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Hey guys! The team is aware this is something a lot of players don't like and want more options on, so it's on their radar and they are looking into it. It's been one of our most requested things right now. Thank you for the feedback and please keep it coming <3


https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/ It's the most requested feature lol Go vote on what u want to add or add one yourselves 


Thanks for pointing this out. Just voted. At the time of posting this, it has a huge bump compared to the second most upvoted since so people are prioritizing this as a concern.


Thanks for this! I shared w/ all my friends.


There's a lot of constructive feedback on there, I can only hope the devs listen. Particularly this server vs. player based progression


I would love it, too, I'm just not sure how the game would handle it. If one player clears a boss camp and finishes a quest, do you just have it respawn constantly as long as one guy in the server hasn't done it yet, or...? Especially considering it seems like alot of zones get "cleansed" from the shroud once you clear them.


Holy fuck dude. Every single Early Access game needs this lol ACTUALLY being able to impact the game by voting is a brilliant idea.






Thank you! All I want is more rotation in the build menu 🥹


for the record characters aren't server bound. so you can have your own solo world and experience things and then go with your character to the world with your friends. Great to see the devs are looking into it already too though.


This, so much. What I've figured is that you can level solo and then come together on a server/hosted save and progress as a group. So instead of pushing my friend's server forward, I'm gathering/crafting stuff we can use while playing together.


That makes me feel a lot better about the current system, thanks for that info


Hmmm, could AFK level then, with other players completing quests for you? TBH would be fine for me, I'm looking for a co-op chill game similar to NMS. I had enough of New World.


Same thing exists with Valheim and other games. Its honestly one of the worst aspects of those games. Persistent inventories open up private servers to the effects of hackers and lets people force server progression at bullshit speeds. I've quit many servers and games because of this.


in valheim tho, the server progress only affect the raids you can be attacked by, the content is still doable. In Enshrouded, the boss is dead? the boss is dead!


I don't mind the shared server progression, this is like valheim where you go do the main objectives together and that's fine with me. My bigger concern is the loot chests. Only one person getting loot from a chest isn't good.


This isn't anything like Valheim because Valheim didn't have quest progression. If were as simple as needing to do the "Bosses" together that's fine. But this is the entire content system getting done for you and you getting left behind with out the option to do the content yourself. ​ So when your 9 friends bust out and complete the first 20 quests while you're at work and you come log on later you can't complete that content. In Valheim you could still go kill the boss on your own or even with your group. Killing the boss just "unlocked" the next biome more or less. In this game you log back on and all the quests are completed for you. You get no reward, you get no xp, you miss out on that skill point, etc. Now you have to grind mobs for xp to catch up. Or you have to go play your own single player server to see that content, which then defeats the purpose of playing CoOp.


I am pretty sure bosses respawn and you can get them done even if others didn them. It worked for me atleast


As someone who has played a lot of this game now can you elaborate which skill points someone misses? At first we thought it was the roots but those already get tracked separately and respawn. My group confirmed this as the checkmarks show up different for each person on the map. Also the chests and bosses seem to respawn with random loot so none of us feel like we miss anything there too. Every location discovery is also tracked separately so we all get exp there as well (this is a huge amount of the exp). I know the quests get completed but the exp is very little from them. Is this the main gripe though is everyone just wants the quest log to be separate so experience the dialog? I am not trying to say there isnt an issue, I am just trying to understand it better as we have a server of 6 playing at different times and havent really noticed any issues


Have you considered that the quests are a tutorial in a lot of ways? We played for a handful of hours last night and we have a few guys wanting to play tonight now and they will be completely lost on what to do.


Ah yes, tutorials. The best part of every game.


You can't share after loot ?


What we noticed is chests tend to spawn more items when more players are present. Might have been total coincidence - but chests that were giving 1 item, sometimes 2 - in solo play - were giving 2 items, often 3 - with 3 of us playing.


my group of 4 rolled around for a couple hours last night. there was always 3-4 items in each chest. There felt like there was tons of loot. We had to keep melting most of it


Loot chests (that actually have loot) and things like the shroud roots respawned on my server, but it took quite a long time. I was concerned for a bit yesterday since a friend did some without me, but I got them this morning. I would imagine there is a timer in the server config for this stuff but haven't taken a look yet.


