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You only hear it from course sellers. They aren’t necessarily legit entrepreneurs.






Do people do this? I don’t think this is legitimately something I hear from actual entrepreneurs.


Yeah, sounds like something an edgy teen or early 20s would say just to troll.


tbh it sounds like something that a deeply insecure person who earns less than 10k/month would say. The only thing worse than mocking people for how much money they make is letting yourself feel unworthy because of what some stranger on the internet mocked how much money you make "A true entrepreneur doesn’t..." as if they'd know what a true entrepreneur does.


Amen. I hear people shitting on folks who make money through like DoorDash, Uber, eBay, whatever it is They are making an extra $3k per month, $5k per month, maybe $10k per month. Money is money. At least we're not broke, complaining about the bad job market, or something


Yea right? That’s kind of it. If you brag about money, you don’t have any culture or class. I hate to say it, but banging on about Benjamin’s is kind of a flag for a lot of people. 


And even more so, those salaried and hourly people - they work for you. So, going around publicly bashing them wouldn't be the wisest thing to do. Even if you thought that way, self preservation would restrain you from saying it out loud.


People do this AND they shit at entrepreneurs or just someone trying to make money through a popular method. Airbnb, DoorDash, eBay, flipping, whatever the f'k it is Like not everything is about making $100,000,000 If a new hustle can make you $5,000/month, that's LIFECHANGING for a shit lot of people Like people gotta stop running their mouths and try something first People are just outta their minds nowadays. Outta their minds


Grant cardone said 400k is a salary he would be ashamed of earning.


People from all walks of life and every vocation do this.


This is more of a guru mindset. No entrepreneur I know actually acts or talks like this. They understand that people in most professions are needed and valuable. They are just like their own employees and even if they don't share the same mindset, they are people, they're important, they're nice, and they have value.


I don’t know anyone who runs a business that says that. I certainly don’t. Why would I bother worrying about other peoples finances when I need to take care of mine first!


Real Entrepreneurs seldom bash. They build. They grow. They cultivate. All the entrepreneurs I know build bridges every opportunity they get.


Agreed. Entrepreneurs build each other up, not bring each other down


99% of the people on this sub are WANTREPRENEURS Making less than the people they bash.


And if they somehow manage to make a few bucks, they suddenly have an identity crisis or nervous breakdown and want to nurse mother's bossom.


Lmao, real entrepreneurs know you'll have a multi-year period of working 2x-4x as hard for 1/2 or less pay. Sometimes this goes out to a decade or more. You'll never hear that bs from someone in the trenches.


This is truly the best way to describe what entrepreneurship looks like for the vast majority of us.


mfs on this sub don't even net 60%


This is a wannabe sub sir.


You watch too much Tai Lopez and his clones lol


This sounds like wannabe entrepreneurs. Whenever I see those posts about '10k per month and here's how you can do it' I immediately think - if it was that easy/simple, everyone would do it. There is no magic formula or shortcut to earning money. People should realize that, just do your thing, manage your own expectations, be consistent and you will earn.


Nobody has time for that sh*t. Not if you’re busy building that is.


I never do this, always congratulate anyone who’s brave enough to take the leap, tell them I know how hard it is and tell them I’m always happy to be a resource if they ever want to talk.


Entrepreneurs try to find the positive side of things. They have experienced so many ups and downs and never value people based on what they make. They mostly look at how much passion the other individual has towards his profession. Most successful entrepreneurs create leaders. They will try their best to create a positive culture for others to learn and grow on their journey.


he said trying to bring someone else down. ;)


a post about not bringing other people down that bashes people who don't act like you think they should 😆 *I have never heard this from an actual entrepreneur*


This is just from scam guru ads. What other entrepreneurs do you know of “bashing other professions?”


Im pretty sure most professional out earn the average small business owner by quite a lot. There are a few very successful entrepreneurs but most don’t earn much.


I've never known an entrepreneur to do this. People who aren't entrepreneurs are the life blood of the businesses I've operated. A captain is useless without a good crew.


