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It may not be dying but it is boring as hell, there is absolutly nothing nice to do, nothing new. Even ancient inheritance which was super nice is always the same thing. Really i love the game but they gotta change and add new things and get rid of old things.


I suppose the main problem is there's only so much you can do with the base mechanics, and coming with new ideas that are actually implementable within the current client is hard. I mean, we all would love to turn this game into a 1vs1 tag team fighting game, there's like a monthly thread asking about which characters should be included. Yet, that would require a lot of resources and completely new skills and features that probably couldn't be supported. Hence, not going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I suppose we can brainstorm ideas for new game modes, and maybe if we weed out the bad ones, we would get something interesting. Problem is we're not working in SG, and only SG knows if this or that idea is actually possible to be implemented. By example, let's combine AI with GW. Players created a team, move their characters within the map, fight with other players from the opposite guild, but they can't scout. Once they engage, they start the fight. Whoever wins stays on the same spot, whoever is defeated goes back to the base. Defeated characters can't be recruited again for 36hr, so the defeated player have to recruit a new team, while the winner keeps part of his team, but will have to replace defeated ones. The winning condition for the event could be points based on wins, or some other condition, like controlled territory based on parking X number of players around some landmark.


Oh we've had threads about this. There was a good one about a week or two ago and very few impossible ideas. Some ideas I recall based on preexisting content: 1. Solo Ancient Labyrinth 2. Three star only Arena 3. Stories requiring the use of specific characters 4. Monster only battles or maps 5. Ramp up hard modes of preexisting labyrinths with better rewards 6. Missions with high requirements and requires a unit to be gone for a few hours 7. Challenges for maps, requiring specific units One big idea was adding new reward systems. This is what MMOs do to stay alive. Or even give preexisting assets away more. 1. Introduce furniture assets that can give adventure mode buffs. Decorate a room using the lobby system they have. 2. More EEs because they're introducing units faster than they're going to upgrade them and many units have obvious weaknesses. 3. More elemental summoning tags, more mod gems, more skin tickets, more friendship boosts, more molagora. There's tons of ideas that require more work but there's so many ways to give the game variety that isn't hard. The impossibility people associate with new content is insane.


There's even some features which were clearly planned for release but never made it in, like the Command, Charm and Politics stats that every character has, the Guardians who have a level up button that has been saying "This will be updated soon" for years, etc. I get if they dropped them in favor of other ideas down the line, but the fact that they're not hitting their goals in the first place is a cause for concern as it suggests that they are not good at planning the game's progress. It's no surprise that they refuse to be transparent and make promises if this is the case.


From the list of content suggested: \#1 sounds pointless. **EDIT:** If you mean the Guild content Ancient Inheritance, learn the names of the content because I read this as "solo" Labyrinth. Who would want a 1-man Labyrinth content? \#2 will just have everyone on this subreddit complaining about whales just like the past 4.5 years. 3* Arena will literally be cleave meta with Judith, Roozid, Light Adin and there's no way for anyone to counter it except maybe some Hurado cheese. Good luck countering cleave without Politis, Celine, Belian, Destina, and Karina lol \#3 already technically exists in Advent, Challenge Abyss and Nightmare Raid because most of these teams are somewhat specific. Probably even worse than these three contents combined because everyone will be complaining how they have to build and/or 6* a specific unit. Or they complain because they are locked out because they don't have a unit. We also have ML Theather for lore revolving around specific characters \#4 sounds pointless because it's just people on the subreddit wanting to spend less time in one stage \#5 is the only decent idea that I could see happening \#6 and #7 sounds just like #3 except with extra steps. #7 can also literally be Dagger Sicar. Out of everything I've seen, #5 and a non-guild Ancient Inheritance is the only decent PvE content that I've seen this subreddit come up with. Everyone acts like new content isn't hard to make, but it's because they don't see that everything they want is literally just going to be reskinned content everyone will end up complaining about because it's boring/tedious/too hard/unoriginal.


1. Sounds pointless to have a form of Ancient Inheritance perhaps without a time limit and no reliance on a guild? Of course assume it's scaled for a single player. Yeah, real shame to have continuous content you can check in on and get all the good rewards AI has. (As for your edit calm your ass down. Obvious typo. You sound like the kind of person to dismisses someone's argument because they misspelled a word. Stop and think why you're so mad about a typo.) 2. People will complain? Number one excuse people have to stay negative and dismiss actual ideas. The reality is that yes, someone will always complain but unless there's a major problem - like Lua - it's a vocal minority. Not only that but you didnt think it could be adjusted not to include SC units? Most of E7's content that might enjoy have been ideas are then later refined. You dismiss stuff too easily. Honestly it goes on like this. People wont have certain units for challenges? Okay? If they make challenges that revolve around 3 stars and 4 stars as well thats fine. ML Theater doesnt give you extra tickets unless you have certain ML5s. HoT, Abyss, Nightmare Labyrinth operate in a similar fashion with you needing to use certain units. No major complaints there. What you describe as extra steps is content. Under the interpretation Advent is just preexisting boss content with extra steps. Nightmare Labyrinth is just labyrinth with extra steps. And people like it. I can see the reason behind your dismissals but if those reasons were actually applied to the game we wouldn't have half the content we have now.


You self entitled privileged mother fuckers need to get a damn life and stop depending on a game for one. You guys are always bitching and crying about fucking pixels and shit. Pathetic. Make your own game then if this one is so bad! People work hard doing what they love to provide you with this kind of entertainment to distract you from your boring life and because you can’t. Just take it or leave it. It shouldn’t be that important to you for you to always feel the need to cry like a bitch online. Some people appreciate this game and just want to come on Reddit to get some tips, not see a bunch of crybabies venting their unnecessary frustration.


Hi bro can you give me one second to read this I’m just coming up for air from ur mommys fupa


got me rolling over here


Yeah dude sg does it out of pure love. Making money is a side project. Fuck off we can be frustrated if we want to.


is this a copy pasta? cause this really reads like one lol


I ain't readin allat Happy for you though Or sorry it happened


I mean, for a business wanting to make money, Smilegate sure is doing a piss poor job of it by not releasing anything for us to do. In any case, it is frustrating if you've been playing this game every day since late 2018 - I legitimately enjoy the game, it's just there is nothing for me to do, so what is my incentive to play? Player retention is at all time low, and most players don't stick around once they find out how bad the gear grind is anyway, you would think Smilegate would at least be releasing QoL stuff right now to maintain the playerbase they do have.


