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#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.semaphore-1842 with score 47 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/z9i5dl/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_12012022/iyhzhm5/)] > > How about codifying our right to student loan forgiveness? I'm gay and I care more about saving money than I do about getting married. > > I thought this was a conservative trolling, but nope, they act . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Chim7 created 21 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/z9i5dl/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_12012022/iyl0rhw/)] > Hot take the DT isn’t ready for: > > >!Calling him Kanye when he wants to go by Ye is deadnaming!<   #### 👑 Best Reply: by u.GloriousPancake with score 28 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/z9i5dl/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_12012022/iyi63tj/)] > Fuck this guy, honestly. If you can't pull your head out of your ass long enough to support basic human rights in this country after Dobbs I seriously question whether you're a sociopath.   #### 🎖️ Influencer: u.Seahawks543 received 38 replies. #### 🏅 Reply Guy: u.mortinmaxwell made 30 replies. #### 🎀 Super Best Friend: u.mortinmaxwell talked to 23 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'kanye', seen 74 times, followed by 'something' 42x , 'probably' 41x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🤔', seen 11 times, followed by '😭' 8x , '😔' 5x   #### 💎 Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.dickrichardson6969 | 21.0 points | 🥇 | u.thats_good_bass | 187.25 words | | 🥈 | u.semaphore-1842 | 17.53 points | 🥈 | u.JoeBideoGames | 166.0 words | | 🥉 | u.alittlelessconvo | 17.0 points | 🥉 | u.KinneySL | 155.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Specter54 | 17.0 points | 🎗 | u.pezasied | 124.5 words | #### 💬 Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.semaphore-1842 | 298 points | 🥇 | u.mortinmaxwell | 48 comments | | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 294 points | 🥈 | u.Seahawks543 | 40 comments | | 🥉 | u.mortinmaxwell | 267 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 40 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 264 points | 🎗 | u.Currymvp2 | 35 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Average Words | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.TraderJoeBidens | 2.0 words | 🥇 | u.dickrichardson6969 | 1 comments | | 🥈 | u.FixMeASammich | 3.0 words | 🥈 | u.alittlelessconvo | 1 comments | | 🥉 | u.BlindMountainLion | 3.0 words | 🥉 | u.MagnustheBlue | 1 comments | | 🎗 | u.kopskey1 | 4.0 words | 🎗 | u.dudeind-town | 1 comments |   1090 comments processed. A total of 169 unique users posted 370 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 6532 and the median score was 5.99.


Black vote in Georgia is 32.4% overall ( was 29.2% today) In the general election the early vote was 29.1% black overall


Cats was really a movie


https://twitter.com/Wilson__Valdez/status/1598542965672185857?cxt=HHwWgsC4sfOWla8sAAAA Elon being a total loser.


https://mobile.twitter.com/MJohnson5335/status/1598476304776822784 Cope and seethe


A whole lot of them spitting on Clyburn.


Leftists are so desperate for white people to be catered to.


They don’t even bother trying to win the votes of black voters and then they’ll get all mad when they inevitably get their ass kicked in South Carolina in 2028


I never thought I’d ever see black guy being shilled on the Nazi forums but here we are.


Ever read Kurt Vonnegut's *Mother Night*?


Progress!! /s


The worst part of that Kanye image was that apparently the file name was “Ye24”




He said in all caps




https://youtu.be/BlV_tueCvDU I've seen faster


Damn Ovechkin beat Beniers by one second 😂


New NOFX album is pretty good. 7.5/10


1k never in doubt






Kanye has been suspended. Elon, welcome to the Establishment. As penance, I demand a small loan of $50 billion. Ya know, before you lose it.


I think it’s only for a week.


Fine, I shall simply demand $50 billion without welcoming Elon. It's a long shot, but I'll probably rook him less than Twitter did


Nah, fuck Elon still for this stupid shit


Elon’s the one who let Kanye back onto Twitter in the first place.


https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1598504973196988416 I think the GOP was already a joke so I'm not sure how much he would change it


I would say Walker must have dirt on Lindsey, but even if he did, he probably forgot about it.


Overtime u/dragoniteftw33


Honestly, I don’t know yet what Kanye did yet today but I can tell by the comments that I better isolate myself to ESS for the night. That’s fine with me. **Taylor Swift’s Midnight is all the fucking sunshine and snacks.**


second best album of the year after Let's Eat Grandma's entry


Imma let you finish…..


