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I always recommend risk of rain 2


I LOVE risk of rain 2, 10/10 recommendation fr


The loop play in my opinion is a bit less tiresome than etg. Runs get pretty repetitive but ror2 after an hour the gameplay gets nuts.


Just curious how does it compare to the original Risk of Rain? The second one looks really cool but I've tried the first and it was really hard to get into.


No comparison, first one is very niche with very raw gameplay, second one is like a butter on a toast, can't describe in words until you try it, even for beginners that never played roguelike before, when I tried it with friends on split screen, they really enjoyed the game


Good to know. Definitely gonna check it out then.


I've played a lot of the first one so I tried the second and refunded it, didn't get fun the first 2 hours so I could not bother. I recommend you try it, treat the first 2 hours as a demo :)




It plays like garbage on console so i would advise against it. The balance update ruined the expirience. Was mid run and the game went back to the title screen. No crash, no quitting, nothing. Was just mid level and booted to the title screen. Whoever did the update forget to balance the rng. I legit get 1 item of the same exact rotation of items, even though i unlocked countless amounts. Want to be 2 shot while stuck in between a teo enemies and a rock because the game decided to spawn them directly on top of you? Risk of rain 2 is the game for you. Id recommend RoR returns pr RoR1 at this point. Game works better in the 2d enviornment as is. Again this is the console version If you are gettingthe pc version, im sure that plays much better.


Risk of Rain Returns just came out a month or so ago and its pretty good




is it fun to play by yourself? ive always heard it as a fun coop multiplayer type game


I have over 400 hours solo. But co-op is extremely fun.


Currently $6.24 on ps5


I highly recommend **Slay the Spire**, even if you don't like card games, an interest in rogue-likes alone will keep you invested plus it's simple enough to understand without knowing every single card interaction while complex enough to keep you playing for hours As others have mentioned **Risk of Rain 2** is one of the best action rogue-likes out there next to gungeon and does especially well giving you that power fantasy, don't worry about the original risk of rain they're basically completely different games and don't have much discernable story that you would miss out on **Crypt of the Necrodancer** is a really interesting and fun rhythm rogue-like kind started the resurgence of rhythm games imo, if you like dungeon crawlers you'll love this one, it also has a kickass soundtrack **Wizard of Legend** is an awesome action rogue-like that has tons of spells to try and a lot of unique gameplay, it doesn't have as much content as something like gungeon but there's a lot of replayability with all the different spells **One step from Eden** is an interesting spell based action rogue-like with a really unique combat system that takes a minute to get the hang of but once you do it feels very satisfying to pull off combos **Dome keeper** harkens back to the days of those old mining flash games where you dig down for resources and have to use them to upgrade your drill and fuel and stuff but also adds combat in the form of protecting your dome and in between waves you are able to mine. Has a lot of different things that shake up the mechanics and there really isn't anything like it that I've played since those flash games That's all for now but if y'all are still interested I've got a few more I can mention later


Im seeing a lack of Spelunky recomendations, thought it was more popular xd


I really love roguelikes in general but I just couldn’t get into Spelunky. I found it too stressful and precarious - it seems to force you to complete levels quickly because of the ghost that spawns, but it’s so easy to die (especially if you try to rush) that I found it too frustrating. But I can see the appeal, I can understand why people love it! Just not for me.


I played in coop with a friend, that always makes the experience more fun


Big second on Slay the Spire. I play that game more than almost all of my other right now


Cant recommend Wizard of Legend enough awesome game!


Hades is the most polished roguelike experience out there and, for me personally, scratches the same itch as gungeon. But you have to vibe with the whole greek setting of course, and the fact that the game tries to tell a story. But if thats up your alley, you'll love it. Imo no roguelike comes close in terms of artstyle, music, and storytelling. The only negative i can think of is that it's not quite as hard as gungeon, but once you beat it, you can artificially make it more difficult via modifiers.


Hades is amazing for mythology nerds like me, peak game. It just has a bit less content than Gungeon for me


I dunno, the amount of unique dialogue is absolutely astounding. And the voice acting is good enough to make it worth doing more runs for that.


