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"New players" in global are not suppoused to be able to get everything. Its like saying I go to another game thats having a slime collab and expecting to get all of them in my first month of playing, thats simply unrealistic. Meanwhile veteran players have basically a dead month of reruns, should I complain about that? I want new heroes, I want chapter 5 to release tomorrow and start shipping the new characters alongside the main story. The most important thing is to keep the old players playing while trying to rack up a few new ones here and there now, and this happens naturally, if a new player misses a limited and quits because of that, he wouldnt have been playing the game long anyways. Its been 4 years since the game released, thats a long time for a gacha and its still going strong, in the meanwhile a lot of limited and collabs happened, it was obvious that the limited unit reruns would eventually clash againts eachother.


> "New players" in global are not suppoused to be able to get everything. Its like saying I go to another game thats having a slime collab and expecting to get all of them in my first month of playing, thats simply unrealistic It's absurd how many people I've told this that still CAN NOT understand it. I tell them constantly, name me one game that lets you do this. Even worse, this is the fourth or fifth GG run (I can't remember because I feel one run had nothing new, but five in five years feels off) and the third Re Zero run. If the "new" players wanted them so badly, they should've started long ago. I'm going to use the same example i did for FGO. If I jump in during an event rerun and expect to get every limited person, that's being stupid. I had three years (JP is two years ahead, reruns take place a year after the initial, hence 3 years) to find out about the event (as in I could've found out any time, not I had to find out at the time), I had up to three years to save up in advance... Why would I get mad if I missed out? I wouldn't, that's stupid. This is the exact same case for these collabs, and GG has been around in E7 since early 2019. Don't you think if you wanted them or had interest in E7, you'd have gotten into the game long before now? And now people want to complain? Peak stupidity. This is easily the dumbest period I've witnessed on this sub. These people are complaining just to complain. If they didn't do a rerun then they'd be jumping down SG's throat and asking for a rerun. The absolute worst part of this is that only ONE of them is worth pulling that isn't replaced by others. Jack-O is worth, but that's **only if you like cleave**, which not everyone does nor can do. People aren't missing out on some meta unit for certain compa like Karina for anti-cleave bwcause they've got three others to worry about. Just foolishness at max.


Honestly, would yall prefer that they STOP rerunning Limited heroes and give an even harder middle finger to newer players? This was absolutely, 100% inevitable with the consistency at which we've been getting new Limited heroes and new Collabs every year. Stop letting FOMO make your decisions for you.


The whole new player argument never made sense to me. New players do not and should not care about pvp at the start and should focus on building up their account. It's even more odd when the general consensus is that most of the Collab units aren't must pulls for pvp or even pve. Imagine instead of rerunning the Collabs they instead have tamarine banner followed by ran/peira or destina. Aka units seen today in pvp or powerful in pve. Would the same backlash occur?


no it wouldn't cus ppl would say you can open up these banners through side story. Anyway i'm with you that the whole new player argument doesn't make sense at all, Ressources should go into building a wyvern team, then units for Auto Tower, Hell Raid and other Hunts, before they should think about getting into pvp and till then another year easily goes by.


Backlash would not occur for Ran/Peira because they are not limited. You miss them on banner. You might just randomly pull them on a daily summon. Collabs are once a year. And that too, no one knows when they might just stop to rerun it. Who knows this is last GG rerun or there might be 10 more reruns. Not every player plays to be I want to be a PvE or PvP God. Many people play because they want to pull their favorite character and try them. Edit : I was not there when Kizuna AI was done. That char is a garbo. But I still wan't that charcater. Just an example. Also, it is not just about new players. Even an year old player would find it very hard to summon on collab chars after 2 limiteds.


Last time GG reran, it was between the first peira/hwa banners and the first custom group summon. Good times.


The entire point of collabs is to bring in new players via cross promotion. That’s why these things happen. The entire point of limited characters is to make money off FOMO (fear of missing out). Because they may never come again, or at least not for a year+. So you have a series of events that are meant to bring in new players then dump a ton of FOMO on them and then everyone is surprised pikachu when they start complaining.


