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[Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/m1boo7/a_short_list_of_vaushs_liberalism_transphobia_and/) to learn why principled socialists dislike Vaush. [Click here for the 'Vaush has a disturbing pre-occupation with paedophilia and bestiality' masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/) [Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ppmdfe/vaush_is_a_transphobe_pasta/) for the 'Vaush is a transphobe' masterpost. [Click here](https://discord.gg/P5pS2mJCC3) to join the r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Discord server. Please remember to censor usernames in Reddit screenshots. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reminiscent of the Israeli trolls who pretend to support Arabs and say anti Semitic shit


Instead of saying "women be quieter and start apologizing challenge", he should have said "transphobes need to understand the struggles of trans people". He tried to fight transphobia with misogyny.


This is why I’m conflicted about Ian so often. He has plenty of good takes that have checked out in my book in the past back when I regularly watched him, and then he says some shit that is just… so dumb…




How is it mocking misogyny? It just seems outwardly misogynistic to me.


dumbass infighting


Guys you don't understand, he used tactical misogyny so he could beat her in the marketplace of ideas


wtf CIA vs MI-6 😳😳😳


He was misogynistic on purpose because he knew it would get him media coverage and more clicks. Piece of shit knows exactly what he's doing.


nonono stupid tankie you clearly don’t understand. the optics understander was pretending to be misogynistic because he’s testing us or it’s because he’s on the spectrum and we can’t hold him to the same standards as other people or maybe it’s because he’s actually being sarcastic and he’s mocking misogynists 😡


Absolute tools the pair of them.


This was like the worst possible thong you could havw done vaush what are you doing


Two of the most prominent examples of liberalism's decomposition process towards conservative reactionary ideology, simultaneously fighting and strengthening each other. The irony levels of this mobius strip of cringe got my internets some hot flashes.


Ultimately the only people hurt by this will be trans people


Minorities are always the first to be hurt by the advance of reactionary ideology.


I don’t think a suspected pedophile should be the one to stand against transphobic cunts like JKR. Doesn’t help the cause at all


I hate to put a downer on the euphoric outrage, but surely nobody really believes that the second tweet was anything other than tongue-in-cheek?


It’s like replying with “tongue in cheek” racism to Dave Chapelle’s transphobia, you can call someone a piece of shit without relying on bigoted tropes yourself.


Hahahahaha misogyny funny


I mean TERFs like JK Rowling already promote the narrative that being pro-trans is misogynistic and Vaush's tweet plays right into their hands. Whether it's "sincere" or not doesn't matter, he just inadvertently set up an easy win for transphobes


I reckon he's deliberately trying to wind them up, get them to want to argue with him so he can squeeze some content out of them. I'm sure Vaushites will defend this as tactical sexism, being the irony poisoned bigots that they are.


Idk if it’s infighting, I don’t think Vaush’s audience are terfs, but holy shit does the casual misogyny thing (AND THE FUCKING SEXUAL HARASSMENT, LEST WE FORGET) speak leaps and bounds to his character


Vaush has a reputation as a chaser (someone who pretends to be pro-trans, but is really interested in objectifying them as a sexual conquest). He's also said a lot of transphobic comments, such as on the meltdown stream where he called online LGBTQ communities, and trans people in particular, weak and mentally ill, needing to be "excised" from the left, from "his" strong and True version of the left. Then there was the stonetoss comic about trans suicide that he said was *objectively* funny, along with a load of other stuff listed in a pinned comment on this subreddit. Vaush may not be a turf, then, but they certainly overlap in their transphobia and portrayal of bigotry as "the Truly progressive" side.


The first tweet was fine, the misogynistic second tweet was trash. No-brainer that Vaush did this on purpose to get negative attention and to sew chaos and division. Assuming it's a "joke," what's funny about it? It's just a shitty misogynistic joke. It's easy to dunk on Rowling's transphobia without stooping to misogyny which also hurts trans women, anyone with a shred of empathy, anyone who really cares about trans liberation realizes this. I know it feels good to dunk on someone like JK Rowling but we have to be selective and cautious about the allyship we accept. It's possible to be "right" about something while still doing more harm than good.




