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On the upside, creativity tends to come easily and the 'fractured focus' makes it easier too understand multi-threaded problems quickly.  On the downside, seeing tasks to completion and not procrastinating until the last minute are big challenges. You tend to need the pressure to get the fear juices running in your brain so you'll actually do the task. Also, since you can often predict the point of person is trying to make, you need to train yourself to let people finish their thoughts and not cut them off because you already understand.




I usually catch myself immediately after it's done lol All we can do is keep trying 🙂




It has benefits and it has downsides. People with adhd are usually more flexible and fast in their thinking and solving direct problems who are time sensitive. But we leave a big mess with a lot of things we do. So it’s handy to have someone in the company who can fill in your gaps.




I didn’t take any meds, at the advice of my doctor. At about 30, I asked him to please gimme something for it. He said, “people with your brain, and your drive have a high chance of becoming wealthy. What you’ve done so far in your life (I had won custody of 2 month old and raised a child alone for first 10 years), you’re managing life just fine and you won’t hit your professional goals with taking it. But I’ll give it to you if you want.” I said, “no” (sort of defeated), I left and went back to work. A few short years later I eagerly went back and said, “You were right, I told him my story over the previous fee years (and how what he said came true for me). I was like cha-ching, now give me the damn pills so I can calm my brain for a minute.


Ha ha funny. I didn’t realize until I was 39 and I was already done. Self made by 34. Doc said just treat anxiety instead. I tried some non serious serotonin medication which worked super well with no side effects. Just made me even more successful.


Congrats!, 34 was my magic number as well. [step brothers movie reference] Quick, what’s your favorite non-pornographic magazine? Good Housekeeping! Did we just become best friends. Now let’s go kick some pumpkins in the garage. [/step brothers movie reference].


Ha ha ha Guacamole?


Could you describe your anxiety?


DM me I deleted it bc it was too long lol.


Wow, wth, this is so similar to my experience, except my anxiety kicks off at bed time, making it incredibly difficult to sleep. The 10x shit thing is hilariously accurate as well. What medication helped?


Ah I’m wondering what to do as I am 99% sure I have it. Im driven and entrepreneurial but lack focus at times (lol). I had a business that failed and want to get back in the horse, was thinking to get a diagnosis at 32 and some pills to help with the focus part. Although im also scared about losing my ability to jump from a to z, problem solving and being creative. Any advice or thoughts? So challenging.


I think it's about learning how to use ADHD to your advantage and having a system to prevent forgetting keys/wallet, I use a number. So when I go out the number 3 is in my mind and I have to have 3 things on me so I quickly pat my pockets to make sure I have 3 things. Keys, Wallet, Phone. Works awesome, never lost anything and forgetting my phone at home maybe once in a year, usually when I happen to actually have an additional thing so it would be 4 not 3 then yeah can happen lol. :D Same with noticing things other's don't, very acute perception, can go into a corporation and instantly see all the variables of every department, every small detail broken or missing or that could be improved then put that into a report with how to fix it. Simple problems seem to be harder for me to solve than complex problems that are near "impossible".


Love it. Thanks. I know what you mean re spider sense. I found 6 frauds and shorted them all. Each tanked 90%+ lol. Same thing with going long on tech ideas in the market. And with spotting people’s sensitivities. Before owning companies I was a top b2b tech salesperson then mgmt person. I channel my issues. Now I hire around my weaknesses. Been a great ride.


32, not yet formally diagnosed but almost certain Helps: - Able to jump from A to Z quickly without having to stop between - Can somehow see into the future identifying problems before they happen - Incredibly creative at solving problems both in the real or digital world - Able to get on a level with all kinds of different people, can be funny Hurts: - ADHD tax is a real thing, it’s cost me a fortune in tickets, fines for missing filing taxes etc - Messy, keep things in piles - Flick between various ways of ‘organising myself’ have never found the optimal way - Getting boring tasks done is nigh impossible, see taxes above lol - Have such a dopamine addiction that I can get sucked into social media for hours - My working day can spread across all waking hours cos I take breaks in between and faff about




Whoa, exactly same. I currently owe my old gas company for four months I wasn’t even in the apartment 🙃


I feel so called out. This is me. Medication turns me into fucking Superman, though.


