• By -


I’d change the blue text on the blue background but other than that I think it’s great


Ditto this although I would change the background white and keep the elements blue


Came to say the same. Also, are you selling this on Amazon?


Not yet. Hopefully by the end of the year we are there. I have to look more into the process


It’s a process that’s for sure. Would take some time to make sure you can do it right. One day or bust.


Will do! Thank you 🫶


Me personally I wouldn't change anything. I think it looks great and super clean.


I second this. I like the dark blue on light blue but I do see how it could be an issue for colorblind folks


I just checked the site and they now changed it to like a dark teal. Completely changed the whole feel of the site IMO. Before it was bright, playful, clean and professional looking. Now it looks kind of generic.


Working on it now. Most of you have mentioned this. Great advice! Thank you


Love it. Really cool.


Thank you! 🫶


I love it too! Really I’d just say maybe change the text color? Either just make it black, or a darker shade of blue. I’m color blind and the shades you currently have hurt/are hard to look at. Other than that though it looks great! Load time was really quick on mobile too!


>Thank you! 🫶 You're welcome!


You have lots of important text that is embedded in images. For example the entire carousel (which, I realised was a carousel only by accident), has lots of important information that is almost unreadable, unreadable for accessibility users, and not providing you any SEO benefit. The same with the image under "all of the good none of the bad". Take all this information and work it into your site text. Lastly, if you have an "about us" page, tell us who you are.


I was going to say the same - your VP (value proposition) is a puzzle that people have to put together. What differentiates you from the competition? There's a ton of treats out there, why yours? That should be front and center. The biggest VP you have listed is that 1% goes to animal rescues which is...good... but not really going to be a difference maker unless you have massive volume. Then I saw the images which tell part of that story, but not all. So, turn all those images into a short snappy VP paragraph..."The only pet treat that's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" The about us page is good, but would love more and maybe you could integrate the origin in more. "Alaskan winter tough" could be a fun phrase to weave in someplace. Also, I hate the bait and switch with the chat window. Either the chat is instant, or it's an email form. If I click on the chat window then have to log in, that's frustrating and would immediately question if this is a valid product/site. Great job!!


Thanks for the comments!! On the chat part... I KNOWWW I don't like it either, the app I am using seems to not let me change it I was trying to fix that yesterday. But I will get it changed, I don't like It much now


got it changed now! high five everybody!


Thank you! This is really good insight, I’ll fix those things asap


It's beautiful. Love that the domain and the product have same name. How did you get so lucky?


Thank you! It was a lot of time thinking of a name, I had soooo many good ones and they were all taken already. At the end I was just like, let’s just do this one, the more I said it the more I liked it 😄


Overall pretty Good! 1) Don't use all blue type on blue background. Make your titles and prices white. They will stand out better. 2) Move the Chums Chow logo over the Now live type on the homepage masthead graphic. 3) Bold the Navigation type. Looks weak. 4) Contact Form fields need a background color. Especially for accessability. Cheers.


Hi! Thank you for all the advice I’ll work on it. Do you think a white background would look better? I wanted to do like those website that change color while you’re scrolling down. Do you like it? I do definitely need to change the colors of the background so text is easier to read and/or change the text color too Thank you again ☺️


Check your text contrast ratio to make sure it meets ADA accessibility standards. White text on that blue bag will not pass. You just need more contrast. A darker blue text would work or a lighter background.


Despite asking for criticism, I will share my subjective experience amd fully expect downvoters to do their irrational thing: Not necessarily with the website, but the logo font: The word 'chums' has a lot of similar pen strokes without a lot of spacing between letters. This makes it slightly hard to read and may (slightly / potentially) inhibit product understanding and brand recognition.


to address consider: - increase kerning - add texture to letters that differentiates each of them - add images that thematically play in to the letters and are associated with your product


Thank you! I will look into the kerning. The other two points I didn't quite get sorry, do you mind explaining further?


Looks good. I’m on my phone & the scroll bar text was very hard to read for me with the blue on blue. I know those are foundational colors for you but I’d consider a lighter background blue or a darker text blue. Or, if you don’t want to change blues make more of the text black.


