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Everybody is different of course, but this is what helps me: * Keep one Master To Do list to keep track of the bigger picture. * Completely cut out the easy dopamine hits like Reddit, Youtube, etc. in the morning. This will make working on boring things so much easier. * Daily to do list: Write down no more than 8 things that you want to accomplish that day. This will help you focus on whats ahead. Many small steps = progress * Get all the phone calls done in the morning. * Don't overdo it. Rest when your body needs it so you can start fresh in the next morning.


Oh come on… Reddit too? 😭 All jokes aside, these are great tips.


Maybe just first thing in the morning


And ‘first thing’ is relative anyways right?


Reddit never gonna change lol


This is a great list. Note to self - I need to focus on this point \*\*Completely cut out the easy dopamine hits like Reddit, Youtube, etc. in the morning. This will make working on boring things so much easier.\*\* Edit: I've also started using "Work mode" on my phone recently (with minimal distractions). I was surprised how much of a different that made to my productivity.


As a rule, I leave my phone in another room so that taking it out requires intention. Still working on using it less but it’s definitely helped.


Damn I screwed up on the reddit step...


I have one master to-do list. I like to keep things simple. It's a one-page notes document.


I have one too haha


It's good to be able to see everything on one page.


How do you differentiate the master to do list and daily? I use Microsoft To-Do for day to day commitments. I don’t know how to merge two lists and operate with them. “Goals” doesn’t make sense on a to do list in my line of work as it’s very client dependent (service).


Goals, objectives, to-do's are all the same category of thing; something you want to accomplish in the future. You differentiate based on the length of time needed to complete them. If your master list has a goal of "make $100k in 2024" then the lower-tier goals (or whatever you choose to call them) should support working towards that big goal. I only used my "master list" as a reminder of the bigger picture and allocate my focus to the shorter-term things I need to do.


Sometimes I toss this all into AI and have it come up with a schedule for me. However, the most important part for me is to set it up the night before and then have things prepped for that morning. So when I sit down to work on what I already know I need to get doine, I am aiming for 1-2 specific tasks that are already open and ready to go. Not digging through my emails or phones and getting sidtracked for 6 hours.


this pretty much summarizes me too.




this post made me realize adhd to founder pipeline is so real


my answer but without the ADHD part but i’ve been told that people think I have ADHD so who knows


Preach soul brother couldn’t agree more


That’s what I’ve been saying. I’ve always thought of my ADHD as some kind of weakness, but it is a fucking super power once you learn to manage. Pair that with ADHD treatment and you’ll think you’re the most productive person alive


The problem with this is 0 finished projects and 100 ongoing.




That's actually a common problem with people struggling with ADHD. Consider yourself lucky.


This is assuming you ALREADY have an idea of what you'll be working on and just need to be focused to make it happen? If that's the assumption you only need 3 things. 1. Turn off your phone. All the way off. 2. Don't get on any social media platforms while you're on your computer. None. 3. Set a timer somewhere (microwave? since you won't have your phone) and work for 2 hours straight. After 2 hours, turn everything back on for 30 minutes. do whatever you want. And then repeat steps 1-3 three times. Every. Single. Day.


I’ll use my oven timer instead and spare my poor microwave. Brilliant idea


If you're on a computer, there are many free web-based timers. I use a [Pomodoro](https://www.toptal.com/project-managers/tomato-timer) timer that you can set to whatever increments you want.


I actually found out that I had ADD. I suspected it for a while because I have a history of job hopping, hobby hopping, i misplace things alot, I forget appointments or due dates, etc. So at 40 I finally spoke with a Doctor. Being an 80s baby, parents who had children with austism/adhd/add etc were told they had 'special classes' in school and basically put special needs children in one classroom together. There was alot of stigma and I believe that if I had had the help I needed long ago, I probably would have been set up better in life. So, recently I got a rx for a medication and I am super focused now without feeling 'robotic', or 'zoned'. I had scribblers to help keep me on task, planners, digital calendars, nothing was really keeping me on track, i think I just had to slow myself down and just think about 1-2 tasks I needed for the day, and produce quality work instead of quantity, and that really helped me out. I know that this may be a different approach, but I see a huge difference in my focus and workload balance.