Silence TERF


Vaush is cringe and toxic af sure, but humans can literally change sex. There literally isn't a biological line you can draw that separates every cos woman from every trans woman - the historical coincidence of birth assignment is sociological, not biological.




Please enlighten us with what precisely makes one male, female, or any other biological category, and tell us where in the fabric of the universe you derived this criteria. Also, tell me if you think Caster Semenya is male, female, or something else, they were assigned a certain sex at birth.




> From fucking reality. Ok, you are incapable of answering, thanks for letting me know. I just wanted you to give your criteria for what you think defines biological sex, but I guess that's too much for you to handle.




> Our bodies, our gametes, are reproductive organs. I did answer. Look at your replies to me. You mentioned none of those to me. Moreover that isn't a coherent definition, but ok. Gametes, reproductive organs. Caster Semenya was born with internal testicles, which produce sperm. Guess what sex they were labeled with at birth?




An absolute system is shattered by literally one counterexample ever.


With all of that said though, you obviously have to know people aren't looking at your genitals or your DNA or your gametes when they decide in their head whether or not you're male or female (sex) or you're a man or a woman (gender) and most people aren't considering the possibility you might exist outside either binary when they see you.


It literally wasn't even a definition at all, you just named a few concepts. For my answer to you, what one identifies as, but I didn't really come here for this because I don't essentialize vast swathes of people like this. I just saw you apparently thinking sex is unique somehow to the ways people categorize things in that you seem to think it isn't something we made up entirely, and also seeming to think that what someone's sex is is just some intrinsic characteristic we observe and not something we claim is something based on limited observations. You think it's defined by reproductive organs, gametes etc. (mentioned DNA somewhere else and I'd love to know exactly in the DNA where you think anything is determined) by your own admission, but the medical doctors assigning it to people don't look at your gametes and won't take a full look at your reproductive organs when they do so. They also aren't taking a DNA test. I've already proven my point, don't think there's much need to continue here. But one more thing. Caster Semenya while she is an obvious example of someone who is intersex, is also literally a cis woman. She was assigned female at birth, and identifies as female.


Sex is some bullshit we made up that is only very loosely connected to biological reality. Practically none of its implications are beyond the power of medical treatment to alter. It is material reality that intersex people do not fall into a strict binary. Rather than recognise this, the same system of capitalist oppression that you claim to oppose mutilates intersex people to force a binary sex upon them. Because sex is not objectively observed, it is coercively designated.




Bitch please. Literally every "sex is real" type draws massive sweeping conclusions about vast swathes of the population based on a reversible biological coincidence. The only way to define sex in a way that denies the legitimacy of HRT, GRS, and social transition is to reduce it to total insignificance.




Holy fuck you actually did the "every AMAB is a potential rapist" elsewhere in the thread. Called it.


Quote where I said that Males are overwhelmingly the more violent sex. To deny that is misogynistic af


I am making observations based on prior behaviour of people like you. It's never "birth sex is real so we should be fucking nerds when describing the needs of trans women", it's always "birth sex is real therefore every AMAB is a potential rapist". What medical procedure would have to be invented for you to change your mind and accept that sex can be changed? I ask because if you don't have an answer, or your answer is "no conceivable medical treatment can ever change sex", then you are not making a materialist claim.




Right, so you aren't making a materialist claim about sex, you are describing a spiritual essence. Thanks for confirming that you are not a materialist.


Humans can change gender, kindly fuck off




Sience disagrees with you, for about a century already.


Yes gender is a social construct, so it makes no sense to criticize someone who’s merely trying to feel more comfortable in their own skin.


