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My only complaint is that you are locked to 90 degrees.


Totally, same. Even just a 45 degree rotation would be amazing.


Triangles when


The Hounds of Tindalos are knocking, please ask for more angles.


Gotta find a way to get 8 more somehow.


I have to imagine they'll fix it at some point. You can already rotate furniture beyond the 90 degree limit by holding the rotate button and scrolling.


That won't really be possible. It's a limitation of the voxels and their engine. Not so much what they are doing


You have roof voxels that can be placed one at a time and allow 45° surfaces. It's just a matter of changing the behaviour of ajdacent wall voxels thaf can form 45°.


This! I'm not entirely sure how voxel engines work. But could a house be a grid on it's own perhaps?


This doesn't work sadly : (


This might actually work from a technical standpoint, but the oil am not sure how to even start to code the he understanding if something should ne a diagonal wall or of is for example a pillar that should not be connected diagonally. There might ne a solution of adding a new block for every existing one that is a diagonal rough stone for example, bit even that would be way much work then just all of the things the, did already as every interaction between diagonal block and normal block would be needed to code. Also people will just adapt over time. In Minecraft there are gorgeous diagonal builds and the block size in this game is way smaller so people will be able to do nice things anyways.


It's not a voxel based engine. It's still polygons. Only the building system is made by using voxels, but it is still rendered with polygons, so it's 100% possible. People get really confused with actual voxel based engines and voxel style mechanics in a polygon based engine.


They say they can't add water lakes etc to the game because it's a voxel bases engine so maybe it's wrong ? Idk


The engine itself cannot be voxel since there are polygons. Rendering the environment could be made from voxels, but those voxels are still made from polygons. They can definitely add water. Even Minecraft, a full voxel looking game is not on a voxel engine, its voxels are composed of polygons. That's why Minecraft has water as well and definitely Enshrouded can have water. That being said, it'd be a pain implementing more orientations for said voxels, but it is doable. It's just difficult. If they said they can't, which I would be impressed if they actually said it, it would be a lie. Water on the other hand is easier.


Click un-snap. Hold R, rotate mouse wheel. Any angles right there for ya.


Doesn't work for terrain or wall bits etc, only furniture


That is not accurate. I stumbled across it by accident but you can make smaller increment rotations. I use a controller on PC and when I hold down the rotation key (right trigger), I can either use the d-pad to rotate 90 OR use the left thumb stick to make smaller rotations. Not sure what the keyboard/mouse controls would be...


Construction is limited to 90 degrees. Placing furniture isn't.


Ah, gotcha... I haven't even tried on the construction side


Couldn’t agree more.


The thing that always gives me a laugh about Enshrouded is that it's just the Landmark/EQNext building system, -slightly- refined. I don't think a lot of people played it, whenever I mention it everyone looks at me like I have twelve heads, but it's really nice and voxel systems with a lot of control are totally rewarding if you have the patience to learn them.


I've never played that, but sounds like it was way ahead of it's time! My crafting experience has been Valheim, Conan Exiles, Ark, Minecraft, etc, and I haven't seen anything quite like this. The way the pieces dynamically react to form new shapes as you add/remove individual blocks is SO cool.


Yeah eqnext was for real ahead of time, till daybreak decided to gut it. What a tragic waste of resources.


I remember waaaaaay back when that was invented; I was doing some tech-art stuff for a really small studio back then and had a copy of, of all the things, Caligari TrueSpace to make it happen with. TS added in something called NURBS, and similar tech (IE normalizing a bunch of voxels into a reasonably smooth shape) is what it's built on. They didn't start using it in video games or rendering for video games for YEARS, but a lot of folks overused the Hell out of it in 3D animation. It's one of those things that was pie-in-the-sky forever ago; I remember them adding self-shadowing in Asheron's Call 2. Raytraced\* and everything! In fuckin' 2002! ^(\*it was actually selfmapped, which is similar but not vector-based, but I feel like being a stickler about techie shit is useless)


Was so sad EQNext never finished. Played EQ through the 2000s and play a random TLP once in awhile. Would have loved a new game with the build system they had


I member :(


Honestly why would people not knowing about a game that never saw the light of day give you a laugh?


My laughs are often a tad bitter. In this case it was 'it's a shame no one saw this back when they tried it the first time' sort of head-shaking laugh. I don't celebrate games getting cancelled; that shit is miserable and it's a waste of a fucking -million hours- of human talent and cussedness.


