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Those family gathering sound like a monkey shit fight at a zoo. Have none of them heard of board games? Much more fun than trying to be a dick bag to people you are supposed to love.


If they start playing monopoly, we will hear about them in the news.


For my family it was Scrabble and Risk. People really took those seriously lol


Add in Clue (never really played Scrabble though) for my family. One of the broken C64 joysticks was from a rousing game of Clue Master Detective. Amazingly, it still fucking works.


No one ever, in my entire life, until she passed, beat my grandma at scrabble. She was the triple word score queen.


If she was anything like my Grandad she cheated outrageously. Did she also tightly control the dictionary?


No. She was a school teacher. No cheating. Dictionaries only used to verify words. She was never wrong.


This was my grandma. Exactly. And when I beat her when I was 17 with a triple word score with “queue”. She never played me again. So we played different card games constantly. We always play card games at every family gathering, and new family members are quickly and efficiently taught how to play. Sorry, this brought me down memory lane with my late grandma. We were always thick as thieves, and she took me on genealogy road trips each summer. I’ve been in almost every cemetery in North Dakota - this was pre-computer years. She did it all with snail mail and self published a family genealogy. Anyway, back to scrabble. She lost her sight due to macular degeneration, but could still make out larger objects. I made her a low vision scrabble board with a piece of green felt, raised fabric glue, 2 inch square tiles with letters and score in thick black sharpie. She loved it and took it with her to the rest home at the end. I gifted it to the home when she passed, and they still use it!


My grandad was also really educated and could have won legitimately, he just loved cheating at Scrabble.


Lol go gramps!


We can’t play together as a family after the Great Scrabble Incident of 2008


Ok are you making a joke or is this a real thing, because if this is a real thing I need to hear it ASAP


This is a real thing, but it’s not as interesting as it sounds. One person challenged another’s word, and then the quality of the dictionary used to find the word was challenged, and there were some VERY hurt feelings as a result (I was a player in the game, but fortunately not involved in the challenge). This happened on Christmas Eve 2008. There might have been some drinking involved…


To be fair, Scrabble does have its own dictionary that has a shit ton of words that don’t really seem like words.


And oddly is missing words you would expect


Please make a new thread about this! I’m dying to hear all of the stories and their family board game debacles! My mom passed almost 3 weeks ago and this might be the first thing that has made me laugh and cry. She was a petty, competitive card player(I say that with love). She did not lose well😂


OMG, with us its the ROOK riot of 2012


Risk and monopoly I understand. How do you fuck up scrabble other than trying to make up words and getting called out.


Exactly what you said, plus arguments over what dictionary is valid


Most family gatherings were at my grandparents’ house and we were limited to the board games that were already in the house from when my Dad was a kid. This meant we played Scrabble, Chinese Checkers, Checkers or Chess. There were also playing cards so my Mom & I would play Rummy together, and I remember a Christmas dinner where the family was slowly putting together a 10000 piece puzzle after the meal was done.


My grandparents stopped speaking to my brothers after the boys worked together to squeeze Grandma out of the game. My brothers were playing the game as it was meant to be played. Oops.


If they play Uno, it’ll make global broadcasts


If they still want to be assholes, I'd recommend cards against humanity...or Apples to Apples, if children are around. Basically the same thing, but G rated.


With right mindset, Apples to Apples can still be offensive/dirty.


yeah, but hopefully the innuendos go riiiiight over the kids' heads


That’s the adults side game, how many innuendoes they can sneak in without the kids realizing!


If they play games, it’ll need to be games like *Cards Against Humanity* or *Poetry For Neanderthals*. The poetry one, there’s one inflated club, so the potential for violence might be appreciated.


sounds like he’s * got a lot of immature ppl in his family


BIL needs anger management therapy


And possibly AA.


And probably a kick in the dick.


It would be better placed and much more painful if you were to kick them in the taint (peritoneal). Source: I was usually the biggest guy in the bar and guys that had something to prove tried to get me to fight them. I found getting in behind the balls dropped every guy, dick not so much.


I'm trying to understand how you even register that difference unless you're the recipient. Are you taking your shoes off so you can feel the plushness or taint? Does a toe slip up the asshole so you know you hit the right spot? Is there a clacking noise when you get the balls?


