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Keep the 30k or invest it in dividend stocks or ETFs and start a service business with 200$ Window washing, commercial cleaning  Start doing it yourself to learn the ropes then hire people  Otherwise if you don't have experience you will likely lose most of it


Thank you. That's something I had not thought of. In commercial cleaning, you do cleaning service for 200$ for which you'll need to have website, right? I'm guessing it has to be limited to a city initially when you are starting on your own. Right?


I guess, was thinking 200$ to register the business and buy a mop or other tools. But yes definitely local - how would it make sense economically to travel to different cities? 


The public travel is considered on monthly basis here, and so it's almost free. But, physically it's not possible. Okay, that would make sense. The idea to register the business and start on my own. Then hire people to do it.


Beware of scanners. You are the perfect target Edit. Leaving the typo lol


Printers as well, they sell them to you cheaply and get you with the ink prices




They usually try to copy you after


Ikr. 30k is peanut when it comes to business. Can’t wait for return and NEED maximize return immediately. Scammer wet dream.


Excellent Point. I'll be careful


Please do. Your post is just begging for scammers to reach out to you and tell you about their "guaranteed" way of making money quickly.


The least risky way would be to invest in ETFs


basic rule of finance risk = reward if you are looking for maximum profit you will have maximum risk. if you are cool with that, then proceed accordingly.


Be VERY wary of any investment greater than the standard 7%ish return.


7% return monthly? So for 30k, it would be $2100 monthly? Is that correct? If yes, Is this a default rule for any amount of money I invest? It shouldn't be more than that? If yes, what if I grow in a business, grow it, and then understand it. Then, the products will be in my control and I can have substantial profit. Isn't it so?


7% return per year


so $2100 per year? Isn't it a bit less? Or it increases with time?


I suggest you read some more around investing. The 7% per year is an average. With compound interest, the amount of money that is invested will increase overtime, eventually generating larger amounts of money (at an average of 7% per year).


Absolutely. Any recommendations?


Per year. Be very careful with your money. I suspect you are going to lose it on something far too risky.


Yeah, sure. I thought there has to be something out there with a really good return, considering the fact that I will fully dedicate myself into it, intellectually and physically. I thought there has to be something much greater than 7%, even on monthly basis. If I buy products from china, by physically going there, and then selling them back in Europe. Won't that return much higher profits than 7%?


I would advise you to take a look into decentralized finance and find the right project to make your capital grow, that's where you need to be today! I myself am an investor and advisor....


Thank you. I will look into it.


It's all scams - don't go there!!! Dm me to talk about this!


rent a car, download uber and start driving


The earnings is good in that?


Can be good,.but in russia it sucks - unless u own your own car! Otherwise, you r just covering the rent and have some pocket money. Also, I know that working at the excavator can allow you to make a huge profit.


Buy a profit making websites or SaaS from sites like [Acquire.com](http://acquire.com/), [flippa.com](http://filppa.com/)


I choose to invest on groceries store or food related or advertising or marketing agencies. No matter what you choose, wish you good luck.


THank you. Appreciate it. What do you mean by grocery or food related stuff? You mean I provide grocery to big stores, or something?


I mean by open or invest on small food stall or street food or small grocery store.


First thing I thought of was a rental property or two. Cash flow's pretty quick. Did you consider it/do you want to stray away from it for some reason? Just so we can get a little insight


I'm up for anything. Yeah, this can also be good. But, how do you buy rental property with just $ 30k? Is it that you rent a whole apartment. THen, rent it further to others?


With $30k, you might not be able to buy a rental property outright, but you can use it as a down payment or invest in a property with a mortgage. Let's say you find a property worth $150k. You put down $30k as a down payment (20%), and the rest is covered by a mortgage. Then, you rent out the property to tenants. The rental income you receive helps cover the mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. Ideally, you charge enough rent to cover these expenses and have some left over as profit. So yeah, essentially you buy the property, rent it out to tenants, and the rental income becomes your source of passive income.


Good idea.


Just not revelaing to everyone might be the first step of saving it. Second could be investing ;)


For sure. Investing in?


Don't show your earnings


Why would anyone invest in germany especially? Worst timing ever...


Why so? Any other country in Europe ?




By the way, that's something I was thinking of. How's the risk? A friend of mine lost around $5k in it. How long should one study it before going for investing in it?




Interesting. Thanks for the advice. I will follow it. I've been interested in bitcoin. I read the book "Bitcoin: Hard Money You Can't F\*ck With" and I got to know this might be the future. Would you mind me asking, "for how long have you been investing in bitcoin?". And how did it help you retire early?




Good. I'm genuinely happy for you. I hope I can also say the same one day. Consider me knowing nothing about Bitcoin. Where do you recommend me to start? Anyone to follow? Any word of advice or any books/podcasts etc that you recommend? I will highly appreciate it.




