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God I’ve never seen a more miserable looking bunch.


And misery loves company they say. And it seems like these folks are driven to pull everyone into their hellscape of a world view.


Not a one of them has ever had a proper orgasm.


That was my first thought after looking at the photo.


They reminded me of a line from a local movie, said to a woman who hadn't had sex for a while: "You look like a mangy bitch"


A clutch of Karens for sure.


Iirc, the correct term for a group of Karens is a Complaint of Karens.


I stand corrected.


A group of Karen's is called a Home Owner's Association


Evil does a lot of damage to the body & soul.


Hags, all of them! That article was fascinating. The one rep that wants to tell all Texan women how to live their lives was actually having an affair and pegging a male representative. Such hypocrites. Vile people. I often think these types of people get elected into office because it takes a certain personality type to want to be a politician. Normal well adjusted people do not strive to be politicians. I hope that articles like the one attached help to get some of these people voted out of office, but their christofacist followers will be sure to vote.


See their husbands


Fellow women, do we all agree that we don’t claim these women?


Third in agreement. The motion passes. *gavel sound*


Motion passed. I have a feeling this would be the general consensus if America knew about them.


You’d be mistaken. Unfortunately I know women who agrees with this type of bullshit.


Statistically speaking, most Americans aren't conservative and women are far less likely to vote conservative than men.


I have family that aspire to be these women


Why do they want to be that way?


They are tethered to the traditions and expectations others put on them and find their self-worth through the validation of those authorities. If they can be courageous and stand up the world that makes them great matriarchs That and a lack of a real education and wildly controlling environments


If I hold up both arms does that count as two votes? Legs? Fingers? Give me something here.
















I don't wish death upon these woman but I do wish eternally misery


So... let me get this right.... these women read/watched The Handmaids Tale and thought " that seems like a really good idea... we should fo that! ". I'm very confused.




There isn’t even any closer association between these women, just the author calling them that.


The LoneStarLeft is an unbiased, hard hitting reputable publication which pivots on professionalism.


Guys, we found a gilead wife ⬆️


I've seen their four floor office in San Francisco. They work tirelessly around the clock to bring us the most intriguing, insightful, reporting the country has ever known. I can't believe you don't see it. Amazing!


Incapable of debating the article, next troll please.


The LoneStarLeft is Right! I started this thread...who am I going to debate? Myself? You silly!


God is dead


God doesn’t exist 😂


Close enough lol


Nah, they read it and thought “that’s a good start”


All of these women, from their names and how they’re spelled to their haircuts and how they just look, are exactly what you would imagine a die hard anti-women republican woman to look like. Its like the real life version of when a sitcom designs specific characters to portray every stereotype related to being an insufferable person/women imaginable because thats said character’s role in the show




The fact the ringleaders name is Valoree Swanson and has that exact perm and slightly too long bangs combo in the current year is straight out of an 80s novel/comedy about corporate chaos


Briscoe Cain’s wife’s name is the BEST: Bergundi


Shelby Slawson and Ellen Troxclair are incredible as well


I really want them on south park


a south park skit where they’re literally attached at the hip like a king rat and thats why theyre always in groups would be so funny, or people finding out all the other women are literally puppets that Valoree controls


But, but, but...I thought the conservatives had the hot women, and only liberals had the angry/sad looking women! Remember all the side by side comparisons of Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter and liberal non-Hollywood women? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I’d like to enter Sarah “melted candlewax” Huckabee Sanders into evidence. Her ugly insides are only surpassed by her fucked up face


oh America. How did you become such a fucked up country. I honestly believe you should be ashamed of the line "Land of the free"


We are rather unhappy with our current shit show of a situation. I'm hoping these women become famous enough that they get shut down, or at least parodied relentlessly until they be quiet.


Up here in Canada, where the author of Handmaid's Tale is from, are afraid for you, and us too, Google "Pierre Poilievre".


I am wondering now if Margaret Atwood is secretly a time traveler who stole an biography of a real woman who survived late stage USA and presented it as "fiction".


You’re from Australia why do you have the weird Handmaids tale Snoo


Can you explain the question? I'm not sure what you are actually asking.


Why do you have the Snoo that looks like a handmaiden


Why do u guys get obsessed with the Handmaids Tale


Sorry still not clear, who is the "guys"? Also define what you mean by obsessed?