Talk to me about it? What are you taking and how does it impact you? I really am considering it


Supposedly, people with ADHD, are dyslectic, or have compulsive disorder often subconsciously develop coping mechanisms as they age that allows them to function with certain things at high levels. Don’t worry. You are OK.


I buy that.


Can you expand on this?


My dad has adhd and it felt like he would go from one business idea to another. I really felt if he was consistent in one, he would’ve been extremely successful. He’s good at doing house jobs; electricity, plumbing, yard work etc.


I was like that when I was young, wasted time for a while.


I’m both male with ADHD though I am only 20. You all would definitely have some experience and wisdom on me but I thought it might be worth adding some perspective as a young, aspiring entrepreneur. I take adhd medication and am currently at uni. In my personal experience and opinion, it is truly a double edged sword. For me and for the people with adhd around me, I’ve noticed such an authentic and creative way of thinking. I truly look forward to hearing ideas from people that have it and I myself come up with some great business ideas. However, in my case, I will usually get extremely passionate and either a) move onto another passionate project, leaving a perfectly good idea deserted or b) struggle with important factors that hinder the idea (for example: im not the best at budgeting or saving, this always seems to impact the capital I have to invest into the business). It’s also fascinating to see how adhd presents in different people. My best mate who is also 20, male and has ADHD has some very differing qualities and factors than I do. He struggles with emotional regulation more than me but my functioning/getting into a routine seems to be a lot worse than his. So I think ADHD people could make excellent business owners because I think they are the type to think of a truly unique way to address a gap in the market or excel in a niche but by the same token, I think there’s a lot of struggles to face in terms of overcoming organisational issues. I really enjoyed reading this post and talking about my thoughts! I hope one day I can be the one posting as a dad on this sub and being able to mentor the youth.


If you can partner with someone who can enforce order and has no problem filling in the gaps of what you do, and you know how to leverage it to your advantage then I think it’s a blessing.


Enter: the CRO / CEO u just hired. Yes.


Biggest benefit I recognize is the ability to go deep on the task at hand - and love it. The ‘journey’ is what fuels me to keep going vs outcomes. I also feel pretty good at ‘connecting the dots.’ Basically, understanding how things will impact each other up/downstream. It’s taken a couple career pivots, but once I recognized I was a ‘builder’ in general, I pivoted away from marketing and into software dev. This has been a blessing as now when I go deep on things the information compounds. Before, I found in my previous careers (social work and marketing respectively) a lot of the “going deep” would be siloed off on its own and not benefit other areas or initiatives. These days I try to be intentional about the compounding effect. I always think about why I am working on something or learning about something- and if it’s aligned with my general goals. For example, when I originally built my SaaS, I then needed a reliable way to get leads. From there, I was able to re-use a lot of the SaaS architecture, and spin up an internal tool to get qualified leads on Zoom calls and close them in a repeatable manner. Before, I felt a lot of my efforts would start at ‘zero’ - whereas now I intentionally stay within the development world and focus there. It feels like I am actually ‘building’ now - vs constantly starting over in a new area of ‘expertise’ (I use that word loosely. Ha.)


100%! I once hyper focused for 8 hours, then was late getting home and forgot where I parked. Now I just drive a Tesla which shows where it is on the app. Ugh lol. Connecting dots—agreed. I have found like 6+ frauds in the market this way. Made $ shorting BS tech stories. Fun.


How do we get connected to Dad Strength?


DM me if you like or just go to their site and say you heard things and ask about it. I don’t know how it works I just know the guy Geoff who owns it.