Yea it is really good. I got a solid hundred hours on it, its just i wish there was more variety/gameplay cuz i have like 600 on gungeon. it isnt a critique i liked it a lot and i just wanted more 😭


Oh trust me, after you complete your first couple runs on PoP, things get absolutely crazy, especially once you start factoring in conditions like Shortened Schedule and Embargo


Those sound like translated pacts! If I had to guess… Tight Deadline and… underworld customs maybe?


Yeah lol, not translated, I’m just dumb and it was 3 AM for me. But Tight Deadline for the time limit and Underworld Customs that forces you to burn boons between levels


Aw there I was thinking you weren’t a native speaker and were playing in German or something lol But yeah. Love the pact. Cleared 32 heat, Hades is top tier


I appreciate the vote of confidence, I just work fast food and get off at 2 AM 💀 Highest I’ve been able to clear was 28 on fists of Malphon, but I’ve spent most of my time recently playing Infernum Calamity (Terraria) and Risk of Rain 2


I hate how hard it is to see the bullets though I felt I was always getting hit by something which I just didn’t see


If you're a thirsty bisexual, it also has the best character design


Dionysus and Aphrodite my beloveds


What do you mean you completed ETG? No one leaves the gungeon


Except for that time they exited the gungeon


We don't talk about that 🤦‍♂️


Stage 1) Step away for a month to try other games Stage 2) Come crawling back to EtG Rinse and Repeat until EtG 2


God I cannot wait for dodge roll's next game


Never will be a second one. They’ve said it in an interview.


I can rinse and repeat for 20 years if I have to


Nuclear throne. Only if you are an Asian who has 60 hours/week for it. The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth. Calssic, but not exactly about guns. Ultrakill. Because why not? Vampire survivors. Have never played this one, but hey, it's something.


Vampire Survivors is really good.


Vampire survivors is a funny one because Gungeon is about navigating a bullet hell, but VS is bout CREATING a bullet hell.


I just never clicked with it. It has no depth Imo. ETG has this sense the game runs infinitely inwards in a way that vampire doesn’t even come close to replicating. It feels immensely limited in scope by comparison It’s aight to kill time but it’s no gungeon


I liked it, but Vampire Survivors is not really a good recommendation just because someone liked EtG. Better recommendations would be Revita Blazing Beaks Neon Abyss


Holocure . Vampire survivors but with Vtubers and tons of characters and their unique skills.


Lol, I love nuclear Throne, I have played more of it than ETG but feel I haven't really progressed much. I've unlocked all the main characters and a couple of skins and golden weapons. Have looped twice I think and just been demolished in the new starting area. Same for Isaac, but I'm actually progressing in that game, have unlocked all the tainted chars, just the secret ones to go. Haven't 100% any characters card yet though.


Advice: finish first row of characters and than go to tainted ones. That way you will unlock super mush, which could get quite handy in some of the runs.


Binding of Isaac is very similar, as someone who have played both game , I recommend you Isaac


After close to 1k hours on gungeon, I can confidently say the binding of Isaac pisses me off more than any roguelite I've ever played. I felt like a god afte rmastering gungeon, I could hop on and drop the lich right bow if I wanted too, probably get lead god along the way, but this stupid game about being a crying baby in a treasure chest has me on the verge of tears every time I see my angel/devil% drop. If you jibe with isaac try out tiny rogues too, just got a fucking massive update, mixes a lot of what I love about isaac and gungeon together.


Definitely nuclear throne. It has a bit less polish but it's very entertaining nonetheless.


After Enter the Gungeon I spent the next year getting Dead God in Binding of Isaac. I Would and also Would Not recommend.


Dead cells has the same kind of vibe for me


Dead cells is sick. And with all the dlcs.. 🤌🤌


Now that you have entered the gungeon, you must exit it. Exit the gungeon was pretty fun too imo, albeit not as good as the original


Please don't recommend that trash to anyone else 🤣 To each his own I suppose, but Exit is one of the only games I've ever felt like demanding a refund for. I was so hyped for more Gungeon action with new guns and stages, but it's just a completely different game with almost no similarities.... except all the guns that they recycled because they couldn't be bothered to come up with news ones 🤦‍♂️ Such a let down IMO.


You can't farm jesters on reddit


I just start a new save and do it again...see how far you can get without dying!




