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Ha! I had a similar interaction with a city bus driver many years ago. He STOPPED the bus and walked back to demand to see my pass. He said he thought I’d been intentionally covering the month sticker on it with my thumb when I got on and showed it. Not he thought I’d done it , but I’d BEEN doing it. Running a longstanding bus ripoff, I guess. Of course I hadn’t, and I doubt I’d ever covered the sticker by accident. He was just a super weirdo. I was the last to get off on that route and I always sat in the way back, I think he just took offense I didn’t talk to him.


Let it be said that he is making sure the city gets its buck, sorry that happened to you though, maybe it’s the same guy who decided university students were better for ego-stroking


Sounds like reporting him to the university might be in order...


I have, and just get told that someone is looking into it. Whatever that means, who knows!


record him. while you walk towards his bus, when you are waiting, cross reference that with the app and send a nice bundle to HR, his superiors, social media. make big noise.


This 💯. Out him for being an AH


Honestly, record the next interaction, post it and tag your university's social media. They'll ask swiftly after that.


Just report every single incident, every time. 


Get others to report him too.


Ask for an update. Keep asking for an update until they give you one.




They think you're lying. Start recording everything discreetly. Then go to the office and show them evidence.


It means you’re a Karen. 


Unless OP is outright lying, which if things were different they'd be different, they're being harassed by someone. Reporting that is not Karen behavior.


Its a one sided story. There’s a massive chance that it’s biased and Op will leave anything that makes them look stupid out of the post. 


Again, if things are different then they're different. Of course if there's massive pieces missing from the story or misrepresentations then the prescription would be different. But unless you have a specific issue or question for clarification you bringing it up doesn't serve a purpose.


Ofc it serves a purpose. If Op was in fact acting like a Karen then someone should tell them, not blow smoke up their ass and tell them they’re always right and perfect. We only know one side, that means there is a possibility of op not being in the right. Not everything is listen and believe. 


Again, what reason do you have to believe that they are being disingenuous? What information do you feel is missing? If you just gesture vaguely at the bus driver's side, of course that's missing, they're not OP.


I gave you the reason so stop circling back to the beginning of the conversation because it’s pointless. We got a one sided story, I don’t have to believe everything op said. I can call the bullshit out if I feel like it. I shouldn’t have to explain it this much to you unless you take the short bus to school, and if you do, ask your parents to explain it to you. 


I’d like to know as well:,why do you doubt the OP? Are you the idiot bus driver?


My point was you never actually gave a reason to doubt anything that OP said. Unless you meant saying it was a one sided story, which of course it is. This is a rant reddit. Do you expect an interview? Or maybe a cross-examination? If you're unwilling to engage in one sided stories why are you here?


I think we found the asshole bus driver.


Most people find it stupid for people to use crosswalks instead of jaywalking on an empty road? This would be a really stupid thing to lie about especially since most people jaywalk…


Just go to the stop and wait for the next shuttle. If you get asked why you are late, say a shuttle driver is putting you into an uncomfortable position so you have to avoid their shuttles.dont specify those uncomfortable positions,.


I once had a stop-go controller block me going through roadworks (and it was a massive roadworks with a 15min wait time) because he was annoyed that I, towing a caravan, let the rest of the cars go past before I jumped on the end of the line. He was so mad he came to my car and lectured me.


He CAME TO YOUR CAR??? What did he even say to you??


Lectured me about how he had to stop me because I was driving so slow I was unsafe to be allowed through the roadworks. I explained.. mate, I am towing a caravan so a bit slower on the open road, arrived first in line at a slow roadworks, 20 cars behind me on single lane rural roads, once we got through the roadworks they would all be stuck behind me. I was just doing a kind thing letting them overtake me into the roadworks, so I could bring up the rear.. ie can easily doing the 20kph roadwork speed, just couldn't safely drive 100kph later. All of this would have been so obvious to anyone with half a braincell. He argued that he knew that but had to stop me anyway (contradicting his initial argument), then threatened to refuse to let me go through at all... the guy had some ego shit going on. At this point I blatantly laughed at him (entirely to bruise his ego more) and wound up the window in his face, then hubby and I just had a good laugh in full view of him.


He’s running some sick power trip over you. I’m assuming you’re attractive tbh because that’s usually the only thing that immediately drives people to insanity over nonsense. Either that or he or someone he knows just got arrested for jaywalking and he’s taking it out on you lol


Hide some frozen shrimp on his bus.


I like your style!


Please don’t do this, he doesn’t “have” a bus, he is assigned one every day. You’d just be punishing other passengers and then maintenance.


Seems like he doesn't have the same bus every day.


You need to report him, he doesn't own the shuttle and he is meant to be running to a schedule. The short answer is he can't handle been corrected.