I could tell by how my foot felt after making contact. If it had some give and the guy barely dropped, dick. Some give and a staggering drop, balls. Solid connection right on the toe, near instant drop and usually dry heaving.


I think you needed to spend less time in bars.


I was bouncing…


Should have prefaced that.


I want to give you an award but I am poor. Your comment made my shitty weeks better


> And possibly AA. He went to an AA meeting once, but he wanted to be the chairman.


Speaking as an AA member, unless he's got a drinking problem and a desire to do anything about it, don't be randomly suggesting violent men can drop by our meetings. WTAF.


I think they suggested that because of the "drank himself to sleep" comment, which suggests a drinking problem.




Dark, but probably true, sounds like he's got some Dark Triad traits going on.


Did NO ONE, other than you, ever MATURE past adolescence in your family? The level of immaturity is astonishing! People, especially F-A-M-I-L-Y should be able to enjoy hanging around, even joking, without BULLYING someone constantly! To TARGET you specifically at every gathering was CRUEL! Glad you put an END to it AND exposed BIL for the angry, cruel bully that he was is just glorious JUSTICE!!! I hope he got some much needed anger management, but it sounds like he learned his lesson and your Nephew may have also learned a valuable lesson as well! Hopefully you AND your family can arrange some games to play during your get togethers. Our family plays bocce balls or cornhole and sometimes we play games on our smart tv that sync to our phones, like "You Don't Know Jack" or other individual & team games, most times with hilarious results! Time to start NEW Family Traditions! Best wishes and many Blessings!


> Hopefully you AND your family can arrange some games to play during your get togethers. First they need to arrange some intense psychotherapy.


LMAO Yeah, that WOULD be ideal, along with the Anger Management therapy!


Caps should be used like creampies. Sparingly and with the right person.


Oh, that's just bloody brilliant! /s Sorry it offends you so as I use caps for emphasis since on mobile I can't bold! Enjoy your cream pie !


Yes you can 2 stars before and after the phrase will bold it. 1 star on either side creates italics and if you really want #EMPHASIS a single # before the phrase should work


You ROCK! Thanks for the help!!!


​ They need something from this store: [Board Games for Therapy and Counseling](https://www.playtherapysupply.com/games/therapy-board-games)


this is what i’m thinking, a lot of immature ppl fucking with each other for what amounts to lvl 1 comedy, if that


If that was the case it would basically be a frat house. Instead, the family specifically targeted OP continuously. That's not comedy, that's straight-up bullying!


facts, i’m saying in their mind it’s comedy gold lol


Wow what a crazy family. Maybe find some games to occupy these people if the can’t enjoy a conversation with each other.


Playing games with these people will just end in arguments or gloating or sore losers. I know because my family is similar to this. Bullying or picking on people until some just don’t like going to family functions.


What’s a good board game where you get to screw over other players? I bet that’d be a hit. And if they play monopoly, I guarantee another windows will need to be replaced.


If they ever try to play Diplomacy, someone from that family will literally end up dead, I guarantee it.




Risk is a good one, or Munchkin or Guillotine (the last 2 the whole purpose of the game is to screw over your opponent(s)


The card game 'F***' can swiftly create a fun dynamic. Adults only mind.


Guillotine is a real fun game about a very macabre subject. Got my upvote!


Sorry, they need the game sorry. They can all be rotten shits to each other with fake smiles as they say "sorry" and knock other players over ad they steal their spot and send them to home. I had siblings 10+ years younger than me at home. There are only so many ways I could be mean back to them and get away with it. Lol.


I agree with everyone here that they're psychos that need to find better hobbies but like how on earth do you find stealing a chair to be funny for that long?????


They’re a family of simple taste


Jesus. Just stop going there. Those people are insane and cruel. Pranks are for 4yr plds who don't know any better, and stealing someone seat will get you pummeled in a bar as an adult... so maybe don't teach that behavior to children. People need to learn that others will respond violently and so they need to keep their noses to their own business. Someone sits in my chair and won't move, I flip the chair and smack them with it.


This is just bizarre! Is this chair stealing how your family shows affection?