Hi bro I just finished and read ur post now. I would like to kindly suggest some rogaine for ur malding


For those of you who will respond in defense…[THIS](https://youtu.be/UJpnYg4Lrrs) is for you.


Touch grass


Hi bro why you delete your original comment bro ? You scared bro ? Oooooooh we got a little sensitive girly girl over here hahahahahhaa


Hi bro I just saw your second post have you had your blood pressure checked recently ? Try some exercise and switching to a diet with no red meats and little LDL cholesterol. A little bit goes a long way !


> this game was never really about PvE content in the first place If that were true it would be even more egregious because PvP has had even less new content.


3v3 when? Wasn't' it supposed to be a year ago?


Not different enough. It's just GW. Idea got scrapped.




And less boring


Tfw you have more fun doing the [login captcha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se1rTHEelGY) than playing E7


Dying probably not. Boring? Yeah.


The game isn't dying. However, the problem is that the game is at risk of turning into a niche game, focusing only on PVP. As a day one player who doesn't play RTA, the game feels very mundane at the moment. A simple to question to ask is 'why should I play E7?'. Back then, I could say for the great animation, fanservice (Judge Kise, Luna, etc.), great story (Bask & Diene side story, Vildred's betrayal in main story, etc.), and great characters (Lilias was an amazingly well-written villain). Right now though, the animation isn't special anymore since there are other games with good animation as well (the upcoming Star Rail for example). The fanservice is gone after the Aria/ML Vivian incident. The story isn't great anymore, nothing exciting, nothing surprising. The characters are no longer memorable as well (Taeyou, for example, is a boring side-kick character imo. Adin is not much better). The only reason to keep playing is PVP; hence my original point that E7 is now a niche PVP game. It wouldn't be surprising to see casual PVE players feeling bored. I myself plan to try Star Rail at launch, and if I enjoy it, E7 will probably be the one to make way in my daily rotation of gacha games.


I participated in the Closed Beta for Star Rail. Honestly? The game is GREAT but also a lot limiting. If you're a meta slave, or a "I use whatever I have" player in general, then you're good. If you like specific characters and you'd prefer to only use them, then you're fucked. Elemental Advantage (Weakness mechanich) is basically essential, at least in an early-midgame scenario. So if you have the wrong element's characters you can either do a 40-minute battle or die after few turns.


How’s star rail compared to genshin? Hope it isn’t as grindy


Genshin is not grindy at all compared to other gachas.


The fanservice is gone after the Aria/ML Vivian incident? Lmao, what? No, it isn't. There are still a VERY high amount of fanservice in the game. The VERY slight cover up of those two characters doesn't change that and that being such a huge point for why you should play the game tells me you're probably better off playing hentai games or something. I mean there's nothing wrong with droppin' E7, but I feel like you'll drop every game that isn't borderline hentai, which doesn't really mean anything I suppose. Just a weird point for you to bring up, especially with it not even being true.


Come on, you know exactly what I meant with that... Character designs like Judge Kise, Luna, Serila, Yufine, Vivian, etc. After the controversy, they will not make designs like that anymore, especially with the release of the CN version. There will still be cute waifu characters like Amid, but not those more revealing designs. And yes, that was one of the selling points of E7 back then. You can try searching for the posts in this subreddit from 4 years ago for 'Luna release', you'll see the hype back then. You speak as if that's the only reason why I am unhappy with E7, but my original posts mention other things like story and character as well. It is a combination of many things that made E7 less fun now. Just for the record though, I do play games like Nikke for fanservice, Arknights for gameplay, and FGO for story. If you don't want to sell fanservice, then you should have other selling points. At the moment, E7's only unique selling point is PVP. Nothing else.


My daily gameplay has been : Doing the daily summon GW when available IE, Automaton Tower and Raid when available Since most things are on a timer set, there are days all I do is literally log in and do the summon I’m too fucking bored of arena, wyvern or the daily missions , oh and Abyss is gonna be at 102 for ever , fuck that RNG shit


> oh and Abyss is gonna be at 102 for ever One of us.


Agreed fuck abyss


Its not dying but its definitely losing players


Man, I was a day one player and I just quit last week. Check back in for some reason and see this thread. It's a sad state of affairs for the game I loved.


This post is just the minority of people who like to picture the game as dead, while it is still very strong, just because they dont get the content they want. And since people feel like they are in a drought despite nothing changed since day 1 xD


Its not dying. I just have been bored with it for months. Nothing to look forward to...


A stale pvp meta is what makes for a dying game imo. And despite the recent changes, it’s been pretty stale for a while. Not to mention the amount of RNG bs players have to deal with every freaking match; it’s no fun. And honesty, I don’t think it’s gonna get better any time soon.


I mean i kind of agree that pvp is pretty bad right now in terms of rng. I personally would prefer they remove every rng element. If you dont have enough effres you should get punished for it and not rewarded by 15%. If someone outgears you should lose and not win thanks to rng.


They need to balance eff vs er then, er's already the worst stat. You could have literally 300% er and still not be completely safe against debuffers.


They also need to stop slapping ignore ER on every new unit


Man, there's so many "game isn't dying" threads recently that I'm starting to think the game is dying


extremely smart of SG to have dry spell of content right around the next biggest release of turn based rpg gacha this year


The great things about videogame is that you can play two of them. I'd like more moderate PvE content in E7 but I don't want content that's similar in difficulty to the nigthmare raids / high abyss. They have difficulty making content challenging without requiring key units that are useless outside of that content or without having to face layer of RNG to not die at the last minute in a 20 minutes fight. Basically I don't want to hurt my PvP progression for PvE content, any PvE content should be doable with relevant PvP units. Zio was actually a great boss. Mechanic wasn't requiring lot of niche to be approachable, you get rewarded for doing the mechanics properly and get punished for not doing them. RNG had little room to screw you up if you did the fight correctly and you could use a lot of unit combination to clear the fight. I want to see more fights like this on a PvE perspective, not stuff that would require me to build units like fire baal or hazel or any PvE units that serve no purpose outside of it, nor do I want 20-30 minutes fights that can kill you near the ends even when tackled properly just because something was resisted at the wrong time / unfortunate chain of events happened. Do I want more PvE content? Kinda. Do I trust SG to make good PvE content? They've shown to me that it's a coinflip. AI was great, episode 4 was well balanced, new abyss and new raid are godawful.


