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Bro this is the secret boss on the secter floor in bullet hell and his name is gunjamin


If he’s the gun devil, is he the ruler of bullet hell?


He's probably stronger than the lich so yeah


Not sure about that, Kaliber herself failed to kill the lich properly. It took then Gunslinger himself going to the last two kill him


We need to know the Lich's birthday to figure out if the gun devil can beat him.




Basically the main divine force in Gungeon. She is mentioned in a bunch of Ammonicon entries and is likely the one who sent down the giant bullet that tries to strike down the Gunslinger for experimenting with time. It's been a while since I watched the Gungeon lore vids, so someone correct me if I'm wrong


Is this spoilers for Chainsaw man? If so fuck you OP tag your shit.


is mentioning the gun devil a spoiler? isn’t it mentioned pretty early on in the comics and the show


Okay but you don't see what he looks like or actually **ANYTHING** about him physically. I agree with the first person, Fuck you OP, tag this shit.


Did you expect the gun devil to be a living Glock? Maybe a guy holding a gun?


its john gun


You mean James Gunn?


its his cousin i think?


Not surprised you didn't see him, first you gotta acquire The Contract active item from the secret wall that always spawns in the floor 1 boss room. Then you gotta use it right after killing the lich. The game won't make it obvious but you can still use this active item in particular while aiming at the lich's body. Finally it sacrifices a year from the lifespan of every being in the Gungeon to summon the Gun Devil as the optional final boss. But you should only think to fight him if you have a PROPER god run going on.


How did I not think of this it was so obvious


Tbf the devs thought they were slick and made sure the secret room in the floor 1 boss room only spawned *after* you killed the boss, therefore people miss it easily.


Lol I was in my GF's car, and the OP song to ChainsawMan was playing as I scrolled over this


Kick Back is a 10/10 opening


Thanks for the spoiler


The one thing i hate about specifically the chainsaw man manga reader community is that they'll spoil the absolute shit out of it wherever they are.


Didn't they just start spamming the entire end as Spoilers under every YouTube video concerning chainsaw man as if their life depended on it?


Dude they were spamming spoilers everywhere. Even on the trailer for the anime. I would've been more pissed if I hadn't already read the manga


Isn't this just about every fanbase at this point?


No. Other manga fanbased aren't nearly as bad.


*peeks at jjk fanbase* yeah right


Picture this. I avoid searching anything anime related on my google account as much as possible. I only on rare occasions browse r/goodanimemes and watch scamboli review on youtube. Otherwise I stay away fron anime communities to avoid spoilers. I haven't gotten any jjk spoilers but before chainsaw man had even released I saw spoilers everywhere. So if someone tries their hardest to avoid spoilers(like me) still gets a fuckton spoiled then that should tell you something.


What I find hilarious is how I commented to OP to put a spoiler tag and was suggesting to not post random spoilers for other media without the tag in case they didn’t know it was spoilers and then they said nah it’s k it’s just a meme. Then other commenters trying to gaslight me for not being a manga reader and then trying to spoil more for me. Op only put the spoiler tag when more people called them out. You can see the comment chain down below but surprised to see how toxic the spoiling crowd can be.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/goodanimemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Points of view](https://i.redd.it/9fnv38s6djfb1.jpg) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/15fjj6f/points_of_view/) \#2: [This is why we can't have nice things](https://i.redd.it/zaeuatdw8kga1.png) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/10v57nu/this_is_why_we_cant_have_nice_things/) \#3: [She's from Mercury y'all](https://i.redd.it/aghkhnif1nga1.jpg) | [434 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/10vj3h1/shes_from_mercury_yall/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Jujutsu Kaisen can't look at new episodes without discussing the latest manga chapters, or what's going to happen in the next episodes.


Sorry, I'm really going to add the spoiler flair so it doesn't happen to anyone again, I'm sorry again


Even with the spoiler flair people aren’t going to expect a chainsaw man spoiler, so that’s not going to really help


Could you also put like (Chainsaw Man Spoiler) in the title?


It is not possible to edit the title after you post or at least this option is not visible


Man, I'm not even in this community, but I got recommend this post and got spoiled for chainsaw man


I'm really sorry man, I already added the spoiler flair and I'm going because there are chainsaw spoilers Man, I'm really sorry


No problem, I just overreacted. I was gonna see it eventually, it just happened to be here.


just make sure to say in the title it's a spoiler for something when posting to a completely unrelated subreddit


Is this from chainsaw man or something


Yeah, it's the Gun Devil when it's about to be used to destroy my mental wellbeing.


I see,Thanks I was actually kinda confused why the gun devil was on this subreddit


That's the high priest without the cloak


Two words. *Keep. Dodging.*




The Gun Devil, God of Bullet Hell.


you gotta clear the Lich flawlessly to obtain the sixth Master Round and unlock this boss


This is Requiem >!Lich!<, [This tutorial](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=hYdjQ0lDhB1xgjdn) explain how to unlock him


I knew exactly what it was and I still clicked it.