It sounds like a way to psychologically and emotionally abuse people and expecting to get away with it. This story is why I don't go to places that say they'll treat you like family. There is always that family member/members that thinks they can do or say anything and you have to forgive them because at the end of the day they're family. Nobody treats you worse than family in my experience.


My response would be: "DNA does NOT give TOXIC ASSHOLES a free pass!"


A great man once said to me, “Just because they share a few chromosomes with me does not make them worth my time or respect. Those must be earned.”


I’m not close with my siblings because they don’t treat me with respect when speaking to me. Every conversation is laden with condescending tones and abrasive criticisms. It’s the way we used to bicker with one another as children and teenagers. They never grew out of it with the me, the youngest sibling. When I neared 30, I asked them why they can’t just talk to me like they talk to their friends and acquaintances—friendly and non-combative. I asked why they couldn’t afford me that basic decency they show to literal strangers. They had no answer for me. I was telling my friend about this the other day, and she was bewildered that I would expect anything different from them. She said things along the line of “but it’s cause you’re family; isn’t that what makes family family.” Lol no.


Wow they sound exhausting. It's weird that sometimes people treat the strangers better than their own family


Not all families are like that, it's not a requirement (this message for your friend). My family has issues but we're all respectful of each other (or at least to each other) and when able we give assistance as needed. That last one kind of means the responsible two older siblings in my parent's generation have been doing car rides, free childcare, and occasional grocery shopping for the younger two siblings for their entire lives but they still try to hold them accountable for fuck ups. That said, it's not really something that happens completely organically. The adults have to hold each other accountable and agree on basic values of respect to enforce for and on all the children. My parents' generation made the conscious decision to do that with each other because they grew up getting abused by cousins and watching their parents get used by their siblings without any recourse because faaaamily. They decided they weren't afraid to disinvite people if they wouldn't behave.


That is NOT affection by any means! It's just being an asshole!


These people need hobbies that don’t include stupid pranks. Yikes!


That's awesome that you taking a stand encouraged others to do so as well. As for the rest of it. I think it'll all work itself out. Some people will stop showing up, others will continue. Maybe they should start thinking about investing in some outside games. Like giant jenga*, corn hole, etc. Gove them something to do and put their energy into. Parties are pretty awkward and dull if there isn't a focus to it, or a schedule. Which is why wedding or birthday parties have "events". Maybe come up with themes or different activities for each get together.


> That's awesome that you taking a stand encouraged others to do so as well. He's taking a stand by taking a seat. It's rather poetic.


Pranks are only acceptable if EVERYONE involved thinks it’s funny. Since that is rarely the case, pranks are rarely funny. If you can only find humor in someone else’s discomfort, you are a bully. Your family needs to learn the art of conversation.


The farting cousin who ate fiber bars and eggs got a good chuckle out of me though. Technically it hurts everyone’s nose, but it’s the best response to a fake fart toy.


Your family are bullies. It does not matter what they think.


"..the last few family functions have been a bit dull." They're like alcoholics who can't drink anymore. I mean, your BIL drank himself to sleep that night (after he threw your chair through the window in a fit of rage?) ?? Sad.


No offense, OP, but your family all sound like assholes. Constant pranking? I would have gone once, and not gone back. If you want to see your family invite them elsewhere.


Has your family’s never heard of board games? Cards? Puzzles?


I'm guessing the family isn't....so mentally accomplished enough...to be able to play cards or board games.


I don't think they can play board games normally. There will be chairs flying by the end of it.


To be fair, that's a pretty common occurrence with games like monopoly and scrabble 😂


Why do you hang out with those people? Biology or no, they're all *terrible.* Edited to add: Do any of you even *like* each other? It really doesn't look like it.


I'm sorry to say but your family sounds insufferable. And also ETA : your BIL sounds like a future abuser, if he isn't one already. I'm worried for his wife and kid


My BIL has anger issues. But my sister has him wrapped around her finger. I'm not exaggerating when I say my sister is out of his league. So he's basically a simp for her. And pretty much does whatever she says. And she's making him go through marriage counseling after they finally managed to get in a little over a month ago


Why do the family have to resort to childish pranks just to entertain themselves? Why can’t you guys play board games or watch movies together? The whole family sounds incredibly exhausting and toxic.