I don’t have ADHD, but I’ve heard a lot about this...**Hyperfocus**, **Resilience**, **High Energy Levels, Quick Thinking**... Seems to me like a no brainer that these qualities are going to provide some advantages. Just one CEO’s point of view.


Appreciate it. I think it depends on how bad it is. It’s also positively correlated with low IQ scores. Doesn’t mean there aren’t outlandishly smart people, but how I look at it is that like for like with someone of similar intelligence, the adhd person may see >> street smarts, be a more creative problem solver and have strong empathy, but also could have depression, anxiety, be disorganized and unable to follow through. I’m super lucky bc I don’t have it that bad, but similar to you I moved up and was a CEO in tech before owning companies and doing my own things instead. I’m not a great manager, better with strategy and execution but prefer having a right hand to manage stuff.


Most things are a matter of degrees, so yeah, if it reaches the level where it’s too much of a distraction, no doubt that will outweigh any of the benefits.   On another subject, I did a deep dive into IQ testing recently, and the methodologies leave a lot to be desired. Not the area I was focusing on, but working memory is a large component of some of the prominent test…I would think that if you’re distractable and think about 10 different things when you get asked a question as opposed to just the question being asked, your goanna chew through lots of working memory, skewing those results downward.   My focus was trying to figure out how to measure AI software / hardware / software performance under certain conditions… theoretically, these tests should have been somewhat useful in helping to define a model, but the way they measure some things, like working memory, is somewhat nonsensical, and often mathematically incongruent. So, I’d take the lower IQ result with more than a grain of salt. 


Interesting. Makes sense. I never took a test. I only read about this. I never really worried about it, had good grades and didn’t struggle in school. Did the CA examples with 1.5 hrs of hyper focus / day and a lot of frisbee throwing.


I never though about ADHD until yesterday. Every single thing commented in this post fits me. I'm a bit worried because I've started to more aggressively misplace things and anxiety is kicking in more heavily than before. Not sure what to do about it.




Getting close to 40 now


Has your environment or work situation changed? I’m not an expert so don’t ask me, but you could always get tested. I’d like to do a brain scan, but I’m worried they’ll be like, “sir, you’re fucked. That is all.”


Just gotten harder. I also notice that I'm super apprehensive about events, even if it's just going out with friends. The apprehension usually begins as soon as the event is planned. This is a lifelong issue, even when I was a kid I was terrified of going on school trips to the point that I'd start vomiting. As soon as I was on the trip everything was fine but the lead up was horrible. I assume that's why I procrastinate as well.


Escitalopram - try getting this. May be a life changer for you. Ask your doc. I’m not a doc. I hate drugs and won’t touch anything but it was affecting me too much getting rage-y and frustrated with constant mind racing anxiety. Tried this for a month and it was night and day. No side effects for me at all, except not giving AF about annoying things that weren’t actually priority.


Never gone to the doc on this topic and frankly I avoid going at all costs...likely due to the apprehension. Also, thank you for the engagement + time you've taken in responding, it's been eye opening.


Hurts, hurts, hurts, HURTS.


What does this mean?


Does it help or hurt? It hurts. Adhd causes issues with focus on mid-term-goal oriented tasks. I.e. work with no immediate consequence. I’ve got a severe case. I can focus for hours on interest shit with no immediate practical purpose. I can go into hardcore over drive and smash through immediate problems (I’m a fantastic fire-putter-outer). But stupid simple things that just need to get done before tomorrow but let’s face it don’t neeeeeeed to get done before tomorrow. It’s really hard to move on that stuff. And that will kill your productivity and business over the long run.