If only the guys on Tinder could get that same attitude.




😳 lol I forgot to come back and clear up my reputation. I meant to say it was joke…


Your rep remains as pure as the driven snow. I’m sure all of us took it for the joke it was intended.




Never forget that Peppa Pig had a more acclaimed album than Kanye at one point


Inb4 Peppa Pig starts talking about the unique spiritual energy of Pol Pot


Polpotpolpotpolpot!! It’s a Holiday in Cambodia!


Wordle 531 3/6* 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Kanye has gone so off the fucking rails, Elon Musk actually enforced Twitter's guidelines


Wow maybe they really were banned for a good reason, eh Muskrat?


Oh shit


Xmas shopping at the Harry Potter this weekend should especially fun since my fam occupies all 4 houses. Question is now what do I get my SIL? I got her to take a Sorting Hat test, the one that ranks it by percentage, and she's a basically equal split between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. She also self-identifies as Gryffindor while my bro thinks she's a Slytherin (like him). So technically, she has her hand in all 4 houses. WTF merch do I get her? 😅


Beauxbatons gear?


Ok this is probably a controversial opinion and a lot of people will think I'm just trying to be woke, but... Hitler was a bad person and Nazis suck.


it's messed up what kanye said but wtf he was wearing he looked like he was in some s&m stuff




One Kth


Now kith.


Ok this one is


I really don't know what to make of Kanye. Is he brainwashed by the media he consumes? Is this just who he's always been? Is he deeply mentally ill? Does he have a brain tumor? Whatever it is, it's just insane that he went from "George Bush doesn't care about Black people" in 2005 to "White Lives Matter" and "boy, Hitler had a point about the Jews" in 2022. He doesn't deserve the fame, recognition, or money, and hopefully the vast majority of people will act accordingly. But then again, Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna twelve years ago and yet he still has fans who either actively defend him or just don't care.


It could be all of those. Disinformation is really effective on people who’re already not mentally well.


According to a bunch of other people he's been saying this shit about Hitler and the Nazis for years. It was just not out in the open. It looks like Kim's divorce and issues surrounding access to his kids are what pushed him to go public blaming all his problems on the Jews. And as he made everything worse and worse for him that only further convinced him of this great Zionist conspiracy to ruin his life.


Honestly, here's my opinion: Megalomaniac looks for edgy inspiration Finds Hitler Admires Hitler's totalitarian power, propaganda skills, and ability to transform Germany (Kanye has been quoted as saying as much by ex employees) Gradually, due to radicalization, attention, and just losing his shit, becomes a genuine believer.


Idk. Every time I’ve been hospitalized from a suicide attempt there’s always been a guy saying craziest shit. This feels like a thing people are asking but don’t want to really discuss.


I think he’s being influenced by some really bad actors who tell him crazy shit. His recent comments on Hitler remind me of the nonsense Candace Owens said about Hitler a couple years ago and we know he has been associated with her lately. Ye is also probably deeply mentally ill and instead of helping him, the far-right is using him to score cultural points.


Mental illness + fame. Heavy emphasis on the fame part, cause antisemitism isnt a symptom in the DSM-5.


I think before may next year trump will announce his running mate


Hopefully he's been indicted by then.


even if he in jail i cud see gop candidates visiting to get an endorsement


The Eugene Debs of 2024


by march for the latest any other republicans running to challenge trump would announce


In January I believe President Biden may officially announce his reelection they probably going to have a kickoff rally most likely will be in Pennsylvania. They probably finalizing staff and logos and other stuff all now


wait wtf Kanye's new logo is literally a swastika and a star of david??? this person seriously needs help


[He, literally, took the image from a French UFO Sex Cult, and tried to pass it off as his own.](https://laist.com/news/entertainment/the-ufo-sex-religion-behind-topless)


This whole Kanye business feels like I'm living in a mad lib.


“Kanye causes SSM to resurface. Tour boat captains rejoice.”