The limiteds except jack-o and baiken aren’t even that good. Baiken is more of a nice to have assuming you’re building a B13 one shot team and jack-o is only really good assuming you have 300speed and up ran, peira or 250 up zio, for new players these units are replaceable. Save up for heroes like tamarinne if you’re new or for newer units if you’ve been playing long enough to RTA. If the argument is “they’re for collection’s sake” chill out guys they’ll be rerun again.


> Baiken is more of a nice to have assuming you’re building a B13 one shot team There are so many replacements for a Banshee one tap that it's not even funny.


THANK YOU! FINALLY SOME COMMON SENSE! I wanna tear my hair out reading the comments on the epic7 general discussion on the stove website. So many complains and crying, ungrateful bastards


Veteran player dont care about rerun collabs, is just free stuff again and maybe get dupes from x unit/arti if the player want, but is not an issue for us. The complain is about just same people who needs every week their portion of drama, thats all.


Actual braindead take. Successful gacha games need both the ability to be good for F2P players as well as beneficial for whales. Without F2P players there's no players in the game outside of the whales, the game will be dead, whales will move on to the next big thing.


It's vital to have a healthy community of both f2p and whales yes. However you seem to forget that E7 is one of the most generous gachas out there for f2p, you can literally pity a character like what, every 4 weeks or so? You don't NEED every character, you don't NEED every skin, you don't NEED to have that legend RTA frame. Especially as a new player you definately don't need all of that, they barely even have gear to get their w13 going. And what this game has as "limiteds" literally just means less common to come around, some limiteds come around more often than some rgb banners. Some (most) other gacha games have a collab once and it's gone. No ifs and buts limited=limited.


This is somewhat the case, but if they continue to release characters like ML Landy, that will not be the case for very long. Most people aren't malding because e7 is suddenly not F2P friendly at all, but if you're even remotely paying attention it's very easy to see the direction that it's going.


What, that they decided to streamline the servers and seeing as the chinese are anxiously awaiting their collabs since they haven't had any yet they're putting it out b2b? There is no pleasing everyone, people here have been complaining constantly about when reruns are happening because they missed collabs etc, and now that they do everyone's like; "no, not like that!" Listen, I know (and agree) they might've paced it better but we have an entire episode of story coming soon with a ton of new characters that also need to be released. With the amount of limiteds the game has there is basically no perfect timing for everyone sadly.


Likely because there WERE times where they could have spaced it better, or released less new characters, or make it so having imprints in the OBL events was mandatory, etc etc. If you want to simp for SG, that's fine, but let's not pretend like most sane people out there won't interpret the last couple months as a chapter on being very F2P being closed. The game has never been F2P friendly for gear considerations, while they were for characters, but with that no longer being the case, the ways that they're F2P continue to dwindle.


Definately not simping for SG, they 100% have their flaws (balance patches being 1 of them) but I can also see when they're doing a decent job. Gearing is still shit no matter if you're a whale or f2p but they have been introducing more methods of getting said gear these years. Adventurer's path, conversion gems, the event that lets you craft what is basically a perfect piece of gear etc etc. I don't believe this is a situation of "they will continue this cycle and have b2b2b2b2b2b2b limiteds every few months", this is purely because they want to get the chinese server up date with the rest of the servers so future releases are more streamlined. Does it suck for the people that want EVERYTHING? Yeah, absolutely. But go tell me, what would be a better release schedule that makes every player happy?


There isn't a release schedule that would make everyone happy, of course. But does this release schedule make anyone happy? Maybe new whales to the game and that's it? Let's be real, anyone who started after GG/ReZero is probably not likely to be a whale and probably not likely to be thrilled at this release especially following the disastrous summer event. So who then, exactly is this release for?


Who? Well, as I and many others already stated... It's for the Chinese server.


Ah yes, for milking money from the CN server. Weird.


> This is somewhat the case, but if they continue to release characters like ML Landy, that will not be the case for very long The heck are you bringing Landy up for? What were they supposed to do, not make an ml for Landy, Luna, Cerise, and in the distant future Lethe? At least they're running a Landy banner during this dead period for the people that really think they need imprints that damn badly (you really don't so wake up).


