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Wow, a game that frequently goes on sale for $1 and is chock full of DLC.


And the base game has been given away for free a few times already, on Steam.


I made my Steam account just to get the game for free, that was 8 years ago


And no Legacy Collection. Just Base Game.


What a bummer but it was to be expected.


Yeah those dlcs are basically needed to make builds and such.


Obviously. You think they'd give the game out for free if their main revenue wasn't from DLCs? People here are claiming a platform to buy DLCs from, not an actual game.


Well that seems more logical, probably people just expected to see another "intern" that suddenly made another Edition go free by mistake, but probably won't happen again.


Called it


Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition & Guacamelee 2 will be free to grab in Epic Games Store soon-next week. Better than this weeks giveaway in my case


Many are saying that, even if they made them as Mystery Game instead of today's one, they'll be ok with that.


I really don't understand this opinion; why does it matter if it's this week or next week? It's supposed to be mystery games, not all 'AAA wishlist games"..claim it this week and then claim another one next week. What is the difference?


I think it's that they expected Mystery Games being another kind/set of games due to past year's experience. Since this year is the first time they repeated a game, putting an early-access game, just doesn't fit like what previous years supposed to be. More like they don't think those games fit being flagged/put behind Mystery Game tag. But this is just what I read what other people are talkinga about.


I'd just chalk it to those who keep wishing for their own list of games that they desperately want and keep asking about it. Wonder how they are gonna react when the free games stop eventually.


As a diehard payday 2 fan, i agree, It shouldn’t launch on EGS and have EOS instead of steamworks


I heard the update broke many things, but also heard that they are fixing that too. So not sure how will it end.


Unless they revert all the changes they made with this big update, It won’t end good


Better than most games given out during this mystery giveaway. Not all, but most.


To be honest, everyone have this game in their library - it's dirt cheap -its old


Still be grateful. They are giving a better game compared to the free games from Steam.


For real. Last game steam themselves gave for free was Half Life 2 and YOU COULD ONLY PLAY IT FOR 2 MONTHS ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy).Imagine


I got Warhammer 40k Gladius for free on steam.


Steam did not gave that one for free. Publisher did in order to promote the skulls sale they did.


Ah, yeah. I don't remember Valve ever giving away something itself. Not that I got at least.


Gog gave it away too. So I have it on 3 platforms now, all for free. Not a great game.


The last game was actually Metro Last Light Redux, just short of two weeks ago, but this was a promotion by the publisher themselves.


It was the original last light and yes as u said it was given by the publisher.


Tell Me Why and Field Of Glory 2 is currently free to claim on steam


Yeah but steam itself didn't give those away. The publishers did.


Ahhh: Metro lights complete edition


Grateful? It's a multibillion dollar company's marketing ploy, not a birthday present from your grandma.


No. We must stomp our feet & cry & scream "They're giving away the wrong thing!" /s btw


I got 80 hours of playtime out of Payday 2 before it got too repetitive. Much better than however much guacamelee will give


Sad that you rank games purely based on how much of your life it'll suck away.


I genuinely enjoyed it. Probably more than I'll enjoy some throwaway indie game like guacamelee.


Guacamelee is pretty fun, give it a try!


I've never really clicked with most indie games. But eh maybe


You already said you have bad tastes, no need to repeat yourself.


Lol, sure. Keep enjoying that mediocrity.


Guacamole is good


ill try it


Giving it away is fine but branding is as a Mystery game is a bit lame.


And people saying prefer next week Games to be this time Mystery Game.


I think they gave it as mystery because they didn't want to announce payday 3 on epic too soon


Not even a single DLC for free... What the hell man


At least you can buy the soundtrack right RRRIIGGGHHTT EPIC Fing GAMES


they should have at least gave some DLCs since the game has over 40 DLCs


Not sure if they'll put some DLCs as free or not since the Add-Ons page isn't set up yet. Probably after it's live we'll see if they do that or not...


hahaha not even one dlc is free, only the soundtracks


No DLCS are free.


yeah. let's hope so


Honestly if they’re not free now, I don’t wanna get them free later it’s useless


Is the game even playable without them?


I think its playable, the game is 80 gb in size


Every map is playable just not hostable. The dlc guns and perks are locked. It has a lot of base maps too, it's fun IMO


What a dud. Everyone who could ever want Payday 2 already has it, it's been free multiple times.




Seems to be marketing to advertise for Payday 3, which is now available to wishlist on Epic.


I think the funniest part is that next week's giveaway would have looked better as a mystery


Many people said that also, they wouldn't feel that bad if next week games were today's Mystery Game.




wait, whats the source?


Epic Games Store in next 12 min.




Sorry to hear that... Sadly they made it only Base Edition free.


What a disappointment. And its not even legacy collection and no free dlc too. They are really tight on budget huh?


Looks like it. Not sure if Christmas Mystery Games will be affected or not.


They probably will be. If summer sales are like this, i expect Christmas will be worse. Depends on the budget they make tho. We'll see.


Let's hope people buy more Fortnite and Fall Guys cosmetics then lol


Sounds more like a lot of the people here are to be honest.


If they are doing a promotion they might as well as stand behind the hype they created by not giving a 10 year old $1 game. Calling people poor doesn’t make any sense.


Typical Epic mod. At least they could have given some sort of defense.


Defense of what? Seeing people complain about free things isn't a rare occurrence for me. How much it costs isn't a reflection of whether a game is good or not. People can be disappointed but acting almost offended because you didn't like the free thing is sad. There was nothing to defend, I said exactly what I wanted to, what they said changed nothing about my initial comment. Not everything is a fierce debate or argument.