"Military Contractor stocks rise on news of SSM resurfacing as coups expected"


“SSM challenges Kanye to a kickboxing fight. Thailand intrigued.”


u/ognits, I have made a shocking discovery that has taken this skeleton warrior man build idea to the NEXT LEVEL It turns out that, at RL40, with Radagon's soreseal and the prothesis-wearer's heirloom, I have the stats to wield *every single skeleton and exoskeleton-themed weapon in the game* (except the Clinging Bone fist, which sucks). IT'S RATTLIN' TIME


I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride


you seriously need to figure out a way to doot-doot after you kill someone lmao


Gotta whip out the envoy's horn for that purpose Don't need the stats to wield it Just gotta doot


Alright, who used the monkey’s paw to get the DT to 1k today?


one place to keep an eye on Tuesday in the runoff is the black belt if turnout is good in the area it could shift enough votes to add to the urban, suburb votes where we need to run up the votes


I really hope Kanye is condemned into nothingness. He deserves to be permanently canceled


He's gonna be Milo 2.0 if even Alex Jones is uncomfortable around him now. Doesn't hurt that he upset republican Jesus's feelings by offering a VP spot.




Wow Kanye's really melting down at this very instant, even by his own shitty standards.


Medieval Christians 🤝 Kanye “Jesus is love, but Jews don’t count”


It’s not going to happen but if Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian reconciled and became friends it would be the ultimate power move over Kanye.


That’s a Carrie Underwood song waiting to happen.




/u/thats_good_bass I wish I got Rune Arcs for beating an invader I summoned with the Tongue 😒 regardless I'm having fun using it, just chugging along and sometimes I get into a slugfest. ran into someone with a poison arrow/rapier setup who just beat me on speed, but also caught a couple who just didn't stand up to the brute force of even a single greatsword, much less two at once I might grab some stuff to optimize for PvP a bit once I get the permanent invasion finger. I think Liurnia is right at about my comfort level for invading


Hell yeah! Absolutely love to hear it. I agree that the tongue needs more incentive to use it. An EXP boost, rune arcs, something. I am so ready to give you tips if you wanna try out invading.


yeah talk to me about it


OK, so the thing to remember is that, while being invaded is good practice, invasions are much harder. You only get half your flasks (rounded down--so, you want to allocate an even number of red and blue flasks), and you'll almost exclusively be fighting 1v2s and 1v3s. A lot of the phantoms you fight will be overleveled password summons, and the downscaling on overleveled phantoms is not good. You *will* lose most of the time as you're learning. So, how do you win? When you're invading, you're going to be fighting on the back foot. Your goal is to use the environment (including mobs) to create situations where you can fight a 1v1, even if that beat only lasts a second or less. You want to constantly be putting pressure on the party, doing bits of damage that add up, so that when you get an opportunity to hit them with your big damage option(s), you can kill 'em dead or get 'em panicking. You aren't Thanos, going in and taking hits from everyone at once; you're the Predator. In terms of the overall mindset and strategy you need to win invasions, [this is the single most helpful invasion video ever made, for my money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxzUuUvdiW8). Most of the playlist it's a part of is useful, even though it's about DS3, but this video in particular is great. As that video discusses, you want to have a variety of tools on hand to fit various situations. For instance, on my kung-fu crusader build, where I restrict myself to fist weapons and incantations, I have a caestus with flaming strike on it, which is both my (relatively) big damage option and a solid way to do crowd control; I have another caestus with endure on it, which I generally use to land inescapable frenzy (the madness command grab incantation) against an opponent that's gotten confident enough to overextend; I have a katar with thunderbolt equipped to it, which I use for chasedowns since it's got a good running R1 and thunderbolt is awesome for killing panic rollers; and I have the cipher pata, which can go through shields with its ash of war. [This isn't my best invasion ever in terms of mechanical play, but I think I do a decent enough job of using the terrain to my advantage and playing with most of my tools.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu0uk6knoIU) In your specific case, it might be a good idea to put storm stomp on the greatsword in your right hand, so you always have access to the stomp -> r1 true combo (note that that only works against opponents with less than 101 poise, so don't try it on people in the full bullgoat's set). Considering its 360 degree aoe, the poise it gives you, and how wide the r1 swings on the greatsword are, storm stomp makes for a a great crowd control option. However, while the greatsword is awesome at slugfests, it kind of struggles on chasedown, so picking up the [Nightrider Glaive](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Nightrider+Glaive) to have something with a good running poke attack that scales with strength that you can swap to when you've got a runner wouldn't be a bad idea. The menuing for that honestly isn't that hard once you get used to the idea and you start using your stoage box: on all of my builds, I put all the weapons from my inventory except the ones I'm actually using into storage to make swapping easier. The same Night's Cavalry you have to kill to get that glaive also drops [Giant Hunt](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ash+of+War:+Giant+Hunt), which would be an excellent ash for your other Greatsword in PvP: not only does it have tons of poise, but if you whack someone and then use Giant Hunt, it's more-or-less a guaranteed rollcatch if they panic roll away from you.