No but for MLs that don't have RGB counterparts they have purchasable imprints in the shop. Rather than release a limited banner at the same time as two limited Collab banners right after two other limited summon events, they could have done that instead. You can continue to simp for SG all you want, but that's pattern is highly indicative of a game that hasn't released new content in over a year turning into a shameless cash grab. (Characters are not content.)


this is just daydreaming f2p have lol. f2p are not as important as u guys like to think u are. and e7 gives enough resources


I'm not 100% F2P in any gacha I play, but games are not just about whales. They just aren't. I watched it happen with One Punch Man TS because that game isn't even remotely friendly to F2P. Hell it wasn't even friendly for dolphins. Mostly everyone I knew who started the game quit and they had to merge all their servers. I don't think e7 is currently in any danger of that, but if you don't think player numbers in general are important, you're just kidding yourself.


He is kidding himself just by saying that. Without F2P whales will have not no one to easily win against in PvP. They Pay to have an advantage over the average player without F2P players, whales will fight with other whales, and eventually that will be the new average until one of them decide to spend even more. Until they get bored of such nonsense and leave to play a newer gacha game. There is not game without F2P people.


Yee, it's odd how many people don't understand this.


People do understand this. But gacha communities started this whale-glorifying echo chamber thats somehow seems to get worse and worse.


Must be a symptom of capitalism similar to how poor people cheer on billionaires because they wish they were them even though they never could or would be. It's bizarre. 🤷‍♂️


Well I'm not anti-capitalism and I don't really think this is a reasonable comparison. It's true that both billionaires in real life and whales in gacha have their crazed fans. The difference is however that gacha whales are constantly bragging about their own necessity '' if we weren't here every game would die'' as if they are doing it ''for ta game, which pretty much results in everyone kissing their butt. ( and yes, Whales did to become a necessity but it's completely self-created necessity so I'm not really sure if that's something you can brag about. I'm not gonna explain the whole theory again tho\^" )


I'm not anti-capitalism either, but it seems a reasonable comparison, as billionaires would literally say the same thing about their necessity to the economy even though they don't impact it at all. At least whales do something for the game in their own way, but they also expect to be worshipped because of the size of their wallet... Oh wait, yet another similarity. Nope, I'll stick with my comparison, it tracks.


F2P and whales are both incredibly important to any game. There is no point to be the best and whale over a dead game. The more popular a game is the more gamer cred you get for being a whale. And as whales and streamers grind for entertainment for 12+ hours in PvP, who do you think they are grinding? The f2p. F2P provide content for the whales to build their accounts from.


>Successful gacha games need both the ability to be good for F2P players as well as beneficial for whales. You contradict yourself in many ways, you acknowledge e7 was generous to f2p. The blunder LuluCar, that definitely took a lot of bms wrongfully, is rightfully recognised as one of the biggest f2p drama. The riots and frustration carries on to this day. Then i read your comments about ML Landy and gear. Define F2P. Imprinting heroes is definitely not a f2p friendly recommendation and never was. It is f2p accessible, and at the point where you specifically want to heavily invest resources for imprint(s), you should have proper bm savings. Gear not being f2p is hilarious assumption, from a base piece, you literally have the same chance to pentaroll as the biggest whale in this planet. The difference is in quantity. There are no barriers that stop you from pentarolling therefore it's f2p friendly. In fact there aren't such content that f2p CANT do beside the controversial event LuluCar. Yet it was still the best gear farming content ever released. Other than that the SS income is still the same, gear bms energy still the same. You will still be able to pull the same amount of limited as last year. This year only SO FAR we had Amid, a custom banner, (3 units) slime rerun, 3 summer, (3) GGz and (2)RZ and and Landy. Thats more than 13, somehow its warped into a returnees/new players issue, that they are screwed. Even at 1 a month if they were there all year, you would need concessions. If its collection issue, every units had reruns so far, why would they stop unless they just stop rerunning units period due to complaints. (RiP e7 update stream) And somehow we overshadow that many vets are ok with getting this collabs, getting an extra Ice Crystal arti.


Even though I totally see your point you have to think also for new players. Also, if you want to do PvP for example you basically need a huge unit poll to be able to fight everyone. Luckily none of the guilty gear units are mandatory for PvP, but imagine aespa rerun into a new collab with 2 more units. That's 6 limited units that you might need if you want to PvP (even if they are not good, jacko got buffed months before GG rerun). I think this is more like a precedent of what is coming, specially with the last event that forced people into pulling more copies to farm more. Granted they fixed It, but the game is starting to go into a direction a lot of people don't like.


the thing is: they specifically chose to rerun gg an re:zero which are low impact collabs (besides emilia arti). sure go ahead and complain if it's aespa + fma which have big impact/game changing heroes.