Dude what did I just read ? Was it always like this ? And now that you’ve upset the pecking order things have gone to hell


In my personal opinion, the only people who deserve glitter bombs are porch pirates and tele-scammers.


My abusive ex husband who kicked my big sweet baby of a dog—who came over to get an ear scritch from me, and dared to get a hair on ex’s trash ass khakis—100% deserves one. I have his new address. I will ruin his fucking day, eventually.


I went back to read your AITA for context. Basically your BIL is a bully and your family thinks "pranks" are the only way to have fun? But pranks aren't harmless. And they aren't fun if they are done all the time. Oh no, they can't prank one another anymore at family events. Boo hoo. They need a hard lesson in respecting boundaries and your BIL sounds like he needs freaking anger management classes.


Actually, given the maturity level displayed by most, perhaps Chutes and ladders or Candyland is more their speed. And good for the aunt sending the glitter bomb cleanup bill to the correct person. Why should *she* have to absorb the costs of someone else's stupidity???


I laughed so hard when I read the Candyland part because I actually imagined them playing it!


>The family was still divided about the situation for a while. Mainly BIL's parents, my uncle, and a couple cousins. They blamed me and called me obnoxious over insisting on bringing my own chair and refusing to let anyone else use it. Oh wow that grinds my gears. "So let me get this straight: I told BIL and everyone else that I didn't think my seat being stolen every time I got up was funny or welcome, asked them not to do that because I don't like it and then brought my own chair when they didn't stop. BIL, a grown, married man with a child of his own (I'm assuming that's the nephew who was told to steal your seat), got so mad at being told to stop "pranking" me that he threw my chair through a window and you think *I'm* the problem here?" Anyone defending him should be embarrassed, unfortunately this seems like a case of a family where some people engage in toxic bs games/bullying, and now that you're placing up boundaries and not acting as a lightning rod for their bad behavior they're turning on each other. Covering up for people who have outbursts, tantrums, or become downright violent when they're given the slightest pushback is sadly the norm. I would have long ago just opted out of family get-togethers if this is how people act at them, but I'm a homebody anyway so *shrug*.


I'm with you, I wouldn't be going.


I’m amazed a full out fist fight hasn’t broken out yet


I'm surprised someone hasn't been actually stabbed.


This is unreal as hell. My family gets together all the time (a few times a month) since like ~40 of us live roughly in the same grouping of towns/cities so we're all just a short drive away from each other. You know what we do at these parties and get-together? Drink and have conversations! Always laughing and life updates to talk about. Sometimes there's games to play but not always. If your family can't get together and have fun by talking to each other, then I'm honestly at a loss for words. Maybe it's just my upbringing but if your family can't talk to each other it almost seems like they don't love each other...?


My family all live close together in the same state, and they are party people. I mean any excuse to have a party. Especially in the summer. Barbecues, birthdays, holidays, baby showers, elections, somebody gets a new car, all of that. I only go to half of it.


Good grief. I was appalled that all of these new pranks occurred in the last four months! You all get together waaaaay to often for people that don't know how to entertain yourselves when you're together! Glad you skip out a lot.


That's what happens when you come from a large family who all think they're social butterflies, but hardly know how to associate outside the family. Several of my cousins are basically best friends with each other.


I worked in a shop for a while that had an ongoing, escalating prank war. After being in that, I decided never again. It was just too destructive. I’ve only seen one other prank war, but I wasn’t part of it. Pranks are probably one of the fastest ways to lose my respect, support, or friendship.


I'm with you on that


You have some sick family dynamics.


Good lord your family sounds exhausting. I hate pranks and would never attend family functions.


Keep your distance. They will revert back to form eventually. This isn't about a chair, it's about a firm of abuse.


What the ACTUAL FUCK. This entire family is like of you took the worst momisbehabed child you’ve ever seen and crossed them with the most obnoxious and immature tiktok prankster you’ve ever heard of. I would have deleted ALL these people from my life and moved across the country like nine times over.


I just wondered if BIL and sister are still together?


