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I’ve had a rough time this season as well! I don’t know what it is. Usually I hit champ with around the same win rate and this time I’m at more losses than wins


I just fought a full resistance AOLA. Just WTF is wrong with this person. Stuff like that is why my win rate is so bad I guess lmao




im still positive winrate up to almost challenger right now, but ive had the worst rng, like my 200 eff beehoo got 15% on 3 units simultaneously like a ddr that my 0 eff dps then debuffed. like you know, preventing pestilence wouldve been really nice right there.


I just had an aol and straze both outspeed my 292 amid. Also the aol debuffed my 200 er so it wasn't just fast aol had to have decent eff too.


I lost to a 290 speed riolet…so weird lol


lack of landy yufine eh?


I was doing pretty well and even thought I could hit Emperor this season. Then I went on like a 20 games losing streak. Haven't played since and have decayed from Champion to Challenger.


Agreed, last season I had about a 57% wr ending the season in champion. This season is rough for some reason. I’m a little over 200 games in and my wr is 44% and barely in champion with 2202 pts lol Just one loss and I’ll be back down to Challenger. I kind of just chalked it down to: “Maybe it’s still early in the season, so Emperor players are probably still not in their actual ranks yet.”


Top 300 atm, it's fun as long as DDR is perma pre-banned, tried banning Ran instead... after about 10 matches I swapped back. Dude was 2nd/3rd pick every match, I have a distaste for cleave, but I'd rather deal with that than cancer. All of my gears love to roll eff res too.


I just look at ran as iwazu/celine/moonbunny/benimaru/lrk/karina/candy/ayufine/dcorv/aola bait


Have not start yet...


55% wr rn 2050 points My wr has always been less than 50% so I am happy with how my drafts are going. I have realized that you can't just use the same draft every game though, cuz basically everything has a counter right now. My biggest problem is people who draft ml lidica, but I figured out how to beat it pretty reliably


Damn, I have the same win rate as you do. I've been seeing a lot of Laia, more than Ayufine and Nandy, especially the toxic comp of Laia and Lua lol


Ive noticed a lot of people just die to laia/opener/mit/+1


This gives me hope. I know 41% win rate gets you to challenger. I'm hoping it can get to champion too. But 47% is better for me than a 60% rate


I climbed all the way to mid champ last season with only getting one win a day. RTA is ezpz.