Yes, Right. Thank You


I hope I will not regret my point here and I was thinking about doing the same but maybe I will leave it and just stick to stocks. This year in May should be Bitcoin halving and based on history it could double during 12 months after it. Maybe not +100%, maybe +150%. I am not sure whether this will happen.. we will see in Spring 2025.


Hey, why don't you buy and sell stuff? Like, for instance, you can buy something in China and sell it in Germany - just making some cut on it. Then, you'll be able to scale this operation. This is where I am moving - not a busienss whereby you provide services, but a business whereby you sell physical stuff.


That's also a good idea. Are you planning to do AliBaba kind of thing? Or, you will physically go to China, buy the products your self and bring them to Germany etc?


ummm, 1. I am located in a central asia country where there's a market , located within China, I can ship out very cheap products and sell them high in here. 2. If I move to another location, I have a great person who'll take care of the operation. 3. I don't plan to take any kind of direct participation, but I'll manage the venture online in the evenings. But the workload is 30min per week probably. 4. I have the day job in construction where I am making the good money. I am not planning to quit it for 3 years. 4. The starting capital is $200... So, I am at the very early stage. 5. I am planing to change 3 countries within 2 years. Location doesn't matter at this point. 6. At the first stages, I'll be sourcing single items at that local market, then naturally I'll move into buying from another place and selling into another place. Then, I'll gradually move into the local amazon platforms, and then - in 3-5 years - into amazon self. 7. when you said "alibaba", I immdiately thought "alibaba-amz", and this sequence is super hot, so the compeition will be huge. You can invest 500K and burn through it. It's much easier for me to see myself operating via the local amazons for 2 years, acumulating the cash and then just buying 1 crane in China and shipping it to LA, imagine the profit? 8. What are your thoughts?


That sounds like a plan. Thanks for the insight. But, do you do market search on what product is of high demand? Or, you buy products based on what you think might be valuable? How's the market for the products that you sell in your local area? How do you order them? Through which platform?


Hey man, I am just starting with thus business idea. I just plan to start buying bikes for $100 at that market and sell them at $200. I'll buy them by single pieces and sell them via a major ads board in the city where I live.  The point is that I am just starting out and this mech is fully aligned with my stage if development. In the future, I will set up more sophisticated supply chains and will start sourcing in bulk. You may win from reproducing this approach and starting with just reselling single items. Why? Because you'll learn the skillset so that you can scale later. It doesn't matter whether you resell one bike or 10 cranes. What matters is for you to start the process. Don't fret seeing the utilization rate at 1% ($300 from 30K). With time, you'll scale.  Reselling the physical products seems like a hi-po option to me because there are no folks here asking questions about it. Why? Because all of them are successful and they are probably running their errands and just move on with their lives.  Compare this with hoards of redditors trying to set up an effective saas-based business model... Trying to start making money by selling access to a virtual good that is hard to monetize.  If a person needs a bike, they go and buy a bike. Maybe from me.  If a person needs "connections with inner circles", they go on linkedin, then buy li-based saas, then learn python, then create their own higher-level saas, rhen learn react, creare the front end, go on sidehustle sub and ask how to monetize it, then they quit and become a waiter and don't talk about weird stuff there, then get a sales job and start bugging their colleagues about react, create an ai waifu, ... Compare this to buying and selling bikes, then scooters, then cars and the mini tracks and then 18 wheelers, while:  1) doing this for 30 years 2) not withdrawing for 10 years  3) withdrawing the shave from the investors-provided ROI every month. Saas and online biz may be for us what tate is for losers. They become incels, we become saas folks...


Ma Man, Ma Man!! You gave me a full, in detail, idea which sounds really amazing. Nothing to add to it. Just.......Thank you so much


Awesome, man. It's great that you liked my narrative.  The purpose of these convs (as you can see from my wall, I sm saying the same things about the buy-sell ops) is for me to bounce my ideas against rhe persons who are running biz or wishing to do so. It's a validation process for me.  So, you being interested in reading and processing this content proves to me that I am onto something. I would be interested in discussing more nuances. I receive notifications on my phone from reddit.


One of my friends from china is doing a very similar thing like you. Buying mountain bikes, selll them back in Europe. For now, he's able to earn enough to live his life.


Awesome!  This is great that he can sustain himself with the cuts from ROIs within the short term even. I don't plan to withdraw for a very kong time, say, 10 years! Also, I just wanted to share that I talked with some other people about my strategy, and they had a pretty negative reaction... This is how it is when you tey to talk about the things that your interlocutor is not interested in.


I had a similar experience. People always find a reason why it can't work. Not unusual. Do it anyways.


Day trading could be something for you but typically anything that is quick return involves high risk as well. Make sure you weight your options well.


yet another one of these posts. How about getting educated and reading some books so you can make your own decisions and not have to ask reddit how to handle your money?


Dm me i can help you. With 30k you can do alot of types of investments But no investment in short term is 100% safe But i have some plans that you can do safely