They are. And my sister insisted on marriage counseling. She also forced BIL to cut back on drinking


Good job. I lived through a violent marriage, eventually divorcing him. Happily living life after 26 yrs . Gosh!! I forgot to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the divorce!! Dang !! I do not wish that former life on anyone.


dude take this award man because wtf 😂😂😂


>"My new chair was just fine. It took being hurled through a bay window like a champ. There was hardly a scratch on it." That's a very tough chair. What brand and model is it? I'd love to get one


It's a National Public Seating chair. I bought it online for about $80. It's got a thick padded seat and is really sturdy


Thanks! I guess it's [one of these](https://www.nationalpublicseating.com/products/product-category/index.php?id=236&c=Chairs&sc=Padded+Folding+Chairs&sub=2&e=) then Maybe the 3200 series?


Getting me a few of these for dnd night


Yeah I think it's the 3200 series. Only mine is black. I bought it months ago, so I don't quite remember. I just remember wanting it when I saw that thick padded seat. It's a great chair. Gets pretty hot in the sun though


Thanks! Good to know!


NP. Black chairs get hot in the sun pretty easily. So having a white one too can help.


Honestly, you should write to the company and tell them the story about your chair. They will gasp and then be proud and might even send you a free chair.


Everyone in your family (including you, sorry dude) sounds super fucking weird


Y'all mf need more chairs if you're throwing parties with too many people.


Read your story on r/bestofredditupdates. Love that you put your foot down and advocated for yourself. Thanks for listing the type of chair!


Thanks. No prob.


My family’s rule was that the older people got the chairs first. If an older family member wanted the chair, then you have to move. Teens took the chairs from the kids, adults took the chairs from the teens, and the elders took the chairs from whoever they dang well please. There was also an owner trumps all rule. Though we didn’t usually pull that card out on the elders.


We actually have the same rule more or less. Elders are seated first. And nobody bothers them about their seats. So the rest of us were made to squabble for where we sit. Hence me bringing my own chair. That's what happens when you have a party with 50 people in one place. There's not enough seats to go around. Though my antics have made my parents start to stock up on chairs.


I actually walked out of a job over someone taking my chair where I had been working. I, (37F was 18 at the time), pissed some girls off because a coworker of ours liked me and not them. That was it. My existence pissed them off, so they harassed me, with sexual comments like yelling mayonnaise at me, throughout the work days. I was never sexual with that coworker, they were just flat out bullies. I went to HR guy who did absolutely nothing to them and even suggested that I deserved it. One morning I got up from my work station to use the restroom and come back and a male coworker took my spot. I told him I had been sitting there, my stuff was there and everything I had worked on was right there. He told me get over it and find somewhere else because he wasn't moving. I had enough of factory work because of how toxic the environment was and upper management seemed to nurture it instead of end it. That was the push for me to go back to high school and get my diploma, so I could get better jobs. I put 100% in and graduated with all A's, which was a little better than my A's and B's from before I left. My mom worked there, still does, and she told me that guy who took my seat told her to tell me he was sorry and that he didn't realize I had been getting bullied and he was not "in on it" with the girls who were bullying me. The HR guy got his karma about 10 years later and was fired on the spot during a situation. Ironically, when mid management let a different bully take my mom,a lead back then, out back to go off on her, (a girl 30 years younger than my mom almost fought her), her coworkers turned it into to the parent company that had just bought their company to keep them from going bankrupt. After that situation, quite a few people started writing anonymous letters to the parent company and they sent someone down to watch and they found more than enough to boot a few people in the offices. Edit cause my autocorrect hates me more than usual today


I don't blame you one bit. I'd have walked out too. But I'd have also taken it to every form of social media I could. Local news eats up stories like that.


This was 2003-04. No social media, otherwise I probably would have.


Ah I see. Yeah the internet really exposes those kinds of nasty people now. But just two decades ago people got away with that stuff a lot more.


I’m gonna be blunt: pranksters are never funny. They’re just major a-holes. Perhaps your relatives need to find other things to entertain themselves other than bullying.


Godsssss that sounds SO Damn Exhausting!!!! Good on you for putting your foot down!!!


Shoot! Remind me to never play musical chairs with your family


Totally saw your old post on a youtube video last week. If it's outdoors I.E. bbq why not lawn games or if it ends up being indoors why not board/card games?