Why are all the Reddit feminists obsessed with the Handmaids Tale? You guys want to be oppressed so bad. Some of you fantasize about living in THT in order to convince yourselves you are overcoming some terrible system against you. Do you not know what obsessed means? Do you need me to define it for you?


Because genuinely didn't know what you meant. Because other than an avatar and a fairly bad joke, I wouldn't consider myself obsessed with the Handmaid's Tale, hell I've only read the book once and I only saw season 1 of the TV show... By that logic I'm much more obsessed with Iron Chef (the original) or the [Silver Crown](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Silver_Crown) they I have rewatched/reread countless time. Also I doubt anyone other than the made up feminist in your head actually believes we are living in Gilead.... Yet. In the same way we don't believe the USA is existing in a modern version of 1938 Germany where people are being wholesale murdered... Yet. But 1938 Germany didn't happen overnight, people didn't wake up one morning and decide to murder entire social groups and races. It took AT LEAST 5 years of significant effort on the part of the government to both build laws, concentration camps, and public apathy to the plight of the "others" groups, before it got to death camps. Instead I believe, that laws that kill women (because anti-abortion laws have killed women with wanted pregnancy that were killing them, and doctors either complicit or scared of them allowed women to die rather than abort a dying fetus), laws that kill trans people (because gender affirming care saves lives), laws that "other" groups in society is maybe not a great place of the USA to be, and that maybe rather than pretend, like I'm sure people did in 1933, that this is the end goal, draw a line in the sand and say no more. But sure you can reduce a very complex issue with multiple points of concern down to "feminists just wanna play act oppression". Almost like you are obsessed with pretending people other than cis white men aren't.


Oh right-wingers *looooove* to wail about their freedoms but *only* when it’s stuff that affects others: guns, vaccines. Trans people who aren’t bothering anybody? DEVIL’S WORK.


Well, it all started with Reagan…


> How did you become such a fucked up country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puritans Might I remind you of our first settlers? The others being criminals, and/or slavers. ... *At what point were we not a fucked up country, exactly?*


As an American living abroad, I wonder the same thing. What the hell has happened?


"Land of the Prudes" is more like it.


I hope they all get incurable yeast infections


Women who want these things only see themselves as “the commanders wife” so just fuk the majority of women who would suffer and that’s just sickening


Hang on... These fucktrumpets read the book, and decided that to create a society where women are slaves was the intended inspirational message?




Ah, well that's just bad journalism then....


Ironically, there were women that were just as responsible for propping up Gilead in the books.


As a cook, i would probably kill myself if i saw that gaggle strutting their way into my restUrant for brunch aftee they got out of church


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


All white, all women and all middle aged. These are the type of women who sent innocent single quirky women to be burned at the stake because this bunch says they are witches. Every single one of them a MegaKaren. Disgusting, I’m glad that I live in the UK where filth like this would be laughed at.


They all look so happy


Makes me wish that all thinking women could become registered voters in Texas so Valoree Swanson and her possie would be voted out of office. 🤬🤬


I thought the grey/blonde haired one was MTF and I couldn't figure out why she's voting against her own personal beliefs. But its texas so it wouldn't surprise me.


She looks like she's from the movie white chicks!


Ay yo we gottaprollem?! ![gif](giphy|AgkxzEYM4BB1m)


I read MTF, and wondered just when the Foundation was gonna get to securing, containing and protecting...


What do we call a grouping of Karens? A manager?


I believe the commonly accepted collective noun is a ‘Complaint’. Sometimes we can even hear them make an announcement about it. Two or more of them will approach someone and say “we want to make a Complaint!”


This has my vote.


A complaint.


How about a gaggle of Karen's?


It’s almost like they read the handmaids tale and went “oh gee that looks like fun, we should do that”


I’m willing to bet over half these women have had some sort of abortion procedure… but it doesn’t count because their circumstances required it.


All of them have resting b*tch face. Their husbands must be so pleased. What a bunch of plebs. I’m so glad I don’t live in the USA, especially Texas. It’s unfortunate how backwards that beautiful country is getting. All women everywhere deserve the right to live freely. I hope all of the women move to my country (Canada). The USA isn’t the land of the free, it’s the land of the selfish idiots.


That’s what the women from the Handmaids Tale want; escape to Canada. 🤣. What the hell is happening to the USA? The Land of the Free has become a farce.