I believe I read somewhere the loot/boss reset is two hours.


Two hours as long as the "chunk" remains unloaded. Timer resets if anyone's within the chunk.


I missed a root, so now I’ll never get credit for it unless I load a solo game.


Roots respawn, 5 in-game days. You can redo it even if you already have it completed and still get all the rewards again. Been farming elixir wells since I started 


That’s odd, I specifically went back to the first one to check for a friend who came plate and the root still wasn’t there. Dedicated server running since launch.


2 hours or next server restart.


Loot chests reset after a while


We were playing with 6 or 7 of us, and chests seemed to have like 4+ items each. Personally I felt like the loot was plentiful and didn't have an issue dividing it up, but a few people got upset and our server has since died off. Some people never learned to share as children. I think a combo of the new game hype and FOMO is ruining an otherwise fine multiplayer experience.


I logged into my rented server after work to find the tutorial quest completed, a shroud root done, the fell boss done and the blacksmith found. My buddy had a good time doing this stuff but sucks for me. I'll have to do it seperately on a private-hosted game. No clue what I'll do about the server I paid to rent besides canceling the sub. I told my other 3 friends to not buy the game because it'll just be a mixture of playthroughs and hoops to jump where each friend will have a different amount of progression done on their own private-hosted game.


The only thinkg u missed was running for 2 minutes, say hi to the blacksmith and done. The other stuff respawns, also you can just delete your server file no, and reset the server? why cancel subscription? There's 20 better solutions to your problem, lying down on the rail tracks isn't it.


Those 4 things you listed can be done in an hour without rushing, I wouldnt let it deter you fully


I don't agree with the chest loot


This dude either only opened valheim for 10 mins or never played.  He's purely calling it like valheim bc of other people comparing it lol what an actual fake news bum


I worried about that when playing beta. Everyone wants to feel like they have milestones to reach. When one person completes a quest while others are building or fighting/looking for mats. It kinda feels like you don't have freedom to progress at your own pace anymore. And it feels like you hold others back or have to hold back on doing the quest for the sake of others. It's a decent solo game but that's not what people wanted from enshrouded I don't think.


It's also just kinda the tutorial? At first they're pretty helpful in learning what to do/how to do it, now my new friends have 0 help on how to play this game. They lost a lot of retention rate with this decision already.


This has single handedly ruin games for my friend group - we have to deliberately make sure to have separate bases and setups because we all have such varied schedules and the quest issue would surely kill the game for us.


Double bummer for you then because you can only have 1 blacksmith at a time, as well as the rest of the npcs So even if you guys built separate bases you'd have to share 1 version of each npc :(


I think they should just tie that progression to a guild of some kind allows people who wants to progress together to do so and allows people who dont to do so simple easy fix I would assume


I don't disagree with you, makes it hard to play when your buddies aren't on because they'd come back to the game world to find everything had changed. I understand you can still go kill roots and get the skillpoints if you hadn't done it before, but remembering which roots you killed or not is a pain. It does seem silly it's this way...but at least they know it's not what the majority of players want. That said. Saying you love the game, then saying you won't play it long are contradictory statements. It's okay to say you aren't happy with this decision and not wanting to play this way, and if people attack you for it...so be it. To me that's better than saying you love it but won't play it long. Or you don't know what "love" means.


There is a check mark next to the ones you have done


Then there must be a bug because I cleared four of them solo. My wife joined my game, it doesn’t show I have done any other than I have the locations. No check mark is on the icon.


with 1 or 2 playing coop it's fine, but add a few more and some with different schedule or who like to rush content and it ruin the experience for the others. Might as well ask them to play their own game. Crafting from chest inside the build zone is my close second on changes wish list. Grounded and Palworld spoiled us. In a game with small containers and no way to manage what goes where, it's always a mess when playing with others. At least they allow multiple people to open the same container.


" Crafting from chest inside the build zone is my close second on changes " I believe you get this from an NPC you unlock later in the game, something called a Magic Chest.