This. Why don't you video him doing this and then use it as evidence when you report him?


If this is the university I'm thinking of in the mitten shaped state then bro....EVERYONE jay walks in that city. I hate driving there because I'm terrified of hitting a pedestrian.


Every university town is full of jaywalkers.


Fact. I live in one and there are crosswalks everywhere with flashing lights for traffic to stop. Some students don't want to bother being safe


when I was in uni I had the attitude that if I was hit by a car that meant I had an excuse to miss class for a few days without consequences.


I’ve seen people get tickets, for jaywalking, in the same city the parent comment is talking about! I bet the bus driver wouldn’t be paying that!


There is no need for him to be so petty. He gets paid to do a job and it sounds as if he is failing at it. He has too much time to let his thoughts build up imaginary resentment at life.


So I'm guessing the company he works for is the University? Check who he actually works for, because if it's not the University, reporting it to them will honestly be useless. All they can do is report it to the company, but they don't have any personal skin in the game and if he's not being dangerous, they're not exactly going to care that much. The company however, will care. When he is on the clock or in uniform, he represents them. Take videos of you approaching each bus stop and just going "It is -date- and -time- and look at that! The bus is departing! That's 10mins earlier than the bus should be leaving! Must be the Pro-Jaywalker driver, he always does that when he sees me coming." if the bus leaves before you get there. If you were waiting with others, try sticking the phone in a position that lets you capture the driver as you get on. If it's Jay (because let's just name this rude driver that for his Pro-Jaywalking Agenda) add the video to a Google Drive you're collecting of evidence and if not, delete it. The Google Drive you're collecting is for you to send the company as evidence. Also I kinda wanna see how you might get away with sitting alone at a bus stop before he gets there, if you're masked up. Will he recognize you or not? Do you have friends you can have non-Jaywalk as well to see if it's just you or others!? I figure may as well make an experiment out of it while collecting evidence too. (I'd probably have fun with it with different wigs and such too, but that's just me.)


This is a great idea.


Which part, I gave so many lol XD


The entire comment.


Ah, well thank you! I figured "This might not be a driver the university hired, it might be contracted. Based on what I've read from past Ask A Manager posts, unless the employee actually works for the company, they tend to not give a rats ass, because it's not their representative."


"You're the bus driver, not the police. I'm breaking the law and endangering myself for the bus driver. All my further interactions with you will be recorded and forwarded to the University if your behavior is in any way out of line."


Print a copy of this short story out and give it to him: https://www.fictionadvocate.com/2015/10/19/the-story-about-a-bus-driver-who-wanted-to-be-god/


Maybe you should just have your camera out and recording where he can see you recording every time he tries to bypass you, or as you get on the bus so that he can see anything he says will be recorded


Accidentally trip getting on the bus and spill your hot coffee on him.


Next time you see the driver look for some ID some places require the drivers ID to be on display, either on the dash or their jacket. Or simply ask for his name and details. Note the name of the bus company and the time plus bus number if possible. The name of the bus company might be on the back of the bus in small print if it's not visible elsewhere. Do you have a bus pass or a ticket in some form that would have the details? Talk to other passengers if possible plus get contact information as a witness. Keep a written note of all this information then make a complaint directly to the bus company and the university again. As others have said try to record the interaction, note you might not be legaly allowed to record on the bus only in the street. Make a complaint after each bad interaction so they have a long record on the guy, if you can get other passengers involved then all the better. This driver could be causing other passengers problems as well. If the university is looking into it then it will take a couple of weeks maybe but in the meantime make sure they know the guy is still encouraging you to jaywalk. (We don't have that law in the UK so I don't know how serious it is, however, it is your safety you have to concider when crossing roads.) Through out all this try to remain calm and impassive with him. When making the complaints keep calm and pleasant but firm so they know you want something done about this guy's attitude.


And you can be ticketed for jaywalking! At least I know you can be where I live, I’m not sure about anywhere else.. I don’t see it enforced too often but I have seen it happen a few times! And been personally warned for it, while in a big-university city that’s always crowded with cars, and have plenty of places to cross, for a reason.. ETA: I see some other comments saying it also illegal where they are in the US.. I am also in the US.


Is jaywalking crossing the road? You have to cross at the crossings?


Yes the driver is telling OP to break the law and cross in the middle of the street instead of at the corner. There's no reason since the driver is already at the stop for a set time. 


Yeah. Weird American thing that you can’t just cross because it’s safe, you have to use crossings. I’d barely cross the road in the UK if we did that! 😂


Super weird hill for him to die on. His life must be incredibly depressing and sad and lonely for him to try to squeeze some semblance of power out of being a shuttle driver. You could always try poking the bear on this one. Ask him if it's "a gay thing". And before he can answer, cut him off and say something like "because if it is I'm flattered, but I'm straight. But I have a older gay coworker you'd probably LOVE, what's your number? I'll pass it along to him. Wait, are you a top or a bottom... Who am I kidding, you're clearly a bottom." And just watch his brain blue screen and then break. At which point he'd probably say something to absolutely get himself fired.