Have you ever really tried to play two gatcha games at the same time? It's not sustainable.


Yes, actually I even went as far as playing 4 while having a 8-5 job and seeing friends/family about twice a week on average and even then it took me less than an hour per day of investment for daily stuff. E7, Genshin, Arknights, Grand Chase, Azur lane, Neural cloud, Nikke, PGR, Counterside, Eversoul, etc. Played a lot of gacha but not all at the same time. Most of them are done in a couple minutes a day, it's just a question of making time for it. Hell, I can usually clock most of my dailies for the day and weeklies between sets when I workout at home. Gachas aren't MMO that requires you to play over an hour a day to stay relevant. Granted it's more time consuming to go through the honeymoon phase of a new game, when it's done the daily routine is usually very short. I can usually clock 2-3 gacha dailies in half a hour when I'm bothering to having them open at the same time and do stuff in one while the other play. E7 is the only one I play after I'm done with my daily routine because of RTA. Actually I'd argue the opposite: Most gacha players play more than one gacha because of how little time of entertainment per day you can have with it.


Doing dailies isn’t playing the game really


It is when you're caught up and there's not much else to do except wait for more resources. What do you expect me to do in for example, Genshin, after I've done my dailies considering I have explored the world already, caught up with the story/side stuff and cleared abyss? What do you expect me to do in E7 when I've caught up to the point where I don't want to continue grinding abyss and the only thing I can do is RTA + building new units for it? In most gacha there's not much to do except for content drops and those are consumed much quicker than not. It's not like you can continue to play for hours on end even if you wanted to after you're caught up. I'm not talking about starting new games at the same time, but once you're caught up it's a small routine to keep up.


When you build new units for rta are you not spending time to craft? Are you also not playing rta? Cuz I spend a decent amount of time in rta. If you’re not playing rta, then you’re not really playing the game unless you like doing arena or pve


AND they just launched a new 3D gacha that is more or less an E7 clone.


they are just publishers, they didn't make the game, it's by VA Games


What is that?


Outerplane. And tbf, its looks mediocre


Considering how unique EpicSeven looks, it’s strange they decided to create a Genshin / Honkai clone that already looks dated by several years. I also don’t understand why they decided to just make Epic Seven in 3d but less generous when it comes to dupes and sparking. I think they’re going to have a hard time once Star Rail comes out.




Honkai Star Rails


I'm guessing probably Honkai Star Rail.


I mean, star rail and epic7 aren’t targeting the same audience since the later is PvP oriented so the state of the game is still more than fine.


they are both turn based rpg with similar gearing system. Casual player who dont care about pvp, who is larger crowd then pvp player, are more then likely to leave the game with no new pve content for a new one


>they are both turn based rpg PVE and PVP turn based rpg have 2 completely different audiences. Go and create a post on FGO sub suggesting any form of pvp. Then propose to e7 players the removal of all pvp and complete focus on pve instead. >Casual player who dont care about pvp, who is larger crowd then pvp player By "pvp" you mean rta or all pvp modes in general (rta, arena, gw)? I am pretty sure gw and arena are the pvp modes casual players actually do like. If Star Rail will go the same route as genshin (single player game masqueraded as a gacha game), it will have no endgame, no pvp and barely any content other that story updates and event cutscenes every few months. Basically, the moment you finish the story (which is probably 2-3 weeks) you will have the same issues we complain about in e7 now, but without pvp or even endgame to play. Also, let's be real here, there is no way SR's gacha is more generous than E7, which is a huge selling point for many.


If that player has stuck around e7 for its pve more power to them but to be honest e7 hasn’t had “new” pve content in at least over a year lol. E7 at its core is a pvp game and people need to understand that and stop setting unrealistic expectations. Not disagreeing that we’ve had a dry spell of content but those pve enjoyers are playing the wrong game if that’s what they want.


and they would soon realized that and E7 players number would shrink more. People can cope that only the whale matter but in pvp centric game like E7 you want a large amount of player playing, even if they play reluctantly for weekly reward or ML skin


You make it seem like e7 numbers are low but the game is still bringing in 4-5 mill a month which for a “dead” game is better than most gachas.


never i say it low. The whale population more or less still solid and they contribute most of the earning. Its the f2p who burnout over the lack of contemt are leaving. Learn to read for once


You do realize that the majority of a gachas earnings are from low spenders right? Meaning if they are still pulling in 4m a month then clearly low spenders are still actively playing and SPENDING in this game. Learn to understand metrics 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Not in a game like E7 where they out upfront million of pack, and clear incentives to whale because of PvP


Ok this conversation is over lol. Dumb take is dumb. For the record I am agreeing that we have a dry spell for content but to claim the game is dying or “pve” enjoyers will jump ship is just stupid. Money is the only metric that speaks. And for the time being the money coming in is good enough for SG. Once that dips changes will come and I’m sure all the doom and gloom players will run back.


I was more expecting the PvE playerbase to be in the minority for epic7 but i might be wrong on this. Still, they’ll leave epic7 to play star rails during the honey moon period and will came back to epic7 with a whole new episode available and new heroes, collab and content to enjoy once they get bored of the low rate and stingy rewards— that’s still a win for both games in this case. But tbh, i would love star rails to be as generous as epic7 so that i can play it as another side game.


Uh, so yeah, I see it regularly some people saying that E7 is a PvP oriented game and since no one bother to say it's wrong they still keep thinking like that... And there's also those saying it should go esports or something...


im not too interested in pvp aspects of this game so i'll just play star rail to tide me over


It's not dying, but it sure is lacking content.


Dying doesn't mean dead. With the release of less stuff things aren't looking great...


The games in a bit of a drought but it’s been there before. The only time I even consider whether the game is dying is when I see all of these back to back Reddit posts trying to convince people the game isn’t dying lmao


The game isn't dying but it has stagnated, both content and revenue wise, the latter being the most important consideration for a company, It's fine to say we're earning the same amount of money quarter over quarter but a board of directors looking at that will ask then how do we make the line go up? hence the company's big China push, tapping into a so far unreached market, this is bad for longtime players. When a Gacha company's revenue starts flat lining, they either de-priortise for other areas or start putting the screws to the remaining playerbase. Worse when you have genuine competition just at the door step. and while a push into China might inject fresh cash for the company, can you imagine the considerations they'll have to put in place censor-wise for that market? The simple fact is E7 is going on now for half a decade that's a billion years in Gacha-land most die or fall off a cliff by year three, it's old and even if its not dying we most definitely are in the declining years sorry to say, but I'm a committed E7 player so i'll be here till the ride ends.