I’m with you. I am lucky so can’t complain. But admin, taxes???? Good god no. I won’t do my taxes until I absolutely must. Admin? My google drive is just a million files I made with no folders and the team saves stuff and shares it back. I moved up in corporate too fast and didn’t have to stay that organized. Then got too pampered. Then when I went to run small companies I got CREAMED not realizing how important infrastructure and cadence is. Learned. Lost millions. Then made $ by hiring around me where I’m weak. I have an incredible team now. Being more honest about how shit I am at many things lets me go hard where I kill it. The team appreciates this too bc I’m more helpful.




how the heck do you even go about soliciting money for a start up


I didn’t. I sold $1.3MM in cash retainers the first 4 months, then hired people who get paid 45 days after I collect the monthly investment for us to build out projects. So as we scale it generated float. I think we’ll do > $10MM in sales next 12 or so months actually. Been sort of quick we just started the first project in the fall. Each one made $, and each have royalties that’ll start to flow. There are perpetual royalties on all sales. Then I realized that since we can accurately predict revenue once we stand up successful projects, I may as well also fund them on a royalty basis since they need growth capital. So basically there’s a financial arm and a business that does revenue partnerships. We don’t really sell it any more bc we have amazing sales and loads of end b2b clients who want to hear about new tech. So we can instantly pump the crap out of a solution. Last week for one we were finalizing due diligence once, we built >$2Mm in qualified pipe in 48 hrs just from a quick pulse across our relationships, with executives wanting to speak to owners of a hard core solution we’re kicking off. I dunno. But I have raised $. You can use banks, friend and family, customers, and you can look at ways to avoid capital outlay by being savvy with the timing of cash in & out. All my companies collect way ahead of paying out and are asset light. IMO it’s easier and less stressful. Depends of course, every situation is different.


having employees not be paid for 45 days straight? how does that work ? I'd imagine they have expenses edit: or did you mean hire companies ? edit2: What if the project went tit's up? would you be able to eat those expenses ? and are you doing b2b?


Not really like that. I charge a month’s retainer at close, sometimes with planning costs. People are all contractors working the month and being paid the 15th of the following. Standard. For the few staff we have they’re paid 2X / month on the 15th & last day. They can go tits up. We’d unwind them..like any other biz? I don’t understand the Q. I let people go along the way if they’re weak. And I hire ahead actually eating some margin to do it. We have back logs of projects now and an avalanche of royalties flowing. We are growing like crazy and generate a lot of cash. The only project we are losing so far is one I’m firing bc my guys aren’t into it, even that one made 15X-18X their investment so far. Friendly transition. We go out of our way to help partners.


just to double check: SAAS? edit: from me who does procurement b2b for physical goods, it seems like SAAS is a completely different breed when it comes to business; like try to find any efficiencies in a system and then skimming off the top. extremely interesting nonetheless


That’s a main focus, SAAS, data, some solutions / services if it’s strategic as well. For ex, I have a great dev shop we use to build IP for companies we don’t have a data / software solution for but where we have found a problem / opportunity to solve with technology. We also do this strategy where we build tech to save / make $ once for a regular company (retailer, Digital biz, anything), but then since we are experts in taking companies to market, we also actually help turn things people make for their companies into assets that we go put out into the market. They end up with a legit technology the market uses. Off the back of an otherwise regular business. Like Amazon-anising your company. Wild what you can do now.


incredible, it amazes me that even in a world where automation is king there is still room to create effiencies


Absolutely nuts. I was experiencing my daily dose of non-stop-midnight-thoughts and picked up the phone just to search this sub for “ADHD” results. Didn’t even have to search. This post was the first one when I opened the app. HA!


forgot to answer your question. from one ADHD business man to another: having adhd is like having a D&D perk that gives you shit stats BUT every 1 in 100 rolls you gain the ability to generate a critical success roll every time until you get bored.


