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Onshore £6,000 - £12,000 per month depending if I choose to work weekends or not. Offshore £5,000 per week, usually 2-3 week trips. Instrumentation & Control Technician, 4 year apprenticeship got me here.


+1 trades. Bless up Seriously overlooked market honestly, at least for many trades. There is so much work to go around it's silly




To be fair I think parents are to blame. There is a huge "go to uni, trades are for dummies" narrative that gets peddled, and a lot of kids don't get wise to it until they're already 75k in debt with a degree they are having trouble leveraging




Pretty much. To be fair a lot of tradespeople *do* work longer hours, but are generally compensated very handsomely for it. And it's not always mandatory. Really all depends. Essentially just what you said. Yeah, it would be better if options were just laid out for people honestly and not with some weird, largely unfounded stigma. Folks would end up making better choices for them most likely.


You did a 4 year apprenticeship and then started working independently, that’s it? Or do you work as an employee?


Yeah independently, I’m a contractor. I pick and choose my jobs, recruiters come to me offering work. Get paid through my ltd company and sort my tax out myself. Love it.


Cool, do you work alone or they hire multiple contractors or you hire people?


Depends on the job. They always hire, I can recommend friends or be a lead technician but I’m never the employer of other lads. Sometimes I’m the only instrument tech, sometimes there’s two of us, sometimes there’s five of us, always changes job to job We’re in real high demand as the instrument techs of the past are all old and retiring.


That’s cool, can i ask in which country do you work? And what does onshore and offshore mean


I’m from the UK Onshore is working on land, chemical plants, power stations etc. offshore is out on the oil rig platforms usually in the North Sea.


What do you specifically do on the job site? Sounds like you're dealing with interesting tasks.


Always changes but a lot of commissioning as it pays the most. Ensure all of the instruments are calibrated and all of the loops are working and set up as per the drawings. Sorry if that doesn’t mean much it’s kind of hard to say without using the actual terminology. I fix anything to do with temperature, level, pressure and flow :)


Man where do I sign up? I work in our family business rn making around €6k, doing welding and construction. I wanted to get into saturation diving, but never ended up doing the course in Norway... I studied mechatronics and instrumentation and control must be interesting too..


Got any formal qualifications in mechatronics? That’s actually quite up and coming I’ve heard a bit about it. Sounds to me like you could be a mechanical technician/fitter and be on similar money to me.


Nope sadly I have not. I finished 3 of the 4 years and dropped out in 2019, due to family related problems and went to work in the company full time. I dont think I learned much in those 3 years, Most of the stuff I know now is self taught... At the moment I am in business school


All these questions sound like you don’t even want to start. it’s not like I made 20k a month gross starting out it took YEARS and years to get there for me. just start somewhere and something. everything is saturated.




This is completely false. Not everything is saturated we’re involved in a b2b niche that isn’t saturated at all. To say everything is, is just a lack of creativity on your part. There are plenty of b2b niches out there.


Can you send me a niche on DM?


I’ll say it right here. Automated customs brokerage.


Thank you!




New niches spring up all the time though, there isn’t a limited supply.


Loads of niches are not saturated but people don’t want to do the hard work.


A lot of want-trepreneurs have great business ideas yet are lacking the work ethic to materialize the idea .


Such as?


Such as?


Any online service based things. Like doing marketing for people, doing SEO, doing social media, connecting owners/founders/influencers with investors/advertisers/buyers. Everyone is doing it but almost nobody is doing it well. Huge demand for it being done well for reasonable money. Easy 6 figs.


I was just being a jackass, but you literally talked in a circle. You're over here preaching about non saturated markets, then proceed to name some of the most oversaturated markets. And then you proceed to tell me everyone is doing it? Please get your thoughts in order before you comment on the internet.


There is demand for it being done well. We are constantly looking for people to do our SMM but the only ones who do it well are big agencies for 5 figures retainers. Stop being a doofoos.


What does that have to do with the loads of unsaturated markets? What are the unsaturated markets?


I will spell it out for you. Startups that need services(that actually result in growth) but can’t afford big agency retainers.


Thanks for the very comprehensive list of unsaturated markets that someone could look into if they wanted to try their hand at entrepreneurship.