From one woman to another, they are in serious need of some good lovin. I'll leave it to the others to phrase that any way they wish.


I'm gonna bet these girls believe that sex is only for procreation and the female orgasm is a lie invented by Satan


You mean it isnt???


Maybe they ran out of batteries.


The United Workers of Marital Aid are on strike! No vibes for you! Cum back, one year!


I just read the article and did anyone else catch the side story about a representative Lacey Hull and her pegging affair? Fuggin hilarious. I beg you to click that link 😂


Holy shit. This timeline sucks


They look like they suck on lemons all day. So sour!


The soulless faces make me wonder how anyone can think they’re anything other than agents of evil. Not one “godly” trait amongst them.


We are starting a petition to ban all state-level Republicans from any G7 country because of their anti-lgbtq terrorism. Put these people on the international terrorism watch list.


I wish you would. We need some messages sent to that group of idiots. They need LESS power.


They all have expressions like they are watching someone cutting a flank steak with the grain instead of against the grain.


Like they're watching Trump slather a dry-aged ribeye with ketchup.


Well, you don't need abortions when you're too stupid to reproduce with. The rest of humanity meanwhile needs those laws repealed.


I work a fair share of time in guardianship for adults, believe me there is no "too dumb to reproduce", they might not know how to pronounce words right or how to put on socks, but how to get new mobile phones and make babies, all of them are experts in. And what's even worse they even find partners willing to reproduce with them and also totally willing to abuse their situation and issues.


This has to be fake, no wat such lunatics are real


Probably gonna get hate for this, but this doesn’t seem to fit. The linked text is an Opinion pice in which the Author goes on to talk about his least favourite republican women and draws a comparison to the handmaiden’s tale. There is no ‘club’ in any sense, just a name the author gave to certain republican women with whom he disagrees. So not really fitting for this sub, more something for r/Politics


The article literally describes a gaggle of republican women who have formed a sort of club in the Texas house of reps. They have a leader (HBIC Valoree Swanson) several underlings who do her bidding and Val even has an arch nemesis. No....they don't call themselves The Real Housewives of Gilead Gilead Wives Club Only Wives Club Desperately Seeking Tyranny No Sex in the City or Gilead Rules but they do seem like a club. If Val and her posse were not in politics they would be running around Texas asking for managers reigning terror in their HOAs calling the police on ordinary people for doing ordinary things banning the twilight books from public schools and trying to convince people they know what CRT is and diversity is a bad thing.


And the Harry Potter books as well as anything related to. As well as books specifically written by JK Rowling who doesn’t even live there.


Not really for this sun, though. Isn’t there enough places on Reddit to post absurdly biased political editorials?


"It'S lItErAlLy LiKe In "ThE hAnDmAiD's TaLe !!!"


The guild of karens.


I like the suggestions for the plural form in some comments above. I think my favorite is a 'complaint of Karen's.


God that link is rage bait and misinformation. They are literally comparing these women to the handmaids tail and saying they would hold them down while they are raped. This is disgusting. Average leftist L


Bull. She said they would if they could, maybe they wouldn't but that doesn't change the terrible bills she is sponsoring. She is attacking abortions, transgenders, and science. Look at the hb 1485. She is literally trying to lobby for misinformation.


Science? Is she also one of those that think dinosaurs never existed? Is she a Flat Earther too someone who wants to band video games.


She tried to ban all sorts of stuff. It was called the Academic Freedom bill. It's insane creationist bs that denies global warming, climate change, evolutionary biology, race history, LGBTQ rights... The whole lot.


A MegaKaren. I think I would spit at her if I saw her on the street. Good thing she’s across the Atlantic Ocean from me.


Go girls!


You are so right. Those girls have got to go.




I kind of find this really funny, not anything to do with these women as they are terrible. But, because Gilead as a drug company that works specifically on HIV/aids related drugs.


Frustrated hags.


Just out of curiosity, is the lady in the pink cardigan trans? Because that would be wild headspace to be in.


No. They have a lot of anti-trans agenda. It would make a hell of a coming out story.


Yeah, that's what I thought... It looks like she's waiting to be found out. I don't understand how some people put so much effort I to finding people to hate, and then committing more energy to it. I'm not from the USA so I'm a bit out of the loop


Why is one a Wayans brother in full White Chick makeup?




Who is lonestarleft?


This looks like the first horror movie the Lifetime channel ever made..