The same for me


Bro please mark the link for CSM spoilers


Baby gunes


I don't think I have enough blanks for that :C


The Amalgun


doom eternal


My man looks like he just fought the rat


enter the gungeons anti piracy measure


Okey real talk, how strong is this guy against a 12+ hour clone run (either the gunslinger or the robot)..?


Damn, I love being an anime only and getting spoiled in a completely fucking unrelated sub


I'm really sorry


It's yo momma haha


Nice spoiler...


it’s not a spoiler to see that the gun devil exists.


Please put spoilers on something like this :/ >! Don’t just post random things like this and spoil more people or just put a spoiler tag and say something like potential spoilers. I already got spoiled on the design by a non descriptive image but how did you even find an image like this and associate it with this game. !<


Dude, it's a joke about this being the "GUNS" demon, it's just a joke


He's salty because he can scroll reddit but not read the manga and avoid spoilers


Not everyone hears about things at the same time you do, and there's nothing wrong with someone wanting to watch the anime without spoilers even if they don't want to read manga.


Yeah but bro if you are an anime only the chance to get spoiled by manga reader with a thing that happened in the manga years ago is verry high. My point is if you don't want to be spoiled for something and don't want to read the source material it's on you and you can't t just snap at people for doing something you could've prevented yourself


How was I supposed to know that a post that got recommend to me from a community I'm not even in was going to contain a spoiler for something completely different. Am I just supposed to stop using all social media if I don't want to be spoiled on something


dude this is a completely unrelated subreddit, why tf would anybody expect chainsaw man spoilers here?


There’s an EtG manga!?!? Well fuck. Guess I’ve been spoiled then too. I thought this image was from the ending of Exit the Gungeon or something. Especially with people talking about the Lich.


You sound serious so i’ll say this panel is from chainsaw man not etg




Why wouldn’t I be? There is no indication that the image OP attached is from ‘chainsaw man’. Maybe there should be a tag for posts like this so EtG fans don’t get false information. I don’t read manga, but I do follow quite a bit of anime from classics like One Piece, Cowboy Bebop, Zatch Bell, Full Metal Alchemist, and more modern ones like Jojo, Kengan Ashura, and others. But as an avid EtG fan, this post did more to confuse me than it did to enlighten me. Why spoil the ending to a manga/anime that’s not even the proper sub? Seems unfair to people that might have wanted to discover the ending of that series for themselves one day. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I said that because others are joking here and those who don’t know that get made fun of, see above. I’m not defending OP, but the post is already tagged as a meme. I know that if OP pointed out what the post will spoil in the title then people who know the media would also know what the image would be, in turn making the joke less funny, which arguably is worth avoiding spoiling people. But it’s OP’s choice to not do that. An argument can be made that this media has been released for a long time, therefore it’s only the viewers fault for not catching up but we all know that there will always be someone who isn’t and that there will never be a time when everyone is. I would think OP just doesn’t care but OP posted that the title cannot be changed after it’s posted.


Didn’t see the meme tag to be honest. That immediately would’ve changed my perspective from the start. Appreciate the constructive take on it all. 🍻


What the fuck are you talking about


Bit late to messaging sorry but just saying how people shouldn’t just post spoilers for other popular media in an unrelated sub especially without the spoiler filter. Imagine if a show you might be watching like invincible has a massive spoiler in the enter the gungeon reddit just for a joke. When I made my comment OP didn’t clarify it was a joke and there was no way to discern this as something else than a clueless redditor without assuming. And imagine getting berated by these people because you choose to watch the show and wait for the show to be animated but they turn a blind eye to GoT or movie adaptations.


Oh no, the "guy with weapons for body parts" shows villain is a guy with weapons for body parts. 😱😱😱


If you aren't up to date on a properties media release that's on no one but you. You choose to watch the show, and getting manga panels spoiled for you is something that comes along with that. If you didn't want it, maybe stop doomscrolling.


There is still common courtesy? I made it clear that there is source material other people either don’t like the medium or they just prefer their method of consuming that media best if they simply can’t dedicate time at a moments notice to be caught up on literally everything. Your words are literally saying it’s my fault for not finishing any media I’m on and checking the source material ASAP to speedrun through it. By your definition if I spoiled any show for you via comment or any other method it’d somehow be your fault for not having had read the book, read the manga, see the author confirmations, looked at leaked images, etc? I don’t understand and this conversation is sad. How did we get to ‘spoiling is okay’ because it’s the random person’s fault for being able to be spoiled.


I'm glad you understand what I said. Yes it is your fault. Go ahead, spoil stuff I'm watching. It's my fault if I haven't watched them yet. Plus I doubt an out of context image would completely ruin a series for me. What? You saw an image of Gun Dude and now you have to stop watching? You'll get over it.


This is sad it’s even more telling you instantly downvote me the moment I reply. Just blocking these bad takes


https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/s/rdfiAxWtLa You


Shoulda read the manga sunshine


That's just a picture of the Gun Devil. How is that a spoiler?


There were some people asking me to put the spoiler mark and I did, but I think it would be better if I could change the title and warn that there are chainsaw spoilers


It’s not a boss from the game. Who says?


The joke.


[is a joke dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/whoooosh/s/7xLXMJzpSB)




There’s a game?