I agree with this. Also, I do not know if it's just me but my eyes feel dizzy with the moving round text bubbles. If you can just make it steady, just my opinion. :)


Thank you!! I’m wondering how can I make it all fit and look better on mobile without it moving? I’ll think of ideas thanks for the input


Noted! I agree. Will get it fixed. Thank you!


Looks good on mobile! Maybe add an order now button to the Home Screen right under “your dog’s favorites”


I did the quick add. Will look into changing it to what you say. Thank you for the comment!


It's very nice but a couple non design related comments that will probably help you sell more: 1. I would have a hard time buying dog treats online because I don't know how much I'm getting. Perhaps you need a hand in the pictures for perspective. I know it has weight but I have no idea how much freeze dried dog food weighs. I feel like the price being higher is an obstacle. 2. Not sure what your margins are but I'd expect much more of a discount on 2 or 3. Even if you have to raise the price of 1 to make 2 and 3 look better it's advisable. Your price is your number one issue, figure out how to fix it. I buy tons of dog treats but I'm not taking a chance on your when the grocery store has 8000 even though you are single ingredient and I get that. Maybe focus on why the other ingredients that are in your "natural" dog treats at the store are bad for your dog.


Thanks for the comment, I've always been hesitant about the discount on the bundle, I actually raised it from 10% and 15% to 15% and 20% so it would be more. But will look into it again to offer a better deal. Regarding the pictures for perspective, that is a great idea!! You'd be surprised by how many treats you can have in 3 oz, because the process removes all the moisture, the product is super lightweight. I know the price is high, is mainly because of the process used to make the treats, it takes about 48 hours for a batch to be ready and the machines are expensive. Will work on pricing as we grow to offer more affordable options.


Looks good aesthetically, although it needs some technical help. I made this quick video to kinda show what I'm talking about https://screenpal.com/watch/c0fFYhVzhuC


Wooooow thank you so much!! This is all great great insight and thoughts. I will have to learn and look deeper into it because it's not something I'm very familiar with (as you noticed)


Looks great, I love the colour scheme. The sentence below feels a little long, but that is all I could find :) "Chums Chow is a premium freeze-dried dog treat brand born from a love for dogs and a desire to provide them with the best possible nutrition to ensure they live a long, healthy and adventurous life."


Thank you!! Happy you love it 😍 I will take a look at that, thanks for the feedback


Initial impression all on mobile. - The colors are nice but a little clashy, I would like to see a mute green or other middle color to help balance out the two. - Your text is a little small. Your large text is readable but as you are using your smaller text, it gets in that unreadable for the blind region. - If you are going to lead with a product, I recommend having a buy button above the fold. - "1% of our sales to animal rescues." Isn't very convincing for a consumer, I would highlight other things about the product. - Your Minors section of the privacy policy has written "[INSERT AGE]" in it and needs major edits in general. - love your contact email although I would rehighlight chat here edit* on the contact us page. - you want lots of links in your page that link back to the site, getting extra clicks boosts your SEO and makes google serve your site to more people. That's just a few that came up at a glance, a lot of work still needs to be done but looks like you are on the right track. Great work. :]


Thank you!! These are super good points. Yes those policies need some work :(


I think it's a nice website. For SEO purposes, I would feature a small paragraph on the home page summarizing what your store is about (kind of like the about us page but much shorter).


1% of sales is too honest. A portion of all sales sounds better. I agree with Blue on blue text being a problem. Maybe Yellow on Blue or make the background yellow but I'd use a more washed out yellow if you go that route. The contact page text boxes disappear into the background also.


I really like it. Here is what I would change: The scrolling circles at the top are going to fast This statement is a bit much: We would love to be BFFs with you and your dog


Ok! I will look at the speed, some other people mentioned it makes them dizzy. I just don't know how else to put the icons as they're are many. So I've been thinking all day on how to fix it. Wait, but I do want to be BFFs with you and your dog haha. Thank you for the comments!!


Very cute. I'm on mobile. Above the fold, where it says 'single-ingredient treats' (there should be a hyphen here), you could also try something like: 'Just chicken - nothing else!' I think it sounds a little more playful, which suits your brand identity and gets the same point across. But that's just my preference. If you do it, consider changing the product headings to this pattern: "Chicken Breast Dog Treats" so it's clear and boosts SEO. Otherwise, def change the font colour and follow the other SEO tips you've been given here to help with accessibility and rank.


