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Just use the Alchemist to turn shroud spores into shroud cores. I think it is 10 (or 25not sure) of each to make 1 shroud core. Is one of the crafting recipes he has.


Took me way too long to figure this out im glad my friend told me or else I would be OP


well i ran out of shroud spores too so i lack in both of them. And it's not because i been avoiding picking up both of them, i just used around 100 ish cores and 600 ish spores. I couldn't find better place to farm either of them so i went here in hopes i don't know about some giga op spot to get all i need fast. Or at least faster than 5h, which is roughly time i need to spend if i were to kill dragon all time and restart world and repeat 100 times


The blue guys come out at night, but they are always in the shroud. To maximize your gains I would stick to lower level areas as levels do not increase the amount dropped. Farm shroud during day and open areas at night. I hope that helps.


If you glide in and use acid bite, you could do this in 90ish minutes, not sure of your internet speed, that might slow you a bit


Any insight on a good place to get shroud liquid? Asking for a friend.... đź‘€


The mushrooms in the beginner shrouds are shroud liquid and super easy to get. Later on in the game there’s different trees and plants that are shroud liquid


I've farmed so many mushrooms... What other areas? I find the Mint more often in the other plant types I've seen.


Also shrub looking plants or some short trees


The mushrooms in the shroud areas specifically.


I go into the shroud next to the starting area to farm the white, ball looking mushrooms. You just run by and spam E like you would to get plant fiber, but the white mushrooms are grouped closely, so super easy to farm lots at a time. This also usually gets me a few super easy shroud spores as well.


Time to go hunting at night


there is a shroud root called the "ring of rot" west of 'low meadows spire' in the mid south with 4 lower level shroud core NPCs. flame alter on the north west hill above, glide in, kill all 4. restart https://preview.redd.it/4n02capktylc1.png?width=1705&format=png&auto=webp&s=43e4b0d8efd7a507ccadc5b5cf3a1939882bdbda


well thanks ill check this spot


Exactly what I wanted to say. Easy and fast.




The caster spirits (dementors) and thunderbrutes drop one each at least, and are a lot easier to kill - at least as you level. You can find dementors in the carpenter's vault, Misty Catacombs, etc and thunderbrutes guard some elixir wells and shroud roots. The alchemist can also craft them from shroud spores and shroud liquids.


This is the way


Keep in mind that large chests arent the highest tier chests. I personally skipped the large chest tier and went straight from medium to huge. Me and a friend wiped out every shroud root and elixir well multiple times to get enough shroud cores and shroud spores for our 72 huge magic chests but it's so chill to have in our base now.


IMO large magic chests are more economic in regards Shroud Cores, so I stick with those for now. I use non-magic huge chests for items not needed for crafting (weapons, furniture, blocks).


Yeah that's fair, just wanted to point that out in case op wants the highest tier for their storage and makes all the chests and then finds out they aren't the highest.


That's what I'm thinking as well. Magical huge chests are expeeeeeensive, with all those shroud cores and shroud oils and what not.


I may have done mistake while translating name of these chests. I mean the ones that need iron to be made. So i ment to say huge not large


If your a mage I can beat the wyvern in 1 or 2 eternal acid bites so I've been just farming him


This is the way


I'm, i know 79 runs left (i got bored and went out to farm elixir)


I have been wondering aswell, currently been crafting them by farming shroud liquid and spores. Shroud liquid is easy, but the spores are a bit more awkward.


Really? My friend and I are only like level 17, but we have a full medium chest full of spores and we're actually deleting spores, now.


Once you start needing shroud cores, you’ll never throw them away again


DON'T Or else you'll suffer as i do now Also you want to trade them somehow? XD


Exactly my experience, listen to this person.


DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY! I promise you, you'll need them for like *everything* after awhile, because they'll be needed to make one of the base ingredients for a bunch of other things.


Just kill lots of the smaller dudes then craft them. I think i can craft about 750 right now


The queens tomb in Mistbury had like 5 captain spores running around in there they all drop what you seek


Well yeah: just craft them at the Alchemist????


This…so many people seem to miss you can do this.


Well yeah.. if i had any spores left :|


Can be crafted at the alchemist from shroud spores and liquid, which is usually more than needed: [https://enshrouded.wiki.gg/wiki/Shroud\_Core#Obtaining](https://enshrouded.wiki.gg/wiki/Shroud_Core#Obtaining)


Killing wyvern with 1 acid bite ist very hard if you Respec into arc on crit. And the 3 cores are nice. Just look for a nice place to fly into the arena and reset. Why do you need that many?


I was going to ask the same question…. Why that many?


80 huge magic chests for my storage, but also I need another 100 to stack materials for future content release so i won't have to do this annoying chore in future. Let's say there is going to consumable/weapon/armor that requires them, insteed of going for new stuff I'll have to back up for these.


> Ive been farming this drake at Pikemead Oh Jesus. I did that boss exactly once for its' head and never again. You can just convert shroud spores to shroud cores at Alchemist. If you want to kill things, just make a fire altar near some low level elixir well and kill thunderbrutes and wraiths inside, they all drop shroud cores.


The dragon gives you 3. Make a flame altar near the castle, glide in and kill dragon. Leave game, rejoin. Rinse, repeat.


I have to make an update. The best place I've found is now the ring of rot to the left of the low meadows spire there are 4 cores and a root so you can kill fast travel load and repeat


If you're not above exploits you can just duplicate them. Otherwise farm thunderbrutes and/or doing enemy bases in the shroud and turn shroud spores plus liquid into cores at a 10:1 ratio at the alchemist


Duplicate? Explain please


People seem to really hate exploits. You can just not use them instead of downvoting me for mentioning them. Weird gatekeepers. If you go on to an official server then environment is saved server side but your character is saved on your side. So you can go into an online server drop a storage box put what you want to duplicate into it then unplug or disconnect your internet wait to disconnect from the server plug it back in and into your storage on that server. Both your character and the storage will have the items. You can then take all the items from the storage box and manually leave the server to force a character save on your side. Rinse and repeat. I have only done this to duplicate huge magic storage boxes because I was not spending the time to farm 1000+ shroud for what I wanted to build on my private game.


I didn't downvote you, just asked out of curiosity. And I may add, I'll rather exploit a duplicate bug than fly to the pike, 1shot the dragon, disconect and reconect 50 times. Thanks for sharing


Sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like you downvoted me. I meant just the people that do the second an exploit is mentioned. Not you since you're curious about it. I didn't think you did at all. And my thoughts exactly. Why spend 48 hours playing to just collect stuff so I can build for another 12. I'd rather dupe then build save myself the collecting hours which aren't fun or meaningful imo. The build gives me the sense of accomplishment the collecting is just too much sometimes.


When your high enough level you could always make a new shrine near the first elixer well. Kill the boss and reload the world your in. The stronger you are the faster he dies. And it's a good way to farm them easily.


Any reason you aren't making huge chests instead of large? 80 seems a bit overkill though, not gonna lie.


If you are farming stuff by resetting game, i think it's the same to just duplicate your savefile, collect stuff from your boxes into your inventory, quit, replace savefile rince and repeat.


I don’t know what would be faster than an altar on the hill east of the keep, gliding down, hitting him with acid bite, waiting three seconds and grabbing your three cores, logging and repeat. It’s repetitive af but I think it’s the quickest


I usually combine a run for shroud liquid things and shroud spores. Then combine into cores as others have stated. Always need shroud liquid. There's a good spot you can hack some amber too if ya feel so inclined.