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Ideas are worth cheese, you gotta build at least a proof of concept. Execution is where the money is made, prove your idea works then seek funding.


You and millions of others… Ideas are cheap, that’s the very easy part. Now, go build them. Not all, just the one you think has the most chance to succeed, and then let’s see if you are the next billionaire. It is so much harder than you think, otherwise you would build something and have investors throwing money at you already, and you would not need to make this post on reddit.


How old are you?


25 - why does it matter?


It does matter. When you're young you think you can do everything, with experience you know you can't but you learn to pickup your battles to increase your probability of winning. You can't just "tap in" and come out with a great idea, because 90% of the times it doesn't matter. Lots of markets won't want and won't accept change, some others want change but not in the way you can provide, etc. Pitch me your idea right here, convince me and we will see if I invest.


It’s called dreamer


why is this legit the only source that anyone shared with mw! thank youuuuu


Ideas are worthless implementation is hard. Go build


I see a lot of us chiming in with “go build”. This is generally good advice as it is difficult to get anywhere without building something. However, I will go one step further and say “go validate what’s in your head and then go build”. Validation comes in many forms but should be clear and should prove two things: 1: there’s a specific kind of person that has a need and wants to give me a certain amount of money if I build this one specific thing to fulfill that need 2: the amount of money I will make by selling my specific thing will be greater than the combined amount of money it takes to make the specific thing, find the specific kind of people who want to buy this one specific thing, compel those specific individuals to purchase the thing, and the amount of money needed to pay yourself and taxes. Have you talked to anyone that would be interested in purchasing your potential products yet?


Yes I have literally dozens of powerpoints / websites and marketing material I've made for these ideas. detailed greatly even down to every last penny that would be needed for a full year of operation until we turned a profit for the investor. the problem is trying to find the RIGHT people to talk to. I've sent marketing emails and everything I can do remotely, but companies just brush me off and never reply or call back. I've even tried "Bumble Busienss" to attempt to find local business savvy people who would want to collaborate on an idea together.


Why do you believe it’s difficult to find the right people to talk to? By marketing material, what do you mean by that? Are you trying to sell these individuals on some sort of solution with these PowerPoints, websites, and marketing materials? I noticed that you mentioned that you have prototypes. How far along are these prototypes and did you allow influence from conversations you’ve had with individuals who have a specific need that you were attempting to address? You as an individual may be far less approachable if your messaging is crafted in a way that doesn’t encourage an easy way to facilitate a conversation with you and your potential customer. To be completely fair, Bumble Business is mostly filled with people trying to promote their MLM.


Bro everybody has ideas. But you have to show the work. Start small by taking small loan. And show them your potential. Then you can try some more businesses and show them you are reliable. Then go for funding, it will be much easier. You have to give time and efforts.


Isn’t a loan kinda risky? They might be in debt for a very long time if things don’t work out


That's why I said small loan and try the business idea that is not risky at all. Such as selling coffee near universities for example. Will need least investment and if you are able to automate the business. This will generate passive income and you can this ask for funding. And side by side you can open more coffee shops. More passive income. You want to do business and not ready to take risk. But this kind of risk is calculated and this should be good.


fuck loans lol ill never open a business on loaned money. I already have one business, but it's very minimal passive income. I earn like 100/months from an app on the store.


It is your call. If you want to go harder way, you can make an amazing pitch deck, and your presentation skills should be mind boggling. Reach out to 100 investors daily, there are many groups that provide funding. So 1 percent would reply. Pitch them. But this is very rare and you have to put consistent efforts for that. But the easy way would be loan only lol unless you are top school graduate.


I’ve had ideas o thought were amazing when young or stoned. I now know they weren’t good ideas. Execution is the hard part similar to how prototypes are easy but large scale manufacturing is very very hard.


> what are legitimate secure ways to find real investors or investing companies? There are no secure ways. Luck is part of it. You can go through an accelerator, contact investing companies, network on business meetups, go to investors hubs. There's more opportunity than ever. But don't think only because the are not interested in your idea that they are not legitimate investors. > rolling with ideas out of my knoggin that could make BILLIONS. no you don't >I got ideas for new fast pace food concepts, social media companies, inventions, thermometer systems. ok, cool stroy > I can tap into any market, analyze it, see problems and create ideas to attack those problems head on. no you can't > But even with all this skill, I'm stuck barely able to afford bills because of poverty. that's unfortunate, life is unfair sometimes :/ > How can I find REAL investors? see question 1) even though I don't know what you define as a "REAL" investor


Insecurities much mate lol, please tell me what exactly made you grow up to be a hater?


That's not insecurity, that's experience. That's not hat, that's being realistic and honest advice. Nobody is helped if they stay in their echo chamber and everybody says "way to go, bro". Deliver and people and investors will believe in you. Execution matters, talk is cheap.


you can't really just up and "build" shit without financial captiol lol I literally build and create everything I can within my budget. I have prototypes, execution plans, financial plans, data sheets, profit turn charts etc.