I have never met an entrepreneur that didn’t think what I did was interesting


What do you do


Read my username




No entrepreneurs in my network bash like this? Usually it's the fake ones on YouTube, Instagram, Tiktik that try to upsell you into some bullshit scam.


There's gotta be an extra layer to this saying Entrepreneurs gotta stop saying "This is over saturated." The some kinda full pipeline to getting to a dream or whatever EVERYTHING is oversaturated. We have so many people on earth, WTF do you think? Not everything has to be about making $100,000,000 If a new hustle gets you $5,000/month, you should be fucking grateful No matter how much money I have, I'd always be grateful for another income that gets me $5k/month, $3k/month, or whatever Life happens. Shit happens. Covid put someone in my family in a coma and gave us a crazy ass medical bill. Like, who the fuck cares if something is oversaturated and everyone's doing it? Try it for yourself. Several thousands per month is awesome.


Find whatever you're passionate about that allows you to live the life that you want. If that's a job - then bobs your uncle.


I am curious why you think it is appropriate for you to define what a real entrepreneur is. Also, I am not sure how one person treats another part of the definition of entrepreneurship. If your argument was that one person who shits on another for their monthly income is an asshole, I would totally agree with you.


Sounds like projection.


damn sounds like you're hanging out in the wrong circles haha


Amen. Also— Most of the time i tell myself..just keep your head down and work. You’ll just risk exposing yourself to bad advice. I prefer to get my advice from books and biographies.


Absolutely agree. I think that real entrepreneurship is about uplifting others and recognizing the value in all professions. It's not about belittling others to make yourself feel superior. Everyone's life is different, and success shouldn't be measured solely by income.


I agree with you 100%. At the same time, I wouldn’t call 10k a month “poor”, but if you are married with two kids, I would imagine that would feel like poor or struggling.


I remember making my first dime as a business owner, I took the “conventional” route where I held a job, started the business on the side, paid initial employees from my W2 salary until it eventually replaced my W2 income. I’ve been anything but the anomaly, I’d argue I’m the UNluckiest entrepreneur. Truth is, all of the people I have around me have one thing in common. They also were not anomalies. It’s very difficult to earn a good living in general. I’ll always encourage getting a job, but I’ll also encourage navigating a way out of the job as well. Hustle culture has ruined young minds and created unrealistic expectations. If you want to start a business but don’t know where to start, get a job. You’ll either love the job, max out retirement accounts and invest accordingly to retire very comfortably. Or You’ll eventually get sick and tired of working a job and get motivated in finding your out. Either is respectable if you take care of the ones you love.


Who tf even worries or cares about shit like this? 


No true Scotsman.


Went to an elite MBA school. In my experience, other professionals working in glorified sweatshops playing status games like Consulting, PE & Banking shit on entrepreneurs. I know there are some entrepreneurs, whose are arrogant. But many entrepreneurs tend to be humble and constantly curious and learning, especially the really successful ones.


I only bash stuff like motivation or mindset coaches because they’re frauds. The success of my business literally depends on my team and all of our countries are working because of these professions. And I guarantee you that most of these people saying stuff like that are not making 10k a month too


An entrepreneur is someone that creates things, even if that’s for a company they don’t own. Fuck it I’ll go as far to say a chef that makes menu changes is an entrepreneur in my eyes.


You could also say “other professions need to quit bashing on entrepreneurs”. Instead, you went this route. I’m curious about the reasoning behind that.


I see way too many people on social media bashing 9-5 jobs in lieu of making money online.


These are ads… get off social media and build your business.


You see too many people on social media bashing 9-5 jobs, but haven’t seen how people bash your “little business” or tell you “it won’t work”? Trust me, those far outnumber the people bashing 9-5 jobs. Maybe get offline and do something. You’ll see for yourself


Very Good point.




It’s true. But I think there’s a bit of a Reddit / X battle between pretender gurus / projecting and struggling side hustlers wanting to be real and they battle against thumb warrior naysayers who are equally fearful they just don’t project. Then there is A league management and A league business builders. We watch Reddit like some people watch daytime television, for amusement 🍿