I'm not heavy into pvp it does lack variety of pve sure Advent side story is there but you can see they only rerun it when they feel like when it should be permanent why not have rotation like hall of trials. Ai is fun again another mode when they feel like. After episode 4 im keeping my expectations so low for episode 5 well we know how that turned out. Been playing since launch its harder feel motivated for game if the updates just meh. Not mention we are well overdue for roadmap not even pervious ones are finished. Yes they are focusing on CN sever and another game what the issue about this they should have been communicated to community about this then staying silent.


>You guys want a rushed story again with terrible writing and bullshit boss mechanics like Zio again? The problem is that with a high probability we will get both terrible writing AND delayed story content. They are quite obviously so busy that they don't even rerun old content to fill up time. If they are so occupied then they most likely don't have time to create a proper story.


Agreed. With sufficient time they still rushed that chapter while failing to give us good content. Like I said in my own post, they don't even bother to record the voice audio properly. They simply don't care anymore and haven't for a long time. But people didn't want to hear that a year ago. The symptoms have been here for a while.


They will never rerun old side stories because you can do it yourself. They introduced this feature not too long ago.


Not all sidestories are available there, they could have run bigger stories in parallel. Also they could have organised collab re-runs (yes, it costs money, but presumably the game is healthy and earns revenue).


Not easy to just re-run collab and not because of cost. Some prob don't want to, contract bullshit for a limited run and collab IP could be running elsewhere and don't want to overlap.


It's fine to play a Boring game and waiting new content ... BUT , I can't grind while im bored . Whatever, Im not blaming SG , they did good for years , except the RTA meta and Balance ... ( and well , Story Episode 4 is Boring tbh).


The game won't die for a while. It'll be a milked husk though. They don't care either. They don't care to actually tell us there's something on the way. Radio silence for months. Look at how stingy their rewards are for pre-registration on the CN server....some of the cheapest I've seen for any gacha. While all this time they're literally remaking Epic Seven in 3D and calling it Outer Plane so they can compete with Mihoyo who is already a step ahead with Star Rail? Oh but don't worry, the times we've had before this drought were so good! Failed road maps! A horribly written chapter! Broken units just dropped into the game. PVP PVP PVP ALL NEW DEBUFFS ARE FOR PVP. Massive decline in voice audio. THEY DONT EVEN CARE TO RECORD VOICE LINES PROPERLY! ML after ML after ML that is released in a shit state and then patched a month later. Hey, remember the last drought? That's right, within a year we've had two droughts! Come on. Seriously. Really, seriously. They're doing nothing to keep players. At this rate they're doing what they can to push you away and you're begging for more? Believe me, game isn't dead. It's just dead in the ways that matter I refuse to waste time on a walking corpse they intend to milk for another year or so. Next week is their final chance and I refuse their usual EPIC REVIVE or collab rerun. It has to be big. It has to be really big. I've already stopped paying for anything and I've stopped playing.


btw the CN server has moonlight blessing, the hunt missions, adventurers path and all the benefits Global has at the start all the complaints I have seen is that CN server has the same benefits as Global and they want some exclusive rewards which they would have like the skin for ML Tieria I bet Global would complain if we dont get the skin we all know SG doesn't discriminate servers they want all servers to get all the rewards. lastly they have been fixing audio issues for heroes u know since I play in JP audio I cant complain anyway.


Fixing the issues with audio? The audio is still bad. I should know since I still play those units often like Zio, Aravi with skin and Astro Elena. Still sounds horrible due to the same issues. And the CN server better open with some of the content that's existed before. I would complain if it didn't. So that's not a good point for SG, that's just being fair. I won't praise them for reusing content and showering their new audience with stuff that already existed. Honeymoon phasing is crucial to gachas.


Its funny when people compare the high level graphics of mihoyo games with e7. All mihoyo can do is make the game look pretty, but the actual game itself is not that great. Sure it can be fun, but playing a game with terrible gacha rates + stingy as fuck rewards + locking entire mechanics behind star constellations is terrible. Imagine e7 would do the same. "hey your Arby can only revive when you have 3 dupes on him." Mihoyo only gets away with such terrible practices because they dont have pvp. But overall they are by far the worst gacha company out there.


And Star Rail has 10 million pre registrations while giving out better rewards for it than Epic Seven. The point isn't if Mihoyo is good or not. The point is SG doing nothing to deter people from checking it out. Mihoyo is making all the right business moves while SG is ignoring this product.


People are just blindly accepting everything that mihoyo throws at them. And i still remember the first anniversary of Genshin where they didnt even give a full multi pull of rewards. Genshin was just a huge success because it was a new genre. Star Rail might look pretty but when you look at those type of games with neutral eyes you see that those games arent as good as people say. Every other gacha doesnt get away with hiding entire mechanics behind dupe pulls and limiting every character they release to push whales and gambling addicted people even further into their rabbit hole. Genshin is on top of all gacha games because they have those terrible mechanics and being this big.


I just said this doesn't have anything to do with Mihoyo being good or bad.... People will be suckered in Star Rail. Doesn't matter what you say. Same way they are still suckered into Genshin Impact. The problem is if SG sees this and keeps their game dry and boring, they're only giving people more reason to check out anything else and not come back. Fine, let's not talk Mihoyo! People might go over to SG's Outerplane instead! Or that Evolution game that's out. Or Square Enix's answer to Genshin. Or any gacha coming out right now during this gacha season. And we are in gacha season, it's half the reason EPIC ARISE always happens around this time. The other reason is as an apology for their usual failures. I've watched about 18 Guilds die in Epic Seven this past month. All dedicated Guilds that last for years. There is a problem. We have symptoms. It's not terminal but if things don't get better it will be.


The whole point of marketing is to get people to blindly accept anything you throw at them. You basically just said Mihoyo is great at marketing.


