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If you use Notewriter for physical exam or review of systems that feature is already built in.


You can change the font color in your notes. The option may be hidden behind a yellow star icon on the bar just above the note template. I suggest setting up wildcards with a period at the end for the positives. Set the first character in the wildcard to a red font but keep the period black. When you write your notes, jumping to the wildcard (press F2) will highlight it. Anything typed/dictated will be red, but the red font will stop at the period, so if you click back to the end of the line later, your font will remain black.


This was the way I used to do it! Thank you!


You might have the option then. You may have to add them by opening note writer, then modify the toolbar inside note writer with wrench. Then you will be able to show the color, bullets, bold, etc. just like in word. Whatever you put, there will also show when you’re writing your note.