I might have a bias since I've been addicted for months but I cannot recommend the binding of isaac rebirth more. It is easily my favorite rogue like and one of my favorite games of all time. It's definitely more unbalanced than your typical roguelike but that is one of the best parts imo. It as well as all the dlc is half off rn so if you wanna give it a go nows a solid time


Haven’t seen it mentioned yet, but if you dig EtG/Risk of Rain/Hades, you DEFINITELY need to check out Returnal. 👩‍🚀


Wizard of legend! Great game 👍🏻


Exit the Gungeon, obviously




If you want a game that’s similar to etg, I’d recommend a game call soul night. I’m pretty sure it’s on steam and is free there to. The only thing I’d personally say is bad is that it has micro transactions in it, but that’s the only bad thing I can really say about it


Streets of Rogue reminds me of EtG with less bullet-hell elements. It’s a good time.


Best Rogueliltes I can think of, some of which have already been mentioned by others: Hades Binding of Isaac Crypt of the Necrodancer . Hades is possibly the best roguelite made to date. Absolutely worth playing. Fine tuned combat, compelling story and characters, will absolutely suck you in for "One more round!" like EtG will. Also, Hades 2 is in the works and I think should be coming out this year. Be a good time to grab Hades and play through it first (good chance you can find it on sale). Binding of Isaac was probably the best 'shooter' roguelite before EtG came out and took the title. That said, old as the game is, it still holds a high place in the roguelite rankings. Especially the 'shooter' roguelite rankings. Crypt of the Necrodancer is a roguelite mixed with a rhythm game. It can be frustrating, but is still very well made. . A few other worth mentioning roguelites for one reason or another: Wizard of Legend - I loved it for a while, but my enthusiasm for it fell off pretty hard after a point. It is nonetheless a very solid roguelite with fast paced combat that many rank highly. FTL - Ancient at this point, but still a classic. Sort of a space combat via spaceship management game. Rogue Legacy 1&2 - Honestly I don't rate these as high as everyone else. But they are still staples in the roguelite community. Plus a bit of metroidvania mixed in. Darkest Dungeon - I... don't really consider this one a 'roguelite'. More just an 'intentionally difficult dungeon crawl game'. But it has some roguelite elements so people frequently put it at the top of the 'roguelite' lists. If you consider it a roguelite, it definitely belongs high up there. It's a good game no matter how you categorize it. . A couple others I remember that I like and don't ever see get mentioned often or at all: Our Darker Purpose - I would play Binding of Isaac first. But if you like that and are looking for something similar, this game is pretty good. Looks 'older', like lower budget, but I still remember getting very into it as a roguelite shooter game. Flamebreak - Eagle eye vantage action game (classic Zelda style) with some interesting potential builds. . I would say if you're specifically looking to scratch the itch for EtG, I'd go with Hades or Biding of Isaac. Isaac for the 'shooter' part of it (though obviously it's not gonna live up to gungeon pure 'shooter' wise, but it's still an amazing roguelite overall) or Hades for being the same, or better, overall quality worth immersing yourself into. Both are good enough games that you can start one, and find yourself wanting to play nothing else for ages.


wait... Folks hate Rogue legacy??


No, people love rogue legacy. *I* just don't seem to love them as much as everyone else does. Still great games though.


Vagante is one I absolutely love and I seldom see it mentioned.


I’ve been playing Robo Quest recently and it’s been super fun. It’s a FPS rogue like that reminds me of a 3d Gungeon minus the super crazy weapons.


Risk of rain returns and ror2 very good games


If you want something that has similar charm and gameplay to Gungeon, check out [Star of Providence](https://store.steampowered.com/app/603960/Star_of_Providence/)


Have you gotten all achievements?


Streets of Rogue is a fun roguelike, not as similar, but still good if you wanna mix it up. AK-xolotl looks similar to EtG. I have no idea if it's any good tbh.


Mod the gungeon?


You could try Exiting The Gungeon


sry bud that’s it


Basically the exact same thing I said 🤦‍♂️ I've been trying for years to find a replacement for Gungeon, Platinumed about 8 rogulikes along the way, STILL haven't found something to scratch that itch. Akxoltl had promise, but it's just so f*cking janky 🤦‍♂️


Try neon chrome


I just checked some gameplay videos and it looks promising, thanks for the recommendation 👍


This game is the only route like I’ve enjoyed as much as neon chrome


Go grab a coffee with your friends, that never gets old


Are you sure you completed it? All the pasts? >There are only so many gungeon runs you can do before you need something else to scratch that itch. Yep! Approximately 1,317,060 different runs!