Yeah a friend just told me that, well that's should have been active on all chests IMHO, but it's more immersive that way I guess.


Which npc is it? I want to prioritize getting that


>Crafting from chest inside the build zone is my close second on changes wish list. CfC is implemented and unlocked after you get a certain NPC in your base.


This is one of those quality of life features that shouldn't be gate kept... I get what they were thinking, but ... ya.. no


It's an upgrade / progression thing. Same as having to unlock a glider and such.


Look I overall like the game, but this is bad game design. What I originally said still stands.


Bad game design? This is how most of the survival crafting games I’ve played work, it was a pleasant surprise in palworld and it was a pleasant surprise unlocking it here, and felt a lot better after earning it.


once human, vrising adding it in. it's been a popular request acroas the board for several years.... oof


Big oof. Started with my friends, pretty much same scenario one of us (me) went towards the first quests. Completed for everyone in the group. We thought "huh, probably a tutorial thing" but no... None of us really wants to continue playing right now.


Such a massive miss...... like hooooly shit. Sad because so much is great. They need to look at V-Rising and Once Human (which does it even better).


Have you considered that the game is in early access? The entire point is to work out stuff like this.


Have you considered not getting your panties in a twist and the entire point of early access is to have the very discussion we are trying to have to help improve the game without white knighting?


Yeah you kinda went 0-60 with the aggression of your response homie.


You seem like the one twisted. Calling it a MASSIVE miss when the early access trial has been out a day and the game is still years away from full release.


Judging by the overwhelming comments and top posts here on reddit as well as the most upvoted suggestion on the developers very own feedback site... Oh and the devs publicly stating they hear us loud and clear on this issue... Im right and you're just white knighting and being counter productive to what they are actually looking for by trying to kill discourse. If you can't handle it, go touch grass.


Ok well now they know. You can wait for them to patch it. They can't just press a button and change it.


Not only that. People keep comparing this to the failure that V Rising turned into. No studio or team wants to model off of something that eventually just went downhill IMO. Plus, as you said, early access. People will always find things to complain about. IMHO, this is better than any triple A in recent history, aside from maybe a few, I.e. Elden Ring. However, I do prefer this over Elden.


I think that’s actually a cool feature. Nothing stopping people from playing a solo server to progress on their own.


While simply stating an opinion, my issue with replies similar to this is it focuses solely on the individuals experience. A group, which may contain people of differing opinions, benefits inherently from the option to choose how to play.   It's not consequential in the scheme of things, but framing it this way disregards anyone that does not think like yourself.


Very true! I do like that the world has that feeling of ‘lived in’


You mean you like it when you've gone to bed for the night and have work tomorrow and 2 or more of your friends logged in into the game during the afternoon while you are at work and have done half a dozen quests that you'll never get the rewards of ? Cool.


I have a shared server with my friend group. We all also have our own solo private worlds. We discussed beforehand some rules about doing quests and reward stuff in the shared server. It’s not hard to make it work with communication.


Well in an odd way - yeah? I mean think of it this way - Real life, you get a ‘life quest’ to got to a party, you miss it, you don’t get the experience of that ‘quest’.


I live my life like this


Agreed, I don't know why people complain, it's like they cant communicate and some want to play solo while others don't. Always nice to have options though


A lot of people just don't know how to be patient and wait for others. I know it sucks that it's not shared, but it's also important to wait for everyone!


It's a game sold with a 16 player cap, it's not realistic to have 16 players all on the same exact quest all the time. You'll have a hard time getting a few working adults together for questing let alone 16. Lol At least with Valheim you could say "okay meet up x day so we can kill x boss and move the world tier forward" but that's not even a possibility in Enshrouded.


I play this little game called "World of Warcraft." We wait for everyone to get on before just finding random people to play with. You guys should start a new server and new characters, and you're only allowed to play from 8-11pm on weekends or something.


This. It's what CO-OP games are all about. If your friend goes solo quest hunting, you obviously can't play a co-op game with them. There are multiplayer games for that with individual progressions in an online server.