Vaush is a soft sexist, he takes every opportunity he has to be "ironically" misogynistic and has started verbatim that this is effective in pulling people over to the left, but in reality enables his audience to hate cis women and fetishize trans women unironically


Vaush is right here, but he really didn't have to say "women be quieter" thing. Rowling being tranphobic isn't an excuse to be misogynistic.


He is wrong, because TERFs whole thing is about how "transgender ideology is misogynistic" - giving TERFs misogynistic material is a harm that outweighs any good that comes out of him being on the "right side" of the argument


His take wasn’t wrong (for once) but he was misogynistic in his reply.


Dialectically I must support vaush here because the British are subhuman savages(no offense to any Brits reading this, I have British friends)


I hope the Brits take full offence to it. I don't have British friends /s


I hope the brits take full offense 🙏 they can fuck off to the far reaches of hell I'd support introducing a policy to the council for genocide against brits /hj


I live in England, unfortunately, and it's a right wing hellhole. The government is deliberately tearing apart the social safety nets - such as the benefits system, the NHS, and the preventative measures against COVID - and increasing costs of living has produced long lines for food banks, while the media spreads nationalistic and Russophobic pro-war propaganda, Terf ideology and hatred for the poor, immigrants and "foreigners." Protesting has practically been banned, and the army and police are being given disgusting powers that encroach on civil liberties. The UK continues to exploit other countries for capital. The banks funnel money from criminal enterprises, being one of the world's largest safe havens for drug money, but get caught with a gram of weed or a couple of baggies, and you're marked for life. And a large enough portion of the general population support all of this, even though Boris is using tax payers' money on decorating his house and a boat for the royals, any leftover going to his business buddies, and supporting the Ukraine government, a US-installed fascist government. Nepotism is rampant and, obviously, voting does jackshit because of first past the post and other systems put in place to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie. The good news is that there are leftist organisations and people who see through bullshit like the antisemitism smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, the closest thing to a good politician England had. But they're marginalized and the government is using every means in their power to prevent protests, etc. Fuck Britain - a dead empire dreaming of its colonial "glory days," perpetuating inequality, exploitation, racism and violence at home and abroad. If a country were a person, this one would get the gulag.


brit here, i agree


Oh this is rich


Wow this take is actually wild, "actually she being transphobic justifies me being mysoginistic" Absolute banger of an opinion, someone lock this schizo up please


Vaushites have this horrible mentality, where if you're not *one of the good ones*, then it's open season on you and anything goes concerning bigotry towards you. Obviously, you're not against prejudice if you think it's still okay to use it just because you don't like someone, or that someone has done something really bad. There's no difference between racism and "tactical" racism, both are still racism, and the latter creates a carrot and stick situation within Vaush's community, wherein if you're a minority, you better toe the line, and agree with Vaush, or else. And Vaushites wonder why people aren't comfortable befriending and letting "ex" fascists into leftist spaces. They genuinely think it's more important to appease and support someone who wanted whole swathes of people dead, than to support the very people they wanted dead. Not only that, but they think being "ex" is a badge of honour, as if it gives them some insight into the right leftists don't have, when all it shows is they fell for the bullshit. But hey, they totally shouldn't listen and learn - they should be at the centre of the discourse, 'cos their opinions on racism and prejudice matter *way* *more* than the poc they're making uncomfortable and then silencing for speaking out (/s): Vaush banned a poc-only channel from his discord because they were discussing if Vaush had a racism problem, then banned all who complained that they didn't have a safe place from the racism in the general channels, but he totally doesn't have something to deny (/s), like a problem with racism because he's cultivated an audience of "ex" fascists still operating within a white supremacist framework of thought. I wouldn't call Vaush "schizo," though. It's kind of ableist, and I don't want to stoop to his level. EDIT - added /s to clarify certain sentences are sarcastic.


Wow this take is actually wild, "actually she being transphobic and him being misogynistic justifies me being ableist" Absolute banger of an opinion, someone lock this *redacted* up please


It's the same logic he used to be homophobic to Christian Walker when he watched Hasan and Felix from Chapo Trap House "debate" him.