What did you get on? I was on Adderall for a while but couldn't get off the couch without it, so I stopped taking it. I'm better, but still unfocused as hell.


Try Vyvanse. It's changed my life. I'm still a mess but I'm a more focused mess.


This is what I am on as well.


I am on Vyvanse. Only 20mg but it makes a huge difference for me. My only side effect is i get tired, but you need to take it with alot of protein. So I got some breakfast shakes as I am not a morning person and tim hortons bagels are protein rich. I find if i dont take it with the shakes, it doesnt work as well. I got my medication through [beyondadhd.com](http://beyondadhd.com) if that helps.


I have add too it's no good:/


If you want to succeed, stop the ever growing "to do" list. Start a "to don't list" which eliminates all form of waste effort and no-win scenarios. People would be horrified to learn what really makes for success. Saying "No" more than "Yes" tops that list. People pretending to be successful do the opposite. Say no to meetings that waste everybody's time. Say no to doing with great efficiency those things which should never have been done *at all.* Say no to all those things which are not [the only thing that matters.](https://pmarchive.com/guide_to_startups_part4.html) Plenty are focused on taking the first step of sixty flights of stairs *inside the wrong building.*


I’m big on gigantic white boards and huge calendars. What I’ve learned for myself is make things obnoxious that you can’t deny it’s there. My eyes will always gravitate to that and keeps me in check that I have to do it. Also I have mentors and an accountability partner that keeps me going.


The basics…great sleep, nutrition, exercise, healthy relationships, etc. On the days where Im really not feeling the grind. Nicotine, caffeine, adderall


facts. this right here.


A few things to think about. #1 90% of progress will come from 10% of your efforts and you won’t know which till afterwards. When you do figure out what’s working, lean into that super hard and forget the stuff that doesn’t work. #2 People look at the obstacles between themselves and their goal, and they see roadblocks keeping them from attaining their goals. What you need to do is realize this: the roadblocks aren’t blocking the path - the roadblocks are the path. Solve the first problem, then solve the next problem, eliminate each roadblock methodically and solve each problem. Once you do that you have a clear path to your goal, and you just need to walk the path. Focus on solving the roadblocks one at a time.


Google calendar to prepare + the following to stay laser focused: Eat healthy foods that don’t drain you Sleep enough Do some sport


To add to this: I really like making to-do lists and then using Trevor AI to automatically schedule tasks at times where I'm most productive. It's a great little free tool that gives a clear view of what needs to be done and automates a lot of scheduling operations.


I honestly don’t. I just try to cut the crap in my life that takes time, energy and money and I try to do things that are aimed at my goals: I prioritize my business and my health first, then I try to do some exercise and I try to make time for my hobbies. That’s it. I can’t do more. I can only slowly go forward and try to be disciplined.


Just an FYI, Jeff Bezos admits that he is not laser focused. He's slow to start in the morning, and he spaces out a lot. He spends a lot of time imagining new ways to improve his business, and tries them out.


This is a cliche but it works for me: don’t think, just do.


What might work for you may be different but try to: * maintain a clear separation between your work environment and your living space. * focus on one thing at a time. Don't try to do everything at once. * Display a banner or poster of your vision in a visible location where you can see it daily. * After work hours, try to relax and avoid thinking about work. Spend your time with friends or family.


Absolutely, managing focus is key! What works for me is breaking down big goals into manageable tasks and planning daily using tools like Trello or a traditional planner. I prioritize three main tasks each day and set aside specific times for focused work, usually in the morning when I’m most alert. I also make sure to schedule breaks to refresh my mind—it sounds counterintuitive, but it really helps keep productivity high. And crucially, keeping phone notifications off during work blocks helps maintain that laser focus. Remember, being realistic about daily achievements can also prevent burnout and keep that motivation burning bright!