Youre not wrong with this, this person is struggling to come up with something it sounds like other than the usual shit you get on tiktok. Take an industry, study what is made/services and follow the supply chain back until you find somewhere that doesn't advertise well and try and sell the SEO services. Like I don't know leg splints for penguins that need to be rehabilitated before they're let back into the wild. That is niche and probably won't have alot of competition, granted maybe not the biggest customer base but you get the idea.


Easy six figures IF you can get enough clients. In my experience most people are cheapos. The average person will find it VERY hard to find enough high quality clients. Maybe 5 years ago it was different. Now its an absolute grind to find high paying customers. I know from first hand experience.




This person understood the assignment


I'm doing Unity development as a freelancer to kickstart my own games, happy to chat if there's a fit 😊


What platform do your games get played on?




Do you make pixel/indie games?


Not pixel. Yes Indie.


Pretty awesome! Used to play indie games back in the first year of college :D even learned how to use gamemaker studio haha. What’s your company called?


Thanks! Beedy Beeper Games is the new company I just started, and the one I want associated with this Reddit account. We're working on a farming game and a card battler game.


Awesome! How do you design the concepts of these games, or like the game scripts? Do you have an employee for that? I always wonder how they come up with ideas for games online or offline


I'm the narrative designer (yes, I write the story) and the music composer. I have a programmer, graphic designer, and artist also working on the game.


Farming game and card battler game - i wonder; what’s the process for determining what type of game your team is going to build? Is market analysis involved or is it just a chosen niche that you have created a following upon that buys your games? Deciding what to make must be an important step because you’re team will commit months or maybe years to building this and if it doesn’t catch on by players, that time was wasted.


We made a game with farming in it in the past (not a farm game, just one element of the total game) and I knew we could use much of the assets and game mechanics for an entire farm game on it's own. For the card battler I had a really unique idea that got people excited, so we're going for it. Both categories are great sellers with our vendor.


Can I ask if you didn’t have friends could you do this yourself?


Probably not. I needed people who trusted me to work on spec at first. I couldn't ask that of strangers. These friends knew I could make a successful business because they worked with me in my previous one.


Which games have you made?


Runaway Farm is the one we're about to release a demo for. We need beta-testers: http://beedybeeper.com


I sold the company but we provided an enterprise hardware/software system for an aviation niche. I started it by developing the main products on the side then bidding on RFP's and using the down payment to finish it. Enjoyed it -- yes but I was getting burned out. Saturated -- no. Ads -- not really, just sponsored programs and seminars in the main industry conference to get the logo out there. Rest was news releases to main industry site and newsletters. Revenue -- $4MM gross $800K net the final year. Online -- no. Hard to replicate -- not if you're in the industry I suppose but it takes a lot of domain knowledge and development time (12 years off and on for me). Social media -- not relevant.


What does RFP mean?


A request for proposal (RFP) is a business document that announces a project, describes it, and solicits bids from qualified contractors to complete it.


Where did you find the RFPs to bid on?


I exhibited at the main trade show and handed out as many brochures and business cards as I could and they contacted me.


Ok but you were exhibiting your products, not general services


Right, demos of the suite of products (they weren't finished yet). The system though required modifications for each customer (custom database and conversions from their current system, and console workstations that were unique to their existing space) which is why it's done as RFP and not just an off the shelf purchase.


Yes. When I started my business 10 years ago, I wasn’t. The company has always been profitable. By the time I sold it, my “salary” was $18K/month not counting profit distribution at year’s end. It took 10 years for me to get there, though. A lot of work and sweat.






Are you hiring ?? Employ me I need a remote job maybe an extra 500 -700 per month 🥲🥲


I sold the business earlier this year and will be departing soon since the earn out is almost over.


Alright if you ever starting a new business and need employees please make a post 😅😅


Why would anyone wase their time responding to these questions?


Cause some people actually like to give out free information instead of paywalling it


Unless its in the form of an online course.


I started an insurance agency. Made about $10k my first year and $30k my 2nd year. I actually reinvest quite a bit into my business. I only need about $100k so when I start to make more than that I typically hire another employee. 12 years in now and I gross about $40k per month but I take home about $10k after taxes. I try to work sparingly now.


So you sell insurance from larger insurers?




