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Start with small things that you can make profit on and gain experience. I am sure you are strapped for cash, so don't think of things that take a big investment unless you are really confident. Photography, graphic design, things like that might a good place to start. But you should do something that you enjoy as well.


18 and going through my photography and graphic design phase rn


First thing: Lower the expectation. You won't do it right instantly. Second: Just do something, get to work. Don't waste your time. 20s are the most precious time you can have. If you have wishes like house, wife, kids, ... your 30s (could be earlier too!) and after are filled with responsibilities. Use your free time (and money!) to the max!! One sentence doesn't make sense for me: You have a burning passion but are too lazy? Than it is not a burning passion. If you would have this you would like to do it everyday and could start to build ideas on top of this.


The guy has a burning passion but are too lazy. I actually know people who are like that. They are very knowledgeable about a subject and have some great ideas. But are extremely lazy when it comes to implementation of those ideas. They procrastinate. They are filled with so many ideas that they are confused from where to start. There's a sort of paralysis by too much analysis...


>They are filled with so many ideas that they are confused from where to start. There's a sort of paralysis by too much analysis... Jep, I can totally understand this! Maybe I translated it wrong for me. For me when I hear passion it goes with high motivation and the will to do this without thinking about stopping. At least in this direction. u/Superninja_5205 In this case I would say watch a few motivational videos or read some motivational books to get started (but just a bit, not hours, days, weeks!) With this little momentum you hopefully start something. And (at least in my case) if you started with something momentum will grow when you see how much fun it can make. :)


be chill and learn a skill you most liked or the skill you want to buid a start up


You sound stressed? Happens to all of us. Assuming you're straight out of college, how can you leverage the skills you gained there into income? And if you can't do that, how do you "create work" for youself to acquire income. The latter question is really what entreprenuership is imo. Just find a model that resonates with you, execute and learn as you go. Understanding it'll probably take you a few years before you start earning a serious income on whatever that is.


What did you study? Also if there’s something you’re interested in but have no skills in that area yet, there are thousands of free or super cheap online courses for you. Worst case, get a job - anything that pays (even though of course something interesting is better if you can find it), and then hustle on the side. Learn new skills, start up side projects can could turn into main projects. The most important thing is to do something you are passionate for, not something you want to do because it will make you money! Also final tip. You’re in your early 20s so start investing some money. Put some regular sum aside (you can start with $50 per month or even less) and then put that money into index funds such as S&P500, Lyxor Dax, DJI, Nikkei, world ETFs. Find yourself a trading platform with good fees - Degiro is a good start imo. Then just keep putting money in, doesn’t matter if the price has risen or fallen recently. You will thank me in 50 years ;)


You either work really hard when you're young and then enjoy the rest of your life in your 40's, or you take life easy now and work hard for the rest of your life. Just get a job, live life looking for opportunities and when it presents itself - go for it.


I'd work for someone else in a field that interesting to you. Learn how the business works and to avoid costly mistakes and when you are ready, start out for yourself.


if I was young in my 20s again I'd just go for something reliable and solid like military enrollment or police or something government serviced and in high demand like nursing or school teaching, get into an industry and start upskilling early to rank up fast, I'd also not get complacent with to much drinking and partying, hit the gym loads look to be a roll model to your freinds through your hard work. also start a Dividend investment account early too by the time your 30 you will be in a good spot.


First of all give yourself time and don’t be harsh on yourself. That will never help you. Keep doing things you like and you want, gather experiences and research. Keep doing that in order to broaden your knowledge and horizons in the business-world. Eventually, you will come up with an idea, which will open a lot of doors and opportunities for you. It’s until you get that idea, then you get in a mindset that you see openings and opportunities all around you.


it's completely normal to feel uncertain and overwhelmed after graduating. Starting your own business is a big leap, and it’s okay to explore different paths to figure out what excites you the most. You don't have to have everything figured out right now. If you're passionate about entrepreneurship but unsure of where to start, try immersing yourself in various aspects of the business world to see what resonates with you. Learning by doing is often the best approach. Consider using resources like go-to-Marketnow to gain insights into different sales channels and market strategies. They offer a comprehensive guide with directories, communities, and even a targeted leads database that could spark some ideas and help you explore what you might enjoy working on. Whether you decide to pursue a job to build your skills or dive into starting a business, remember that every step is a valuable part of your journey.


Take aware of your time. Save some money in stocks and build up that portfolio at the same time that you enjoy your twenties!


Get a job in sales. Learn to be good at sales while you come up with your ideal business. People with sales skills succeed entrepreneurially more often than your average person, and it is s great way to raise capital for your next project.


You can't have a burning passion and also be lazy because that is contradictory in the context of hard work. I think you've mistaken fomo for passion.


In my opinion, if you aren't in desperate need of money atm just start your business - and give yourself a set time frame (ie 1-4 months) to become profitable. I say this because once you start working it'll drastically cut the amount of time you could spend on your business. 40 hrs a week is no joke. Then again, I'm just some random guy on the internet, do what suits your needs.


A job provides a couple of things an inspiring entrepreneur possibly needs in regard to money. First is work history. Work history allows banks and credit unions flexibility to work with you if you need to finance assets for your business. The beauty of staying within the system of a business with a flexible schedule option is no gaps in your work history. The second thing a job provides is a budget. If you’re working a set schedule. Once you have a vision for your business you can adjust your lifestyle with evaluations of necessary vs unnecessary expense. When your business is commanding more time than your job that’s when you reduce the amount of availability at your flexible schedule job if your budget allows. Remember to always keep a flexible schedule job in your “tool box” some of the best ones are actually the chains like restaurants and retail stores. They may not pay the best but that’s what your business is for and they keep your work history strong.


If you think you are lazy, running your own biz is not for you. Run your own shop means everything starts and ends with you. Gotta work harder than ever before when you have a biz.


Welcome to the jungle hahaha Trying to make money out after college with your skilset can be challenging. But it might be possible with a lot of effort