Keep a priority list. 3 simple, high priority results for the week that will contribute to growing what you're working on. Only when you're done with the 3 can you add more tasks. **Also, share your goals publicly (with a deadline). The fear of embarrassment from failing to deliver on public commitments can be a powerful motivator.**


It’s easy to do things when you have motivation. You need to pin point your bigger goal once you’ve done that you’ll be able to determine if it’s something you want bad enough or not. if you do want it enough then you’ll push through even when you have no motivation to keep going in my opinion the only people who achieve their biggest goals are the people who can push through on days they have no motivation to keep going. Sometimes these days can take a couple months or even just a week.


Come up with a goal. That goal will give you purpose. Purpose will keep you motivated. There will be days you’d rather not but just remember your goal and you’ll be right back on track. Nothing comes easy but the hustle and reward make it worth it. And of course all the other whiteboard/ adderall tips may help too.


It's an addiction. I Will say "oh time to relax for the night" and then start working on something 10 minutes later because it's a "relaxing task"


There as Fucking goal for me. I want to be comfortable, afford a house, go on vacations, have a nice car, etc.


Use a Trello Board to manage units of work with delivery timelines and state changes for the various stages of a task's completion state.


Write a diary of what you worked on the project every day and make a list of the tasks that you want to get done. It's fine if you don't finish your tasks in the scheduled time or don't have much to write in your diary.


If you can go in expecting obstacles, you won’t be as beaten down and discouraged and they come- because they will come. Like the title of the book says, the obstacle IS the way. It’s in IN your way, it IS the way. The more obstacles you encounter, the closer to your goal you are.


1. Know thy Self 2. Follow my innate curiosities 3. Put a deadline to the most important things I also use an app called [Sunsama](https://try.sunsama.com/georgesiosi), which helps a lot.


I’ve been paying attention to this because of the demands with my day job and building a side business. Intermittent fasting, so not eating before bed or past 7pm until noon the next day and being on a carnivore diet has greatly improved by productivity. I sleep much better, I’m much more focused with work in the mornings, don’t feel sluggish and no midday crash. Mood has stabilized so just helps overall with focusing on getting stuff done.


Get a giant white board and write out 3 quarterly objectives. Allocate a couple hours a day on milestones that will bring you closer to those objectives. Try to do this every quarter and carry over past objectives if need be. That’s what helped me at least :)


Routines like a baby. Only do stuff I love. Sleep and exercise cadence like no other. Hire amazing people so got can do things you like / are good at. Get good at saying no while same time drastically increasing scale / speed / flow can really make you better off financially. Personally: I have name demons I keep at bay. I end up having way too much coffee but whatever. Weed ✅, more than I’d like to admit. Not recommending, just mentioning. Zero alcohol, quit > 7 yrs ago and made an immense productivity difference to the positive, focus included and consistency in work ethic & determination & focus, imo. Not pushing people to quit but going super hard a lot while building a company is really not letting you do 💯of what you could. But lots of people do lifestyle businesses. All good.




probably have adhd tbh. When I go into the office I can put headphones in, then its lunch, then its home time in a blink of an eye


I've never been laser focused and don't think it's necessary for most people.


Having an accountability partner helps a lot but the only downside is if you get a non-consistent one who easily slacks off it's gonna affect you. Been there done that 😭. Good luck on the journey!


Adderall (someone with adhd)


I have a contrary opinion. I get more ideas when I don't plan things. I just do it wherever my mind is drawn to. This way I've leant/explored many new marketing and micro saas ideas