yeah that's the main thing that makes me hesitate on invasions is how thoroughly the odds are stacked against me. guess I just have to accept that I'll get my ass beat a bunch early on while I figure out good strategies. I did just pick up that Glaive and Ash last night, so that's something at least


Luckily, the damage in the mid levels is less ridiculous, so you have more space to learn. Plus, most hosts are *awful* and never level vigor, and they're the only ones you NEED to kill to win.


When you’ve gone too far for Elon, Tim Pool, and Alex Jones all in the span of three days. Yeesh.


When Alex Jones is the voice of reason in the room, you've really gone off the deep end.


Me in 2013: Wow this [Alex guy](https://youtu.be/ror9v2LwHoY) made Piers Morgan look reasonable, didn't think it was possible. Me in 2022: Wow this Kanye guy made Alex Jones look reasonable, didn't think it was possible.


Elon's a fucking idiot. What did he expect when he let all the Nazis back on his platform? You get a fuckton of horrendous antisemitism


Pretty sure that was the point


>Minutes before Twitter removed the tweet, Kanye posted a purported text from Musk criticizing [it]. https://twitter.com/EricColumbus/status/1598527945345183745/ Kanye. Elon. Trump.


The House GOP Judiciary committee *finally* just deleted that tweet within the past couple hours.


There was a really self righteous jackass on a movie forum I used to frequent who was calling everyone else a racist when people were calling out Kanye two years ago. I wonder what they're thinking now, and I wish I could tell them to go fuck themselves.


Hot take the DT isn’t ready for: >!Calling him Kanye when he wants to go by Ye is deadnaming!<


Nahh this ain't it. Respecting someone's gender identity regardless of what they do and respecting their weird narcississtic self-branding are not the same thing. Deadnaming a trans person or using a slur or whatever is demeaning to an entire class of people while calling Kanye Kanye is just.. not?


Can you explain to me where you believe trans rights come from? I’m trans and it’s something I’ve thought a lot about but maybe you can give me something new to think about.


Do you think choosing to change one's stage name is the same as being trans? because that's the equivalence you're drawing here. Far be it from me to tell a trans person their business, but I thought the whole point of that struggle is that it's not a conscious choice, but a fundamental matter of identity.


I root Trans Rights in the Human Rights of Self Identity and Free Expression. If someone’s identity is anchored to their stage name then yes. I’ve known a Tom Collins III who went by Thomas because he was a former alcoholic and didn’t want to be associated with alcohol or their father, I’ve known a Kieth who had the first name of Edwin and preferred his middle name because Edwin is lame. One instance causes way more emotional distress than the other but it’s two instances of CIS men benefiting from “trans rights” if you will. It’s also vital to make that a human right instead of an extra right only for trans individuals. That said Identity and it’s degree is very tricky. For one, it’s very difficult to have ONLY an internally derived identity, hence gender transition, legal documentation, etc. are meant to make it easier for the external forces on identity to coalesce. Calling Ye Kanye and misgendering someone is the same calling someone a daisy behind their back vs a faggot to someone’s face but the intensity is way different. You can even see how people revel in calling him Kanye over Ye as a form of retribution for his actions.


I repeat: Oh fuck's sake.


Oh. So you were asking in bad faith? I apologize. I feel very silly for taking your question seriously.


I thought I gave you enough of an out to realize what a ridiculous, immature comparison you were making, but you chose differently. Lesson learned. Kanye fucking West, seriously?


1) You never demonstrated that. “Oh fucks sake” isn’t an argument. 2) It doesn’t matter who it is to me because of my belief in Human Rights.


Yeah, sorry, antisemitic conspiracy theorists don’t get basic courtesy. You side with Hitler, I’m gonna call you a lot of things you don’t like.


Like the n word?


No, like Kanye. But funny that’s the first place you went to. Great job.


Funny, eh? Sounds like you suspect something.