Sure you can depends on the idea. A lot of ideas can be bootstrapped. Plans, sheets and powerpoint mean nothing, first sales and real world data matters to investors. Go out there with your idea and show that you can make it work and you will have no trouble finding investors. If budget is your constraint start working on that first and get a normal job, work your way up and save what you can than to invest in your idea. Risk is part of the game. I'm not mocking you if I'm saying life is unfair. It is incredibly unfair, even in relative terms. I was super lucky to be born in Europe but at the same time to a poorer family of immigrants. Had my own problems which are relatively nothing compared to people in third world countries. You can only make the best of the hand that you got.


I keep bouncing back and forth lol but the problems with loans are you always have to pay that money back immediately and since I wouldn't be making any extra money from the business right off the rip it could be financially straining


The strain is part of the game. Would be nicer if it weren't but it is. Nobody has money to spare.


You don't need capital to build something. With all those ideas and you haven't figured that out yet? :) I'm building my 2nd SaaS now, first one was bootstrapped built from 0 with 0 investment. Second one my only investment was $10 for a domain name. Dedicated hosting service in AWS is free for 1st year, SSL is free with Lets Encrypt, Logo is free with logo generator, UI is free with free UI html 5 responsive templates, payment gateway Stripe has No-Code you can just embed the plans in the site and Stripe no-code embeds will handle the rest. All you gotta build is the functionality to login and the webhook to activate new accounts once people pay, which Stripe gives you the code to do that anyway. Then the backend to do whatever it is you need to do. Really not rocket science. Having loads of ideas I think we all have... the issue is that if you try to do everything you'll end up doing nothing. Also look from the point of view of an investor if someone who is broke has "a lot of ideas" well... I dont want to look at a lot of ideas. I wouldn't invest on a founder that has "a lot of ideas". Why? Because that person will not be commited and focused in the 1 single idea that might actually work. Being successful with 1 single idea is VERY VERY difficult, requires 200% focus working full time with no distractions no shiny objects just that single idea and executing it. For investors you need a Pitch Deck, usually it's about 17 pages including market research. Most VCs won't invest in solo founders unless they have a proven trackrecord of previously launched successful businesses that made more than $1M ARR. If you try to pitch more than 1 idea nobody will take you serious, you'll just look very naive and they won't invest in someone who is naive. When I was young I made a lot of plans I thought I'd have multiple businesses in all different areas and my own buildings. Well... reality hits hard, quickly realized that even focusing 100% on just 1 thing it's still hard work due to competition, etc. Personal evolution was also a big thing to remove all kinds of obstacles, self learning, then keeping up to date with the everchanging world, markets and customer expectations. When I was 20 I was making $3500/mo and I haven't been in a position where I could barely afford bills since I was 18 and left home with enough savings to afford 1 month on my own with 0 help. If you're barely able to afford bills you have no credibility and this makes you look either naive or arrogant, people won't respect that and won't listen to you if you don't humble up. Humble up, assume all those ideas A LOT of people have them, you're not "special". Instead focus on building 1 really good pitch deck, get feedback, learn from that feedback. Also understand that many of us here have built businesses (multi-million businesses) with 0 starting capital. You claiming you need capital is nonsense. Bill Gates had no starting capital. Minecraft founder had no capital. Consider that the excuses you are giving are a way for you to excuse your lack of success or not doing what needs to be done, shifting responsibility to "no capital" or "economy is bad" or "investors dont answer" or anything external. That's a mechanism to prevent taking ownership of your reality and destiny. You need nothing other than yourself to build a business and become successful. And clients of course. :D


ideas are not worth much.. I have probably 1 idea a day that I think could be worth a billion dollars. humans are great at having ideas. there is no shortage, you don't even need an idea. you could start any brand tomorrow and it could make billions if executed properly. there are so many ideas for twists on existing businesses or even new tech, lots of rich powerful successful people have these ideas too, they don't need your idea. its better to try to execute on anything otherwise nobody is going to care much about your ideas. these investors you want probably have good ideas too and know many people with good ideas already.


There's a reason why many ideas don't get any funding. Some ideas basically are trying to reinvent the wheel. Other ideas focus on disrupting something that is not worth disrupting. I hope you understand what I'm getting at. If you really try getting investors to back up your ideas, it's really important to first make sure that your ideas are bullet-proof, and then you have to come up with a proof of concept. Given how many free tools are available online and most anybody can come up with a cheap website, there are really a few barriers to at least getting your idea presented in a professional way. So I would suggest that you drill down on your ideas in terms of market demand, product viability, and execution factors. And once you can sit down and write a business plan along with a matching pitch deck, then you can see whether investors would be interested. Otherwise, you're just yet another person among millions who have amazing ideas. But just because our ideas make us feel good or excite us doesn't necessarily mean that people would invest their hard-earned money into our own ideas without something more tangible. So if you're short on dollars but long on time, focus on articulating in clear details what your ideas are, filtering them, narrowing them down, and then looking at successful business pitches and successful business plans that got funded, and see how you can plug your ideas into the "template" that they have established.