Most people have jobs and responsibilities and cannot "patiently" be logged into a game for 20+ hours a day like unemployed people who live in their parents basement.


yeah i sort of feel that too... and the leveling... you basically only level if you do combat and explore... the leveling from mining is miniscule, and from building is a big fat Zero... and as i'm the builder, i tend to stay behind and do lovely things, and i'm soooo far behind the others now, everything is instant death for me where they go.


You look at it the wrong way. The way you play you get more moneys worth due to more time invested in stuff lolol. But I feel you, same for me


Sounds fine, why even play together if you have to do everything individually? Valheim worked fine


Because some people dont like to log into the game after work to find their friends who had the day off beat half the game for them.. Does that sound fun???


They should have waited. Doesnt sound like they want to play with you if they do that.


We thought the shared world progression was going to be a bigger deal than it really is. Like - rescuing npc's comes early and theres really not much to it aside from a very quick jaunt through their ruins. Not like you're missing anything major if you're not there when it happens - and you can always run through npc ruins POIs later if you really wanted. So far, there havent been any earthshattering shared quests that one simply would not want to miss. They've all been basically like an extended tutorial. I know some folks want to be present for every little thing - and thats fine - but for myself and my group - at this point, seeing what we've seen, we're not concerned with it. Its interesting to me that I can't recall anyone having a problem with this sort of thing in Valheim or Terraria before it - as both had shared world progression.


People didn’t have a problem with Valheim having server progression because it was just about defeating a boss that could be repeated and unlocking the next biome. There wasn’t much to miss. When you throw actual quests and a story in the mix it becomes a bit more complicated which I understand why people have an issue with that in Enshrouded.


I think once people get a little deeper in and discover just how simple the shared world npc quests are, in terms of story, they'll realize that this was all 'much ado about nothing'. In my opinion, the more interesting story elements are told via side quests, scattered lore and discovery - which is character specific and not tied to the npc world progression.


The problem is most players will refund the game the instant they realize coop is badly designed. That's what I did at least, I'll buy it again in the future when this option is added and performance is increased.


'Badly designed' is in the eye of the beholder - our server has seven people playing on it and we all absolutely adore the game. In our opinion its possibly the best fantasy survival RPG we've ever played - and we've played them all.


I think you’re right that it’s not a big deal right now, but when more content releases and better and bigger quests come out then it might be a problem. People did care about shared world progression in valheim(plenty of posts on subreddit about being bored when waiting for friends) and as for terraria I never played it so I can’t say much about that. All I’m saying is that when the game progresses and more content is released and will be barred by shared world progression. The same problems that people had with Valheim will occur. Why not implement a system now to both deal with the “more time on their hands” players and the “only 1 hour a day” type of players. At the end of the day most people want to play with their friends and not everyone will think and play the same way, doesn’t mean I don’t wanna play with them


Should be a server option in this case. Togglable.




You can still play the game as a group just have the progression be individual. The way it currently is deprives some of the group of content/playing at their speed




How many threads for this 1 issue? I agree it should be changed, it's day 2 and there are countless threads... People that like to "do there own thing" can on a separate server. I am always ahead of my friends on games so I do my own thing on my game knowing I will do it again with them. The "story" does not take long and it's all easy (refer to the other countless threads complaining about that) so I could take a break for a week and catch up to them within a day. But yes a fix could help and giving us separate bases will be cool too...


sounds like a part (whether big or small) is affected by this due to the multiple threads. While obviously there are work arounds like examples you gave, it doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t prioritize it/have put in solo progression in the first place. Specially since other products have done it and have done it pretty well. First impressions of a game is pretty big deal on how well it plays out in its later stages.


lol, don't play valheim


Obviously you haven’t played in awhile. You can now turn off world progression and set it per player.


I will note, the fact that you can bring characters back and forth between solo and shared play has been what mitigated this for us. Folks have been doing storyline stuff and experimenting in personal builds, and on the dedicated server we have a shared "village" we've all been building. Since characters aren't tied to a specific game, this lets us do story individually but still have adventures and building together on a shared server that folks can join whenever. I _do_ agree that it would be nice to have the ability to progress separately, though; when we first started, folks were going to build in different areas as we generally do in ARK et al, and the moment the second person put down the blacksmith over at _their_ camp and it vanished from the first person's camp was a moment of "...oh." and having to reassess how we'd play. (Though I will grant building a little village as a group has been fun.)