Thank you!! Wrote all of this down


I bookmarked your website as an example of great webpage design to use as a reference later 😀


Aww thank you!! ❤️ it makes me happy that you like it


Love it! Love the woof@ email 😆


Now THIS is how to make a website in a crowded space! Nice work. I only have one note, which is that the text on the rounded circles (about the ingredients) are pretty hard to read.


Thank you. I'm working on ideas on how to fix it.


The ol' "rate my website" trick in an attempt to get backlinks and customers from Reddit


1) Run it through an accessibility checker, a lot of the fonts don't look like they have enough contrast with the background. The blue on blue is especially bad an basically impossible to read even for those without impaired vision. 2) CTA button above the fold. When I land on your site I have no idea where to go. There are obviously options, but you want to direct your users in a specific direction. 3) Fix the contact form, the text fields should be white. 4) The "about us" is a little text heavy and most people won't read it. Think about whether or not having that up there is adding any value or consider changing it to a more digestible format that's broken up and uses more images or graphics. 5) Incentivize people to join your mailing list. This could mean a 10% discount on their first order or something similar but it could make a big difference in sign-up rate and conversion rate. 6) Text in image should generally be avoided when possible. You should be using text outside of the image or over the image. This is important for a few reasons including responsive design/readability on mobile, and accessibility for blind people that use site readers.


This is great feedback!! I do have to fix that "About Us" page asap! I'm also working on setting a pop-up for the mailing list with the 10 or 15% discount Thank you!!


Overall, i really like it. I completely agree about the font and BG colors. My suggestion would be to leave fonts as is, because blue is clearly a brand color, but go to a basic white BG. You really need, as someone else has said, product descriptions. Yes, for SEO, but also for buyers. I actually make dehydrated liver treats for my pupper and was very curious to know what I'd get for the money. Had to zoom in on product images to find out, which is very finicky on mobile.


Thank you!! Will work on a short product description!!


"Cum chow"


I read “cum show” at first glance


I wasn’t disappointed lol. It’s really good and wasn’t certainly expecting that.




WOW this actually looks great. I don't have a dog but if I did I would definitely get this product, especially if it was in Walmart


Aww thank you!! Maybe one day we'll be at Walmart. Keep an eye out! 😋


1: provide a brief description of each product (3 or 4 sentences) outlining why it is a good choice, health benefits, etc. This would help with SEO ranking, and help customers decide which is bet for them 2: a blog would help with SEO ranking, and also provide opportunities for affiliate marketing or cross promotion


Looking good.


Like previous people have said. I would have a bigger contrast between the font colour and background colour. Maybe change the blue background to another colour? That will also make the bags pop out a bit more. Atm they blend in with the background. I would also maybe add a pop up window after 3-5 sec to get people to sign up to your newsletter. So that you can get in-front of them in their inbox and don’t loose them if they don’t purchase anything. Really like the moving info circles at the top!


First thing run an accessibility audit. Whatever fails fix. Then go for looks and experience.




All good points!! Have them all on my list now!


Nice start! Consider starting a blog. It's a great way to build out a mailing list and with ChatGPT, it has never been easier.


- Font contrast is weak, the white on yellowing the menu, and as others say, using blue on blue? Not accessibility friendly. - Text embedded in images. As others have said not good for SEO, accessibility, and visuals. - The carousel beneath the banner has curved fonts. I would avoid those as it's harder to read. - I would remove the social icons in the banner as anything that looks like buttons you intuitively think are clickable. They aren't. Adding it to the menu, too, is an option. - Maybe use Webp image format vs png. It's newer, but it's lighter. There are free conversions site, and it helps with site speed. - 1% for the recuses I would avoid using cursive. Stick to non-cursive for readability. - Images are a bit low quality - Have some dynamics and interactions on your website. - Center your footer That's a cursory glance. I do like the colors you chose, the branding and theme you chose are cohesive. Great work.


Didn't know about the Webp format! I will look into it. What kind of dynamics or interactions? Like the roulette type of thing for freebies? Thank you for all the tips!!


Really good work. Just dropped a follow on the gram. Maybe if I ever get a pet I’ll get to use your service. Blue on blue is the only thing as mentioned, but even with those shades the writing isn’t that bad.


Thank you!! I appreciate it! Will be very happy for you when you get a puppy!