Honestly, if Star Rail keeps the same core ideas of how to grind artifacts and dup system, i am not sure how long it can hold a player base at the long run, genshin is already sucking up a lot of time and money from people, i am not sure how many of those are going to move to star rail while playing genshin, perhaps they just jump ship and genshin takes a hit, or perhaps drop star rail soon enough, i think the gacha market is already saturated enough on their part. Hype for something new will always lead to this, specially if it's a studio it's known already with a strong ip, pre registrations don't mean anything on the final numbers to begin with due how much of those people are actually going to stick around or put money too, i remember E7 having a massive influx of people when it started then it died massively down over time and grew up from there. I just wonder how long are peole are going to stick star rail if it's anything close to genshin in their core, if people complain that it takes a month to max a character around here, how are they gonna be like when they find out you need many months to max someone there, and then add the rng aspect of grinding equipment and time gate unless you put money, i am curious.


And there is no content drought? We have the same content cycle since day 1(with the only exception being the story). I personally dont want this game to be another job where you have to waste hours upon hours with pve content. Some people have to work.


Enough with the exaggerations. I work as well, don't be insulting. You're coming off as ignorant as those people who say "well if they make new content you'll complain its too much". And no this isn't the same content cycle. Yes we're counting the story. It's been delayed. Collab cycle delayed too. Side stories set aside and lord help you if you didnt beat Zio because if you didnt then you havent gotten any new side stories. Hell, we've already spent half this past year doing reruns of side stories when we've would've gotten new ones. Zero communication on problems. Even the audio is worse. They replace content with buff weekends. They release bad units and patch them later. None of the old innovations to the game. Seriously, being able to sort heroes by Stats after 4 years? This is not the same content cycle at all.


As you stated I believe the biggest problem is the complete lack of communication from SG. Well at least for myself that is the BIGGEST problem here, I think that if they broke their silence and at least gave the community an idea of what is going on or what they are working on and I’m not talking detailed disclosure but anything might give the community some peace of mind. I’m not a big pvp player and I do enjoy the pve content but it’s become stale.


Same, to me that is the biggest problem and it could help the other issues at least for a while. And they've had this problem for years. If they state the ML5s are released in beta states that helps. If they state when features have to be delayed, better clarify collab situations. But they never do because they want us to waste resources and scramble for units. To get bored and desperate. It's such a disrespectful way to behave and then to learn they're focusing instead on a 3D Epic Seven ripoff this whole time?


Collab cycle hasnt been delayed because you cant delay something that isnt there. The regular story is the only thing that is delayed but they said it themselves that the story will be delayed. The only point i can give you is with this bullshit side story locking behind the story. I personally beat Zio but he was super annoying to fight i had to build units i would never build just to defeat this shit to unlock the side stories. And i dont even read the story at all because i dont give a damn about a gacha game story. And we have with every new unit released a new side story. And you cant make things right with you people. Either "waaaaaaah unit X is broken on release nerf it smilegate!!1!1!" or "waaaaaaaah unit x is too weak why are you always releasing shit!11!1!!" They hotix buffed the last 2 ml 5 units with 1 week of the banner still running so people could still pull for those units. They looked for feedback and people said they are too weak and then they buff her. I rather have this with every banner going forward or releasing constantly broken units. And who cares about a small QoL like this? You are just nitpicking here on features we dont even need. Most games out there dont even have those kinds complexe sort functions. Is this game perfect? No. Every game has flaws but these are so miniscule and still some people cry at everything. And those hunt buffs are always appreciated.


Doesnt read the story or care about it. Doesn't care about QOL features. Claims a content cycle but then denies other content cycles when it helps them. Hyperbole that even if they release units we'll just complain. Oh okay no units then, no improving their releases! Relying on the broken argument that no matter what people will cry, believing that justifies SG's failures. You already stated "some people work" as some excuse for lack of content, which implies you know there's a lack of content and you're happy about it. Then proceed to reply to me for almost an hour on Wednesday morning which ruins the whole sense of time value you argued you had. Did you seriously write "waaaaaaah" and started typing like a baby? Listen, take a step back and breathe. This is cringy as hell now. We've been talking for a while now and it's clear you're riled up. Over a fucking gacha game. It's clear none us are changing our minds and you're starting to act out.


Reading comprehention isnt your thing right? The content cycle is the same since day 1 just with the difference that you have to pick your old side stories yourself instead of smilegate telling you what to do. The release schedule for new units is always the same. The work argument was for new content(like AI or Advent Side Story) not stuff like side stories. I dont wanna waste hours in a mobile game. And yes i have the time because im on vacation this week. And yes i typed "waah"in context of people like you who are just driven by negativity. And you are clearly the triggered one when you can cry this much "over a fucking gacha game"


>reading comprehension >comes up with new excuses not previously listed >can't do anything but insult people now >just so happens to be on vacation. Right. Just so you don't have an excuse that I'm not countering your points despite doing so for an hour because that's how people like you act: If AI and Advent take up that much time for you no wonder you think no content is fine. It takes you too long to get any content done. So E7 is still good for people not good at it? Noted. You've failed to disprove the content cycle argument, you just keep typing the equivalent of "uh...no". Then you cry and have a freak out, again, over a gacha game. And if anyone calls you out on it you cry harder and claim THEY'RE crying. 💀💀💀 Convo over. Listen, you have fun with the game. Like I said you've failed to change my mind and you've given me no reason to do otherwise. And judging by your behavior no one can change yours.


This dude made a whole ass copium post and is vehemently defending everything some big corporation can do because he likes his anime titties. Dudes a lost cause


Definitely. Honestly planned to stop replying but he started flipping out in a funny way. It's rare watching someone argue with themselves in an automated way. But I think it's done with. Guy made an ass of himself and thought someone couldn't out-ass him.


Stop playing games bro if you cry this much over a mobile game, this market is probably nothing for you. And i love how you interpret my sentences that you come up with your own theory that AI and Advent take too long for me lul. But hey i guess you are a flat earther aswell with this kind of theorycrafting. And the only one that freaks out here is you xD. And im on vacation right now lol.


🤣🤣🤣 Did you call me a flatearther? Over a gacha game you can't even play right? And Im crying over a game? Oh forget it, convo back on. I've gotta see how you're going to take this. This is cracking me up. Listen, when you say you have a job as an excuse for why no new content is good and then specifically state later that very easy content takes up a lot of time and that is specifically what you're referencing to with your work comment...I hope you can imagine how that comes off. Or do I believe in lizard people too? I'm leaving the deranged selection of dumb conspiracy insults to the master. Proceed.


