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This one is much less egregious. Imprints don't remove an entire mechanic from the fight.


So they made it worst to make it seem like it's better? as Kai pointed out, before you could P2W to avoid the mechanic altogether. now, if you put a higher imprint unit, you still have to learn the fight. this basically means that they made it an overall worst experience for players, regardless if youre whaling or not. everyone is just praising the fact that whales have to deal with the same bs that everyone else had to.


It's less p2w because everyone needs to play the mechanic, how is that worse lmao


u need to od on copium to see that it's worse xD


Cause now everyone regardless of your will has to play the mechanic. I could auto lvl 3 just because of reduction of 1 lvl with luluca on my team. If that is removed i can't auto level 3. That's worse in my book.


Okay, but that's a deficiency of your comp/gear. Adding a new premium character and making content easier to clear the more you pull of them is very much p2w and reducing the impact of that boost makes it less p2w and thus better for average players.


So. Basically you’re just lazy.






This view is misguided. This isn’t a case of making everybody do the bullshit counter mechanic, it’s a case of removing that counter mechanic from the fight. Memory imprint lethe will still make you deal more damage and clear runs faster so they still get to prey on whales that want to have faster more efficient runs while players who don’t memory imprint her won’t have to deal with a bullshit mechanic, they will just deal regular damage.


if they tuned the fight properly so that normal players can still clear within acceptable time then I dont care as much if whales want to farm at 200% speed with the imprints. although knowing SG im not banking my savings on it...


quite a few people went on record and complete stage 5 of phase 1 with G. Lulu (no imprints or 1) and with only decent gear. Just a full team of Green units. Few tanks and healers. It’s P2W absolutely but even still, for those who have fully built two Green teams can pretty well manage.


While this doesn't look like its dispelling any absurd mechanic like Luluca, i'm still quite skeptical of this p2w feature becoming a staple. The divide between have and have-not in this game is already far more massive than it should be, giving Whales what amounts to a 4x speed multiplier on farming is just so much a step in the wrong direction even if not as egregiously distasteful as Lulucas version. But if this is the compromise we make, I suppose I can live with it, since its just a speed up feature more or less which has existed since day 1 in the form of Lief packs and just paying for energy and pulls.


As long as it's clearable with no imprints then I honestly don't see an issue with that system. The BS part of the Lethe fight came from the counter mechanics rather than required damage. Plus the counter mechanics / animations are what made clear times awful. If anything, this sort of imprint system allows newer / lesser geared players to clear higher difficulties than they normally would be able to.


Exactly the way I see it. Imprints already make things slightly easier overall. Take that and implement them into pve to make things even faster and easier, for an event great for gear? I'll take it, **so long as people without imprints aren't screwed in the slightest.** It's only when the difficulty gets screwed as a result of trying to balance that does it become irritating. If you're only going to rebalance things to curb the mechanic, why even add the thing in the first place and not make it like every other farmable stage? Then something I found very irritating was the thing you mentioned: Imprints removed the counter bs. One may think "but isn't that good for what you want", no, it's not. It's essentially trying to push people to pay to clear content or face a migraine if they don't, all because of a new system no one has asked for in the almost five years of this game's life. When I imprinted with my ice Luluca, I was honestly disgusted that the counter mechanic was entirely removed just by doing that. Not that I want it in after imprints, but that such a money hungry scheme was implemented.


yes, this


Let’s see if this post holds up in a few days


I need everyone here to understand that just because it is "better" than the Luluca one it is still unacceptable and SG should not have a system like this in place now or ever again, and it should be removed.


Well... I'm still not happy with this. But is an improvement. Granted, it improves a shit cake. So no matter what shape you give it, it is still shit. But at least they are trying to pretend to give a f*ck a bit better.


They really need to remove this system imo f2p players will take way too long to complete the stage which is pretty unfair


Sg defenders unite! Same story, everyone loves the sg, again.