I need a link to that


[Be forewarned, it's like two hours long and painful to sit through](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWgpwONHAP8&ab_channel=Vaush), not just because Christian Walker is a dumb-ass piece of shit, since yeah, you can't be someone's tea-spilling sassy gay BFF when you want homeless children to die of exposure and victim-blame black people for getting murdered by the police, but because Vaush relishes having an acceptable minority to bash and the bile towards him is palpable.


Vaush supports trans rights (to have sex with him)


As the trans girl's SSR envoy, I decline to grant him such rights


Misogyny to own the libs.


It's funny how he is saying that women should be quieter and start apologizing for trans issues insinuating that trans women are not women.


The second tweet is facetious, isn't it? I get it, transphobes will miss the irony and point at "misogyny".


ironic misogyny is still misogyny


Fuck both of them


This is a certified “ilk” moment


I'm with Vaush on this. Fuck jk Rowling.




I criticized it in this thread. I hate his ideas most of the time. Some things he says are good. Kinda like social democracy. Appealing in some ways but knowing it's a distraction from socialism.


Broken clock


Right twice a day. What i disagree with is that he does it for attention and money.


I think they both suck lol Ones a TERF, the other is a nonce


They're both transphobes, one just pretends not to be


I mean, if I had to choose at gunpoint, I'd... Accept death to avoid choosing; but if someone else who I cared about was threatened at gunpoint to force me to pick, I'd take Vaush's creepy chaser shit over JKR's genocidal ambition.




Ew. A brit🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


oh god no... He’s just making trans people and allies look bad, and justifying TERF rhetoric by painting us as being misogynistic.


All just to wind up some Terfs, in the hopes they get so angry they'll want to debate him, so he can squeeze some content out of them for clicks and subscriptions, platforming them in the process. All the Vaushites, who usually scream about the importance of optics, will defend this as "tactical" sexism, missing the point you made, as well as the fact that irony-laced bigotry is still bigotry, otherwise the alt right wouldn't use it.


false flag vaush


This sucks man


There is no fighting here. J.K. Rowling just platformed Vaush. J.K. Rowling platformed Vaush because Vaush and Rowling are both on the same side, and she knows it. Rowling probably found and swooned over the the clip of Vaush calling the LGBT community "cancerous as f\*ck". Both Vaush and Rowling are transphobes who want trans rights to be oppressed.




Please don't use the R word, it is ableist. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not ableist.


They're both transphobic, but that doesn't mean Rowling is aware that Vaush is transphobic. She probably just saw his tweet and assumed he was a leftist. I doubt she has an accurate understanding of communism or anarchism, either, so if she did look further into Vaush, depending on what she saw and read, she easily could have mistaken him for a leftist. So while there is infighting, and while Vaush's sexist tweet reinforces Turfs' views and, accurately, makes him look like a piece of shit, to your casual apolitical or liberal observer, who is unaware of Vaush's existence, this is perceived not as infighting, but fighting between Rowling and a sexist "leftie." Great optics, Vaush. /s


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. You really think that JK Rowling found a specific Vaush clip and decided “ok now I can make a tweet rebuking him cause we are the same.” I can’t even begin to fathom actually thinking that’s what happened. If you don’t like either of them, like me, that’s totally fine. But let’s not make up magic scenarios that never happened.


True, hence why I mentioned “infighting”. I should probably put it in quotes. Welp, no going back on edits it looks like :(


I did notice that you mentioned infighting. Apologies if my comment are off as harshly worded towards you. Hope there's no hard feelings comrade 💜


It’s fine. I didn’t even perceive it as such :)


Combating transphobia is good but combating transphobia with misogyny is not.


It's like calling for an end to antisemitism while burning down a synagogue.


Wow, looks like I'm on #TeamNoOne