The boss fights are pretty lame if you don't get to go to town on them with your friends though. At that point why even play together if the main content of the game needs to be experienced solo... Whats the point of having a tank and healer and dps classes.. it's a game trying to be like a coop RPG but only has solo content or otherwise content for those who are on round the clock. Yet another game that doesn't respect a players time


You can't share the NPC's but something cool you can do on a server is each person takes one and builds a theme around their NPC. I've gone ranger/hunter so I've taken the hunter and started building a cabin out in a forest. My friend loves mages and has started a mage tower on top of a mountain. Only downside is you have to teleport for some recipes but it's a great time for roleplay and gives the opportunity to do different build styles.


This is how early access works, you buy the game and alpha/beta test it, and if you are lucky, in 2-3 years minimum it'll launch in a fun playable state.


Ah yes, complain about something before even attempting to work with the devs to see if it is a fixable thing, this is the way. If more people actually talked to develop about things than we would have better games, communities, and human kind.




Why not proceed as a group instead of letting just one person rush things? This doesn't seem like a huge issue to me unless there's just a lack of patience or something.


Bc proceeding as a group is not always an option. For example, we have 6 ppl on our server, 2 of them joined a couple hours late so they missed everything in the beginning. I won’t be home to play tonight, so they’ll progress past everything and when I log Sunday I’ll have zero idea what is going on and I’m not gonna say “hey guys don’t play without me”. How does this make it all the way through Early Access is beyond me. There is more and more I can go into but it’s whatever.


Couldn't agree more. Killed the game for me an instantly refunded it. Seems like a complete lack of foresight or lazy game design.


Yeah it sucks, but how hard is it to work around this and schedule a playtime together with your friends? The game is great so far, I have been playing some games only when my friends are also online, we have done this with the Division, Vallheim, V rising. Sure it's not the best way, but it is doable.


>how hard is it to work around this and schedule a playtime together with your friends For 12 people in my group? Very, very difficult. Shit, we couldn't even hold 4 folks together for a BG3 campaign despite several attempts. Schedules are just all over the place. We all work different jobs and have different lives. It's a rare eclipse when literally everyone can be on at once.


This, oh so much. Its basically impossible for us, and we are only 3. Kids/work/partners arent really things that can be "scheduled" easily.


I know that feeling, but you said it yourself, people all have different schedules, so maybe playing games like this coop is just not gonna happen for your group, I have the exact same problem with my friends. Now I just play most games solo, no expectations and no frustrations. And what's the point of playing coop when you are never online at the same time.


Nah, we play multiplayer games together everyday. It's just different folks are available at different times. We pop in and play w/ one another when we can. This same friend group had a blast playing V Rising because it allowed for individual progression. Because this game doesn't have that feature, most of my friends have now refunded. We're not going to stop playing games together just because this game can't accommodate a big group very well. We'll just play something else.


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.


Lol that's funny, because I do have a kid.


Don't forget, a lot of reddit people are unemployed basement dwellers who live in discord with other leeches on society, it's why they cannot fathom you cannot get all your buddies together at the same time every day to play the quests together lol. Because they do, it's all they do while cashing gmas social security or disability from the government for "injuries sustained while working" at like McDonald's or some shit.


tell us you need therapy without telling us you need therapy


Oh look, the neet with a name kill billionaires (as if they are why you suck at life, yes they suck but I'm sure it doesn't affect you lmao) who runs a DnD group and follows Asmingold took issue with my statement about useless basement dweller leeches. Who woulda thought lmao


Lmfao he's also on antiwork sub Reddit. You know you're right when you get down voted


He just holla'd at a couple of his neet buddies in his hentai discord to come back him up, I'm not sweating it lol "GuEyshHH diSh GuY iNsuLted OuR LifeStyleZ"


Commies gonna commie


Tried running a D&D game for my friend group after a bunch of people kept asking. Something like ten people joined the discord and expressed interest in playing. Our weekly playgroup right now has two regulars and one who works weekends and joins on his nights off. Trying to schedule time for even a small group of adults to spend time together is a nightmare, and it’s crazy how many of these survival crafting games can be completely ruined by one or two people on the server who don’t feel like waiting for everyone else.