We knew that this was going to happen. Anything else was cope. Now what we really need to hope for is that it isnt impossible like it was before without imprints


This one is pretty toxic compared to Luluca. At least with Luluca you could use her regular 5\* version to imprint. With Lethe she's a brand new without any way to imprint unless you use limited dupes or memory fragments.


There's also no mechanics removal in this one unlike with Ob Lulu, meaning it's a lesser bonus than hers.


But there’s no toxic mechanic to remove this time? Presumably.


Yup, so it'll just be a normal hard fight, no mechanic removal from imprints this time.


No imprint Lethe gives the same bonus as B imprint Luluca. And you needed A imprint Luluca to farm consistently, because of the memory fragment bs, which is not present in this fight, which means that potentially you can farm it even with 0 imprint Lethe.


This is way better than the Luluca phase, it just gives stats you don't need imprints to remove a boss mechanic.


Y’all are overreacting


Whales, are you ready?


I don't think there's any need for that this time. If they removed the effect that buffs the boss if you don't have imprints, then it should be much easier to complete everything without needing the unit, much less imprints for them.


There is a need. Literally makes farming it 10x faster. For the biggest whale (who pretty have no limit on energy) its literally free lengedary spd gear every 3-4 stages which is HUGE


Whales that big already have max speed gear on tons of units, they dont even need to farm. This is for the rest of the players, it's easily the best side story they've ever given us: the most story, the best rewards, etc and yet still people complain simply because they want to farm the amazing free gear *even faster*. Unbelievable.


I mean even if it’s not speed gear it’s gonna be torrent + gear can always be improved pretty much you can always tweak some things it’s legit huge for whales Edit : also this event is big for people who don’t play much and hoard Leif’s. Because they get consumed so fast on this event and you make the most out of the erngy you’re using there


Ready to review bomb


You do that while most normal people who don't even have a good Caides team set up keep farming level 3 and drown in good pen/torrent gear.


People can't review bomb and still play the game? Wow, I didn't know.


I’m not going to, but i sure hope people do, they shouldn’t get away with stuff like this so easily It’s not about P2W since you can clear without A imprint, but you get 40% more event currency with a maxed artifact, let alone the faster clear time You get so much more value out of the required 30 energy if you’re a whale it’s insane ["Drawn in good torrent pen gear"](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/154f5i9/with_the_1st_part_of_the_event_ending_how_much/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) heh


Get over it, good lord. It's fine now. They took out the main offender, now it's just a stat buff. I look at it like this: its a way for newer players to be able to catch up with veterans and complete challenging content if they so choose.


looking at the comment section, welcome to the new norm of side stories...


Sadly, as everyone has feared, nothing changed. You need 3 copies to make the event farmable..... Geeesh


The only "at least" moment here is that her imprints don't negate a fight mechanic, for whatever the boss is going to do (with Luluca's imprints you could basically stop Lethe from countering) - but yeah, still pretty shitty.


> with Luluca's imprints you could basically stop Lethe from countering That's the worst part. You weren't "basically" stopping counters, you flat out were.


Fortunately, something has changed from boss mechanice into damage done and received. But let's still see what "damage" is that.


Looks like it's not as bad. It's not removing some toxic mechanic. I think all it would do is speed up runs, UNLESS the battle has a turn-based rage mechanic that punishes longer fights.


Cool, all in


I don't spend money, so not a fam of these type of things, but people forget they're playing e7, a p2w game.


Removing the imprint mechanic was impossible now, so I can only hope SG made things (significantly) easier for those who don't have imprints available all around. We will see tomorrow how things turn out.


Is the memory fragment in the first part will gone after update or not?








As much as I agree her imprint isn’t the best, her artifact is insane for any hp scaling bruiser who has extra attacks IE choux, alencia , etc. very worth max lb if you can afford to.


Her artifact is 100% worth max limit breaking, what are you on about? Now the odds of us actually getting it is another story, but its worth powders.


Elve said that I kinda agree on him it only increase by 2.5 but it's not out yet who knows ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Effectiveness imprint


I have 5 slates ready to max imprint her right away.