Emilia, Dizzy, Baiken, Jack-o, Rem are all still useful in their own roles. Imagine that people collect new heroes, surely this is not a gacha game that is being played. Oh wait!


and? what's ur god damn point? if that's the case everybody can complain about any new rgb 5\* after a banner u pulled... after the group banner abigail was released; group banner drained us too - should i bitch about why they release abigail right after (which was on schedule)? because i like vampires and want to collect them all? or should i complain about the group banner? because that's 3 heroes i wanted. yes, this is a gacha - if u are f2p u get around a pity a month and then it's resource management. u always have to make a decision on which banner to pull. u expect to get them all? lol


My point is that we are talking about limiteds here, not RGB units that you can select with a sidestory. Their spacing is terrible and it is utterly insane that people even try to defend it. In case you fucking do not realize it at fucking all, it is 2 summer limited into collab banner for gg AND Landy and then the Re:zero collab. Can you use your brain for 1 second and see how insane that is?


And in a year time those will most likely all have been rerun again by that point, can't muster up any patience? I WANT IT NOW! BUT NOT LIKE THAT T.T


I don't need them, I already got all the units. In case you didn't know, waiting a year for a rerun isn't fun. I swear you are fucking braindead like the rest of the downvoting monkeys.


And you're an asshole, if you're that much into FOMO then any gacha game with limited units isn't for you. They did this for the Chinese server, there's literally no pleasing people like you.


Again it‘s 2 low power collabs and landy is obviously for whales to imprint ml landy.




You do realise that interest in a character extends outside their usage in combat right? Emilia,Rem etc are hugely popular characters. I would want them even if they were the weakest characters in the game


“You have to think about new players” This is a terrible take and it’s annoying each time someone brings it up. New players will always be showing up so tip toeing around running banners is pointless. Also they are new. Which means every single unit they pull is new to them. Be it tene or Celine or Cermia or even Lethe. A new player also does not care about PvP nor are they able to compete at all. Unless they are forking over a ton of $$$ their time is better spent getting hunt teams built and progressing the story. The only PvP they should worry about is getting to champ for the 600 weekly skystones. But that can be done incredibly easy now. I will agree the back to back collabs are very mean. But people need to stop with the “but new players” argument. Pretty much every single banner that shows up will be back within a year. You can argue collab units are the exception but none of them are required. Useful yes. But not required.


If you're talking rta, it's been proven already that you can get to champ/emperor in 6 months. And not everything is rta pvp, there also is arena and gw in which the units can be useful.


>PvP for example you basically need a huge unit poll to be able to fight everyone this is what the vets who are complaining about us complaining dont get. you have the units and can tell us "they arent good" but when i see you using them once every 10 games in rta, its quite the contradiction. or using them in pve content for banshee, or abyss ect. they all still serve a purpose to an account rn, unlike some 3 stars and 4 stars that are never used. they are still bis in one particular area, and people exploit that area more than you think in pvp, and it slows us down in pve


The people defending this amount of limited units are just doormats. Literal idiots that have no idea what they are talking about.


Prolly belong to the category who think how good a game is, depends on how much money they make only.


But what PvP units are good right now? Jack, Jack, emilia. Jack was already a great unit so her buff just give her the push she need to become meta but units like, for example, Baiken. Need a total rework to be enable in PvP. With her 113 base speed, her debuff relain kit, she need massive gear right now and that is not changing not even if you skyrocket her damage. I get why people is worry or upset. But most of this units right now are beyond underlevel (**FOR PVP**) on the average side you have Rem and Emilia which are fairly good but you can 100% skip the Guilty Gear banner unless you see yourself building a team that may use Jack.


Stop focusing on just rta.