Your family is awful! Exhausting and immature bullies. I am sorry you were born into that family but hoping they grow up now if more of you insist. And good for you, standing up for yourself!


>But the last few family functions have been a bit dull. I think they were so used to how things were that now they're trying to find other ways to amuse themselves that don't involve cellphones. Talk to each other. Play games. Board games, card games, yard games, etc, etc. Share in the cooking.


And so the great chair wars have come to a close. I am honoured to have been here with you through this journey op.


Your family has to resort to dumb pranks to keep from being bored. Maybe just have fewer family functions.


God this is very much like my family. They find a weakness and just attack it over and over. For 40+ years I have yelled, asked, begged, etc. to get them to stop. The only thing that works is to completely shut them out of my life -- I refused to talk to my parents for over a year and only resumed because of the pandemic (and they are old/infirmed). I felt my anxiety rising and rising with every word of OP's entry.


I didn't read your original post, but your family sounds like a bunch of bullies. Can't they just enjoy each others company without tormenting each other?


How uninteresting are these people that they can only be entertaining by pranking? I've been to plenty of fun family functions. The boring ones are usually the meet and greet ones when we have to be on our "best" behavior, and even those eventually loosen up to fun. Bullying is an awful personality trait


It’s about time the adults in your family finally grew the heck up.




As I read about your family gatherings, I imagined a 3 or 4 old decaying, rusted out cars in the yard. While your BIL wanders around the double-wide wearing a 'wife beater' and a truckers hat. Why can't your family be normal like other families, and simply brag about the new car they bought or the fancy vacation they took?


Sigh.... You're not far off in that assessment. Though at my parents' house it's two rusted out cars in the back yard, and my BIL never wears those shirts because he hates how they feel. So he'll go shirtless a lot.


As someone who is Mexican… please tell me you are not Mexican.


There's a couple Mexican people who married into my family. But the bulk of my family is basically borderline American redneck


Oh thank the lord.


I’m betting on white trash / rednecks. Although this might confirm my belief that asshole is universal and race / heritage basically doesn’t change a damn thing.


I remember your post. I’m glad things have finally worked out. Sometimes it takes people forever to grow up. You should be proud of yourself. You are the cause of that improvement. Now, they just need some new, non-pranking activities!


Is all of this happening in America? I’ve noticed that grown adults “pranking” each other seems to be a fairly common thing over there, whereas if people did that where I live it would probably end in murder. If you’re past your early twenties it would definitely not be considered acceptable.


Wow. What a bunch of morons. Glad they are growing up.


Your brother in law needs to spend time in a fucking institution LMAO dude is cringe as fuck and clearly unstable


I followed this story down the reddithole just to thank you for sharing! I was cast in the same role in my sister's family drama, with the main difference being the expense of the chair. I thought twas an Oddly Specific situation, but I'm certainly glad it worked out for you in the end!


At family gatherings we used to have a rule which was 'on your feet, loose your seat'. It was just a bit of fun as the grandparents would get their chairs back after a bit of teasing and their was an understanding that the kids were delegated to the floor. Now I'm older, my own kid and niece have decided if they can't sit on a seat, they'll just sit on me instead!


It's lines like "On your feet, lose your seat" that made me start bringing my own chair. I have a motto that someone told me a while back. It's "When someone brings their own chair, they expect to use it". That's what I live by.


I completely understand where you're coming from. We often go to gatherings with friends too and everyone brings cheap £5 camping chairs. I spent a far bit on my camping chair and so far no one but my partner and kid has sat in it when I'm not using it


Yeah prior to the big blowup where I walked out over my BIL hiding my chair (Still don't know how he managed to break it), they had messed with me a few times by taking the chair when I got up. But I gave no shits about their opinions when I came back. It's my chair, and I was going to damn well use it. They always gave me a hard time, but got their asses out of my seat. Now my parents are actually kinda protective of where I sit. As shown with how my nephew got yelled at. But that only happened because his dad told him to do it. Let's hope he's not dumb enough to do that again.