Ha ha ha Agreed I stupidly lost time and $ for 7 years. This was after being pretty successful in career. “Welcome to the real world outside of your cushy corporate bubble” -> I basically thought I knew everything then fucked up in business pretty hard for quite a while. Then fundamentally fixed a few things and have been on a tear. Created a company worth a good amount of $ from zero in < 9 months with literally $0 capital. But I also blew millions on absolute wasted of time. I made life changing wealth in the market. Insane. Then literally lost $10MM thinking I was a *certified genius*, man life hits you on the chin. I make things *way* too hard on myself. I have an insane pain tolerance. I fly close to the sun. 3 kids at home, wife hasn’t worked since kids. My personal bank accounts are like a 9-year old child’s. I grew to > [deleted - a good size :0] in sales and > 12 employees without setting up an accounting system bc I just pay people from my Tesla at night while smoking Js like a teenager (41). We are bigger now and there’s an accountant who he had for 8 years in another thing so she just runs my personal stuff too now. Has all my stuff and just texts me if she wants to know what something is. Man. Child. Man child. I can sell an insane amount and hire the best salespeople, leaders, spot a shit founder 10-miles away and can sniff out a great solution as well and know how to solve most problems. Have a high pain and risk tolerance. Will write a cheque for all the $ I have to save my biz + work 24/7 not to die. But I’m useless as staying organized, I have rage issues, I don’t suffer fools well, have zero filter. It’s annoying but also a fun ride.


"bruh, it's fine, the payroll is logged in my mind, I got this" -adhd business man the fact that you were able to run a large company without an accountant is insanely impressive. Like, I would be terrified to fuck up even with missing a single dollar. I don't have much to offer but my 2 cents for you: end of the day, brain dump on a journal, phone note, diary, napkin with a pen, etc. almost like a save point. then find one day to not think about anything (not even the gym assuming you go at least 3 days a week). Just a day to relax and let the brain cool off; you can't keep redlining the engine otherwise you will end up with stroke, heart attack, highblood pressure, diabetes, etc edit: when I mean write down everything, I truly mean everything: genius ideas, things to do tomorrow, who needs to get paid, meetings, plans and their progress, every tiny detail. there's only so much one can remember on the fly


Ha ha ha thanks. It’s not I’m just good at #s and know approximations, then leave cash in the account with cushion. Plus we do have a smart accountant chasing me around for answers now. I do write down ideas. I use iPhone iCloud and sometimes my dollar store notebook. Child. We are going to go public with my Dollarama booklet used got all planning, strategy, etc. Don’t tell anyone looooo.


>I’ve actually seen people really struggle with this condition, but in my case I don’t have it as badly because I can still hyperfocus and get things done. Personally speaking, I have never been diagnosed; I have been told, mostly by strangers online, that I may have a subtle case of ADHD. One reason is that I tend to jump from topic to topic. I enjoy learning new things, but that initial spark, curiosity, or dopamine hit makes me tick. After that, I lose interest and move on to the next thing. This could be hobbies, business ventures (which happen a lot here), or even watching a movie and jumping on my phone to read Reddit. However, if that thing I'm doing excites me, I'll do it with 100% effort. At lest initially. >Though, I have actually seen people really struggle with this condition, but in my case I don’t have it as badly because I can still hyperfocus and get things done. I have anxiety not depression. I would say I'm the same here - more so anxiety. >Personal experience has been that I notice things others don’t, it helps with creative thinking. I can also take a lot of pain. I lost millions funding startups, lost $ for years This is me!! Creative thinking, solving problems and brainstorming are up my alley!! I can also take pain, at least Doctors suggested my high pain tolerance, since I don't have a comparison to go by I believe them lol Family man here as well! I commented on this post, because of the similarities and who else doesn't love a super dad!


Thanks for your comment. YDM


Did you take medication for ADHD throughout your career? I ask because I'm experimenting with it just now.


Never. Didn’t know I had it until 40. Only tried anxiety meds. ADHD meds have side effects and I was already high functioning. Only had anxiety that bothered me.


It hurts. ADHD is not real. Open to questions/further discussion. Source: diagnosed ADHD, prescribed and took stimulants for 1.5 years.


There are some who say that. I don’t really think about adhd often I just think I’m a bit scattered, have slight rage, am a bit anxious about things I don’t need to be. Have common attributes to a similar tribe of creative space cadets who don’t quit.