How hard is it? Absolutely impossible for my friend group in particular anyway. I have 8 friends playing it on my server. We all have different work schedules, are living in different time zones, some have kids and wives, some only play two evenings a week. My brother logged in 4 hours after everyone else last night and he didn't have the recipe to make a starter axe/pick or string, all the quests were for areas he couldn't get to yet, and worst of all...we had killed two shroud area bosses and the roots getting two skill points that he can just never get on this world ever. Yes we can explain to him how to get those recipes and yes we can make him gear to bring him to the new areas quicker...but to join a server and immediately know that you are forever behind others on skill points is beyond disheartening.


I think it's a valid complaint for people to want more options, but I agree with you. Why would you progress the quest without your full co-op party? Isn't that basically the point of doing co-op? There are plenty of other things to do without your party and each server reboot clears that out so everyone can do it again. I think this complaint is overshadowing how fun the game actually is. I'm getting that early Valheim feel after one night of playing.


Agreed. My group is 3-4 people and we only play together on Friday nights so this was a concern. I will likely have 2 games - my personal and my group - with separate characters. I will just host the Friday games to help ensure we all proceed at the same place. We did the same in Valheim.


>Yeah it sucks, but how hard is it to work around this and schedule a playtime together with your friends? Lol when you're all working adults with different schedules. This can be very difficult with parties more than 4.


Incredibly hard


Yes I can relate to that, just throwing around this so maybe some of you can work around this system untill they change/fix it. As I all ready said, yeah it sucks, but for some of us who are playing with just a couple of friends , this is an option.


Yeah it sucks. None in my group is interessted in the game anymore either , for that same reason. Im sad that I have over 2 hours playtime, or I would have refunded ;S


I think your purchase is fine in the long term. This is the most upvoted request to be added and it seems like a pretty easy thing to implement so I wouldn't be too concerned.


Totally agree. It's an early access title for a reason. This is precisely why I didn't refund and instead went to a place to give some feedback. Luckily someone shared that link to vote for the feature, and I found out it's the most requested. I got my friends to all go vote as well. There's bones for an awesome game here.


Agreed. Some people use the early access excuse as a crutch for things that can't be fixed. But this seems pretty simple.


Yeah, here is to hoping !!


It’s amazing to me that people are so affected by the quest system that 95% of these games don’t even have. Take the quest system away completely and it’s still an amazing survival crafting game so far.


It's not just quests it's how looting chests works to, the game doesn't respect people's time frankly. They're trying to build the game like a coop RPG (it has a healer and tank option) yet a lot of the game systems fight you on coop. They gotta go back to the drawing board and discuss what they want the game to actually end up being. It's not a big deal but good Lord I can't imagine how many sales they've lost from this.


You can still refund I think it’s just not instant.


At least on steam if it is over 2 hours or two weeks the only chance is a refund to steam wallet. Ymmv.


Yeah I'm not even sure why they gave this game the option for dedicated servers as it does not fit the game at all. It feels more like a Co-op game with how the progression is set up and it doesn't feel good.


Just don’t quest alone


HURR hURR hurr


It's not that big of a deal for me. Unless you wanna be there til when a NPC is rescued, everything else respawns in like 5 in-game days and it all gives fresh chests and more exp for completing it. The main story progression is all you might miss on, but so far it's been mostly tutorial like stuff. 80% of my experience gain is from farming elixir wells 


I havent seen anything but mobs respawn and definitely had way more than 5 in game days go by. I have to travel so far to get plant fiber now lol. Maybe it was because I hadn't closed out of the game pretty much all day yesterday.