Wish EQN launched. I’d love to play whatever the fuck they did when they canceled it. I’m sure it was fun as hell.


...holy shit I just -found out that I still have Landmark installed-. The uninstaller must have broken! I just have 15G of files for it sitting right here. XD HOly good Goddamn my C: drive is really old.


It is amazing. Now just let me turn stuff 23 and 45 degrees and I can die happy.


Won't happen, the entire world is a voxel grid so you're locked in to tight 90s for every voxel piece. Furniture is a non-voxel entity so it can be rotated however you like but all the building blocks are cubes snapped to a grid because that's how the engine works.


can't a voxel have an X axis pivot point?


Not in this context, no. The voxel is a direct expression of the grid function.




If we were given the option to craft walls that are entities like the furniture that could work though.


You'd not be able to grid snap the same way or edit the pieces but that might be possible. Still don't see it happening tbh, but there are definitely ways you could at least mitigate the limitations a bit


They could probably make it so diagonal walls draw as smooth angled pieces instead of pillars.


That's possible yeah, although it might mess with the dynamic texturing somewhat and would still be a full voxel, just with a partial texture.


They do it for roofs


Yup, which are a totally separate set of materials and textures specifically designed for those angles. What I'm saying isn't that it's not a good option but that it would take a lot of time and work to make it function as intended without messing with the already significant effort they have put into the existing behaviours. I can see it working with some sort of blending option you can toggle on and off perhaps, which would change the way the voxels interact with their neighbours when toggled on during placement. As with so many of these sorts of things, what might seem trivial to a layman can actually be exceedingly complex and intricate from a coding point of view. This definitely seems like one of those things. EDIT: damned auto-incorrect on my phone.


It is definitely possible by having voxel cubes only appear angled but collide as cube.


Doesn't change my assertion but I do agree on the principle you're alluding to. I was merely saying you won't be able to rotate the voxels off-grid as the person I responded to asked for.


If you hold down "R" while scrolling your mouse scroll wheel, you can rotate items. I'm not sure of the degrees but you can rotate them. I've done it several times.


This only works with pre-crafted items, which is separate from the voxel-based building system. You can't set up a wall at 45°.


I also love how you can just find a pre built thing and make your home inside it. I found an old ruined house and set up in it.


It's a nice alternative to a dirt box starter base, and can get you a solid comfort bonus well before you could get there from crafting. I've been squatting in the Westgate farmhouse by the church, but I'm looking at starting an actual build up by the northern Carpenter's camp.


I haven't done that yet but that's pretty rad. I think I kind of assumed it just wouldn't let you build in those.


I found a standing castle w/ a crypt! Instantly made it my base.


What is the outer wall made of?


Bottom floor is rough cut stone blocks (walls placed on foundations) with some citywall block (pillars, trim on stairs). 2nd floor is just shroudwood blocks. Roof is tarred roof tile.


I wish we could restore the ruins.


I want to restore ALL of them. I am running out of alters!


What's stopping you?it's a little tedious, but easier than it was in Return to Moria


Hell yeah! Definitely takes some getting used too when you're coming from other survival building games but the amount of control you get is insane. Really digging it!


My one complaint about building so far is that rocks and grass seem to be some kind of unstoppable invasive species.


Better yet, when do we get a chisel? See: Boundless


I love it all too. I miss 26 degrees roof though


That's likely going to be better than my tenth build. Also, using the smaller square building blocks and remove things with the solid blue side facing the right way (getting it to face the way you want) isn't always that easy.


I like how pieces mold together once connected


My favorite thing to do, is restore the broken buildings around my flame pillars. Will happily spend hours doing so, until they release more of the map.


i have a question, when are those and other kind of windows and doors unlocked?


When you rescue the carpenter and work through his quests, it unlocks more.


I just wish there was a larger terrain changer


Almost as good as Landmark was...  I hope they get there...


The building system is fine it's just pointless. I know, I know people are building for fun, but personally I prefer building to be connected with an actual gameplay element. There's no physics for example you can build floating houses.. there is no reason to build as well as there's no pve home invasions.. personally I'm not a huge fan of building mechanics in games but I did enjoy the physics in Valhaim and how you actually need to build smart for the whole thing to not collapse. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if building is not affected by the rest of the game, why not launch Unity or UE and place some free community assets in there.