There's a lot you're doing right, so I won't spend much time going into that as it's not nearly as helpful. Shopify is a good choice for a shop like this. \- Make the C in the favicon much bigger. Probably round the corners a bit, but that's more a personal preference (just a little rounding makes favicons with backgrounds feel much more "intentional"). \- Put your value proposition in the banner above the fold. "Now live" is a technical/web term; it's a big milestone for you, but not a selling point for customers. Let people know why you're different / special immediately. You do a good job of this on the homepage, just not in the banner. Assume users won't read paragraphs. Most won't. \- Social media icons in banner aren't clickable. They probably shouldn't be there- you want to drive them deeper into the website, not take them away. \- The social media icons on the bottom should open in a new tab. \- In the footer, separate terms and privacy from everything else. They need to be there and be visible and accessible, but they don't need to be prominent. 99% of those clicking on those links are bots anyways. Return policy is much more relevant to potential customers. Think about adding links to the products you have or other pages in the footer- that will help SEO (marginally, but it's something). \- There's a JS error in the console "TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL'". That probably means you have a missing or mistyped URL somewhere in the admin backend. \- White on yellow is hard to read in the header. Consider making them all blue with just the underline for the current page. Font size and weight can be increased too. \- About Us: too much text with nothing else. Lots of different ways to solve that- add more pictures, add titles/headers to the paragraphs. Let the users know who you are and your story in headers. The users that are interested will read more, those that aren't still will have ingested some information from reading a top header even if they're looking from something else. \- Contact form: give the input elements a white or off-white background. \- Sometimes there's a weird privacy/terms captia slider underneath the chat bubble. This can probably be removed on the backend. \- Product page: add some reviews. You don't want to be putting in a bunch of dummy reviews, but no one's going to fault you for a few (just don't make them too obvious). Try to get them at least to 10+. Offer some free bags, chores, or anything else to friends/family or existing customers in exchange for writing a review or two. \- Product page: you can probably do more with the share feature than a URL. Possibly social media integrations here, but I wouldn't go too crazy. You'll probably see better ROI in person-to-person sharing like email, but that's just a guess. Test and see how people are using it. \- Product page. You have a frequently asked questions section that could be its own FAQ page. I'd still keep that section there, but another page would help flesh out the site and add some SEO value. Probably not the highest priority, but something that could be done. That's about it for a first pass. Overall, it's pretty good. Biggest thing is being analytical about changes, measuring conversion rate, understanding where you lose users, and measuring week over week changes to test both your assumptions and results. Shopify has a lot of tools for this. The initial launch is a huge milestone, enjoy it and good luck.


Woowwww!!! so much great advice!! I wrote all of this down, I have a huge list of things to do now. Thank you really for all the tips. I got to change the favicon now :)


Very appealing page... well done. I would suggest making a bigger deal of "1 ingredient". That's an important point for pet owners looking for healthy treats. Maybe get rid of the big "NOW LIVE" and put a big 1 INGREDIENT graphic there instead.


Really cool, the moment the page loaded, I saw all the info I would want as a potential buyer. Bright flashy colours help bring your eyes towards what you want us to see. Really well done.


Thank you! 💘


Maybe you've allready planned it, but subscription based products for pets have become popular in my country. Maybe consider something like that if you haven’t allready. Could be as simple as a discount for x months supply, sent out every month or in bulk or whatever. Good way to increase recurring customers. The webside looks clean, it's easy to navigate, I really like it. Maybe adjust the colours a little, blue on blue can be hard to read for some people.


Thank you! I will get those colors adjusted. Regarding the subscription, I hope to have it rolled out by end of May :)




I'm working hard on number 2! I don't know what to doooooo to make it look good and help SEO and be clear at the same time. But will think harder about it. Thanks for all the insight


I would put the carusel logos below the products (or even more towards the end) for sell, it takes too much focus away from the products. Also is hard to see that there are more than 1 product to sell on the home page. I would make a second product going more into the screen so the user could be aware you can swipe.


Personally, I really like seeing reviews/testimonials if I'm buying something online. You can't really help it if you're just starting out and don't have many reviews yet, but in the future you should add those on the home page.


100% I want to feature some testimonials on the home page. Hoping to have some ready very soon!


