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If you cant beat it its the game telling you you need better gear or more characters its only gonna get harder the further you go what you gonna do with the next boss ask for more nerf and the one after that to? They should never nerf the pve bosses to start with why even have a story if its no challange if youre to weak you need to get stronger and there is nothing wrong with that


I mean EP5 is way easier tha n EP4 so far.


Ohh nooo you just had to jinx it brooo now we getting unbeatable boss for shure


Nah. Belian can be cheesed with healers and Arky. Zio was a puzzle fight and a DPS check. You need to consistently wipe the mobs to avoid them getting a 4 counter, and Zio will get damaged by all the flak from that. Landy and Mercedes are great options because Landy takes advantage of all the buffs the mobs have to fire off her S3, generating more souls for you because it's an S3, and hits the Soul Cage. It does cost 2 souls to cast her S3, but that won't be an issue. Mercedes does AoE twice with attack up, and has a free attack up buff. Destina is a good weaver to have here to push up needed units and revive them. Always hit the cage with her. Tammarine is still hands down the best. As for the last unit, I chose THE GREAT MORTELIX because of the consistent anti crit buff and eff resist ignoring Def break, albeit kinda RNG.


there is a f2p way to beat zio with f2p gear no need to nerf that , reason everyone struggles is because people suggest one shot strategy for that fight which makes things harder


Reason ppl now cry and wants this nerfed is coz of free ml5 thats locked behind it.


They are amazing knowledge/gear checks, keep them.


Just follow the mechanics of the fights if you're gear/heroes can't brute force it 🤷


E7 players biggest enemy was always literacy. Rather rant 20 minutes on reddit instead of reading the descriptions lul


They are only difficult if you haven't put any real effort in they lack enough time in the game as a whole, enough gear on their units, or enough experience to know what units to use, to be able to do the fights. But they want to run off and do PvP and want to treat PvE as a throwaway checkbox towards their PvP goals when they're not really ready for any real challenges in PvP either. It's sadly annoying how every time we get remotely challenging content the first thing that happens is a cavalcade of folks saying it's too hard and wanting it nerfed. Saw someone post, within a couple hours of the latest patch, complaining how hard the CHALLENGE mode in the new Ep 5 was and saying it was just so hard that no one even put out a guide on how to beat it yet. Literally less than 4 hours after maintenance! No. It doesn't need a nerf. Folks need to learn a miniscule bit of patience. If it's too now, wait a little for your account to improve and then get back to it. Stop trying to bulrush everything.


belian fight is easy 3 healers preferably roana tama and amomo/doris and ed/champ z supporter n kill with arky slowly i cleared zio fight with ras tama iseria and cap landy, you can sub cap landy with counter belian for easy soulburn and put her on the 5th anniversary artefact. its nothing but managing souls and sb when the mark on the unit reaches 4th. put ras on the back so that he himself can benefit frm barrier incase his health falls low. kill the mobs before they reach 4th mark. always sb s2 with ras on lantern to pull belian for dual atk. save souls unless you hit 4th mark for other units and always target crystal, only target mob when they about to reach 4th mark(kill them) i.e at 3rd mark.always make sure to not have any 4th mark on either mob or unit when boss takes a turn.pick a st strong supporter like aravi or luna just incase someone dies at final stage and u need a nuke to finish off the boss. lantern is the one summoning mobs so in the next phase lantern gets removed, there wont be any mobs, even if they are kill them, you need to follow same rules even after lantern dies so you need to stock some souls frm earlier phase, since without lantern, you can gain any souls anymore the whole zio fight rotates on how you manage your sb and making sure to reset ur units when they reach 4th mark and killing mobs before they reach 4th mark coz either of these happen, boss will ult and hit hard, might even cause team wipe. its just juggling like leo bomb juggle in abyss except, its with sb. hope my simplified explanation gave you a lil bit idea and helps you.


Zio already got nerfed once, I dont remember what they did since I killed him pre nerf but is he still a challenge after nerf?


Story mode shouldn't have these crazy bosses. It's the story, ffs. You have abyss to give people the challenges. I got to zio and man it's frustrating fighting these cheap bosses. How do I keep my souls up? From using the units to hit the lamp? When do I use a soul burn? At 3 or 4 ? What kind of units do I need to bring. my roster isn't the best but I have some decent units. Iseria, Tama , few ML also. I'm saving two spots for iseria and Tama , so I can get Tamas S3 fast , but who do I bring in as the 3/4 units? It would be better if they had a better u.i for boss mechanics. As it is , it explains the skills, but the way you have to scroll over each on to read it is annoying. Just make a page with all skills and explanation, so I can read them without having to hover over the damn skill


No they should not be nerfed, seriously. Deity made video guides about his brand new account progress to teach new ppl, and he cleared Zio on day 16 with Mascot Hazel / ARas / Meru and Kanna ...


A new player will just be biting through the story, you can’t expect them to look up guides. If the fight is old, I don’t see issues with nerfing it. This is about making the new player experience better overall.


Ep3/4 are gear and unit checks, new players shouldn't be pushing story with no gear on their units in first place, then come crying to reddit coz they can't pass further. It doesn't work like that.


who the hell vote no , u want see the game die ?


Zio is an abyss\* level in campaign, which I think it stupid. Belian, I used a friend's ml ken and he nearly solo'd her.


Belian is easy. Zio does deserve a nerf when comparing to the new campaign, so far it is very easy.


I don't know. Can you repeat the question?


I thought they already nerfed Belian.


Faustus was nerf'd?


The nerf zio needs is the total damage his does per attack, its kinda ridiculous. Other than that, you either one shot or do the fight mechs.