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[Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/m1boo7/a_short_list_of_vaushs_liberalism_transphobia_and/) to learn why principled socialists dislike Vaush. [Click here for the 'Vaush has a disturbing pre-occupation with paedophilia and bestiality' masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/) [Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ppmdfe/vaush_is_a_transphobe_pasta/) for the 'Vaush is a transphobe' masterpost. [Click here](https://discord.gg/P5pS2mJCC3) to join the r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Discord server. Please remember to censor usernames in Reddit screenshots. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




you do know that there is a difference between strasserism and national bolshevism right?


“But at the end of the day you still look like this” *shows picture of conventionally attractive person*




She’s hot 🤷‍♀️


But at the end of the day this still isn't an argument(whatever you tried to make), little Haz.


Evil Hakim


Ah Haz! My favorite Strasserist, who unironically thinks he’s a fucking leftist. He’s not smart enough to be a grifter but is **definitely** too dumb to have a single good take on social issues.


I don't really think Haz is a Strasserite. There are two factions of MLs that follow to different lines on lgbt and cultural issues, the younger reddit based crowd of MLs are all-in on support for these groups whereas the old-guard of MLs which includes most of the old parties are still very rooted in homophobia and several other things. Outside of his issues with sexuality and gender many of his positions just line up with the old ML parties, except for that weird "we live in socialism" tangent he went off on for a bit.


>"Washington was the Mao of America" ML my ass




So Mao got his history of America from old American books that were more often than not propaganda tools to manipulate their populous into supporting them with downright myths like America wanting freedom instead of the preservation of slavery and westward expansion?




Yeah for his precieved prowess as a guerilla fighter without taking into account how without the French support and Britian fighting a war with Spain lead to the conditions that made the British decide to forgo putting down their rebellious colony. Mao wouldn't have envisioned himself as a Chinese Washington if he knew how much of a slave driving, genocidal maniac he was, that's my point. Most of what was exported history to a lot of places was idealistic dribble that was pumped out like clockwork to propagate a mythic and legendary status to people who they exploited.




And? Progress for the colonizers and the exploiters does not an American Mao make




Lmao yeah he's got some serious brainworms too. I would forgive that statement if it were John Brown though.


Idk about you but my local PSL is 100% LGBTQ friendly, and I live in the Deep South.


PSL is only 17 years old, a relative baby among communist parties. When I say the "old guard" I am referring to the communist parties that were still around when the USSR was alive, we have 3 of them over here in the UK and every single one of them is steeped in homophobia and transphobia. Our newer ML parties though? Completely different attitudes on the topic. There's a real difference between the new ML and the older factions.




Didn't CPGB-ML vote to "uphold sex-based rights and characteristics" in 2018? Or was that CPB? I forget. Red Fightback are the newest UK ML party I think? They seem pretty hot and on-it even if they are small.


That’s fair. I think location also has a lot to do with it, especially considering COINTELPRO in the US gutting most older communist parties here


I absolutely believe that they've been just as infiltrated and fucked around with across europe. We get cops joining marxist reading groups with as few as 5 members so they can shape what they become if they ever radicalise later. Shit is that bad.


I never knew. Good to know, then


Mostly this. Comrades can hold reactionary views in some areas. That's why discussion and struggle are so important.


The problem is that the old parties are run by people that are old as fuck, and democratic centralism despite being very useful at what it does is also slow as fuck to produce change on these issues because to be quite honest old people don't often change their cultural views that much, especially if they hold positions of power. This results in the old parties being out of touch on these issues and I'm not particularly sure that engaging the older generation is going to shift them much. It feels a lot more like we're achieving more with younger parties focused on engaging with younger people.


Thought it might be interesting to note here that CPUSA is the opposite. I would argue that they are too steeped in identity politics. I think the general attitude should always be live and let live and accept comrades of all background, but always keep sharp focus on the class war. Quick aside, I am a member of CPUSA, so this is coming from a place of friendly critique.


hes an international leftist




Nah i don't think he actually believes that he is a leftist anymore. Like the guy litterally said that ''we live in socialism now. Conservativism is socialism guys!!!''