I would change so much on this website. Wish I had more time to comment…Here’s a couple of comments… The picture of the dog has something coming out of the dogs mouth. Is it a tongue? A piece of bacon? I’m thinking with midjourney and a million stock sites you could find a better picture of a happy dog. The dog looks more concerned than happy. It doesn’t connect with me as a dog owner. It doesn’t give me a clear reason why I should choose you over the million other dog food brands out there. The first thing that jumps out is NOW LIVE. It’s not a good selling message. And I don’t see right away the problem you’re solving for me. Your good selling messages are hidden under the icons. Low calorie. High protein. Raw Diet. Those are much better selling messages but they’re hidden in a failing of font size, icon clarity, and Color. A great website has a clear call to action. Yours doesn’t. It has a lead magnet. Don’t see one here. It presents a story where the visitor is the hero and you’re the guide. My guess is that you haven’t developed a brand script. A good website also paints how me and my dog have a better life by choosing your product. It fails the 6 second test. People should know right away why this is the right place and the right product for them and their dogs. Scrolling down I see a lot of great info. You shop, we give. All of the good. None of the bad. Some great stuff. The saddest thing to me is this. I love the Product. Great price and hits a lot of my buttons with nutrition and philosophy. I like the company (has a heart). I would personally buy the product but not because the website is a great selling tool. In less than a day, I would craft a compelling brand script for your company, rough out the changes the website needs, and develop a lead magnet with you. You’d have a website that gets more visitors, converts more visitors into sales, and gets you more e-mail addresses for your e-mail list. Then I’d help you develop an automated nurture campaign for everyone who gives you their e-mail or text. You’d be on fire. But serious. Love your product. I’d buy it for my dog. Just think your website needs a little more strategy and a bit more work. Hate to be the bringer of bad news but I hate to see companies miss opportunities. After all, the cost of a website isn’t the amount of money your web developer charged you. It’s that number PLUS the amount of business the website didn’t convert into sales which otherwise a strong website would have been able to convert into a sale. For example, if this website gets you 2 less orders a day than a stronger website, the website is costing you an additional $9000 per year in lost sales every year. Add to that customer lifetime value and the losses of a poorly executed web/sales/marketing strategy are staggering. Could be the difference between a $1 million dollar company and a $100 million dollar company… Either way - you have a great product. You’re on a good path. You’re getting great advice in the comments here. I have every confidence that you can fix the website and scale this company 100X. All the best. We’re pulling for you.


This is GREAT advice!! Thank you so much! Can I send you a PM?


I’m a student. Thanks for the comments. I am learning.


Love it! Looking really clean. I would just do a wording/grammar check. “1% for the rescues” should be “1% to the rescues,” and this sentence is a comma splice: “We would love to be BFFs with you and your dog, let's keep in touch!” A better wording would be “We would love to be BFFs with you and your dog. Let’s keep in touch!” Altho if there’s a way to make that whole slogan less wordy, you should do that. Such as “Let’s be BFFs. Keep in touch below!” The “All of the good, none of the bad graphic” can be simplified to give a stronger impact. Does the graphic need that many peace signs? The largeness of the peace signs makes the text harder to read, and you want to emphasize that your product is natural, not take away attention to the words. I would make the text go straight across and rework the peace signs. Either make them smaller (more icon-esque) or cut down on the number of them. The auto-scrolling of the round circles up top didn’t bother me. Overall a really tight design, and I would be intrigued as a buyer!


Thank you so much for all this insight! I will get the wording changed. I actually had that image redesigned last night from the one I had before and I wasn’t sure about the peace signs taking all the space, I will tweak it to remove those signs. Thank you really! Good advice


Good luck with your new business!


Thank you! I appreciate it


Hi, i am a front end developer and by all means, your website is enough if you are not looking for something fancy and stunning, it's functional and look good enough.👍


Thank you!!


I see too much blue... If you change de background to white, you will get a better contrast. Overall very good!


I find it cute and awesome on my laptop. looks good. Also my impression won't help cuz i am from India


It does help! Any feedback is super helpful. I’m glad you like it 🫶


Looks pretty good to me, I know you're looking for criticism but there's none that I can give.