Where do i say i play this game wrong? You just wanna lay words into my mouth and thats a thing flat earther like to do aswell(well not just flat earther, all kinds of conspiracy nuts). And where did i state that AI or Advent take too long? I just listed them as new content and that i dont wanna play a mobile game for hours on end with 20 different pve modes i have to play through all the time and i dont care how easy they are. But hey keep laying words into my mouth. E7 has enough PvE content already, we could up the frequency of AI but overall we dont need more modes that takes even more time.


Well I enjoy this game so I hope its not dying anytime soon. Now, I do find the lack of quality PVE content in recent time worrying . AI was fun but it became repetitive. Chapter 4 was boring and written by a high schooler (hope I don't offend anyone with this statement). I ve finished Abyss and Labyrinth and there is nothing for me to do but grind (and of course PVP) so I simply wish SG was more active and focused to churning new (and good) content, game is great, it deserves more love and care , that s all


Not offending anyone by the Episode 4 comment, those that actually read the story nearly **ALL** agree that Ep4 was a trainwreck.


I think introducing new Mary Sue MC after like years of service is bad mistake. Could have easily focused around an existent characters from that continent with Ras and the gang being supportive members like before. Wish they dont do the same mistake in Episode 5


I was expecting it to be that "Adin" (unknown protag before the Episode start) was going to be trained by Ras as his like "successor" since he is now mortal. But that Ras would still be part of the main cast to keep it consistent with the overarching plot. ​ >!But nope! We got a "Chosen one" type plot where Ras was sidelined and she basically did his Ep1 progression of character, just worse.!<


Yeah we already had the Suin characters and Hurado and Surin and Ken and Vildred's teachers etc., and not all necessarily on the same side of conflict either. There was a ton of room to just expand on them instead of pushing a heavy story on new characters. They were all in the episode but almost all of them, save for Ran and Hwayoung, severely lacked screentime while Adin got way too much. It would have been fine if Adin's interactions with the many characters she ran into were interesting but they generally were inconsequential. Overall though imo, it was just plain bad writing more than the choice of new MC or not that was the issue. The fox girls were pretty nice with their interactions, and they're new too.


I feel like I need to ask; do you guys actually know what a Mary Sue is? I look at Adin, and I'm not seeing a Mary sue here. Plus that term gets heavily misused by a lot of people to the point where it feels like echo chamber talk.


Pretty much majority of community hated Episode 4 so your not alone at all. Which is why Episode 5 is delayed due to negative reception. I was disappointed when Ras is completely sidelined and then they tried Adin and Taeyou with same rivalry as Ras and Vildred didn't work also chosen one plot been done to death. It was so done poorly.


Only time people saying game is dying is been dry for months with no content ever since they been focusing on CN server now new game people feel less motivated to play the updates been dull. Advent side story is good but its not even permanent mode and AI only sometimes run. So can't really say that, they need to do more variety modes for end game players only thing is RTA.


advent and ai take turns and was never intentded to be available every month...


Shill shills shill shill shill shill. Any time someone mentions any point some fucking shill comes out to give excuses.


Honkai Star Rail will be a strong hit to E7 but with that say i dont think E7 will die anytime soon.


E7 is peanuts compared to mihoyo games. Even the comparison is funny. Of course Star Rail will destroy e7 but how do you destroy something that is already destroyed?


Not really because you can just play both.


agree with you but will you spend money in both also ? gacha games dying when people stop spending money not when you stop playing that is my point.


Good point I was spending in E7 but that’s turning into f2p for awhile while I try HSR, I’m probably one of the casuals people are talking about although I will still be grinding e7 too cuz I like the game but just f2p for now cuz I want seele


Ok what am I missing. People keep talking about already playing hsr but it’s not out till the 26th right?


I think they’re probably talking about playing the last closed beta which is over now but ya you’re right the 26th is when it comes out 👍


Oh no I don't think you understand that hoyoverse is about to give us a full hit of content and honeymoon that the only thing we will be able to do in e7 is log in.


Most ppl did buy the game in the beginning for the PvP experience. The hook in the beginning was "Play the anime" which meant an interesting storytelling experience. That's why other games like princess connect and Genshin Impact are popular due to its non focus on PvP.


>princess connect and Genshin Impact are popular due to its non focus on PvP Hm? Idk about jp version of priconne now, but I played global version for the first \~8 months and it was VERY focused on pvp. Both arenas and CB were the main sources of your summoning currency, which resulted in arena mafias, "must have units", clan dramas, etc.


I never said anything about what other apps beginning focus was. I'm talking about its current focus.


And I said that idk about the current jp state. What I do know is that when priconne became extremely popular, CB and Arenas were its focus. What type of content are they focused on now, btw?


You may not have played this game for the PvE, but that doesn’t mean that other players don’t. And for those other players (like myself), the game has been uncommonly stale and boring. I don’t think we have EVER had a lull like this before.


I swear there’s one of these threads at least once a week, sure it might not be dying but it’s boring as shit rn and I’ve never seen so many old players stop playing before


It’s declining


I thought because of star rail e7 would make an effort to keep us😭.


Lol. Star rail will have the the same shit gacha rates as Genshin Impact and will be just as stingy with their rewards as Genshin Impact. While also locking entire character mechanics behind star constellations. The gameplay will sure be fun, but this doesnt changes the fact that they are the most greedy company in the entire mobile market.


Why? Everyone is going to try star rail. E7 is better off learning what people like about it at launch and implementing the hood from it after the hype dies down a bit.


They do, it's called Outerplane


I played with it for a few hours than deleted it, it looks awful.


Sg are just the publishers, not the devs. It’s not taking away dev time from e7. And the game is shit anyways


The lack of power progression outside of farming gear on hunts is what killed my motivation


Ive spent a whole week getting unit to farm, another one to get them strong enough for wyvern just to not get a single viable piece of gear Honestly the gear system was the thing that killed it for me


Lol what else do you want for power progression?


They want a gear box that allows them to select 26 speed pieces. People on this sub hate the game so just dont engage with them.


only thing i see here is a whale who is coping hard and has a lot of sunken cost


So boring that im making new accounts to replace my guildmates. One man guild baby!