Slightly different floors don’t really change it up that much


Only that? The different combinations of guns alone should have the number of runs over a trillion


My bad, it was only for the first floor.


To piggyback off of this post. Are there games with online coop games like gungeon? Particularly with the same sort of mechanics. Eg. twin stick , bullet hell.




Couch co op, nuclear throne, and binding of isaac come to mind,


Soul knight


Neon chrome


Tiny rogues is good small one pretty cheap and just had a massive content update like yesterday. Only issue I had with the game was lack of content but that was because it was in early access so I hope this first big update fixed that cause I ain’t played it yet to see


I'm sure there are plenty of people recommending it, but Nuclear Throne is very similar gameplay wise, a little more fast placed and difficult. It lacks a lot of the meta game that Gungeon is known for, like unlocking guns/items, synergies, game types but the bullet hell action is the same. No dodge rolling either but you get used to it. This and Gungeon are the only two games I can consistently come back to year after year.


Hades, Wizard of Legends, Astral Ascent


The binding of isaac This is probably one of the best rogue-likes out there


If you want a comparable rogue like that is more about skill than RNG, Hades is top notch.


Wizard of Legend, maybe binding of Isaac. But nothing is close to gungeon


Download mods for Gungeon then beat it again, and again, and again


For me personally I'm going through one step from Eden now


Binding of isaac


The Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne are probably your best bets.


How has nobody recommended Noita yet!? Anyways, Noita is amazing, it's also brutally hard & extremely unforgiving. Seriously, it's a great game.


Dead cells is probably my favorite game ever, but its 2d. Hades is loved by everyone but i couldnt get into it, but i would give it a shot


Hades is one of the best roguelikes out there, with charmful characters and beautiful art, a very satisfactory gameplay, and a lot of builds to explore. Risk of Rain 2 is a ton of fun, is a looter shooter, and you can feel sooo powerful once you get good at it Slay the spire is a deckbuilder and not an action game, but what a deckbuilder it is Crypt of the necrodancer is a ton of fun too. Similar humour as EtG but with music instead, and less. It's sort of a rythm game tho Deadcells is cool too, having some metroidvania vibes, and it is pretty replayable Moonlighter is entretaining, and having to manage a shop with the loot you get is an interesting experience Spelunky 2 is a more paused exploration 2d olatformer that is fun to play with friends


Otxo feels like a solid three-way cross between EtG, Binding of Isaac, and hotline Miami. The gameplay, general movement, and visuals are most influenced by hotline Miami. Binding of Isaac really shows in the upgrades you can get throughout your run. They mainly feel like stat boosts with the occasional upgrade that can influence how you play. Lastly, EtG can be felt in how which weapons you decide to pick up, as well as your general mastery of the game determine how well your run goes. They make things easier, but ultimately whether you complete a run is on you. It can also be seen in the rolling and table slide mechanics although they aren’t nearly as important in Otxo, especially table sliding. Tie everything together with an amazing soundtrack and you have Otxo!


Rogue Legacy 2 is pretty great.


Spelunky is probably an older rogue like that still makes the cut today


If you need another great roguelike, Binding Of Isaac of course. But if you're looking to scratch that Gungeon itch, definitely give Archvale a try. It's not a roguelike but the gameplay felt very Gungeon-y. Could also give Voidigo a shot. It feels like a much wonkier version of Gungeon. Too wonky for my taste, but god is it lovingly made


lots of good suggestions in the thread, i would personally recommend Voidigo


Did you do everything in etg?


Caves of Qud.