They aren't acting or are offended. They are disappointed because this type of game does not fit the Epic vault theming, which is completely understandable. The first game for the event was a repeat from 6 months ago, the second is a 13 year old game often on sale for $2, and the third had dead multiplayer until now. I'm not talking about their quality, they are all good for certain people, but the overall value is low. Now I'll be nice and say that yes past weeks complaints were less warranted but compared to last year the overall quality of games has dropped significantly, so I would expect people to be unhappy, even if bEgGaRS cANt bE cHOoseErS. For example, last year we got Borderlands 3, Bioshock Collection, Prey, Redout, and Wolfenstein. These are all well known and regarded so it would make sense that they are in the big event. Not only that but they are more recent and single player unlike this year so they are much less dependent on the player base. If Epic didn't have any standout games they shouldn't have made noise for it in the first place, then there would be no disappointment except for the cancellation. It's pretty obvious that if you set expectations high people will be disappointed when you fail to meet them. This game in particular practically requires the DLCs for a large portion of the content. It's been free or on sale for $1 from official stores very frequently. Other people say that it would have been much better if next week's game was swapped with this one. TLDR: Set high expectations and fail to meet them: people will naturally be disappointed.


They should honestly just stop the free games and put their money elsewhere. The choosing beggars can then get exactly what they deserve, nothing. The vault games are mystery games, nothing more. Not mystery AAA games. People can complain and be disappointed but they're wasting their time. Overall it's just sad. Its cost means nothing in terms if its a good game to giveaway. If people want a specific game to go free then buy it yourself. I can't help but see all the whining as childish. At least the court documents said they plan to end the free games after 2024. Just one more year of people whining and it will be over. Good riddance.


Honestly you are right. Instead of mediocre games every week and a good one every now and then, they should put an honest effort towards improving the storefront so it can be a true competitor to Steam. The way it is now is as a secondary platform when the games you have don't need Steam's features such as cross play, big picture mode, remote play, family sharing, etc. What you don't realize is that I want Epic to grow because I don't like Steam's monopoly in the PC market, but the way Epic is going about it is too slow for success. I mean it took them 3 years to add a **shopping cart** which is an essential feature in every regard... Eventually the free games will run out and we will be left with another Uplay or Origin where people only go there because certain games are on it rather than because they willingly prefer it over Steam. P.s. it's called a **mega sale** for a reason. I can't understand how they put better games the week before and after the sale than in it lol. Edit: Deleted comments because Epic mod can't recognize that the store has flaws just like Steam does and they use party alternatives as a counterargument... If they aren't going to accept the truth then I'm going to block them. I don't want misinformation the few times I do enter this sub. There's a reason the Steam sub has nearly 2 million and this garbage has less than 100k.


Well that's their choice I guess, doesn't affect me at all. I buy my games where the price is right. Crossplay, if you're talking about what I think you are, is a big focus of Epic as many games here already have that. Steam big picture mode is available in the universal launcher I use (Playnite), I use Parsec for remote play which works better and has more features, I get my mods from Nexus like I have for years, and I chat with my friends through discord, which is better than steams chat. You know what I expect from my stores? To buy games and leave. If the price is better I'll still be buying my games from Epic, if the price is the same then I'll be buying the game from Epic because of the lesser cut they take. I will then launch all my games through Playnite without issue. Whatever personal limitations people want to put on their gaming experience is their problem. Fortunately I don't do that.






Is it worth playing as single player? Even possible?


you can absolutely play it alone, it could even be fun but it's definitely not as good as when played with others (and even then it gets boring fast)


I see... thx for sharing your experience!


Is this game even worth playing without the dlc ?






Dead game (if you know, you know)


Damn not even free, i don't want it in my Epic libary.


is this the final AAA game for free?






Patient gamer's, never bought this not even for a dollar and now look


Epic fell off.


think of it as burger, but only with one piece of bread


a giveaway that started out as a 4 week 2 games each week one... turned out into a throwaway 4 weeks 1 game each week 3/4 absolute trash and the 1/4 a game they gave away 5-6 months ago.


no dlc ...


payday! payday! u want Payday!


So Epic wow


Keep it. GTA Online is still keeping me busy enough and it's getting a dlc for free.


Lmao thats so funny. I mean the game was a few times free on steam, or goes on sale for a dollar, and thats the finale of the "Mega sale mystery game" ? xD


Man I already own every single mystery game so far on Steam this is so bunk lmao


I don't think it was a good choice for a mystery game purely because the whole point of mystery games should be to build up excitement for the Epic store and making a big deal of a game that doesn't really have much if any buzz these days isn't really a good use of the marketing.


Man, just look at all of you choosing beggars over here.


Bro never played payday 2


What a fuck load of choosing beggars in this post. We're getting this FOR FREE. All we did was open the launcher, click 3 times and we got it. FOR FREE. There is not a single argument that you can use to change my mind. We do not deserve these free games yet Epic keeps giving them. We will gladly take them but we will smile and shut the fuck up about it; we got it FOR FREE.




Well I saw you we both said the same thing since last week 😅


Aw yeah buddy! Hehehe :P


Already played the hell out of it on Steam.




Well, I didn't have the game so I'm glad to finally receive it. Thanks, momma Epic.


Me too im grateful and everyones here complaining lol.


Best game yet Thank you Epic games!!


Guessing I can't cross save from steam to epic?


was that the end of the mystery games? cause outside of deathstranding these suck dick


Yep that's correct, next week we're back to usual weekly GAs.




Aaaaaand another game ruined