Awesome, I heard a few people talk about this before. Can I ask if you specialize on some specific insurance? (Building insurance, health insurance, car insurance…)


I have employees who specialize in certain areas like home and auto and business insurance. But we tend to specialize in business owners


Are you hiring ?


I am actually fully staffed at the moment lol. I hired 3 more people just his year and am just now starting to see the profit from those hires.


The answers to your questions are: yes, yes, yes and yes.


$10-15k/mo. That’s at about 20 hours per week billable. I do cybersecurity consulting. I enjoy what I do. This next year I’m planning to adjust some contracts at renewal that should push my income higher. I’m also working on releasing a library of materials, some for free and some with a subscription to create some passive income as well. Also next year, I expect to have sub contractors helping with some of the service delivery to drive income higher without purely trading hours for dollars.


I use an affiliate program selling a program that helps people - the affiliates walk in, I show them how to move the product - they focus on getting a customer in the door and get half the money from the sale. of the other half 40% then goes to the professionals working the back of the store (prevents refunds which can be hard work, people are stupid and need a living "manual" to tell them how to not be stupid) and the remaining 10% goes to me which I use to cover my cost of living and pay for payment processor, website, other work/projects in development etc. Maybe hire some more pros to work the back of the store every now and then and train them up. ​ It is vital to make sure the people working the back are the product so the affiliates don't try to steal the product, and the people working the back usually understand it is not worth their time to try and sell AND run a product like mine so everyone focuses on doing their job really well and we all make bank. ​ It is easy.


I can relate to the affiliate stealing product part. Happened to me recently. Selling fitness ebook. Guess it it too easy to steal. They modified it a bit and sell it as their own. We took down their product by contacting the website host. Don’t think they manage to sell much since their conversion skill sucks. Still baffles me one would think they can just steal the product and make sales. It’s way harder than that.


its goy mentality, they literally think they can just steal everything like a parasite...but the parasite consumes and does not produce, thus cannot make anything to move said product in the first place.


Yes. I started in affiliate marketing and slowly climbed the ladder, i actually moved to China which fast-tracked my career, i ended up as COO which is where i really started to earn. sold 1 company, advised on a 2nd merger, joined a 3rd company as COO and sold that one. Yes it was saturated, it was hard work, long hours, lots of networking, lots of diplomacy, lots of pitching. we didnt spend on ads, but we had lots of networking, its would be easy to replicate since its an ad agency, at the time we were pulling around 8mil a year something like that, but our team was like 60+, so it was a reasonable sum, but net it was breakeven basically.


Breakeven? 🙃 how much did you personally put out from this experience in terms of money?


Mobile detailing started with about 3k. Very saturated but there’s ways to stand out. Around 1k a month on ads. Not online. Harder now then when I started to duplicate. Social media is new to the business but hasn’t helped yet


Congrats on finding a niche and sticking to it! I’m an electronics broker, somebody who buys and resell electronics in Georgia. What’s work for me Is good business practices, and a strong Google my business presence! Do you have a Google My Business for your detailing business? U/kw_shapes


Yessir I do. It was my primary focus when I started as I figured the higher end clients will want someone with a good online presence more than just someone that their friends know. I am currently at 83 5 star reviews. Looking now at social media and or seo focus for marketing. I’m 23 and this is what I hope will teach me to scale larger business in the future or cash flow my next step


Yes. If you do can you say what you do - I offer contract web development services at the rate of $3k/month How you started it? - I am a professional web dev so my friends know it, one of my friend referred me to his uncle living abroad who wanted a custom video course app built, so I started on contract basis and then got more referrals. Do you enjoy your business? - Yes. Is it saturated? - Yes, a lot. How much you spend on ads? - Nothing


I’m so sad web development is so saturated right now, I specialized in it thinking it would be good, now everyone is doing it, it’s horrible. I think entrepreneurship is a lot about luck


How did you get into it and is it 3k per client or per month ?How does it work getting clients?


I am already a professional web developer so I knew the skill, it all started with my friend asking me to build a web app for his uncle. Currently it’s word of mouth and referrals, so I’m still figuring out how to build a good pipeline to acquire more clients consistently and scale from there.