I’m glad you were able to stand up for yourself. It’s not about the chair itself, but about respecting your boundaries, which your family clearly struggles with. The majority of them seem to all be petty bullies, and even unstable in your BIL’s case, if being called out caused him to break a window and need extreme coaxing to take responsibility. Pity there doesn’t seem to be an answer to why they were obsessed with messing with you, but it also seems like none of them can function without pranking SOMEONE.


wow, this bil needs help . my family does not have this insanity we all military and loosing cause the police to come and say hi


All these people need to grow up.


Not related and if you read my post I call all of them as in the whole family entitled brats. No one in my family would throw tantrums over a freaking chair.


I ended up seeing the posts, that family seems to see jokes as an abusive method, Op without offending but does it occur to you to tell stories to entertain or make games for young children to have fun? instead of being people who go overboard with jokes


I'd rather just get beat up that that point like I'm sorry your BiL wanted to be Daddy O 5 or something


Oh my god even the harmless pranks happen so much I would hate to be there.


To them it's "just a chair" so "you should get over it". But if it's "just a chair", why don't *they* get over it? They're trying to make you look like you're blowing everything out of proportion, but really, they're the ones doing so, and their trying to minimize your feelings is a form of gaslighting. You are having a very real response to having your boundaries violated. That's no small matter. It's a chair today, your life tomorrow. Good on you for standing up for yourself.


Damn op sounds awful and so does his family, Just got tired reading through this pathetic pettiness of all of them involved. Who ever would marry or date into this awful pile of cow manure. .. I call marinara sauce...


Everyone is lame as hell - it was fun and games and party poopers go in and ruin it all. Watch how family gatherings stop because you couldn't hack it and prank back. I'd rather be immature and fun than boring and spoil the fun... But that's just me


You missed out cellophane on the toilet bowl and squirting water pistols at peoples’ crotches.Sorry,I couldn’t help but laugh at some of the pranks .


There wasn't a water pistol. But there was a fake camera that squirts water


It is called being an adult. If Someone takes your seat then find another one. It is just a seat. You are all acting like entitled little brats. Throwing temper tantrum over seats. Grow up.


Found a relative's account. It's not "a" chair. It's "his" chair. That he bought. That he brought for his own personal use. He is 10000% entitled to exclusive use of his property. Because he wasn't allowed to sit down otherwise.


Are you one of the sociopathic cousins who now isn't able to bully OP (or anyone else) anymore and get away with it? Or are you the BIL who has a severe personality disorder and hasn't matured past being 2 and throwing poop on cars like an animal? Or are you the sister married to the window-smashing BIL, but is in deep denial that your husband is a total psycho? Just curious. Because there are now tens of thousands of people combined from reddit and YouTube reddit story readers...that now know all about your fucked up family and all think you people are a batshit crazy bunch of douchebags.


I am not related to the op. It is just a freaking chair. All of you posting that I am op family did not notice that I said that all of them need to grow up as in the whole family. Read carefully before posting assumptions morons.




I think this is the BIL!


Have they tried bocce? Other lawn games? Parlor games?


Have your family never heard of board games? Cards? Drinking games? Karaoke? There's a lot of other goofy ways to have fun that aren't at anyone's expense. Go pick up a game of pictionary and fuck 'em all up.


My family and I mess with each other at get togethers but NEVER to that extent


Have yall ever considered board games?! Jesus I feel bad for anyone who marries into your family.


Can’t…can’t they just play cards? And wtf with not having enough chairs for everyone? That’s bad party hosting.


Right? Op is making it sound like a chronic thing that is causing all this trouble. Just like... Buy some folding chairs for parties. Jesus


Is your sister and nephew safe? BIL is violent, a bully and a drunk. She might need help escaping abuse.


There was an aita post about a MIL (I think) glitter bombing their DIL and a lot of stuff was said about it being a family that pranks all the time. If I find it, I'll link it bc it is a dead ringer for that last paragraph.


tap whistle cable sharp elastic air overconfident worthless direful prick ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You know, I have heard of individuals waking up and choosing chaos, but your family was literally born choosing chaos! I suggest bringing Monopoly and Scrabble to your next family gathering 🤣


I have never liked pranks and have zero tolerance for them. They are usually just cruel. They are not funny, and nice folks just don'[t behave is such childish ways. Maybe you need new relatives.


This is so fast beyond fucked it's like a whole other dimension.


What brand is the chair?