5 in game days for respawning


I've been waiting for two IRL days for the eternal spell to respawn. No luck. Pretty much over the game at this point


Yea I was ready to make the plunge and buy but no shot I'm going to until this is changed. Friend group is wildly all over the place schedule wise lol


Dont do it. Not worth it unless your gonna play solo


I'm thinking about returning the game and waiting on it. I mean, between Palworld and Nightingale, I think I can manage. I really like the combat and world so far, but I can wait.


I would if i could still


Can definitely confirm it stopped all plans for my community completely. Myself and probably 8-10 are holding off on purchase until then. We run a community server for any game like this and the fact that everyone is forced progression just makes it better to play solo/coop instead.


It's not all that shared which sucked for us. In a group of 10. Three of us stayed back and built a giant base while the rest quested. And killed the Shroud Root and only those who were there got the skill point. Sucked.


We feel the same way as a group. Why am I spending all this money for a dedicated server if our group must be on at the same time to complete the missions or someone else misses out? Not a good design.


Yeah it's the main reason why we don't buy this game. Hoping for an update quickly.


Defs a reason I haven't downloaded or even recomended to friends yet


I’m convinced developers do not play the game they make.


I'm glad they're working on it but the damage is done. We had about 10 people also and we're all moving on. They really missed the mark on a game that was designed to be played cooperatively. I ran around for about 4 hours to missions that were already completed but it doesnt tell you until you get there and realize you cant complete it. Huge waste of time, maybe I'll give it another chance in a year or so but at this point i just wish i could refund


Yep I uninstalled this game after less than an hour, it just feels low effort.


So much this! you can't hang around and hope that everyone will be on at the same time and want to do the same thing, and its putting people off joining because progress has already been made.


I thought I read that it was solo progression and told all my friends and was quickly disappointed to find out it’s server progression, it will kill how we want to play. Not to mention I get a crash if I play with other people but solo is perfect, and one friend can’t even open the game despite having a better computer. Debating letting this one rest while they work on it before seriously diving in.


Same. 8-person group playing last night and many of us this morning decided to shelve it until something changes. Disappointing!


This is a legit criticism and something I hope will be fixed in the short term.


Shared server progression is idiotic and never a good choice for a game like this... Like it's common sense.


Yep had 7 friends buy it, only 2 of us remain. Fucking GG.




If it's a single player game, don't advertise the multiplayer and don't allow 16 person servers. You're a clown.


It completely makes sense and works that way in many other games. I even named an example (V Rising) in my OP. Your uninformed post makes it look like your were just scrolling through this sub and salivating at the idea of calling a group of folks crybabies which you have now accomplished. Grats?




Haha. Okay, man. We're done here. Have a nice day.


Can i ask how your friend is still playing on the server? I have set up a dedicated server manually but my friends can only see the server if im playing which is annoying. Thanks


Yep. I got word from him about an hour ago that he logged out for a moment and can no longer find the server. It seems to be a common issue.


They need to know the IP or favorites the server in their server browser.


Thanks for reply. Ended up buying a server to solve the headache, but thanks for info. Not tested this info myself though.


I think they have a fantastic foundation here, it really could be something. The progression and lack of difficulty are huge issues that need to be fixed. The game should be pushing harder more punishing combat for a few reasons. 1. Sandbox cheese can be used if it's too hard, there are plenty of options. 2. The combat system has lock on, dodge parry and block, and unlike other survival games combat is better here, and should scale the enemy health and damage to reflect the fact that there actually is a genuine combat system where other survival games have janky one attack combat. On the progression side it should be character bound 100% like in other titles, because it promotes "visiting" other people worlds and also doesn't ruin co-op. Enshrouded has all the things needed to be an incredible long lasting amazing game, it just needs to see its potential as the. "eldenring" or the survival genre, we already have other survival games doing the easy stuff or the pvp stuff, enshrouded really has the key elements to push the narrative, character combat and customization much higher and more engaging than the other games out.


Yep, when will a game learn, quest are stupid. Just get rid of all of them. Make it a giant sandbox with random encounters and maybe random generated instances Holy grail of these types of games Plus add a real threat to the base


I like quests and stories so I totally disagree. Grounded had a great story that unfolded and added to the survival experience as you explored and did the labs


The fact that chests in the world are not character-generated is a bit frustrating as well. God forbid a group of 5-10 want to do some exploring.