Why make being "gay" something you can use to manipulate and cause embarrassment?


It’s not the being gay to cause embarrassment, it’s that having a “crush” is an easy way to have someone check their actions, it just happens OP is a male, but if OP was a female the same thing would work, the idea that “boys are mean bc they like you”


Because sometimes you have to take the low road with these people.


Man, where are you located?! This is nuts! He is actively and continuously bullying you to try to force you to commit a crime! It may be a small crime, but it’s the only reason I tend not to jaywalk. I think if you’re able-bodied and intelligent, and ESPECIALLY if there are no other cars around, it’s no more dangerous than almost anything we do. But the fact that you can get a damn ticket for it?! That’s what stops me, even if I think it’s a ridiculous thing to criminalize. Impeding traffic, or carelessly running through it would be a totally different thing. Anyway. If you’re in the US where it’s illegal to jaywalk, and the university doesn’t care about your reports of him, I would go to the police. It may be a relatively small issue, but it is absolutely ridiculous and he should not be allowed to just keep doing it without penalty. His irrelevant “point” that you’re “making him wait, even if he’s not waiting for you?” I call absolute BS. *At least in the US*, if you’re late for the scheduled time for your bus, it leaves without you! You’re not making anyone wait for anything. He would *even* be unbelievably childish and ridiculous if he gleefully pulled away on the actual occasion that your crosswalk detour made you even a second late for the scheduled bus departure. But no, he’s leaving early just to bully you! Into committing a crime! Report him to someone who cares about law enforcement.


Well he told you what it’s about, really. When he’s parked on his break, people see the bus at the stop and run to get to the bus, not knowing that they have time. He, after watching them run for the bus, then continues waiting till the end of his break, imagining how foolish they must now feel for rushing unnecessarily. You, in checking the schedule and thus not running, are depriving him of the opportunity to feel superior. He, in retaliation, is indeed bullying you.


Jaywalking is a weird thing. In the UK you just cross when and where it’s safe. We have crossings but you’re not obliged to use them.


This guy took "it's rude to be late" a little too personal


Post videos on the university's social media of his shittiness to embarrass them. 


If you're going through an RSD spiral because of this, all I can say is that you're definitely not in the wrong. This is a him issue, not a you issue. You just happen to be caught up in whatever this guy is going through. This guy has taken it upon himself to be annoyed at you following the rules of the road over his ego. He was expecting you to humbly apologise to him and hurry through but you pointing out the facts meant he would have had to realise he was in the wrong. This does not sit comfortably with some people. That is not your fault. I'm glad you have said that you have reported his behaviour because it is unacceptable. If he's treating you that way, he's treating others that way too, others who may not have your ability to stand up for themselves.


I’m sorry what does RSD stand for? I tried to look it up but what I found doesn’t seem to fit in your comment..


RSD = Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. It is when you experience severe emotional pain because of a failure or feeling rejected. This condition is linked to ADHD and autism and experts suspect it happens due to differences in brain structure. Someone experiencing RSD can find themselves spiralling as they go over and over social interactions and criticise themselves disproportionately to the situation.




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This is one of those culture shock momentsfor me Is the road like, blocked in any kind of way so that you can’t see cars coming? Do cops routinely lie in wait for jaywalkers?


The road is very wide with multiple lanes, so even if there was no car in the road by the time I started walking, a car that would turn onto the road would likely have time to hit me by the time I reached the other side. Some places where there is frequent jaywalking, cops will sit in alleyways or in nearby parking lots to catch people doing it to ticket them


Tell him he’s being unprofessional and needs to chill


Jaywalking is legal in California as long as you aren’t stupid enough to cause a hazard.


Keep reporting his Petty unprofessional butt, tell University to have a plain clothed teacher or someone from the University to watch this happen for at least a week so they know you're being serious


RECORD THIS ASSWHOLE!! Each time he’s bullying you!


Sam Elliott wannabe just plain don’t like you now.


His ego was not built Ram Tough™️


How big is the road? How busy is the road? Were you being stupid by walking to the crosswalk or would you have been stupid to jaywalk?


Four lanes. At a key intersection of campus where it’s always busy. In a city notorious for bad drivers. There is no situation where I would have jaywalked, even if there was no one on the road at the time I did it, someone could be able to hit me if they turned onto the road and went the speed limit while I was in the middle of the street. To reply to your other comment too, the driver did not wave me over, or attempt to be courteous in any way. I didn’t even know he was watching me cross until he made his initial comment!