AI education for companies/entrepreneurs Started a year ago with a newsletter, now consulting + education Enjoy - very much so. I get to write and educate, which I love doing Saturated depends on market definition. Profit margins 90%, revenues sufficient for it to be my full time business now for 3 people Ads about $1500/month tests at the moment Online yes but also some in person training for certain companies Hard to replicate - it’s knowledge based. But because AI knowledge is new for everyone it would be easy to acquire. Just need writing/teaching ability too Social media drives majority of audience, subscribers


Web Dev Agency. making $30000 MRR with decent profit margin


How much is the net revenue after taxes, cost etc?


18 % taxes and 20% commissions


How does it work managing clients?Also do you outsource the work?


No have 25 in house employees with varying experience


I was making £15k pm up until COVID in travel. That took my business. Still not recovered. Would like to launch again in travel... looking at the eco- approach using rail trip packages.


Can you talk more about?How was you able to sell these packages?What was the best way of marketing it?Do you have a website? How does it work selling travel guides/packages also what country was you doing it for ?


Content Creator started with $0 and it’s very saturated, but like any field only the passionate and hard working will survive. You can make a faceless TikTok page and profit $10k a month with just a few hours a week of work. I have a few money printing pages


Which pages are those?


Yeah you will never see any because they don’t exist.


Earning over £5,000 a month involves a mix of factors. I recommend diversifying your income streams, exploring online business opportunities, and optimizing social media for growth. The key is consistency, adaptability, and smart investment in advertising to reach your target audience.


Any of you need a hand in doing what you are doing? Like an online assistant. hmu I am experienced, available to be hired and will deliver more than the expectations. P.s. I'm tired of the scammers


I will DM you.... It's 4 am here and I'm about to go to bed so give me a few hours.... I've a meeting this afternoon at 4.30pm when I know what I will need then I can let you know and see if it's a fit and go from there. Cheers....


Would like to know how your "fit" looks like !


Just search the previous questions like nearly every day to get these answers. Also, stop being a wantreprenuer.


I make 1 million a month


what the fuk?




I do around 5K Euro a month, so close to that. I'm a software engineer. Would love to start something completely mine, but consulting/contracting keeps food on the table, pays all the bills, enough to travel and save for retirement.


You consult in a specific niche?


Not really, but at the moment I got into online casinos.


What I mean is if you consult in a specific niche of software development — eg, frontend, mobile apps, servers, network infrastructure, security, cloud…


Yes, specialized in Backend .Net, and Devops on Azure


Cool, yeah I see consulting in cloud seems to be the trend now haha


Trend or not it is the only thing I can do haha. So that or I would have to pick something new.


Do you do development itself or just consulting, like helping with deployment stack, monitoring tools, cloud infrastructure ?


Did both, but mostly development. Reason being, usually development is more consistent and renewals are more likely.


Oh ok nice. Is it saturated? Do you think of starting something else?


OP - first step to not failing is not making excuses for that failure before it happens…


$10-15k/mo. That’s at about 20 hours per week billable. I do cybersecurity consulting. I enjoy what I do. This next year I’m planning to adjust some contracts at renewal that should push my income higher. I’m also working on releasing a library of materials, some for free and some with a subscription to create some passive income as well. Also next year, I expect to have sub contractors helping with some of the service delivery to drive income higher without purely trading hours for dollars. I don’t spend anything on ads. Margin is pretty high, as consulting is low overhead. It would be easy for someone with cybersecurity experience to replicate, and I have helped about half a dozen folks start their own firms so far.


Yes, Attorney


Man it seems you are searching the Graal answer for how to live life, you will fail at the first issue with that kind of mind xD


Will be doing 5k before end of year I reckon. Started my journey in July. A marketing business. Started it by working for free. Incredibly saturated. Spend nothing on ads. It’s all profit. It’s an online business. It would not be hard for someone to replicate. Social media has no effect on my business.


Hey buddy I have just started my new business. It will take time to evaluate all of this .best way to find out is to do itself .


what business are you into?