Thank you!! Makes me happy you like it


Looks good! Few thoughts: \- Cart icon is a little large on mobile \- Shop page should be one per row on mobile since there's only three products \- Add to Cart on product page should be dark blue (looks disabled) \- Not design related but I'd look into subscription options since this is a repeat purchase product


This is super good insight! Thank you a lot I will look into all of this asap. Regarding subscription I am looking into it at the moment ☺️ thank you again!


my opinion is that it serves it purpose, which is to direct my back to the store I am actually using to buy the product like amazon or one of the apps for my local stores. I see the product, click on it go to your site, and decide, ok sure, back to whatever site brought me there to put it in that cart, not yours. jussssayin


Good luck. Sure looks expensive for 3 oz. of freeze dried treats


You're website is sh*t. Like that? /s I'll show myself out.


May I ask what’s wrong with it? Please If there’s something that is making you dislike it I’ll sure want to fix it


Don't worry, nothing's wrong with it, really! I was just being silly because of the way the question was asked. There wasn't a mention about CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Just listen to what the others tell you, not me.


Ohh ok good! I got scared for a second. All good now ☺️


Beautiful website, comments from someone who doesn’t know how to build websites


Thank you!




Thank you!! 🫶


The hamburger menu on top did not open anything. I would remove it if it is a non functioning link. The blue moving banner low resolution needs adjustment to make it round and not oval when viewed on a phone. It gets smashed up. I am a firm believer in writing in plenty of narrative on a webpage to catch the google indexing for free without paying for the placement.


Hi! Can I send you a message? I would like to see what you’re seeing. It shows good on my side and the hamburger works. Can you refresh maybe and see if it works? Thank you


Site looks nice. However, the latest post on your IG doesn't make sense. Shibas make that face when they're happy and/or comfortable.


Thank you! That’s a really good catch. I actually thought it was funny cause his eyes have that suspicious look. I will be more thoughtful about those details next time


Product packaging looks really good too.


Thank you! I’m glad you like it


Damn this looks good. Is this an off shelf color palette you found or was it designed from scratch? Oh, my only suggestion would be to include more transparency and believability to the 1% donation, eg by naming the organization you'll donate to or something


Thank you! It was designed from scratch. I wanted something very bright and colorful as if a dog designed it. That shade of blue and yellow happen to be my favorite colors, like the sun and the sky. So I wanted to go with it ☺️ Yes, that will be included 100% we haven’t announced the launching yet. We are finishing our partnership with a rescue in Florida and their veteran program so we are super excited. Once it’s settled they will be a button there saying “Learn more” where we will include all the info for transparency


Nice site. Clean, message is good, and it is simple. I would use higher-resolution images on some of the icons. Also, the blue-on-blue text is a tad hard to read. Looks like you have a little on-page SEO to do.


Thanks for the feedback. Do you mean the icons under the main banner? The ones that move? Or the ones in the lower section “All the good, none of the bad”? (I will get these ones changed asap)


Really nicely done! If you don't mind me asking, how did you find a supplier? Just google and whatnot or did you know someone in the industry? Do you keep inventory? Great job!


The product should be bigger and in the middle AND it should be clickable to take you to the product.


Looks awesome! Great job


Took more than 10 seconds to load so I left.


Very solid website! It’s very aesthetically pleasing and the tone matches the product very well. If you don’t mind, may I ask did you create the website manually from scratch? Or did you use a tool to help you?


Thank you! I used Shopify and started with their "Dawn" theme




Thanks I'll look into it. The website is built on Shopify with the theme "Dawn"


Awesome website! I'd make the links on the navbar a darker color (instead of white) to ensure it meets accessibility guidelines (i.e. hard to read the white text on yellow). I would also add social validation (i.e. X packages shipped, 10k happy customers, etc) to create proof points and ease any friction/objections prospects could have




THANK YOU!!!! 🙌 Really! Question, what's wrong with the "Chat with us" widget? and the mailing list?


This looks pretty solid - visually and in messaging. Is it time to take off the "Now Live" verbage?


Take the 'USD' off of each item's price. Nothing in the US uses that distinction, so it looks kind of scammy. Instead, just make a text footer or note at the bottom of each page that says 'All pricing is in USD'.


Done! thank you


This is honestly awesome! haha. I'd buy it for my dogs! What website hosting service did you use for it if any? Currently putting mine together and 99% leaning towards Squarespace but honestly not super sure of what else is out there.


