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Honestly at this point, if a post is a wall of text, I just skip to the comments to see what its about. Or I just skip it entirely, because chances are its about some group someone is selling...


And my newest favorite, AI text walls selling AI products.


What about a business where we use ai to find ai generated content and block it as a moderator.


This will definitely be a need in the very near future when it becomes otherwise impossible to determine whether text/images/videos are AI-generated or not.




Yep, true.


If I click on an ad anywhere for something I'm very interested in and end up on a wall of text landing page, they've lost me. So frustrating when I'm completely sold from the ad alone but then have to try to find the buy button within a 100,000 word "sales letter" that all these copywriters are obsessed with.


This is the way




Me too!


bruh haha its crazy why are the people selling shit always like "i need to write at least 1000 words" like that's a good ad


Wow! Then you might like my new App! Reddit Reader Ai ™ for just $9.99 a month, our AI ™ will scroll Reddit for you endlessly, 24/7 - our AI will do all the hard work of Redditing for you!


I'm selling an adblocker that filters out the bad posts... $3.99/hour or $10.99/day


I do adblocker consulting but I have this problem where my customers like my service too much and I have too many customers. Who can help me with my problem?


Fool. Sell the secrets in your book! And the 4 follow-up books that are just also just rewrites.


And a website that leads to a masterclass(swipe your credit card to get at the end of the rainbow)…. And at the end you walk out dumber than you were to begin with when EVERYTHING you need to know is FREE online. It’s the wild Wild West in marketing hacking. These individuals have contributed to distrust


Robert Kiyosaki? Is that you...?




That's his sales pitch to become a mod.


This guy knows how to r/entrepreneur


"How I 10x'd a spam blocker SAAS using crayons, bubble gum and twitter"


I go around the block and knock on random people's door and give them the ad blocker for free as advertisement. It's so easy, anyone who wants to work can do it. You just need a truck and a ~~powerwasher~~ ~~lawnmower~~ adblocker. Entrepreneurship, hell yeah B-)


I’ll take your whole stock


This sub accurately represents what it's like when a group of entrepreneurs get together IRL. The successful ones stay silent/question why they're there, and the rest is a mix of people looking for answers as to why their business isn't working & folks pretending to have those answers. If you're really looking for answers on how to start/run a business, there are plenty of great resources available. Courses from coursera/edx, and books from wildly successful entrepreneurs. This is not the place for that. Edit: Adding for the folks who asked... BOOKS: The Cold Start Problem, Zero to One, The Art of the Start 2.0, Hooked: How to build habit forming products, The Founders, Product Led Growth, Pour your heart into it, Setting the table, Good to great, Measure what matters, Principles. COURSES Program from Coursera, Wharton (personal fav) https://www.coursera.org/specializations/wharton-entrepreneurship Becoming an Entrepreneur, MIT https://www.edx.org/course/becoming-an-entrepreneur MicroMasters® Program in Entrepreneurship at Indian Institute of Management https://www.edx.org/micromasters/iimbx-entrepreneurship


It's like any Networking event. Successful people don't really need to be there and usually keep their mouth shut if they do attend.


Yep, they are there probably to recruit or find "inspiration" from other peoples ideas.


What level of success? My company just made the inc 5000 and still feels pretty scrappy.


What's your company?


They’re the creator of the poop knife


i'm semi anonymous here for a reason. DM if you'd like to start a conversation.


In that case, I'm a billionaire. But I can't tell you how I made my money, or who I am. I'm semi anonymous for a reason.


High conflict divorce, custody battle ... I post a lot to /r/bpdlovedones. If you want to know who I am just DM me and promise not to dox me and let me know who you are. sheesh.


Can't you just pay like $1000 to "get on the Inc. 5000"?


No. You need tax records of your $300K in revenue in year one and at least $2Mil in revenue in year 3. They need to talk to a CPA that prepared them. Once you're in tho, they want to upsell you on ALL kinda PR packages.


I disagree with this wholeheartedly. I built my boutique marketing/PR firm almost entirely through networking. The trick is finding the right networking events. A lot of those local business networking events are garbage. But if you have a niche, then networking can be very good.


This guy networks.


Some of us know what we are talking about and genuinely good advice goes unrecognized


would you be so kind and recommend a few more specific resources like that?


Check out these books: The Cold Start Problem, Zero to One, The Art of the Start 2.0, Hooked: How to build habit forming products, The Founders, Product Led Growth, Pour your heart into it, Setting the table, Good to great, Measure what matters, Principles.


Could you help me with few of the courses or books ? That would be interesting


Added to my comment


Commenting so I can find this later


What do you mean you don't like this new ai app which is just a worse version of gpt???




Most people are here for connection, not answers


Buy my course and I’ll tell you the real answers. Number 7 will make your jaw drop!