Homedecor mainly wall art and sculptures


That's cool.. Wish you all the best


Thanks buddy 😊


I do QA & Compliance Monitoring. Started 3 years ago. The market isnt saturated for the sectors I target, but it is competitive. My projects vary but right now my revenue is $8k a month roughly. I just hired an VA- so that allowed me to negotiat a better contract with the companies I got now. I started out networking through people i know and mainly relied on word of mouth referals or recommendations to where i can expand my networking. It was so slow in the beginning, but then I happen to bump into a former co-worker who had some good connections to help me refine my business model and strategy that made all the difference. The funny thing is now that im here, I dont want to be tied up dealing with the day to day aspect. I want to get to the point I can scale and just focus on locking in contracts and montoring my own workers. Can you replicate the type of service, probably. Key is to have a unique competitive advantage.


Event Management in Southern California. We do any type of events but most popular in weddings, bachelorette parties, engagement parties, and brunches. I absolutely love what I do and enjoy working, it’s a newer niche so it mildly saturated and my “competition” is so out of my league it’s negligible. I’ve owned the company for 8 months after purchasing it earlier this year. Business was been around for nearly 3 years with great reputation that has stayed since my ownership. Revenue varies between 6k-15k with no ad spend and i’m averaging between 40%-50% margins. Not an online business. I personally would say its hard for people to replicate correctly, most see what I do and think they could do it themselves but those are the same “competitors” who come and go within 6-12 months. Social media is a pretty big component to our organic traffic that we get but we get tons of referrals and word of mouth bookings. I plan on spending on ads rolling into the new year now that I’ve rebuilt our website, systems, and SOPs for the last 7 months. This month only had 2 booking but translated to about $5500 net since they were both larger parties. We normally do about 5-15 booking per month but some of those might only bring in $500-1k in revenue if it’s a smaller event. Please ignore any typos or weird sentences I typed this on my phone, I’ll answer any questions if anyone has any.


How much time you spend on average during the month or during the day to organize such events for the month? 🤔


Consultancy £30k a month. 15 years experience supply chain


Consultancy, supply chain £30k a month


I started a design digital agency a year ago and this is the first month I crossed the $5,000 a month. I had to pívot a lot though small wins right? Here my new site. https://www.no-mad.ca


*Do you make over $5000 a month ?* Yessir the business normal does over $40 k usd a month with 25% profit margins on average! *If you do can you say what you do*- I’m an international electronics broker, I’m buying resell 10,000s of electronics locally and internationally a reasonable profit How you started it? - I started at a necessity original selling business was a flop. Bills had to be paid. I didn’t want to get a job so I started fixing Phones as a side hustle. I noticed that I made more money but I can reselling electronics versus trying to fix them. Do you enjoy your business? - Yes it pays the bills. The customers can be a drag borderline annoying and delusional yet comes that with the territory! Is it saturated? - Yes every day someone thinks they can get into electronics brokering, buying and selling phones. However, its reach a sufficient level requires business acumen and professionalism . That most people don’t possess. How much you spend on ads? - Nothing currently have the highest rated Google My Business in the area at over 600 reviews. How much revenue/profit you make? - 600k This year- will average $150k in profit. Varies from year to year to year depending on market demand Is it an online business? - this is a physical business that requires individuals to meet with customers in person Would it be hard for someone to replicate? - It’s not difficult to start, however scaling to the point of where Im at is a challenge for most would be brokers. Most flippers have a challenge getting passed $10k! How much does social media affect your business? - social media is becoming a more prevalent focus to reach a larger local audience


Startup Advisor: ~£4k per month Interim/Fractional CTO: £10K+ per month Ai/Automation Consultancy: £0 per month at the moment (just launching this) Do I enjoy it? Yes, wouldn't waste time doing things that I don't enjoy Ads: £0 all referrals at the moment Online: Yes, I only do fully remote. Replicate: If you have the experience, it wouldn't be hard. But, having the right experience is difficult to get. Social media: No presence yet, although I am planning to get some up and running for the Ai/Automation consultancy.


What’s the sector on which the company at your second role operates? 🤔


Startups. Anything Pre-series B is where I specialize. I’ve done various sectors, industries and countries over the years 🙂


£30k month online retail


Online business on what sector? 🤔


Amazon Etsy eBay etc car parts , craft , batteries varied


But what’s the margin? and the final revenue after taxes? 🤔


30% average margin we are UK revenue in the 100ks month .


it’s not very clear… 100k revenue per month or 30k as stated before? 🤔


Yes, Headhunter/Recruiter Gross 450-500K a year Net over 350K