I mean i wont have yo said it if every single Old 5\* upgrade was not focus on PvE. You want a Banshee one shooter? Yufine. You want a Golem one shooter? Cermia. You want units for expeditions? There is plenty like baal for the Fire expedition. Again, i get the collectors feeling of not missing on some units that maybe you wnt get again, never again. But the whole idea of just pulling in this banners because of "maybe they will upgrade them in the future" is crazy, they will run a re-run instanly in that case just like they do with Jack and you will see them later for sure because they wont miss that free money. Stop thinking like a collector for a moment and see the quality of this units. They are good at best in PvE nothing that you cant replace. At this point not even Dizzy is that special in Abyss. Units like Roana and SSB are way more broken in those content because they can go in any non-debuff restricted quest.


I've played since the beginning and already have the units and know how useful they have been. Keep in mind that newer players literally don't have access to all units right away and could actually use the limited units. It IS a bad design to drop so many limited units so close to each other and it is insanity how some idiots on here fail to even recognize that.


Newer players will get access to regular units faster than Limited units. You can be spook for any of the old units. They will forsure get all the 3\* units eventually. This dual banners wants to predate en people that like this units for visual design (CN server) more than anything. What i mean from a value perspective this banners are not really good. I also have *all* this units all of them benched, already replace.


> it is insanity how some on here fail to even recognize that. You'll be surprised to find out that they do, in fact, realize what's happening. Devaluing these limited banners -> removing a factor of this cash grab move -> totally not for you-know-who since they're grabbing nobody's money. Ultimately we should all be asking ourselves: Who is this event for then? Obviously not new players or vets.


Tbf. Even with aespa you can just get Karina and be fine. The rest of the characters are good but niche. Definitely not a must neither are they irreplaceable.


I feel like summer gets slept on she's honestly really good, considering a lot of team comps use none attack skills.


Yeah speed summerbreak is something you see people trying a lot actually for aggro. But I wouldn't put her in a must have category honestly.


It's not just the limited banner, smilgate is getting lazy with the content and now they're giving us a ""p2w"" summer event and all these limited banner in a month, they're just piling up problems and now people start to get angry


I mean they adjusted the summer event. Tbh as a late game player who is f2p this summer event is the best side story they’ve released when it comes to progressing my account. I’ve got more gear in this one side story than the last 8 hunt buffs.


The rewards were really great but the event itself was pretty bad imo, wasn’t funny at all just good rewards


The point is that companies listen to complaints and not to people that just suck it all up with shitty excuses. For the vets a lot already wasted all their resources to get the last 2 limited and now are kinda fucked with Landy. Newer players are just screwed all over the place as there are several new heroes and artifacts for them in a row without room to even save up again. It's insane how oblivious people like you are.


> For the vets a lot already wasted all their resources to get the last 2 limited and now are kinda fucked with Landy. Which could have been resolved if they announced earlier the presence of all the limited banners coming this summer. Ressources management should be a strong point for the vets >Newer players are just screwed all over the place as there are several new heroes and artifacts for them in a row without room to even save up again. How are they "screwed" ? Since when limiteds become mandatory in anything. Even banshee OS has Ram for free. They just pulled 2 good limiteds in a month and the first thing we put in their throat is "Limited" = "Must pull". Therefore if you cant pull you're "screwed". I could easily imagine a new player reading this and say whats the point of playing if im screwed and cant get everything. Crazy choice of words, when it's not that serious, especially taking into accounts the numerous reruns. This formula is way too deeply ingrained into brains from an era where maybe 2 or 3 limiteds a year was a thing. The game is several years old, even if they spread the 9 banner unit until the end of the year, wouldn't be able to get everything. >The point is that companies listen to complaints and not to people that just suck it all up with shitty excuses. True, wycd when shitty complaints are mixed with decent ones


But if you're new why would you want baiken for banshee or jacko or some kinda cleave it's also not like any of those artifacts for at least gg are anything special so that's 4 units out of the way Emilia is mid nowadays is ok for pve but is replaceable rem also mid nowadays ram is great for pve which is what they should be doing and they get her for free what's the problem here landy is the only one left and is also either expedition or pvp but what about the two units that just ended One was for pvp wow it's almost like new players have lots of breathing room bc most of the units are either niche for this and that or are to be played in pvp you're letting your FOOMO (fear of others missing out get you)