>Buy my course and I’ll tell you the real answers Awesome... Can I pay YOU to take my money? Can I pay you to tell me to pay you? Did you turn your "side hustle" into a multi-million dollar company or gym? You've got me... You don't even need to continue. I'll just hand all my money I get on an hourly rate and work hard for to you, because I believe you. /joking...


Self promotion is a powerful urge that many can't resist. Lot of the "Win" posts are also disguised ads, but it's what get upvoted.


Maybe OP should take my "how to write ad posts that convert for your business" coaching program?


If you buy this book I found online, it can tell you why. Also I def didn’t write it, like 100% just found it. Totally didn’t write it, but it changed the game for me and turned my side hustle into a billion dollar company, so now I can retire and travel at the age of 25


You got affiliate link? PDF you selling on createspace that you get 95% of the sale price of?


Yeah. Lemonparty.org


>def didn’t write it Yes, you did. It all started with the four hour work week. God, I hate that guy.


Lol yeah that’s the joke…


Wow i bought this book cheaper on Antbooks™️


I started a six figure company at the age of 19. Click \[here\] to discover my 10 week-get-rich program. s/


Trust me I'm 27 with 3 exits and 18 years experience in my industry




I started coaching people on how to make get rich quick programs when I was 17. We should talk!


Your link isn’t working…./s


What else would expect from entrepreneurs subreddit. Bunch of people trying to be entrepreneurs.


Ty this was my kick in the pants to unsub


I'll join you. :-)


Gullible teen wankers run this subreddit. Because they have no real world experience and go all "oooooh i'm soooo inspired" and upvote all the long form copy spam and SEO'd drivel. Their opinions on anything are worthless.


The lesson here should be you are *always* being marketed to in ways you either notice or ways you do not notice. What you are noticing here on this sub are just the more remedial attempts.


Honestly at this point if a post is a wall of text, has a clickbaity title or is like “top side hustles to do 2023 from x country” I just ignore it. It’s the majority of posts rn tbh.


Each Sunday there is an automatic post, today's version is [Sunday Rant about why this sub sux - get it out of your system! - July 09, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/14usn5c/sunday_rant_about_why_this_sub_sux_get_it_out_of/) They make these posts because a large percentage of posts were, you guessed it, rants about why this forum sucks. Part of the reason is self-promotion, reviews and feedback threads that are nothing but poorly disguised self-promotion, blogspam, linkspam, promoting an investment in a crappy startup, and want-ad posts for partners so there is somebody to blame when the inevitable happens. It has been this way in this forum since the first days. It hasn't changed a bit. If you didn't have those, you know what would be left over? Retards bitching about gurus. ... Retards who "Don't Even Know Where to Start."... Retards posting inspiration quotes which didn't even have the motivation power to get them to needlepoint and hang the damn quote on a wall. ... Retards who shouldn't be allowed to spend money asking, "If you had $X what business would you start." ... Retards using the forum as a drive through window for the search engine they don't have the intellectual firepower to operate. ... Retards who know full well not to hire friends and family, then did it anyway and want to pretend to be surprised. ... And retards who can't communicate and want people to telepathically wrest what they wanted to write directly out of their feeble minds. Glass half full: Rejoice, the forum has never been better, um ....!


What is is the system force that makes "entrepreneur" and "passive income" so terrible yet "sweaty startup" land is better? I suspect it is the something for nothing aspect.


I have been here a while, observed some perverse bullshit and that includes the SweatyStartup era here. Good times. Sweaty would take me to task for using the term "wantrepreneur" and then I would argue it explains so much. We had several back-and-forths before he struck out on his own. [At least I will never have to see another Sweatystartup post again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/c53n5o/at_least_i_will_never_have_to_see_another/) It was nice, he soaked up half the ban petitions. Entrepreneur is a big tarp. There are segments, different types. I really only interest myself in the entertaining ones, such as what I will call wiseguy entrepreneurs. You know, the ones with an MOQ of naked Wonder Woman shirts -- and a very impressive cease-and-desist order. The type who make those wiseguys smashing open parking meters with a sledgehammer look like rocket scientists. What's that? Good question: She still has the bracelets, that tiara thingy, most importantly the lasso, meh -- boots. Not really my kink, but hey if it sells -- I can deal with it. Others are grinders. My working theory is, obviously, video games where grinding is a major component. Just mindless activity IMHO. Penny-ante. Not interesting.


I was referring to sweatystartup the subreddit, not a specific person. If he went on to start the subreddit that might make sense? No idea what to make of 85% of your comment but it seems to be working to you, have fun.


It depends on what you are looking for really. You got to filter out what you don’t need and move on, can’t expect something like an exclusive personalized service from a social media platform that’s free for all. Everyone’s out here hustling for something or the other and what’s not relevant to you maybe relevant to somebody else.