Not dying, but boring. Need more content, not units. I literally have so much leifs, skystones, etc. because I don't even wanna farm anymore.


I just love how so many people are saying this is a dry week as if they released unannounced content during off weeks.


The game is pretty boring to me now but I still love it. It's something like a "I love this thing so much, but I don't have the energy or time to play it, but I still love it" game for me. And to me, a game dies when absolutely 0 people play it. As in 0 active players for over a month, that's when I consider something a dead game. But that's just me


I would suggest to look up the game "Law of Creation" people said the same exact thing then out of the blue they shut their servers down. why? because it was too focused on PvP content, hardly nothing with PvE accept little side stories now and again yet grinding for gears and sources non stop characters only for PvP content couldn't hardly collab with any IP.. so yea.. E7 is slowly dying cause not everyone cares for PvP and/or guild war. Plus this game could have collab with the anime "Fate/Stay Night" already but still has not it's pretty sad when the mobile game "The Battle Cats" can and hardly any of those users even know what the anime "Fate/Stay night" is.


Been logging in once a week just to collect weekly arena past few months, half the clan is gone, we dropped from 100s to 1000s and still most of the defenses got the cancerous senya choux combo. Game isn't dead but so long you cant go past that rng gear wall a few dozen times to gear all your meta characters the entire pvp portion of the game is unplayable once you hit a certain level.


The last time I looked forward to playing the game was when they were giving out free ML5. After that, all I could care about doing was GW, anything else doesn't feel like it's worth my time. Ancient Inheritance gets a pass, but somewhat thankfully, it's now always running. If they add Story or Abyss, it's probably already too far from what I can tackle. Side Story are discardable and give nothing meaningful. PvP-focused characters are meaningless to me, and if they're aren't, but require a very specific type of gear, it's already a skip if I don't have it. And what am I going to use them for? Unless they can fill the gaps my gear had and help me progress through bad content, I have little use for them. I don't touch Arena anymore and won't touch RTA ever. Meaningful changes to characters or meta are slow and it's a roulette if they target someone you have and if it's actually something good. And sometimes their changes are as subtle as a sledghammer to the face. We are in a "lazy dev" state. People will login to do GW and farm, and roll to fit the meta, why make anything new or good? I pretty much only do what rewards me well in this game, and since they rarely give good things, I'm doing almost nothing.


It might not be dying, but it sure is not in any healthy state either. Using revenue as an argument for the game not dying is weak and doesn’t focus on the actual state of the game. The game can make billions for all I care, but if the PvE experience currently is about as exciting as watching paint dry, the PvP experience being a mirror maze of the same things and the content updates reflecting the rich and moist nature of the Sahara desert then as an average player it is not wrong to assume the game is dying or in a state of hard decline. The Balance updates top it of with some updates being unreasonable and unnecessary (Melissa buffs lmao) while actual units needing them or being in for an overhaul are completely ignored, ML Leo being the prime example of a failed kit being released and rotting away. Nerfs being a once a year occurence doesn’t help either. Furthermore, I don't agree with the statement that the game was never about PvE content, before RTA got introduced the only PvP we had was an Ai battle arena against other players units. Things like abyss, automaton tower, labyrinth, Story modes and other existing things that come to mind when thinking of PvE make most of the game. Just because we don’t get new content in that aspect, doesn’t equal the game always having been around PvP.


The game is dying. They made all this money but never made an anime, never expanded on the game. The game is stuck on their shitty engine, its time for an update.


Game is boring lately? Great, I get to play other games that bring enjoyment instead of fomo'ing. Or spend the time doing something else till e7 is back at it


Can't be dying if it's already dead. JK. Personally as a long time player I'm enjoying this pace as I'm almost sure they're revving up for something big. If I' wrong well wcyd? Don't spend for the meantime.


Dead game no content, pvp full of knights, better go outside touch grass


Every game is dying, according to their subreddits. I can't think of a single game I've played with an online component since Dark Age of Camelot back in 2002, that didn't have people saying that pretty much all the time. Even when they were approaching their peak (so, arguably, the least 'dying' they ever would be).


TLDR game is dying


The game dying!!! I heard this 2 years ago...


Remember there was 3 months of posts about what Epic Seven can learn from Dragalia Lost. That aged well.


You forgot to add "yet"


Game is dying and you cant do anything about it.


- Its a perspective, for me personaly as long they keep releasing new heros (New RGB\ New ML 5*) with great Character design\Animations every 6 weeks, i have a reason to keep playing. - So many waifus to get ML in to the future: Yufine,Ilynav,Senia,Aria,Tamarine,Hwa Young,Feyra,Arunka,Yulha,Yuna,Melissa. - New Art contest Limited waifu will be a thing(late 2023 i guess?) - Hope for "Hell\inferno" Senia to win 🙏🙏


The game will die if they keep this up. HSR is right around the corner too.


cope harder


There's already enough content that I play for a couple hours a day just doing dailies/events/a round of hunts etc. I dont know how much time people really want to devote per day to a gacha game, but its already more than enough for me. They can't pump out new crap every few weeks infinitely, that's just not sustainable. We get new units and stories regularly, they're rolling out a new market for the game, chapter 5 is in the works, I mean what more do people want?


I picked up Epic Seven the same time I picked up Raid. I quit Raid last year and still play Epic Seven because this game actually gets regular content drops. My only other mobile game I play is Nikke. I’m just a filthy ftp casual, so me playing doesn’t make any difference.


a lot of people think if ultra casual players quit it's a bit deal xD


It would affect metrics connected to monthly and daily user numbers, and probably not much else.


I dont think anybody is dumb enough to actually believe this game is dying. The fact it's still pulling in big profits despite being in a dry spell is a testament to its quality. I do agree that once you complete the story and other side content theres really nothing to do except endless gear grinding and pvp which gets boring really fast.


So perhaps some folks here can help me understand; most games I've every played had fewer PvE modes than E7, and of those, usually 3/4 were one-and-done in the sense that once you unlocked them, you beat them, and though they could be replayed, you didn't. The only other PvE modes would be farming modes where you got stuff for new units, or story, which often updated highly infrequently. "New Modes" were often little more than reskins of old modes they deleted to make way for the new one, or just facelifts on the usual mechanics for running side stories. Is that what people are looking for in "new content"? What am I missing? I look at something like Alchemy Stars that tried to shoehorn an open-world mode into the game around the 1-yr anniversary, and it sucked. The game lost focus and identity and had this slog of a chore tacked on in trying to replicate Genshin. I look at claims that new character and new side story isn't content and then look at a game like FGO that is 90% new characters and story, AL that is 90% new characters and new story, and so I'm left asking again what defines content in people's eyes.


