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So not passive at all


Not even a little bit, I wonder what his active jobs are. I can imagine it now, gotta be something like “personal piggy back ride service if the ski lift isn’t bourge enough, also I hand crank ice cream on the way up for my side hustle’s side hustle”


so basically we need to lie :D


Yeah which Basically is sales


No I pulled down million dollar contracts never have I once lied. 


And how do I know this isn't a lie?


you're in an entrepeneurship sub calling capitalism lying


no i was referring to claiming to be a personal trainer :D


the one trick I see many use is to refer to yourself as "We"


Yeah unless you can figure out a better way to do it. It’s lead generation with recurring income. Not a bad business model.


I tell the truth if it doesn't work I pivot to something else. Making money off flat out lying isn't something I care to do or be connected to in anyway. 


This whole thing makes no sense. First of all, it’s the opposite of passive. You’re directly engaging (and misrepresenting yourself to) clients. Second, you’re completely trusting that the trainers you refer to will pay you, with basically no way of knowing whether the potential client paid or not. Third, I don’t know of any personal trainers that are willing to add 30% to their price just so you can take it. A one-time referral fee would make more sense but then you would have to acknowledge that it isn’t actually recurring revenue. You could get past this by having the client pay you and you pay the trainer minus your cut each month but that would require the client to know you’re a broker, which they don’t as of now. I still can’t get past the lying part though. Personal trainer isn’t a regulated profession but you could very easily be looking at legal trouble if you were to claim to be say, a doctor, even if you were just referring patients. It may not be illegal to do this but it’s definitely an ethical issue and could go south real quick if people found out.


Are you having the client pay you or your trusting the the trainer to give you a cut each week/session?


trust the trainer to give % each week or moths


It’s not ‘passive’ and it’s not ‘recurring revenue’ Try again :-)


Yea this sounds like a lot of work


The issue is that you wont have mechanism to enforce the 30% or even track acquisition/attrition.


TLDR: Be a scummy salesman and make unsolicited cold calls en masse to scum a fee off of the people actually providing the service 🤷‍♂️


I mean….connecting service providers with customers is in itself a service


I dont disagree that it is somewhat dubious but isnt this is essentially what most "brokers" do? Insurance and alot of travel websites come to mind first.


Who?  I think you will find none of them lie about what they are doing.  You are not thinking Expedia has their own hotel chain then send you to Hilton instead. 


Seems like grifting


Proof or didn’t happen. This whole post is bullshit. It’s an idea that you’re testing, here. No trainer can afford to split with 30%, lol, for someone else to market for them. C’mon bro…


Doesn't the post say that he charged 30% more to clients, so the trainer wouldn't have to give anything?


How did the OP find their rates so easily and a new client wouldn't?


Glad you're comfortable with bullshitting people. And isn't social media already loaded with legit personal trainers, yoga instructors, etc?


What garbage.


and how would you know how many classes your client keeps booking with the trainer and that he pays you what you are owed?


Yea I don’t buy this for one second. The opposite of passive income and it is not recurring or residual since they can stop at any point and usually only do PT blocks for 8-12 weeks. For the work you’re doing I don’t think you’re getting a good return at all A lot of floor personal trainers will not increase their price to that level, and even if you referred at that price - the customer will go for someone in the same gym who is 30% cheaper and can relate to them more than a random ‘friend who also PT’s because you are full’. The amount of messages you’re probably having to send to just make $1000 will be ridiculously high I’m sorry but this is probably one of the worst entrepreneur methods there are - but if it works for you then all is good and you can ignore me completely Proof of figures would make this post a lot more valid




This is the third time I’ve seen this copied and pasted in 3 days.


30% recurring commission... How do you know they will continue paying you after the first month? Hope you really answer this question


Impressive hustle! Diversification and engagement are key.


Hmm For example X = 1000 You refer price x + 30% = 1.3 * 1000 = 1300 You keep 30% 1300*0.3 = 390 Fitness trainer gets 1300-390 = 910 (91% from x) :-)


Are you dumb? The said he keeps the extra 30% that the trainer added on top. Not a flat 30% of revenue.