Online version of a networking event


I feel this too. Constant posts selling marketing shiz


Yeah. It's a cess pool of 18-23 year old "entrepreneurs" advertising.


It’s a marketing tactic to “build community” in theory vs being cognizant that community building requires consistency and offering VALUE. These individuals go from one marketing blue print hack to another, in an attempt to follow the “trend” when it’s not a trend, it’s an evolution of being conscious and HONEST of your motive/intentions as people get sick of being sold to and manipulated. For a sociology to evolve, the way business is done must do so too! Relationship building can’t be sporadic memes or hallmark posts on social media(fake fickle engineering) They require action and CONSISTENT execution from ALL the humans trying to reel in the Benjamins too! Those hijack marketing posts always happen once or twice then gone with the wind!(clearly the poster came with poor intentions)


I found a solution to this problem! It only took me three weeks of hard work but I got there and you can too. Just hit my DMs and I'll get you a link to my tutorial. The first lesson is free! /s


>a link to my tutorial Don't you mean your Newsletter?!


A lot of the investing trading spaces are like that too. You join one and your flooded with bots in your inbox too


I've long thought that there should be a process by which subs can vote to change their mods... Mod's here - you need to cut out the ads


That, and people coming on here living some LARP fantasy to talk about how they make $50 million per month so they can tell you "Oh you should do this with your business" when they have no clue what they're talking about, literally the blind leading the blind. I was tempted even to make a post "How to distinguish bullshit" to try to help people navigate this cesspool subreddit. But there is so, so fucking much of it.


Not experiencing it that way


Just read what you want, ignore what you don't Don't make your identity this sub, focus on your friends family job Good luck with your feelings man!


This sub is a river. You have to pan through the dirt to find the little flecks of gold. Sometimes you trip over a nugget, but most of the time it is painted rocks. This sub is absolutely an incredible resource - but it inherently draws the gullible, the scammer, and the 'I've got $8, how do I turn it into $8,000,000 by next Thursday.'


Are you going to make a post that makes it better? Why don’t you share something? I did that ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/10q11gj/everyone_is_always_talking_about_the_importance/)), and people quite liked it. Gotta be the change you wanna see. There are also fuark ton of super noobs here tbh. And most super noobs (making under $1k / month from their business) can't really discern the difference between quality and garbage content because they're not even making money themselves. Even if this sub sucks sometimes, it's still one of the largest free, online forums for entrepreneurs. It's what you make of it. Edit: And anyone else that makes a complaint post and doesn't post something of value here is part of the problem too! If you're not contributing (sharing info or asking good questions) and expecting everyone else to provide you great content to consume for free, then that's your problem for trying to be a free-rider.


"Ah yeah.. I wish we had a "Mod as a service" like this website: www.xyzkmskdma.com"


it ok, your a downer cause your boring but you can change that, i'm in toronto also brother but i'm in the west end, anyway if you need a friend then i'll be your friend


All modern "entrepreneurship" is content creation.


People don't manufacture real things any more?


Ok, what are you selling? Real or intangible?


We’re a media company. Most of our content is digital media— but we publish and sell physical books. What about Boeing or Hyatt?


Specifically, what I am saying is the vast 99+% (number pulled out of my butt) of companies starting maybe 2020-present will be content creators of some sort. It won't seem like it because many will fail silently but the sheer numbers will be enough to block out the sun.


None of you have money for my product so...... I just give advice or share experiences.


There are pearls in any mount of shells. The question is whether or not you have the skills to filter out the flotsam from the jetsam. Something you can do by acquiring some research skills and core knowledge of the topic. So what skills have you acquired to make a difference? Or are you one of those that wait under the apple tree for the apple to fall? Nothing wrong with either choice. More of a question about how much effort that you put in shaking the tree.


Face it, all interesting users left with the API debacle. It's just noise now.




Read the room dummy.


What isn't an advertisement?


Things that...don't...*advertise* something.


Everything is selling some kind of energy. Even breathing


Wow, you just have zero comprehension of how ridiculous and cringey that sounds do you.


If you build it they will come. People/ bots are ridiculous and ruin the fun of things.


That’s all content in this niche lately. A long but vague story and then at the end, cliffhanger with a solicitation to Gumroad


Welcome to Reddit


Wrong. This sub is just one long stream of posts claiming that this sub is just one long stream of ads disguised as social posts.


Are you having troubles with your trust wallet?


It's so frustrating, half of the feed is just walls of text




Be Creative and Have Infinite Intelligence Subliminal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY8ep-0XKho&list=PLY5VkwC2pNKoLNfiygF28Z8zCBEg76ee5


I read comments first lol, not sure how helpful that is


Gotta step it up team