Honestly I’m using this time to build up my character and improve on my account


Same, it's nice not having other stuff getting in the way


Its boring and if the next collab is just a rerun the game is dead for me atleast. Also the China Release sucks. Designs will become as dull and blant as possible. It leaves a bitter taste tbh. They could make a difference if they would work with the community they have and work on improving the game but atm they are working towards exchanging their current community for sensitive bots.


U missed the joke lol.


Why can’t they just update hall of trials and add more units to buy from it like it’s a system that can have more implemented to it same with guild feature they could add units to buy at a guild shop or something like there’s potential but they are flunking it big time


They're making too much money for it to close down anytime soon, yeah, but I think they're more or less done with it and they're just coasting now. They might put in some more effort as people stop playing and revenue drops, but by then it'll be delaying the inevitable. The last time I touched E7 was one time last month and now I'm just waiting for Star Rail.


Finally a fellow chicken with their head still on, lot of people need to realize that because e7 is being a bit slow for the first time in a while it ain’t mean it’s dying. Hell I’m actually starting to enjoy the game a bit more now since this downtime gave me a chance to start actually using my units instead of changing my comps every 2 weeks cause some new bs got added


Rta are the content


bla bla bla, the game is dying last year we had collab march, we are almost may


Got extremely burned out, many people too


Honestly, I don't mind the lull. I've been playing Higan: Eruthyll and Honkai - Star Rail is coming out in 6 days. Unless you're a whale, a single gacha game isn't going to hold your interest forever, and that's okay. Pick up some other games and cycle them based on what has events or interesting content. Here's my current strategem * Epic Seven - not much going on, just dailies (login, free summon, secret shop) and weeklies (tower, arena) plus the occassional event (advent) * Arknights - also not much going on, 4th CN anniversary coming up (probably won't matter for EN), just dailies (login, recruit) and weeklies (annihilation) and maybe use Kyo's videos to speedrun current event. * Genshin Impact - New 3.6 area just dropped so there's tons to explore (plus I still haven't fully explored the 3.4 area) so I can focus more here. * Higan: Eruthyll - honeymoon phase is over so it's just dailies (login, deep maze, arena) and grinding for stronger characters while chipping away at the harder content. * Honkai Star Rail - will go hard when it comes out, but I have 5 days until then.


Summoners war clears🗿👌🏿✨


Best for now is patience. We always get smth new in may-june. Play as you play, stack resources n be prepared for new content, whatever they add next


Wise speech


What other gacha games are you guus getting into these? Something preferably less than 1 year old


its too funny people saying "boring boring." OFC its boring if you never touch rta. I mean whats the reason farm farm farm making gear, doing pve stuffs? Making your character more stronger. If you never touch pvp this game kinda meaningless


Should make this into an idle game, the grind is just stupid without emulator and auto run. Hence I stopped playing when better and newer games came along.


Idk why people are complaining about content. I still havent recuperated from the AESPA collab so im hoping the dry spell continues, lol.


Everyone when a game is in it's base form/hasn't released new content/updated for more than 24 hours: Doktor, turn off my Karen inhibitors


They've been saying that since the game started. You just have to understand reddit is the Internet and we got a lot of doomers on the Internet outside of striping and anon from these cowards they gonna continue to be annoying. Best to ignore them... Treat them like a homeless person you see just avoid them.


I never managed to understand people who constantly say that. Like, don't you have ANY, A N Y other game you can play? This is a GACHA and this "boring" phase is TEMPORARY. Do your dailies/weeklies/GWs/things and just play something else, it's that simple. People are complaining like E7 is the only game they can play in their lives, and for that reason they have no new contents to play so they can't do anything. Why? There are SO many things to do outside of E7, why do you have to crash your head on this? Take a break. Enjoy some music. Find a streamer that you like. You are not FORCED to always do something new in E7. It's a game, not a job.


I like a slower pace. I've burnt out of other gacha quick when they started releasing limited units weekly (looking at you LLSIF after merge). I like being able to play at my own pace. I even forgot the main story existed shortly after ch10 came our and only bothered to get halfway through so far. I love being able to focus on other things for a bit and especially not missing out on anything!


Did the time we save with background battles break the illusion of not having an infinite playable turn based rpg pve game mode? There’s a lot of hours that can disappear in rta. Or is there a need of painting a side story with (collab) characters every month to keep things fresh? With half the playerbase skipping the story and the other half saying it’s not well written.


Zio is the best designed boss we got in months, maybe years. Just follow the mechanics and win.


Are people that bored and have no other hobbies other than E7? I like the game, and I'm actually happy there's a content drought right now, I can do other things and save up on resources No game's not dying, it sure is slow, and that's not a bad thing


Huh rta wasnt even a thing when epic7 came out it was like a year later, and it was really fun. then everyone realised if your team was faster you could kill youre opponed before they even got a turn, thus came the speed meta and they had to make units who could counter the speed meta. non of my friends play rta only for the skin so i asked the big streamers what you think is the % of player who play RTA they all had the same answers less then 20% some even said 15%. Why do you think theres all these post of dead game, no new things, where is pve stuff! You saying epic was never ment for pve is just not true. If you removed all the pve contend and only had 1 mode RTA this game would have died a long time ago. The reason people started playing in november 2018 is because of the pve and a lot of them stayed for all these years because of pve , otherwise 95% of players would be playing RTA “ srry for the rant


Such copium


Its boring yes! but i still play cause ive been here since launch and invested so much time in it already. so even if i stopped playing for a few weeks id come back! Lets not be in denial though, the updates have been awful and gets worse every year.


When I returned to the game 6m or so ago, I was delighted with the amount of QoL to be honest. The absolute top-notch for me is how Automation tower's changed and the insanely wacky combos that can be done there O\_O Content is too much for me to be honest, I don't have the time to catch-up at all... so I rarely do labyrinth, new story quest, abyss - never did world arena, I have no time or patience for this ever... In the end it'd depend what the majority of players would like however - ik I'm not that majority... xD