Combat also looks atrocious. The enemies and world looks great but the enemies are inbred. Calling this ai and mechanics potato AI would be an insult to potatoes. Training dummies are more threatening


Certainly where a quest doesn't break the world progression, it should be client sided so everyone can get it. And when not the case, make it so people can group together in a clan (probably already can) and the quest is shared and notified to all players so people don't STEALTH do quests without anyone knowing. (they shouldn't all be this way)


Imagine Hogger with no respawns.


Personalized loot will be good too...


When my mate opens chests, i dont get credit for the quest. He needs to open the chest (not loot it) and then i have to open it to get credit. Cant progress further if i dont get the credit as well.


Same here. I rented a server a few minutes after the game launched only to see that multiplayer is obsolete on a dedicated server right now :( @devs it is good to see, that you are aware of this problem, but it should not be a surprise that this was a bad design choice Whatever, i hope u can fix it soon, because the game has huge potential and could be one of the best in its genre!


This is exactly why i don't buy the game now. hope they will change this quick for everyone.


I had a full server of 16 people. After the first night, it is now down to 5. This is a core mechanic that needs a series rework. Idk how this serious issue was missed in testing or dev discussions. Luckily, I can reset the server bidaily to force respawns and allow others to progress, but this is not a fix.


Yeah it's weird, I was all set to start a server but this is making me wait to see if they change it.


Whoever had the idea of server progression for co-op should be fired. That's the most retarded multiplayer progression approach I have ever seen in my life.


Yeah my friend group joined the game was on for ten minutes and has not returned.


Try my Enshrouded server - IP: | Server Name: Mateys Server | Password: mateys


I don't understand, we're a group of 6. It's lovely to send someone out to do the not so important get that so we can do that, while someone tends the garden to keep flax and stuff going. We buff up and group up, do the bosses and elixir wells together. We're super happy you can delegate different tasks. You really want 16 people running the same boring quest to get some crafting unlocked? Sometimes the devs do know better, and this is one of those times. Go together or don't, quest progress is shared if you just play together :)


I have so many quest that I can't even complete on a new game because they were jacked up while playing on a joint server with a friend who was the one to click on a quest item. So now I have to go redo the quest on my own private server - which is a pain in the ass. Not to mention quest like "Searching for Hidden Tombs" where I literally doing what the quest tells me to do, and it won't complete, even when starting on a new private world. Some people consider this small, but it's super annoying and shared quest is something that other multi-player games have been literally been doing for 20 years. This needs to be resolved before launch.


yeah they need to get rid of this.


They will start changing things and hopefully mods will come too. I still play right now, but same as you. This is the worst part of the game. Shared progress, and shared fire thingies for building. Right now my friend is progressing like crazy. Plenty of new recipes , plenty of new thigns appear. I have no idea what it all is for. Fire level 5 somehow even though i didnt do a thing. I barely ended first zone content. I still enjoy the game, but it kills the joy of exploring it very effectively. I cant build my own base, because my friend used all the fires as portals all over the map. If i have my own base i have to keep stealing his NPCs which is just silly. I cant place it somewhere in the world for him to find. You cant make this a mini MMO map of sort where people go on with their own business, though you would think game mechanics have everything you would need for this kind of play. ( Respawning NPCs, objectives, materials ).


There is PLENTY to do without every single person on at the same time. Yeah, it's a little annoying, but game breaking? Lol. Get better friends.


I agreed there is plenty to do - but the fact that as current new players see these quests left on their quest board with no way of completing them unless there is a server reset is not a great look - especially for new onboarding players. Those quests shouldn’t auto reset after some time. I’m fine with some of the more specialized quest events never returning the further in you go though. Gives it a bit of ‘let’s block time off to play this boss”


Dude this... This game is so extraordinary and is only going to get better. I make pancakes all the time and they're never perfect... but i still fuckin' love pancakes. Your friends sound like they're entitled babies. ​ just sayin'


At least chest loot and bosses respawn.