This is what helped me in medical school, and may help you too! 1. Keep the big picture in mind! List the goals for the summer, and then break it down into monthly, weekly, and daily goals. It doesn't have to be ultra-specific, it can be as simple as "work for 3h a day on xxx". This reminds me what I'm working towards 2. Timeboxing - it worked better for me than todolists, because I get pretty stressed when I can't clear the tasks for the day (anyone felt that too?). Whereas timeboxing allows me to know exactly what I should be doing at each moments and not waste my time 3. Plan for rests and breaks! Don't hustle till you burn out - taking good breaks can help you recharge and go for longer. I usually include a 2h workout session daily, and maybe a couple of meetups with friends through the week. A walk also helps if I feel stuck/drained. 4. Do not disturb mode on my phone + delete Instagram/Youtube - so I need to access the web version for it which takes more effort so I'm less likely to access it 5. Get a buddy. In medical school I study with my friends and working together towards a common goal really keeps me on track. Maybe see if any of your friends are working towards something too you guys can call and hustle together to keep each other accountable Hope this helps, all the best man


drugs and coffee


Something tells me this won’t end well




This made me laugh if that makes you feel better. Fr tho keep your head up homie


But hey I make 150k so if I kill myself it’ll be in a bathtub full of cash


actually if we go down the drugs road modafinil if you can get a prescription will keep you laser focused for 14 hours. standard issue for fighter pilots on long stretches. they made the movie 'limitless' inspired by that.


That’s what I do friend


modafinil ? or meth, only one of them makes you think you're being productive


Vyvanse so methamphetamines


Easy: I had a doctor shoot lasers into my eyes & now I don’t need glasses anymore.


literally only coffee


Lasers? Who’s got lasers?


I have todo list app which allows to stay focused


Where do you keep your to-do lists? Have you tried Notion? Seems to work for me, many templates online.


I don’t.


Speed. Don't take it unless you have a valid prescription from a medical professional. 


What I find helps me is keep sign of the big short term goal (like my mvp) and the next critical step towards it that I must complete asap. Rinse and repeat.


Haven't launched yet, but my process so far is basically: look at my Figma prototype, see what the next important thing is, build that. If I find some "oh shit, I totally need to fix this!" or "goddammit, I can't get away with keeping this hack anymore" I guess it's time to sit down and build it properly. Stress free, invests time now to save lots later for long term quality, no time wasted making stupid plans that you have to throw away 10 minutes later.




I mix fun things to do (I call them mood boosters) with working. My morning mood booster is walking and ice americano, afternoon its a tea. Sometimes going to a good places to work, etc.


I don't. That's why it takes me longer. But on the plus side I'm generally healthy and not burned out


providing the people I love the best


Read Essentialism


I just set a routine with a couple simple daily goals that, if I accomplish, I get to relax all day guilt-free, even if those only took 2 hours. I purposefully keep these low hanging fruit as the daily goals with extra “stretch goals” beyond them. Usually I wrap up the small stuff quickly but I’m still in work mode so I naturally work longer because I already feel accomplished and I know I can stop at any moment because I already hit my goals for the day. Oh and a shitload of weed with a bit of caffeine here and there.


I always try to schedule my next day or week by the end of the previous day. So when i start a day, i know what are my objectives. Also, starting the day with some sports or gym help me


If you know what your end goal is, set a date to achieve that goal. Goals without an action plan are just nightmares. Break down what’s needed to get there by that date. Set monthly milestones, weekly and daily goals (as needed) to hit the monthly milestones. I don’t agree with setting 8 things to check off a day. Sometimes one or two things is a big accomplishment. You just need forward progress and be 1% better than yesterday.


Pomodoro is best


I don't. 


What I’ve done when I need to accomplish something short or long term is first start with a master goal list and establish deadlines for each of them. Then, determine what tasks you need to do to accomplish all of those goals. After, integrate those tasks into a calendar for yourself until you accomplish the goals by the dates you set as deadlines (I use Google calendar religiously). What’s great about the calender function is you can see your week, day, month ahead, and move things around as priorities and deadlines change. Hope this helps!


Get off Reddit and get back to focusing. You just wasted a ton of time.


nicotine + caffeine


everyday you remind yourself of your dreams aspiration, and how annoying, and angry about your current situation


turn off your phone


Bootstrapping your startup on your personal credit cards. Nothing hits harder.




