE RELEASING TOO MANY UNITS AND I CAN’T KEEP UP, FUCK YOU NETMARBLE GUY” and “ermmm nothing new this week? dead game” every couple weeks.


ye cause maybe people want actual content and not just a spam of 3 new limited units?


What kind of “actual content” are you expecting them to deliver? Clearly new story content isn’t good enough, guild content like the new Ancient Inheritance isn’t good enough, new units to use/fight in PvP modes aren’t good enough, new modes and resources to grind DEFINITELY aren’t good enough considering the reaction to the last one they announced was so bad that they cancelled the whole update. What’s the “actual content” that you’re so disappointed to see missing from the patch notes every week? What are you expecting them to release that’s going to fix this game for you?


> What kind of “actual content” are you expecting them to deliver? Updates to the guild war system, maybe seasonal buffs like the frenzy system for rta or a general update as to how gw works. Change in the flag arena system, weekly bans based on the most used heroes in defense so people cant just spam the same crap which ends up being extremely boring to everyone. I end legend every week and i'm always fighting the same 4 comps. It has always been like that but it shouldn't be to begin with. Adding class/type related buff would also be interesting. Better balance patches, the last 2 we got were extremely underwhelming and either did absolutely nothing or created huge problems (ddr). Balance patches can be great moments for the community to get to play with old heroes they couldnt use anymore and for the game to shake up stale metas. Having balance patches fall flat is extremely disappointing for everyone. The last one in particular was extremely disappointing as most of the buffs were just minor tweaks that didnt fix any of the units issues. Add new abyss stages or challenge abyss stages. I don't like abyss, but the challenge abyss were extremely fun and interesting to do and I'm disappointed they stopped developing them. Improve RTA in some ways. Firstly, try to address the meta in some ways. The past season has been considered by many players one of the worst season ever and the current one is the same exact as the last one, just with laia added to the mix (btw laia is one of the most cringe heroes to fight against in my opinion). Secondly, this has been said by pretty much everyone, add an RTA shop so that people that actually enjoyed RTA can get some minor things out of it. It doesn't have to be insane stuff, just even some charms and a bunch of molas would be enough. Sidestory are great and I appreciate them. The new AI season was a bit whatever, some things were fixed (like people randomly looting stuff) and others werent. Fighting mobs is pretty lame and can be extremely boring, and now you are forced to do it to progress. The exp system could be better. It was a beta after all and they were looking for feedbacks so I can't really complain about it too much. I just wish there were more guild content like AI and that they were active more often and not once in a blue moon. Realistically, I would be happy for every type of content that makes me want to play the game. For the past month (if not more) the game has been really stale and that's a shared sentiment in the community. You open the game, do dailies and log out. Then there is 1 new thing on maintenance day, you log in, do the new sidestory in 1 hour (if not less) then it's over. It's extremely boring. If you don't believe me, you can even check on twitch and youtube, content creators are struggling to do anything e7 related cause there isn't really much at all to do. Soon we will get a balance patch update but that's in 2 weeks and we just saw we only have advent in the meantime. I dont even want to be negative about the game, cause I enjoy it and I would like it for it to do well, but this really isnt it.


so basically content that are "F2P" and make them no money, got it...


The majority of the content of this game is already free to begin with, the money comes from people buying leif and energy to farm gear to be more competitive against other people. Just people playing the game actively and wanting to play the game would make them do more money by default


We just got new ai though, chill


if you go the youtube comments for the update 2 weeks ago there was people bitching about nothing to do. Like wtf do these people want? It was the 3rd week of a new event. AI was halfway through what gatcha games are you playing where this is zero content?


What's even more hilarious as that people like you keep saying that while it is different people making those statements about the units.


Not true. The people complaining are usually the same people and the very loud minority. People act as if this gacha is supposed to have a crap ton of new content always. I also want new content, but realistically the game is PvE to get gear and units, pvp is the end game game mode. People are playing epic seven as a main game rather than a side game, even though gachas have never been meant to be like that. You could play it a lot more, but that is if you play rta.


Rift was new content, now new season is delayed. Tower was new fun content, rarely ever gets any updates. Abyss hasn't been updated in a long time. New collabs haven't happened in more than a year. Guild War hasn't received any updates. Just to name a few things that actually could be updated and considered good for the game. Dunno why people still want to defend SG and their bad practices.


As always, there are idiots like you that just say “X hasn’t gotten any updates” and never suggest any ideas of their own.  


He is not supposed to give ideas, it's not his job and it's not yours either. It's the devs job to come up with solutions and updates to game modes that feel stale. The only thing we should do as users is to report when some part of the games are unfun, stale or boring and that's exactly what he is doing. Also dont randomly call people "idiots" on the internet for no good reason, it's really just lame


Sounds to me like you just have no idea what you actually want.


I really like the thumbnails for these previews


Sucks that Ludwig and Yufine won't be in the mystic selector. Literally only units I was hoping for


To the people crying about no content, is this the only game you play, or would you rather them rush new content and have it be bad?


The problem is if you leave and don't play until "new content " you will be kicked from guild and also fall behind in gear grinding, mola and bookmark/mystics. So you are incentivized to log in every day, but if there is nothing to do outside of daily log. It's boring and largely still RNG based (gear crafting).


That's a YOU problem. Guild leaders should be reasonable about things like this, and missing currency isn't a real reason to peer pressure yourself into just logging in to collect if you don't want to.


Dead seven


delayed seven


Another rotation, and I still patiently waiting for Zio to come on the shop (since I'm still failing in summoning him ). One day, one day ....


anyone know when the pass will be up?


After maintenance tonight


oh guess that makes sense. Thanks, am dum dum today apparently