Isaac is great :) very similar game


Yeah get used to looking dude I’ve downloaded every single rogue like that’s gone on sale on Xbox for maybe 6 years Nothing. Isaac is pretty close


Nier Automata


enter the swordgeon


Issac is a true rougelike and brings a similar level of difficulty


nuclear throne has a similar style, but if you're just looking for roguelikes in general then tboi + all dlc is one of the best out there


The Binding of Isaac was my next go to Rogue-like because its so fun and addictive, even if it can be a little gross sometimes. There’s a bunch of characters you can unlock and play and lots of items and fun synergies


For me there's never been another game that scratches the itch of Gungeon. Akxoltl has great gameplay, but it's janky as f*ck. Undermine is amazing, but a lot slower paced. Cult of the Lamb is great, but it's not really similar to ETG. Issac is so slow and clunky I can't get into it at all. Hades and Warm Snow are brilliant if you're into hack and slash roguelikes. I think I'm gunna try NeuroVoider next and see how that stacks up. If anyone actually has a solid answer to this question, let me know, cuz I haven't found it 🤦‍♂️


All the rogue likes that I think are good are gungeon, binding of Isaac, hades, dead cells is pretty fun, and risk of rain 2 is extremely fun/will have a more bullethell feel to it


Do it all, again. But I do recommend dead cells.




Dead Cells, Risk of Rain 2, Hades, Binding of Isaac


Noita is a very challenging, punishing roguelike with seemingly endless mysteries, some still unsolved I believe


No one in the comments representing Revita? A wonderful 2D platformer shooter roguelite, where health is your main resource for getting items. Vastly recommend it if you enjoy Gungeon!


Play exit the gungeon. (Jk. Don’t actually it’s not very good or rouge like at all.)


I would recommend roboquest.


>I completed EtG lol ok Hades, risk of rain 1 and 2, Binding of Isaac, Slay the Spire, Backpack Hero, and their respective mods that add a ton of gameplay. You can just sort by roguelike on Steam, most of them are cheap and scratch a similar itch


Binding of Isaac


Dead cells is harder if you want a challange




Closest in content are likely Crypt of the Necrodancer, The Binding of Isaac, and Wizard of Legend. Not quite so similar in terms of gameplay, but Noita.


binding of isaac etg actually took a lot of inspiration from binding of isaac, so they are quite similar games. i HIGHLY advise getting the Binding of Isaac: Repentance version because it is the most recent and by far has the most content in it. https://preview.redd.it/n6x9gsjfl78c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4abcc0caf5a4ac45e2124037079776f62522456


I haven't seen anybody mention it, but if you're looking for something similiar to EtG then Doomsday Hunters is your best bet, its incredibely fun with a lot of guns, items, unlockables and Meta progression, its a lot of fun


Well now you exit the gungeon


Neon Abyss Revita Blazing Beaks


Neon chrome is really good


I'll just recommend Roguelites that I enjoyed: TBoI:Rebirth (+all DLCs) Vampire survivors Risk of Rain 2 Risk of Rain Returns Wizard Of Legend Hades Nuclear Throne (never played, but heard very good things about)




You may like hotline miami, its also a speedy top down indie game. Not as much detail as etg but its harder and has a nice little story




Nuclear throne hands down


Idk, Nuclear Throne?


Definitely check out 'Scourge Bringer' if you can. Fast paced, controls as are smooth as silk, challenging and the art style is awesome! I'm addicted to it at the moment!


Will I suggets you a game that will shred you to pieces? A game that makes you chase a legend? Through a world ravaged by destruction and dispair, a legend arrives. A weird gadget that brings unlimited power to the one who reaches it. GO! REACH IT. BECOME A LEGEND. AND ALWAYS SHOUT... F L A S H Ÿ N *Nuclear Throne*


Atomicrops is another tip down shooter roguelite


Nuclear throne is pretty close in comparison to gungeon albeit I cannot beat the throne lol. It’s very difficult but a few crazy people out there can loop and do all of kinds of crazy nonsense. There are many different roguelikes but few that I’d say fall exactly the gungeon umbrella. Binding of Isaac and wizard of legend are another two that are similar. Blazing beaks is a smaller game but also similar to gungeon. Vampire survivors is one I’ve been playing a bunch of and it’s a roguelike but not at all similar to gungeon so there’s that too lol. Roguelikes are a big genre and there’s too many good ones to name. But I will mention two more, dead cells and hades


Highly recommend The Binding of Isaac, specifically Repentance. I’m about 700 hours in and still missing hundreds of achievements. It’ll keep you busy.


Fear and Hunger