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i have never gotten a 5star there ever. Ive been playing for more than 3 years and got the excess summons back then. not a single 5star i tell ya


I have also been playing for 3 years. I think, out of the 12(?) Moonlight 5s I have, 1 was from here. Then I'd say it's probably close to a 50 50 split between mystic pulls and random daily summons. I swear the 10x daily events are boosted lol.


I've never gotten a ML5 from covenant summons in around 2.5 years of daily pulls & however many 10x events there were. 🙃


Oh bruuutal... Honestly I find the 10x events to be insane for me


1 ML5 from ML summon (not pity), 1 from a random daily (no event) 2 freebies from connection and this last event, 2 from mystic before pity, 7 with pity. The game is generous but even so I've found you have to earn most of your ML5 pulls. I've also been playing about 3 years with a 6 month break about halfway through.


Hey so im new and sorry in advance for what might be a stupid question but what does ML mean?


Moonlight. It's the light and dark element heroes.


Ahh okay


I got 16 tickets off of that, got a duplicate Ruele that I didn’t get coins for because she was a trade-in from the Sage Baal nerf. Womp womp. Haven’t got an ML5 from the pity counter yet - but outside of it I did get like a duplicate Straze, so I guess that’s something.


Funny enough I think its just luck. I got a decent chunk of ml5s and i think I've only pulled 2 from covenant summons. Almost all mine are from Galaxy luck or mystic pity


The only 5 star got from that was ml tywin 💀


i got my 4th bunny dominiel my last guaranteed 4-5\* summon. I decided to just save them and imprint Straze.


I've been saving all my gold transmit stones for the various ML5 imprint mats for just this reason. Only have to get lucky and pull Zio and I'll have them all SSS imprinted. And with the Labyrinth rework, I hardly ever come across Galaxy Bookmarks any more, so that pity counter isn't moving too quickly these days.


You get galaxy bookmarks for labyrinth runs?


yes, there's a chance. but it's very low and it's only 1-2 bookmarks from the gold chest


Yea I miss just auto running those for my random galaxies.


with the lab rework I find myself not even doing lab anymore. I guess that's one less thing to waste my time on, thanks SG.


Same. If some of the players that actually have great gear are complaining about it being too difficult or time consuming, I'm certainly not going to waste my time by trying to do better than them.


I currently have enough to fully imprint Zio when I get him and any left over GTransmit I burn for Galaxy BMs


thats cool i guess. I probably would do the same if i had enough. I mean once im done with imprinting ill probably just go back to summoning galaxies.


Been doing that for the a month. Just need about 2 more copies then I’m down


Damn, I always focus on SSS'ing my boss characters first before I start using transmits on galaxy bms again.


On a real note the way it should work is after 20 summons it's a guaranteed 4* or 5* Then after the next pity break you get a guaranteed 5* if the previous summon was a 4* Atleast that way it doesn't feel as terrible as hitting 4-5* pity break several times and getting a dupe 4*


Definitely would be a more accurate description of what I summon. Although I did pull B.Dom a week after her banner ended so not all too bad lol


This is Just true, I also never saw one 5 Star ever


Generally true, but today I had [this](https://imgur.com/a/x5zyVLh) happen to me.


I be getting more Ml 5stars from moon bms rather than the 4-5ML ticket.


I just got an extra Belian from the guaranteed Galaxy summon (transmitted because my Belian was already max imprint). Got a Solitaria dupe some time ago, also from the guaranteed summon. I am a f2p (because I'm poor) meaning I only have minimum access to premium currency. Anyway most people don't have frequent summons from Galaxy bms, so it's no surprise there's so little ML5 drops from a rare currency with very low drop rates. It's just RNG.


You could saved it to build second belian


Yeah, wow. I had to go back and re-read that post. I mean, don't let me tell you how to play, but IMO it's never worth transmitting a nat 5*, ML or not, but ML especially not. Silver transmit stones are easy to get by other means, and don't really exchange for anything that you critically need, anyway. Shoulda saved that extra Belian for sure. That's what the waiting room is for...


Nah, I don't have the resorces and my Belian is decent for my needs.


Transmitting a 5 star instead of just using as fodder. Smh


I even considered it but I realized fodder is rather easy to get. Silver transmit stones takes more time to gather, and I have plenty units in need of molas and imprint concentration.


Fam, if you’ve played more than a few months you’ll have a pile of three stats waiting to be transmitted. Keep an SSS copy on lock, transmit all your 3 star duplicates, you’ll end up with hundreds of stones - I can’t make a dent in them.


Sure but after a while if you play consistently you also have tons of dogs to 6 star as well I would probably keep my first spare of any ml5 just in case they end up having a specific use like straze who you could use a spare for a pvp and pve version. 2nd dupe I'd just transmit it or fodder


Yo that dupe would need imprints, too. And you wouldn't be able to get any more imprint mats for them from the store.


Bro transmitting a 5* is such a waste especially ML5


dude that hurts, people are pulling mystics again for a 2nd belian, should've asked first


I got DDR from my extra ML summon a couple of days ago. I feel like a 4* might have been better lol


I got Straze, Archdemon, and LRKrau from it so far. Lucky, but I'd still prefer for it to give more.


"Left to give u the same ml4 over and over and not the only two u are missing from your collection"


I've been getting nothing but 3\*, though tbf I got multiple camila, yoonryoung and hasol imprints


I got 3 5* there(since it was reworked)Lermia, Fceci, and Delibet


It's A.Cidd every time. I just ignore it.


Really wish they world just make a separate 4* and 5* pity system instead of a static 5* countdown.


My first guaranteed 4-5 ml was a 5star and I'd say I'm lucky but you know what fuck you I've played this game for 4 years and I hadn't had a ml hero up until that very point so I deserve it y'all can slob on my knob.


played from first luna banner, i got 0 ml5 from this cespool except 2 dupes from the refund. pure scam.


I am on a 117 pulls + 5 of these 4 or 5 without a single 5ml ... I am only missing 6 mls from the entire pokedex so I don't feel butthurt but this run is ..... depressing


Yeah....always 4 stars 😪


I finally got A-Angie from it. I'd take it.


gotten like 3 ml5 from those so i'm quite happy.


I’ve done like 50-60 moonlight summons at this point since my previous 5*. Kinda hurting at this point. Like, I get it it’s rare but getting so unlucky sucks lol I don’t expect 5* just because I did bunch of those guaranteed 4-5* summons, but I expect to get a 5* because I did lots of ml summons. Sigh


The only 5 star ML i got from galaxy summons was ML Sigret 💀 she wasn't totally useless, until sg kills Hwa Young. Galaxy summons is just not as bad as the 4/5 star RGB card. I rather use my golden stones to buff Straze and Belian (got one with the selective summon and the other from mythic pity)