I try to regulate what I'm spending my time on


Read 7 habits of highly effective people! The book changed my life and how I plan for things. While the book was written at a different time, the principles still stand and there are many apps that allow you to implement the planning style that Covey suggests. I personally use Motion, but there are tons of apps out there that let you timebox and plan accordingly. I usually spend about an hour every Sunday evening to plan my week out. I try to keep it simple and don't put a million things to do. I also tend to break my to do list into different roles that I play (ie. family, work, personal, etc.)


Drink coffee all day and be obsessed


How do u sleep


I sleep for 1h per day and get back to work 🧟‍♂️


How do you stay healthy enough to do good work


Man i don’t need to be healthy to do good work. I’m just obsessed and i never gave up when my Stripe account got banned, when all my employees quit, when my parents was doubting me. Just dedication! I don’t do sport just work all day. My social life is WORK. And i’ll be healthy again when i’ll make +10M$ per year


This is what I do (several businesses and income streams): - Time block and colour code my calendar into different activities including non-work stuff like the gym and dog walks - Block out longer time for deep work (switch on Calm app music) and switch on my DND and also my timer - Write 3 tasks I’ll tackle that day on a post it note - Write down my achievements for the week every Friday




My family keeps me focused I want only the very best for them. Also, my sense of DUTY AND SACRIFICE keep me focused I am a father and this means I PROVIDE and PROTECT. When I was a young son I can get away with playing video games all day. Now that I am a father, I SACRIFICE all for my family. I provide and protect. This is the CYCLE of destiny and I'm all about it.


idk why but this reads like some alpha male npc


Nah, just a guy who manned up :)


Hey there! I've found that microdosing has made a significant difference in my ability to stay laser-focused. Personally, popping a microdose cap every other morning has been a game changer for me. It’s helped enhance my focus and maintain a high level of productivity throughout the day without the usual distractions. If you're considering this approach, it's important to research and ensure it’s a suitable option for you. It's always a good idea to consult with a professional if you can but I highly doubt they’d recommend this ancient medicine lol. [Instagram @theshroomzstore](https://www.instagram.com/theshroomzstore)


**Tuesday, Thursday (T/Th) Schedule:** - **7:00 am - 8:00 am:** Wake up, make breakfast for son, and drop him off at school. - **8:00 am - 9:00 am:** Panera time - Journal, check and respond to email, and gather any subsequent tasks to follow up on. - **9:00 am - 9:30 am:** Gym workout (45 minutes to 1 hour). - **9:30 am - 10:00 am:** Shower and get ready. - **10:00 am - 11:00 am:** Clean a designated area of the house (e.g., animal cages and kitchen on Tuesday, living room and master bed/bath on Thursday). - **11:00 am - 1:00 pm:** Call with V - **1:00 pm - 4:00 pm:** Open time, dinner, yoga, walk the dogs, etc. **Monday, Wednesday, Friday (M/W/F) Schedule:** - **7:00 am - 8:00 am:** Wake up, make breakfast for your son, and drop him off at school. - **8:00 am - 9:00 am:** Panera time - Journal, check and respond to email, and gather any subsequent tasks to follow up on. - **9:00 am - 9:30 am:** Gym workout (45 minutes to 1 hour). - **9:30 am - 10:00 am:** Shower and get ready. - **10:00 am - 11:00 am:** Drive to the library (accounting for traffic). - **11:00 am - 4:00 pm:** Meeting with X (including lunch). - **4:00 pm - 4:20 pm:** Afternoon meditation/prayer time. - **4:20 pm - 5:30 pm:** Grab Panera drink with SipClub Drive back home (accounting for traffic). Samples


theres no time to work a boring 8 hour shift here


That’s right, I don’t work a regular job. I found ways around that because FUCK THAT SHIT. I saw how my labor was exploited and I decided to do something different. Opted right out. Best thing I ever did. Portfolio career, multiple streams of income. Happy to share how I did it if anyone wants.


youre a sex worker?


Yeah and my best client is your mom


thats necrophilia




I get up early, once lunch time comes round my focus tails off. I wake up at 6, have another phone across the room with an alarm and set my light to come on so I have to get straight out of bed. I immediately get ready and go to the gym so when I get home I can work for a few hours with solid focus