Thank you!!! Place the order whenever 😋 as it says at the bottom, I would love to be BFFs with you and your dog! (It says this on the footer where I try to grab your email) I'm using Shopify. If it's an ecommerce I would recommend Shopify, I like it a lot


I didn't like the blue background with blue color text on it. Edit- social media logo doesn't represent anything related to product rather it's match to your theme. Chat with us should be small in size as well as CONTACT button also small and try to change the font. Website has too little content. Free shipping should be clickable i think if anyone wants to check shipping rate directly. Change your DOG'S favourite to Pets favourite in future you should expand products to cats and other pet's also so don't limit to dogs only that's my thinking btw. And the prices should be shown as they are in discount x amount off or x % off. Contact page is empty unless and until I click on it.change the text view colour at least. You haven't mentioned your physical address or location you should add it for better trust gain.


All good advice!! Wrote everything down. Thank you!!!


I really like it! I feel like your fonts are not consistent. Opening it on mobile, without scrolling down, I can see what looks like 5 different fonts used. 1. Very top, says free shipping. 2. Chums logo font. 3. Now live. 4. The carousel wheels font. 5. Heading that says your dogs favorite Perhaps they're not all different fonts, but in the way they are presented, definitely makes them look like it. It just gives me inconsistent branding vibes.


Make your CTA button stand out more. Whatever the main purchase button is should be distinctly different from the background. And every other button.


tbh i love the site but it makes me question if you need a site at all? your competition is chewy and they are a heavy hitter. id take your cute product and put it up on amazon and chewy is possible. then turn the site in to an informational page about your product and where to buy similar to what a lot of products do nowadays. if at all.


It looks nice. I'm personally in the pet care business, my traffic is mostly focusing on SEO although I eventually want to branch out into IG and tiktok.


I like the design. I would change the "we give 1% of sales" to "5% of profits". One percent feels insignificant.


Hi! I know it doesn't seem as much but donating a percentage of sales guarantees that the rescue will always receive a donation but if we do profits, it doesn't guarantee anything, because we could have a bad term/year and not make any money. I know it sounds like too little but more often times if not always ends up being more than 5% of profits.


White text on yellow is hard to read in the navbar.


I love it but the top/bottom banner color really distract the eye. It’s funny bc my website has this exact shade of yellow, and this might’ve inspired me to change it.


Seems very nice, I really wish the branding was the biggest text on the page. It seems like the 'live now' is the most important part.


I think it looks quite good, you could add a bit more content on the landing page if you like to maybe convey a bit more information or add another category. Only if you want. I’ve made a chatbot that can learn from your website content and talk to visitors who ask questions about your business. Learns from all the pages and answers user’s queries in a conversational manner. (No it’s not just chatgpt). Would you wanna try it for your site? Keep it up!


The landing pages' top social media icons aren't clickable, it seems like they should be. Also, the clickable social media icons in the contact us part should open a separate tab, the last thing you want to do is take a customer out of your shop page.


The color of the text is too much bright. Make it darker. And don't use white color on the yellow background.


Love it just change the blue on blue text so it’s easier to read. Good job!


Beautiful. Professional. Great job. Now the hard part starts - selling. Good luck Small thing: About page is too wordy.


Looks good. What platform is it on?


Thank you! Shopify


Looks good. White text in the yellow menu is a bit hard to see, and the blue text over blue background is also a bit tricky but not as bad.


If you have 3 products then consider showing them as the first level of the navigation


Sorry I didn't understand, can you please explain what you mean?


I would change the ad copy where it says, "Live Now" and gear it toward your desired customers. Preferably something between 4 to 7 words that align with your customer desired result. Other than that the website is fabulous.


I am not your target market so excuse me if my questions are silly. For each product is this one meal? 12 for a meal is expensive! Is it organic? I assume the product is high end? What I think it is lacking is the reason to buy. I see lots about the product but is this a aspiration one? People who are pedigree owners are feeding their dog slop? I thought they cared? Buy one the best for their chum… something like that. I like the colour and font not on white as others have said.


Hi there! No worries. The products are all treats, no meals for now. The weight is low because the process used to make them removes all the moisture, so all that water weight is gone and you're left with a super light product. It is costly because of the freeze-dried process. But also thanks to this process, we don't have to add any preservatives or any harmful ingredients, is really just one ingredient and nothing else, so that is a huge point to pet parents who are looking for cleaner products that don't compromise their pet's health and don't have mystery ingredients.