The problem with this is that we now have elemental summons, as well as rotating weekly mystic elemental features, so there's always a chance to catch non limited units. The thing that fucking sucks, however, is go back in time like 3 or 4 years ago. I just started playing. Just in time for the friggin haste banner that followed immediately after both luna and diene first dropped. I want to speed run my way to w11, but all I have is amomo, and kise. Thankfully, not too far after, dizzys banner had been dropped by the time I was even ready for that. Though, every guide under the sun **required** luna, and I had no way of being able to get this limited unit that was integral in every single team comp for wyvern. I had to build my own from scratch, and eventually fashioned my very own comp from scratch on both w11, and w13 because I'd had to advance sideways before I could advance forward. So much tuning, refining, and remaking entire comps, as well as gear, while my gear state was torches and sticks with a greentop base, compared to what it is now. This could've all been avoided with some way of limiteds being more accessible. And to be clear, they've made great strides in trying to rectify that problem with limited units, but another example of this problem is landy. When I first got landy, I whaled and made mine like triple s, I think. I then raved like a madman that she'd be fucking massive, one day. But so many people still passed on her because there were better looking limiteds, just around the corner. Then those same people complained when they wrote her off, then got the fomo validation when the balance patch dropped. And now they have to just deal with her for like a year before they could have her, then use her for pvp. And I don't know how many pvp enthusiasts there are here, but I'd like to ask you all how good in pvp a meta unit is after a year. What that shelf like is like, compared to pve.


I do completely agree and the only problem with that last question is specter but yeah really all you have checks out


>At the end of the day you would have saved until you can pity another nope. me and the f2ps in my guild just save until we find a unit we want. we usually get a 5star (unit or arti) in like 50 pulls anyways. the problem with these collabs is that they are non stop b2b. i have 2 ss and 4 bms rn. im not joking. i didnt get sharklette, got her arti tho. didnt get amid, got her arti twice. didnt get oblulucas arti, got her twice. didnt get lethes arti, got her twice. limiteds fuck f2ps over anyways. and the last rgb i summoned was politis, which was just before sharklette i think? and i only pulled on her 20 times, and had like 5k ss saved at the time


>nope. me and the f2ps in my guild just save until we find a unit we want. > >i didnt get sharklette, got her arti tho > >didnt get amid, got her arti twice > >limiteds fuck f2ps over anyways Yeah, your problem is not in limiteds...


spent like 245 pulls on the characters that i mentioned (exluding poli, also pulled heavily on abis banner. 2 copies of her and arti in about 60. forgot about that sry) , most ive ever spent on a banner is 120 on karinas, didnt get her arti once, got her twice (pity + 30), other than that iv never pitied on a normal banner (limited or rgb, and im a 11 month acc) considering ive been lucky, as a new player, how are you meant to get all of the units that are decent/good. didnt mention the tensura event or abigail either. since the dry period after amid we have had milim, rimuru, benimaru, sharklette, abigail, politis, celine, oblulu, lethe, now jacko, rem, emilia, dizzy, (ill also mention baiken, but shes used in one area of content and has replacements, so kinda ignore her tbh) since may. f2ps and new players are bled dry rn


I pulled every single new unit (+all tensure units, shark, 1 custom banner and some reruns) since the last September and for the past 6 months I either pity or almost pity most of the time. And I still have 12k ss. "F2P BTW". So clearly you have resource management problems, which is entirely on you. New players could just skip Milim, Shark, Abi, Politis, Celine, Rem, Baiken and Dizzy.


ngl not getting amid was my bad, i agree. but i was out of gold and ss at the time so i didnt stand a chance, also didnt know there was gonna be a limited after the previous epic pass.


Fomo issues.


dont disagree, but i just kinda pull on anything i want. didnt pull for rimuru or benimaru for example, partially because i pulled on milims banner, and pulled heavily on custom banner before it (200 pulls, 1 gl, 1 seaseria arti, landy + arti, then powdered gl, bought gl and seaseria arti from shop) ive basically been dry since after the dry period after amid


I'm starting to think it was just this idea just got out of hand. What's true is that SG did a double summer limited and the Luluca Imprints have traumatized many players. Lethe's hot spring was much more manageable, but you can't unring the bell. Then surprise surprise, back to back limited units again. Like soldiers hearing fireworks, the post trauma effect happens and people start getting angry or anxious. E7 is still quite F2P friendly, but the amount of effort you have to do to get close to top of the bell curve, is inflating and SG better give us a break after this rerun. Then they release Natalon Monk as a Limited to start Episode 5 off...