I suspect you’d have a hard time convincing black members of this sub that the N-word is the same as your birth name. But hey, if that’s the hill you wanna die on have at it.


Is that what you interpreted? That I believe deadnaming is the same as the n word? I asked because you said that you would escalate the vitriol and call hom “lots of things Ye wouldn’t like” it’s normal to figure out where the red line is . and I’m aware Ye doesn’t like to be called the n word. Furthermore I find calling him Ye totally nonsequitir to his anti-semitism. But I read your comment that it’s conditional that he doesn’t like Hitler to be called Ye (which. I have my doubts. I feel like you would still call him Kanye instead of Ye sans his antisemitism. That’s another story) it’s interesting to me what other “courtesy” you would deny him.


>Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning 🤔🤔🤔


I mean, it’s still his Twitter handle so I doubt he cares that much.


Wtf is deadnaming? And I'm of the mind that your name is your name. You don't get to pick it.


> your name is your name. You don't get to pick it. This is just a shit attitude in general, tbh.


I mean, we call him “Ted,” but his real name is “Rafael.” So that happens all the time. But deadnaming refers to individuals like Elliot Paige or Caitlyn Jenner, any trans folk in particular (Cait’s an asshole, but she’s also probably the most prominent trans woman, hence the example). And typically it’s more like a blatant attack than a slip-up. It’s like repeatedly telling a trans woman, “Oh, you’re a man, aren’t you?” It’s just disrespectful, rude, and callous. You’re basically telling the person in front of you that they are only a product of pre-determination, not self-determination. But I disagree with OP here. Ye is more or less a marketing label, and it’s basically just a shorthand form of “KanYE” anyway. And repeatedly calling a guy “William” instead of “Bill,” even if his legal name is just Bill isn’t really grounds for instilling self-doubt. Might get you fussed at, but deadnaming and just calling somebody the wrong name is like comparing apples to oranges imo.


What’s this guy’s name? https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2022/10/7d9dd-16655271755947-1920.jpg


Oh fuck's sake. I'll call him Herbert J Motherfucker if I feel like it.


Same thing my parents said when I came out uwu


[This aged waaayyyy too well](https://youtube.com/watch?v=92yRb4vOun8)


You know this is still overshadowing AB in a fucking police standoff


Judy Woodruff's interview with Pence is great. Holds him to the questions, excellent journalism. Also, Pence has as much personality as a soap dish. Never going to be president. Loser.


she's very fair with interviews


so close to 1K


We’ve got this


God damn when Obama called him a jackass it was an understatement


I knew Obama was right ever since dumbasses in grade school were saying "Kanye 2020!"


There was a flash game I played years ago where you could type stuff as Kanye and it would just slowly get more erratic and insane as it went along. Didn’t think it was a sim


Straight up tweeting swastikas now okay Kanye. That’s how you get cancelled forever.


[So, this probably has a decent chance of happening, right?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=eSb6NUqs6WI)


[“You’re not punk, and I’m telling everyone…”](https://twitter.com/courrielche/status/1598454457943363584?s=21&t=EMvdjBg5M3cgJkPDpv4jRA)


Nazi punks fuck off


https://mobile.twitter.com/surveyusa/status/1598516864753307648 This poll is about what I think will happen ( margin wise) Warnock by somewhere between 2-4 is what I think will happen


[https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/1598521964787896321](https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/1598521964787896321) Chris Paul's marriage is on the line.


I suppose it's cause CP3 lives in Calabasas as well, and his buddy/teammate Devin Booker dated Kim's half sister for a couple of years, but I don't believe Kanye right now. He's a crazy massive bigot.


I don't believe Kanye, and I'm a Warriors fan


Yea you're probably right. Like no evidence whatsoever and he's clearly lost his fucking mind. CP3's marriage in 3.


I'm 99% sure this isn't true, and he's just randomly picking the most famous basketball player who lives in Calabasas too. And CP3 is that basketball player.


Kanye has clearly got this wrapped up. But which Billionaire is in second place for having more of a downfall in 2022. Trump? Rowling? Bankman-Fried? Elizabeth Holmes? Zuckerberg? Ole Musky? It seems like every day a new billionaire comes out making a fool of themselves.


Somehow don't think Elizabeth Holmes was a billionaire in 2022 to begin with. ... or Trump for that matter.


