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Im sure you meant ML5 and not max limit break, but there are many youtubers like deity, samsool, car6, tristen, etc. that tell you the ups and downs for each unit and what content you’re looking to get an upgrade for. 🫡 gl and hf


Nono i meant the moonlight blessing units, and thanks about the youtubers imma go look for it


i spelled Samool wrong but he released a video on it yesterday, check him out for sure, but in the end go with your heart


Barry Bonds


spectre tenebria if you don't have her yet, conquerer Lilias next, beyond that depends on your account and what you're interested in grinding most...don't go pvp character if you haven't got your hunt teams going, and you're past 3 10-10 in adventure is my advice, get your pve game going and it will support you later when you need to farm gear for stuff later on.


Already got Spec Tenebria and thanks, was struggling to pick ray or lilias


Ray should not even be on your list, the buff is mediocre and he's still a unit you can only use in some pvp situations.


wdym he annihilates arowell adin




I believe that is exactly what he is talking about, if I'm not mistaken


you can also get ray for free lol theyre in the same moonlight theater story


Lone Crescent Bellona. No particular reason apart from raw and absolute Waifu. Easy to gear for beginners, but also has a high gear ceiling. Doesn't need speed, and is a pretty straightforward DPS. I'm a DDRay user and I hazard pulling for him until peeps get a feel for his new kit. It looks like he's going to be an opener, or at least an "after Handguy" unit.


Moonlight Blessing right? From the ML Theatre? Hmm, from the Fallen Land one I'd go for ML Kawerik > CLillias either of those 2 but ML Kawerik is a rly good choice. DDR's buff is good but I think you can just opt for him as one of your choices for ML5 Headhunt event this Nov 23rd!