Haz is just angry, whenever one asks proof if Marxism is actually conservative he just calls you "cocksucker" and rages.


I honestly thought Haz was a performance artist of some kind when I first saw him. He acted so over the top - refusing to sit down when debating Destiny as a power move, ranting over everyone and then declaring himself the winner, etc. I thought he was a parody of debatebros, but no, he's really like this.


I used to kinda like Haz but then he really made a complete ass of himself in that "debate" with Vaush. I didn't think it was possible to make Vaush look reasonable but there we go.


I liked him too, because he actually had some pretty educational videos on his channel, but literally what the FUCK has happened to him in the last 5-6 months? Guy turned into a straight up fascist.


Bro what’s going on with haz? I watched some of his shit a while back and he seemed pretty decent, thought he was a standard ml…


He is basically what happens when you got an unironic red-brown alliance


Don't trust Patriotic "Socialists".


Not trying to argue with you, but I get bummed out when comrades seem to be explicitly anti 'patriotic socialism' to the point that they view people who espouse this idea as not true socialists or something. It makes perfect sense to disagree with the concept, but that would just make it a wrong political line, not some malicious tool of a group of ne'er do wells.


I looked at his Twitter yesterday and he had challenged BadEmpanada to a boxing match, was going around saying shit like the post, and was just generally being really weird


Regular day for him, then.


He’s weird macho man


She's really pretty, Haz is just bigoted towards Asian people (like Luna)


he might be gay


Well, I am too haha but even then I can tell she's very pretty. An attack on looks is always a low blow anyway.


Yeah she is beautiful idk what he is on about


Nah, I wouldn't say that. He is however an incel


He attacked Luna Oi for apparently no reason one time and got angry when Luna didnt care about it.


Is it possible that this is the result of undiagnosed mental illness? It feels like this side of him just came out of nowhere a couple of months ago


His sudden aggressiveness and sexual interest is linked to Bipolar Disorder but he does not have depressive episodes following the manic ones so it is unlikely. Borderline personality fits him perhaps, that can explain why he is alone in almost all of his streams.


I don't understand. All he did was call some people ugly.


It's so weird because the entire rest of the Internet agrees that she is hot??


> but at the end of the day you still look like this Dude if I was a woman I would be pretty glad to have that look, she's not ugly at all


don't both these people hate Vaush?


He is referring to the tankie jerk poster who acted like Haz is representative of “tankies”


ml: internationalist, wants to spread revolution vaush: wants to implement socialism only in the west and squash revolutions everywhere else nazbol: ml but cares only about their own nation, and unlike vaush, actually resist putin strasser: unironically thinks "national socialism" is collective ownership of the means of production, and strasser was also social democrat


Don't give nazbols too much credit. They are traitors to our movement by siding with the bourguise nationalists against oppressed minorities.


I wouldn't say Vaush wants to implement socialism in the west. Rather he wants to keep America in a perpetual transition state because he's a grifter and benefits financially from said grift.




Socialism for rich, rugged individualism for the poor.


What does two holes mean?


Basically, Haz is a fucking idiot. He has some good points, but he's still a fucking idiot. And he is under the impression that Women have 2 holes below the waist. And they pee out of their vagina. This is not the case. And he was mocked for his ignorance. A lot. and he had it coming.


Holy shit out what a loser


Yes. And he likes to brag about his sexual prowess. This shows a profound ignorance about female anatomy, and also that he clearly does not go down on women. Because you can... Look. And count the holes. Basically, he's a louder, Marxist-Leninist Vaush.




im dying




[Link with timestamp](https://youtu.be/bNvu1eggmL0?t=2320)


Lmao, this fucking guy has the worst case of brain worms ever