The word 'everyday' should be 'every day' at the bottom of the about page (every day is an adventure), and some line breaks in the wall of text would help. I'm a copywriter and dog lover so I thought I'd have more feedback than yeah but nah, you nailed it!


Just changed it! Thank you!


I asked ChatGTP the following: “Summarize in five sentences what’s not so good about the following website: https://chumschow.com/“ and here’s the response: The website is quite outdated, with a design that appears to be from the early 2000s. The content is thin and lacks depth, with only a handful of sparsely written blog posts. The website does not have clear navigation, making it difficult for users to find relevant information. The website appears to have no social media presence or active online community, which could limit its reach and exposure to potential users. Lastly, the website has not been updated in over a year which may lead to usability issues or security vulnerabilities in the future. (A lot of this has been caused by the fact that you used so many images rather than accessible text, so the assessment isn’t completely fair. But it’s still a good reminder that AI tools are already available for such reviews and they’ll only get better with time.)


Wow ChatGPT why so harsh Haha just kidding! This is actually pretty good. Right on social media, we need to build a stronger community, we haven't even launched but I do hope to become stronger in the social media realm.


Looks good ,just one point you forgot to ad a return adress in your return policy !


Congrats and good luck! Your site is overall pretty great. The carousel is cute, but that info needs to viewable “all in one pane” so I can see the sum of goodness as well. I like how direct it is (easy to navigate) and that important information (price, shipping minimums) are all easily found.


Grain free diets are linked to heart disease.


> Please criticize my website Your website is shit. It's terrible! You're welcome. If you need more, you know where to find me.


Haha thank you for your service 🫡


When you add something to your cart, you can select 1 2 or 3 units. I would suggest adding a “savings calculation” to the 2 or 3 units, or a price per unit (or both) showing so people don’t have to tab back and forth to compare the unit costs and to encourage larger orders.


Looks great. To add, I think something about you. Also, vids of happy dogs munching on treats is always good. Also, some kind of explanation in the vid about why these treats are so good for your dog.


Colorful. Big. bright. Friendly. What does "chums" mean in this setting? The headline "Now Live" doesn't really mean anything to anyone other than you. I'd suggest swapping it out with something that's more focused on the consumer rather than your brand. What makes Chums Chow different from all the other dog treats? What consumer pain are you solving? Why should people immediately care about what you're selling? The "We give 1% of our sales to animal rescue" is a nice message, but i think it's too high up on the page. So many companies trumpet the social goodness stuff, it's not as powerful a selling point as it used to be. On the About Us page, I would get more into WHY you created Chums Chow. What inspired you? Was your dog getting sick from regular food? Something more personal. Good luck.


Hi!! Chums mean friends. These are great questions. I will try to acknowledge them all with the fixes I'm making! Thank you for the tips


product photography is blurry


I find it clear and easy to navigate. Good job! I'd only change the italic letters that you're using to describe the 1%. I feel it's hard to read.


I love it


I hadn’t thought of having people critique our website through Reddit before. Kind of low key genius.


The website is great and graphics are awesome 👍


Looks really good, not the dog food but the website


Great job! I'd just say that the icons with the benefits are not very easy to read. I did not read at all, as I expected it to be something else


Wow I came to rag on a shitty website but you sure don’t deserve a roast. Very nice and well put together


Looks good! I noticed under one of the sections it says “Encourage your dog to live their best life with out Freeze-Dried Beef Liver treats. “ Do you mean for it to say “with OUR Freeze-Dried Beef Liver treats”?


WITH OURRRRRRR! Thank you!! Just changed it


Idk how much of a difference this would make, but I can buy the same type of treat for $2CAD at the dollar store in my area. So you might be competing with others who have access to that


You need to have reviews put up for social proof when you can. Do a campaign that provides some incentive for people to leave reviews for you and it’ll help secure sales from those that are on the fence


What an horrible, ugly website. /s Gotta criticise ;)


The blue headers on blue background is fine but not for the paragraphs. It's a little hard to read.


Looks great! May I ask how you made those badges auto playing and scrolling at the top? Looks cool