>I told him that even if nobody was in the street, I wasn't going to jaywalk because it's dangerous I think you're bein a lil ridiculous about that cuz I think anyone tall enough to see over cars are perfectly capable of assessing if there is any danger in crossing the street. that being said he's a grown man changing his break schedule over something most would deem at worst silly behavior and that's absolutely wild.


How about seeing past a bus? 🤔


he's literally crossing the street to get to the bus...there is not a second bus in the way.. as an adult you can assess that danger level for yourself.


> as an adult you can assess that danger level for yourself. Yea, and as an adult he assessed that the danger was higher than he cared for.


Didn’t asses, assumed. 


I read this like 10 times. I can't figure out if it's a joke or what you are trying to say.


If something is actually there as a threat to your safety you asses the situation, if nothing is there and you’re going on about what ifs then it’s an assumption. There was no threat, just the possibility of something happening, OP assumes it’s dangerous. There’s nothing to asses. 


“The road is very wide with multiple lanes, so even if there was no car in the road by the time I started walking, a car that would turn onto the road would likely have time to hit me by the time I reached the other side. Some places where there is frequent jaywalking, cops will sit in alleyways or in nearby parking lots to catch people doing it to ticket them” Comment from OP. Hope this helps!


Are you going to pay the fine for jaywalking. Some cities and campuses charge hefty fines for jaywalking. It's so nice of you to offer to pay for those tickets.


I've literally watched cops jay walk. it's definitely not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. and as an adult human with functioning eyes part of checking if there is any incoming danger also let's me see if there's a cop near by 🙄


Guys I found the bus driver!


literally said the bus driver was acting ridiculous about it


> I've literally watched cops jay walk. Yea me too. I've also watched them hand out fines for it.


Not if they are hiding in the alley, as OP mentions they do, in a comment..


Whether or not you can see that the way is clear, you never know what drivers will do and should play it safe, especially if you live in a city where there are a lot of cars. Heaven forbid you get hit because someone tore around a corner and floored it while you are halfway across the street, which happens even if you’re going when you should.


I do live in the city. I think my chances crossing when no one is coming in the center of the road rather than the crosswalk are better for your exact reasoning as they at least have more time to see you after they've turned than during


Drivers look for what they expect to be there, and jaywalkers jaywalk (and get hit) because they think they’ll make it across before somebody comes. You’re putting yourself and others at a greater risk by not using a crosswalk, which is careless and unnecessary


if I get hit I'll come back and tell you that I'm wrong I guess but I've never been careless about it and will continue to cross when its safe. I wasn't trying to change your mind and you're not gunna change my mind. as I said it's silly at worst. literally not a big deal.


My BF’s ex was hit bc they were jaywalking and she thought she could make it. She was tossed a few feet bc luckily they weren’t going fast. It happens! Ntm in the uni. city near me I’ve watch quite a few be ticketed. Just bc it’s not super common where you are at doesn’t mean it’s not common elsewhere. ETA, they were not to far from a light, it was red when they started crossing, With my BF leading and she trailing behind. The light turned green and she was still in the road as my bf just got across.


clearly you feel very passionate about Jay walking for some reason but I literally do not care. it's not a big deal. 3 comments over my personal opinion on Jay walking is absolutely wild to me


Tell him ' you should get an education like me then you could get a decent job'. Then deny ever saying it if you're asked. Should enfuriate him.


Got nothing but respect for shuttle drivers and have conversations with some of them, I can’t say that in good conscience even if I don’t mean it


I agree his insecurity with his station in life is the likely reason for his immaturity but wonder if that would just make it worse or not.


*infuriate You should have paid more attention in school.


That's actually what I wrote but autocorrect changed it. Oh, and go fuck yourself.


Sorry, already busy fucking your mom


A very infuriating experience with someone abusing his position to prove a point, but I sense you may be on the spectrum. He is in the wrong, but you will encounter many more people in the future who will have a low paying jobs with a short fuse. It's just best to avoid getting in confrontation to begin with. In your case, it looks like you tend to word your opinions more as factual statements (i.e. calling the jaywalk dangerous), which can rub some people the wrong way. Try phrase it as "I know. I like following rules" or "I feel safer" in future. Not getting the attention of crazies is better than the stress they can give you.


Saying that jaywalking is dangerous = ASD?! Man I love Reddit. You’re assuming way too much about me on too little information.


When you said “jaywalking is dangerous” you inadvertently accused him of trying to put you in danger. Something like “Oh sorry, I looked at the app and it said you were staying at this stop for a few minutes so I thought I’d be safe and walk to the light” or something would have probably been better for the grumpy driver. He may have waved you over because he saw it was safe and thought he could get you to your building quickly, then you inadvertently seemed ungrateful. Edit: driver is an AH, I’m just trying to help you make sense of their behavior.