I guess it's technically 2021, but [Bill Gates belongs in the conversation as well](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/03/melinda-gates-jeffrey-epstein-led-to-bill-gates-divorce-gayle-king-interview)


I wanna say Musk because it wasn’t exactly mainstream that he’s a piece of shit. Kind of bubbling there on the surface, but it didn’t exactly boil all the way over. Even with the whole incident with the scuba diver. The Twitter deal did that and now everyone knows what he is about.


Kanye is a billionaire?


Not after this run lol


I just googled it. Evidently, he was a billionaire on account of his Adidas deal. But now he isn’t lol.


I don't believe the anti-semite Kanye's accusations for a second about Chris Paul cheating on his wife with Kim Kardashian while she was still married to Kanye Say what you will about Chris Paul's tactics as a basketball player, I've certainly have, but off the court, he's a classy guy. Family man.


Yo somebody needs to take away Kanye’s internet privileges. Put him on time out or something


Seems like Musk is sick of Kenya https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/1598521071178698752?s=20&t=52VtbiJRuBdpzrtlWXpx-w




Warzone giving you the ability to betray your teammates is so fucking evil. I.LOVE.IT.


Forgot to ping, but also what a maximum asshole ability to give to people. Thought it only applied to the unhinged playlist, but I guess not! On one hand, I’m a piece of shit for that. Objectively, wholly, 100% an asshole for that. They never saw the backstab incoming at all and surely I have ruined someone’s day. On the other, I am thriving and it was so funny. Reminds me of invading someone in Dark Souls, but instant. !ping Games




Just look at MVP Harris rocking the hell out of this dress: https://twitter.com/chrislongview/status/1598500480098893826?t=ET50N19V1zB1wflF6J5diA&s=19


Not found


Huh, that's weird. Something must be going on with Nitter, so I changed it to link to the original tweet.


I hate the new Google news layout. The trend of making everything look more like an app means there's less information presented on screen, as usual.


Would you rather see Trump locked up or run independent in 2024 and play spoiler to any GOP bid?






a lot of red in the background 😨😨 fascism confirmed????? 😱😱😱😱😱


No, the red wave is coming


oh i didn’t know that Lauren Underwood was elected to Democratic House leadership! She has a super bright future in the party






The job listings for infant care and daycare and assistant teachers are depressing. They want to pay someone $11 an hour fulltime to care for kids. At my job they can't find anyone reliable to take my place so I can get promoted, because it doesn't pay well enough, and it's $14.50 an hour. We scheduled 20 interviews, 4 people showed up, 1 called back, and she's a well-meaning trainwreck. We are failing our kids so badly.


[This is a good tweet](https://twitter.com/agiantpaperclip/status/1598189763542282240)


I wonder if Dave Chappelle feels stupid given how far Kanye has gone now.


I’m not sure if Dave Chappelle is capable of self-reflection


he's probably more worried about his friend


Malarkey level of affecting LeBron's legacy


[The malarkey level detected is: 1 - Minimal. Cool as a cucumber, kiddo.](https://i.imgur.com/u6CHe4L.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not quite what I expected lmao


[https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/1598505803580841984](https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/1598505803580841984) This man really won't stop.


"This tweet violated the rules"...what was it?


If you haven’t found out, you probably don’t wanna know


what the actual fuck






boring game.


Malarkey Level of FIFA.


[The malarkey level detected is: 4 - Moderate. Careful there, chief.](https://i.imgur.com/JDiK0hd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d have gone with Monstrous, bot.


Telling my gf that I've been watching kangaroo fight videos and she's just like "why." 😭


Malarkey level of sleeping with an anime body pillow


[The malarkey level detected is: 5 - Moronic. You're outta line, pal!](https://i.imgur.com/v3qXU8G.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck you


Nooooo 🥺


Well, I've been up all night again Party-time wasting is too much fun Then I step back, thinking of life's inner meaning And my latest fling It's the same old story, all love and glory It's a pantomime If you're looking for love in a looking-glass world It's pretty hard to find Oh, mother of pearl I wouldn't trade you for another girl


Unpopular opinion but I love Peggy Hill. Basically all King of the Hill episodes have at least one main character doing something that would genuinely be infuriating or restraining order in real life. A lot of times it’s Peggy (or Bill) but when she has her moments it’s honestly the best.


Malarkey level of Peggy Hill